I have a python script that receives chunks of binary raw audio data and I would like to change the sample rate of those chunks to 16000 and then pipe them to another component.
I tried my luck with audiotools but without success:
# f is a filelike FIFO buffer
reader = PCMFileReader(f, 44100, 1, 1, 16)
conv = PCMConverter(reader, 16000, 1, 1, 16)
Then I just write to the buffer anytime, I get a new chunk:
And read from the buffer in another thread:
while not reader.file.closed:
fl = conf.read(10)
chunk = fl.to_bytes(False, True)
The problem is that I get this value error, which seems to come from a "samplerate.c" library:
ValueError: SRC_DATA->data_out is NULL
This error only occurs with resampling. If I turn off that step, then everything works fine and I get playable audio.
Therefore my question: What would be a good tool for this task? And if audiotools turns out to be the right answer, how do I do that correctly.
here is a simplified resampler code
dataFormat is a number of bytes per sample in the stream, ex: stereo 16 bit would be = 4, original_samples is a source bin string size, desired_samples is a desired bit string size, 16KHz->44K1Hz ex: original = 160 but desired = 441, pcm is a source bin string, return is resampled bin string) :
def resampleSimplified(pcm, desired_samples, original_samples, dataFormat):
samples_to_pad = desired_samples - original_samples
q, r = divmod(desired_samples, original_samples)
times_to_pad_up = q + int(bool(r))
times_to_pad_down = q
pcmList = [pcm[i:i+dataFormat] for i in range(0, len(pcm), dataFormat)]
if samples_to_pad > 0:
# extending pcm times_to_pad times
pcmListPadded = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
itertools.repeat(x, times_to_pad_up) for x in pcmList)
# shrinking pcm times_to_pad times
if times_to_pad_down > 0:
pcmListPadded = pcmList[::(times_to_pad_down)]
pcmListPadded = pcmList
padded_pcm = ''.join(pcmListPadded[:desired_samples])
return padded_pcm
I faced the module Struct for the first time and my code gives me an error: "unpack requires a buffer of 1486080 bytes"
Here is my code:
def speed_up(n):
source = wave.open('sound.wav', mode='rb')
dest = wave.open('out.wav', mode='wb')
frames_count = source.getnframes()
data = struct.unpack("<" + str(frames_count) + "h", source.readframes(frames_count))
new_data = []
for i in range(0, len(data), n):
newframes = struct.pack('<' + str(len(new_data)) + 'h', new_data)
How to figure out which format should I use?
The issue in your code is that you're providing struct.unpack with the wrong number of bytes. This is because of your usage of the wave module: Each frame in a wave file has getnchannels() samples, so when calling readframes(n) you will get back n * getnchannels() samples and this is the number you'd have to pass to struct.unpack.
To make your code more robust, you'd also need to look at getsampwidth() and use an appropriate format character, but the vast majority of wave files are 16-bit.
In the comments you also mentioned that the code didn't work after adding print(len(source.readframes(frames_count))). You didn't show the full code but I assume this is because you called readframes twice without calling rewind, so the second call didn't have any more data to return. It would be best to store the result in a variable if you want to use it in multiple lines.
I'm planning to implement a "DSP-like" signal processor in Python. It should capture small fragments of audio via ALSA, process them, then play them back via ALSA.
To get things started, I wrote the following (very simple) code.
import alsaaudio
inp = alsaaudio.PCM(alsaaudio.PCM_CAPTURE, alsaaudio.PCM_NORMAL)
outp = alsaaudio.PCM(alsaaudio.PCM_PLAYBACK, alsaaudio.PCM_NORMAL)
while True:
l, data = inp.read()
# TODO: Perform some processing.
The problem is, that the audio "stutters" and is not gapless. I tried experimenting with the PCM mode, setting it to either PCM_ASYNC or PCM_NONBLOCK, but the problem remains. I think the problem is that samples "between" two subsequent calls to "inp.read()" are lost.
Is there a way to capture audio "continuously" in Python (preferably without the need for too "specific"/"non-standard" libraries)? I'd like the signal to always get captured "in the background" into some buffer, from which I can read some "momentary state", while audio is further being captured into the buffer even during the time, when I perform my read operations. How can I achieve this?
Even if I use a dedicated process/thread to capture the audio, this process/thread will always at least have to (1) read audio from the source, (2) then put it into some buffer (from which the "signal processing" process/thread then reads). These two operations will therefore still be sequential in time and thus samples will get lost. How do I avoid this?
Thanks a lot for your advice!
EDIT 2: Now I have it running.
import alsaaudio
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import numpy as np
import struct
A class implementing buffered audio I/O.
class Audio:
Initialize the audio buffer.
def __init__(self):
#self.__rate = 96000
self.__rate = 8000
self.__stride = 4
self.__pre_post = 4
self.__read_queue = Queue()
self.__write_queue = Queue()
Reads audio from an ALSA audio device into the read queue.
Supposed to run in its own process.
def __read(self):
inp = alsaaudio.PCM(alsaaudio.PCM_CAPTURE, alsaaudio.PCM_NORMAL)
inp.setperiodsize(self.__rate / 50)
while True:
_, data = inp.read()
Writes audio to an ALSA audio device from the write queue.
Supposed to run in its own process.
def __write(self):
outp = alsaaudio.PCM(alsaaudio.PCM_PLAYBACK, alsaaudio.PCM_NORMAL)
outp.setperiodsize(self.__rate / 50)
while True:
data = self.__write_queue.get()
Pre-post data into the output buffer to avoid buffer underrun.
def __pre_post_data(self):
zeros = np.zeros(self.__rate / 50, dtype = np.uint32)
for i in range(0, self.__pre_post):
Runs the read and write processes.
def run(self):
read_process = Process(target = self.__read)
write_process = Process(target = self.__write)
Reads audio samples from the queue captured from the reading thread.
def read(self):
return self.__read_queue.get()
Writes audio samples to the queue to be played by the writing thread.
def write(self, data):
Pseudonymize the audio samples from a binary string into an array of integers.
def pseudonymize(self, s):
return struct.unpack(">" + ("I" * (len(s) / self.__stride)), s)
Depseudonymize the audio samples from an array of integers into a binary string.
def depseudonymize(self, a):
s = ""
for elem in a:
s += struct.pack(">I", elem)
return s
Normalize the audio samples from an array of integers into an array of floats with unity level.
def normalize(self, data, max_val):
data = np.array(data)
bias = int(0.5 * max_val)
fac = 1.0 / (0.5 * max_val)
data = fac * (data - bias)
return data
Denormalize the data from an array of floats with unity level into an array of integers.
def denormalize(self, data, max_val):
bias = int(0.5 * max_val)
fac = 0.5 * max_val
data = np.array(data)
data = (fac * data).astype(np.int64) + bias
return data
debug = True
audio = Audio()
while True:
data = audio.read()
pdata = audio.pseudonymize(data)
if debug:
print "[PRE-PSEUDONYMIZED] Min: " + str(np.min(pdata)) + ", Max: " + str(np.max(pdata))
ndata = audio.normalize(pdata, 0xffffffff)
if debug:
print "[PRE-NORMALIZED] Min: " + str(np.min(ndata)) + ", Max: " + str(np.max(ndata))
print "[PRE-NORMALIZED] Level: " + str(int(10.0 * np.log10(np.max(np.absolute(ndata)))))
#ndata += 0.01 # When I comment in this line, it wreaks complete havoc!
if debug:
print "[POST-NORMALIZED] Level: " + str(int(10.0 * np.log10(np.max(np.absolute(ndata)))))
print "[POST-NORMALIZED] Min: " + str(np.min(ndata)) + ", Max: " + str(np.max(ndata))
pdata = audio.denormalize(ndata, 0xffffffff)
if debug:
print "[POST-PSEUDONYMIZED] Min: " + str(np.min(pdata)) + ", Max: " + str(np.max(pdata))
print ""
data = audio.depseudonymize(pdata)
However, when I even perform the slightest modification to the audio data (e. g. comment that line in), I get a lot of noise and extreme distortion at the output. It seems like I don't handle the PCM data correctly. The strange thing is that the output of the "level meter", etc. all appears to make sense. However, the output is completely distorted (but continuous) when I offset it just slightly.
EDIT 3: I just found out that my algorithms (not included here) work when I apply them to wave files. So the problem really appears to actually boil down to the ALSA API.
EDIT 4: I finally found the problems. They were the following.
1st - ALSA quietly "fell back" to PCM_FORMAT_U8_LE upon requesting PCM_FORMAT_U32_LE, thus I interpreted the data incorrectly by assuming that each sample was 4 bytes wide. It works when I request PCM_FORMAT_S32_LE.
2nd - The ALSA output seems to expect period size in bytes, even though they explicitely state that it is expected in frames in the specification. So you have to set the period size four times as high for output if you use 32 bit sample depth.
3rd - Even in Python (where there is a "global interpreter lock"), processes are slow compared to Threads. You can get latency down a lot by changing to threads, since the I/O threads basically don't do anything that's computationally intensive.
When you
read one chunk of data,
write one chunk of data,
then wait for the second chunk of data to be read,
then the buffer of the output device will become empty if the second chunk is not shorter than the first chunk.
You should fill up the output device's buffer with silence before starting the actual processing. Then small delays in either the input or output processing will not matter.
You can do that all manually, as #CL recommend in his/her answer, but I'd recommend just using
GNU Radio instead:
It's a framework that takes care of doing all the "getting small chunks of samples in and out your algorithm"; it scales very well, and you can write your signal processing either in Python or C++.
In fact, it comes with an Audio Source and an Audio Sink that directly talk to ALSA and just give/take continuous samples. I'd recommend reading through GNU Radio's Guided Tutorials; they explain exactly what is necessary to do your signal processing for an audio application.
A really minimal flow graph would look like:
You can substitute the high pass filter for your own signal processing block, or use any combination of the existing blocks.
There's helpful things like file and wav file sinks and sources, filters, resamplers, amplifiers (ok, multipliers), …
I finally found the problems. They were the following.
1st - ALSA quietly "fell back" to PCM_FORMAT_U8_LE upon requesting PCM_FORMAT_U32_LE, thus I interpreted the data incorrectly by assuming that each sample was 4 bytes wide. It works when I request PCM_FORMAT_S32_LE.
2nd - The ALSA output seems to expect period size in bytes, even though they explicitely state that it is expected in frames in the specification. So you have to set the period size four times as high for output if you use 32 bit sample depth.
3rd - Even in Python (where there is a "global interpreter lock"), processes are slow compared to Threads. You can get latency down a lot by changing to threads, since the I/O threads basically don't do anything that's computationally intensive.
Audio is gapless and undistorted now, but latency is far too high.
I'm using the script found on this blog Google speech recognition with python (I give any credit to author).
import sys
import pyaudio, speex
import numpy as np # just for doing a standard deviation for audio level checks
import urllib2
import wave
e = speex.Encoder()
d = speex.Decoder()
chunk = 320 # tried other numbers... some don't work
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 16000 # "wideband" mode for speex. May work with 8000. Haven't tried it.
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
# Start the stream to record the audio
stream = p.open(format = FORMAT,
channels = CHANNELS,
rate = RATE,
input = True,
output = True,
frames_per_buffer = chunk)
print "Listening. Recording will start when some sound is heard."
threshold = 200 # Adjust this to be slightly above the noise level of your recordings.
nquit = 40 # number of silent frames before terminating the program
nover = 0
keepgoing = True
spxlist=[] # list of the encoded speex packets/frames
while keepgoing:
data = stream.read(chunk) # grab 320 samples from the microphone
spxdata = e.encode(data) # encode using the speex dll
print "Length encoded: %d"%len(spxdata) # print the length, after encoding. Can't exceed 255!
a=np.frombuffer(data,np.int16) # convert to numpy array to check for silence or audio
if audiolevel < threshold: # too quiet
if nover >= nquit:
print '%2.1f (%d%% quiet)'%(audiolevel, nover*100/nquit)
print "Too quiet. I'm stopping now."
fullspx=''.join(spxlist) # make a string of all the header-ized speex packets
out_file = open("test.spx","wb")
As you can see I slightly modify the script to make it write and output file in .spx, but it dosen't work.
Any advice?
Thanks for your help.
I'm running this script under an Ubuntu-linux machine.
I am using Python 2.5. And using the standard classes from Python, I want to determine the image size of a file.
I've heard PIL (Python Image Library), but it requires installation to work.
How might I obtain an image's size without using any external library, just using Python 2.5's own modules?
Note I want to support common image formats, particularly JPG and PNG.
Here's a Python 3 script that returns a tuple containing an image height and width for .png, .gif and .jpeg without using any external libraries (i.e., what Kurt McKee referenced). It should be relatively easy to transfer it to Python 2.
import struct
import imghdr
def get_image_size(fname):
'''Determine the image type of fhandle and return its size.
from draco'''
with open(fname, 'rb') as fhandle:
head = fhandle.read(24)
if len(head) != 24:
if imghdr.what(fname) == 'png':
check = struct.unpack('>i', head[4:8])[0]
if check != 0x0d0a1a0a:
width, height = struct.unpack('>ii', head[16:24])
elif imghdr.what(fname) == 'gif':
width, height = struct.unpack('<HH', head[6:10])
elif imghdr.what(fname) == 'jpeg':
fhandle.seek(0) # Read 0xff next
size = 2
ftype = 0
while not 0xc0 <= ftype <= 0xcf:
fhandle.seek(size, 1)
byte = fhandle.read(1)
while ord(byte) == 0xff:
byte = fhandle.read(1)
ftype = ord(byte)
size = struct.unpack('>H', fhandle.read(2))[0] - 2
# We are at a SOFn block
fhandle.seek(1, 1) # Skip `precision' byte.
height, width = struct.unpack('>HH', fhandle.read(4))
except Exception: #IGNORE:W0703
return width, height
Kurt's answer needed to be slightly modified to work for me.
First, on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-imaging
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open(filepath)
im.size # (width,height) tuple
Check out the handbook for more information.
Here's a way to get dimensions of a PNG file without needing a third-party module. From Python - verify a PNG file and get image dimensions:
import struct
def get_image_info(data):
if is_png(data):
w, h = struct.unpack('>LL', data[16:24])
width = int(w)
height = int(h)
raise Exception('not a png image')
return width, height
def is_png(data):
return (data[:8] == '\211PNG\r\n\032\n'and (data[12:16] == 'IHDR'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('foo.png', 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
print is_png(data)
print get_image_info(data)
When you run this, it will return:
(x, y)
And another example that includes handling of JPEGs as well:
While it's possible to call open(filename, 'rb') and check through the binary image headers for the dimensions, it seems much more useful to install PIL and spend your time writing great new software! You gain greater file format support and the reliability that comes from widespread usage. From the PIL documentation, it appears that the code you would need to complete your task would be:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open('filename.png')
print 'width: %d - height: %d' % im.size # returns (width, height) tuple
As for writing code yourself, I'm not aware of a module in the Python standard library that will do what you want. You'll have to open() the image in binary mode and start decoding it yourself. You can read about the formats at:
PNG file format documentation
Notes on the JPEG file format headers
Regarding Fred the Fantastic's answer:
Not every JPEG marker between C0-CF are SOF markers; I excluded DHT (C4), DNL (C8) and DAC (CC). Note that I haven't looked into whether it is even possible to parse any frames other than C0 and C2 in this manner. However, the other ones seem to be fairly rare (I personally haven't encountered any other than C0 and C2).
Either way, this solves the problem mentioned in comments by Malandy with Bangles.jpg (DHT erroneously parsed as SOF).
The other problem mentioned with 1431588037-WgsI3vK.jpg is due to imghdr only being able detect the APP0 (EXIF) and APP1 (JFIF) headers.
This can be fixed by adding a more lax test to imghdr (e.g. simply FFD8 or maybe FFD8FF?) or something much more complex (possibly even data validation). With a more complex approach I've only found issues with: APP14 (FFEE) (Adobe); the first marker being DQT (FFDB); and APP2 and issues with embedded ICC_PROFILEs.
Revised code below, also altered the call to imghdr.what() slightly:
import struct
import imghdr
def test_jpeg(h, f):
if h[0:4] == '\xff\xd8\xff\xe2' and h[6:17] == b'ICC_PROFILE':
print "A"
return 'jpeg'
# SOI APP14 + Adobe
if h[0:4] == '\xff\xd8\xff\xee' and h[6:11] == b'Adobe':
return 'jpeg'
if h[0:4] == '\xff\xd8\xff\xdb':
return 'jpeg'
def get_image_size(fname):
'''Determine the image type of fhandle and return its size.
from draco'''
with open(fname, 'rb') as fhandle:
head = fhandle.read(24)
if len(head) != 24:
what = imghdr.what(None, head)
if what == 'png':
check = struct.unpack('>i', head[4:8])[0]
if check != 0x0d0a1a0a:
width, height = struct.unpack('>ii', head[16:24])
elif what == 'gif':
width, height = struct.unpack('<HH', head[6:10])
elif what == 'jpeg':
fhandle.seek(0) # Read 0xff next
size = 2
ftype = 0
while not 0xc0 <= ftype <= 0xcf or ftype in (0xc4, 0xc8, 0xcc):
fhandle.seek(size, 1)
byte = fhandle.read(1)
while ord(byte) == 0xff:
byte = fhandle.read(1)
ftype = ord(byte)
size = struct.unpack('>H', fhandle.read(2))[0] - 2
# We are at a SOFn block
fhandle.seek(1, 1) # Skip `precision' byte.
height, width = struct.unpack('>HH', fhandle.read(4))
except Exception: #IGNORE:W0703
return width, height
Note: Created a full answer instead of a comment, since I'm not yet allowed to.
If you happen to have ImageMagick installed, then you can use 'identify'. For example, you can call it like this:
path = "//folder/image.jpg"
dim = subprocess.Popen(["identify","-format","\"%w,%h\"",path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
(width, height) = [ int(x) for x in re.sub('[\t\r\n"]', '', dim).split(',') ]
I found a nice solution in another Stack Overflow post (using only standard libraries + dealing with JPEG as well): JohnTESlade answer
And another solution (the quick way) for those who can afford running the 'file' command within the Python interpreter, run:
import os
info = os.popen("file foo.jpg").read()
print info
foo.jpg: JPEG image data...density 28x28, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 352x198, frames 3
All you have got to do now is to format the output to capture the dimensions. 352x198 in my case.
That code does accomplish two things:
Getting the image dimension
Find the real EOF of a JPEG file
Well, when googling, I was more interested in the latter one.
The task was to cut out a JPEG file from a data stream. Since I didn't find any way to use Pythons 'image' to a way to get the EOF of so a JPEG file, I made up this.
Interesting things /changes/notes in this sample:
extending the normal Python file class with the method uInt16,
making the source code better readable and maintainable.
Messing around with struct.unpack() quickly makes the code look ugly
Replaced read over'uninteresting' areas/chunk with seek
In case you just like to get the dimensions, you may remove the line:
hasChunk = ord(byte) not in range(0xD0, 0xDA) + [0x00]
-> since that only gets important when reading over the image data chunk
and comment in
to stop reading as soon as the dimension were found.
...but smile what I'm telling. You're the voder ;)
import struct
import io, os
class myFile(file):
def byte(self):
return file.read(self, 1);
def uInt16(self):
tmp = file.read(self, 2)
return struct.unpack(">H", tmp)[0];
jpeg = myFile('grafx_ui.s00_\\08521678_Unknown.jpg', 'rb')
height = -1
width = -1
EOI = -1
type_check = jpeg.read(2)
if type_check != b'\xff\xd8':
print("Not a JPG")
byte = jpeg.byte()
while byte != b"":
while byte != b'\xff': byte = jpeg.byte()
while byte == b'\xff': byte = jpeg.byte()
# FF D8 SOI Start of Image
# FF D0..7 RST DRI Define Restart Interval inside CompressedData
# FF 00 Masked FF inside CompressedData
# FF D9 EOI End of Image
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG#Syntax_and_structure
hasChunk = ord(byte) not in range(0xD0, 0xDA) + [0x00]
if hasChunk:
ChunkSize = jpeg.uInt16() - 2
ChunkOffset = jpeg.tell()
Next_ChunkOffset = ChunkOffset + ChunkSize
# Find bytes \xFF \xC0..C3. That marks the start of the frame
if (byte >= b'\xC0' and byte <= b'\xC3'):
# Found SOF1..3 data chunk - Read it and quit
jpeg.seek(1, os.SEEK_CUR)
h = jpeg.uInt16()
w = jpeg.uInt16()
elif (byte == b'\xD9'):
# Found end of image
EOI = jpeg.tell()
# Seek to the next data chunk
print "Pos: %.4x %x" % (jpeg.tell(), ChunkSize)
if hasChunk:
byte = jpeg.byte()
width = int(w)
height = int(h)
print("Width: %s, Height: %s JpgFileDataSize: %x" % (width, height, EOI))
It depends on the output of file which I am not sure is standardized on all systems. Some JPEGs don't report the image size
import subprocess, re
image_size = list(map(int, re.findall('(\d+)x(\d+)', subprocess.getoutput("file" + filename))[-1]))
I stumbled upon this one, but you can get it by using the following as long as you import NumPy.
import numpy as np
[y, x] = np.shape(img[:, :, 0])
It works because you ignore all but one color, and then the image is just 2D, so shape() tells you how big it is. I am still kind of new to Python, but it seems like a simple way to do it.
I want to know how to get samples out of a .wav file in order to perform windowed join of two .wav files.
Can any one please tell how to do this?
The wave module of the standard library is the key: after of course import wave at the top of your code, wave.open('the.wav', 'r') returns a "wave read" object from which you can read frames with the .readframes method, which returns a string of bytes which are the samples... in whatever format the wave file has them (you can determine the two parameters relevant to decomposing frames into samples with the .getnchannels method for the number of channels, and .getsampwidth for the number of bytes per sample).
The best way to turn the string of bytes into a sequence of numeric values is with the array module, and a type of (respectively) 'B', 'H', 'L' for 1, 2, 4 bytes per sample (on a 32-bit build of Python; you can use the itemsize value of your array object to double-check this). If you have different sample widths than array can provide you, you'll need to slice up the byte string (padding each little slice appropriately with bytes worth 0) and use the struct module instead (but that's clunkier and slower, so use array instead if you can).
You can use the wave module. First you should read the metadata, such us sample size or the number of channels. Using the readframes() method, you can read samples, but only as a byte string. Based on the sample format, you have to convert them to samples using struct.unpack().
Alternatively, if you want the samples as an array of floating-point numbers, you can use SciPy's io.wavfile module.
Here's a function to read samples from a wave file (tested with mono & stereo):
def read_samples(wave_file, nb_frames):
frame_data = wave_file.readframes(nb_frames)
if frame_data:
sample_width = wave_file.getsampwidth()
nb_samples = len(frame_data) // sample_width
format = {1:"%db", 2:"<%dh", 4:"<%dl"}[sample_width] % nb_samples
return struct.unpack(format, frame_data)
return ()
And here's the full script that does windowed mixing or concatenating of multiple .wav files. All input files need to have the same params (# of channels and sample width).
import argparse
import itertools
import struct
import sys
import wave
def _struct_format(sample_width, nb_samples):
return {1:"%db", 2:"<%dh", 4:"<%dl"}[sample_width] % nb_samples
def _mix_samples(samples):
return sum(samples)//len(samples)
def read_samples(wave_file, nb_frames):
frame_data = wave_file.readframes(nb_frames)
if frame_data:
sample_width = wave_file.getsampwidth()
nb_samples = len(frame_data) // sample_width
format = _struct_format(sample_width, nb_samples)
return struct.unpack(format, frame_data)
return ()
def write_samples(wave_file, samples, sample_width):
format = _struct_format(sample_width, len(samples))
frame_data = struct.pack(format, *samples)
def compatible_input_wave_files(input_wave_files):
nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname = input_wave_files[0].getparams()
for input_wave_file in input_wave_files[1:]:
nc,sw,fr,nf,ct,cn = input_wave_file.getparams()
if (nc,sw,fr,ct,cn) != (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, comptype, compname):
return False
return True
def mix_wave_files(output_wave_file, input_wave_files, buffer_size):
sampwidth = input_wave_files[0].getsampwidth()
max_nb_frames = max([input_wave_file.getnframes() for input_wave_file in input_wave_files])
for frame_window in xrange(max_nb_frames // buffer_size + 1):
all_samples = [read_samples(wave_file, buffer_size) for wave_file in input_wave_files]
mixed_samples = [_mix_samples(samples) for samples in itertools.izip_longest(*all_samples, fillvalue=0)]
write_samples(output_wave_file, mixed_samples, sampwidth)
def concatenate_wave_files(output_wave_file, input_wave_files, buffer_size):
sampwidth = input_wave_files[0].getsampwidth()
for input_wave_file in input_wave_files:
nb_frames = input_wave_file.getnframes()
for frame_window in xrange(nb_frames // buffer_size + 1):
samples = read_samples(input_wave_file, buffer_size)
if samples:
write_samples(output_wave_file, samples, sampwidth)
def argument_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Mix or concatenate multiple .wav files')
parser.add_argument('command', choices = ("mix", "concat"), help='command')
parser.add_argument('output_file', help='ouput .wav file')
parser.add_argument('input_files', metavar="input_file", help='input .wav files', nargs="+")
parser.add_argument('--buffer_size', type=int, help='nb of frames to read per iteration', default=1000)
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = argument_parser().parse_args()
input_wave_files = [wave.open(name,"rb") for name in args.input_files]
if not compatible_input_wave_files(input_wave_files):
print "ERROR: mixed wave files must have the same params."
output_wave_file = wave.open(args.output_file, "wb")
if args.command == "mix":
mix_wave_files(output_wave_file, input_wave_files, args.buffer_size)
elif args.command == "concat":
concatenate_wave_files(output_wave_file, input_wave_files, args.buffer_size)
for input_wave_file in input_wave_files:
After reading the samples (for example with the wave module, more details here) you may want to have the values scales between -1 and 1 (this is the convention for audio signals).
In this case, you can add:
# scale to -1.0 -- 1.0
max_nb_bit = float(2**(nb_bits-1))
samples = signal_int / (max_nb_bit + 1.0)
with nb_bits the bit depth and signal_int the integers values.