Packages, Modules, and classes within those - python

What is the "correct" way to import/use classmethods when my class is part of a module?
I created a Python utility for my co-workers, basically using my Java knowledge, Stack Overflow and Google. It works fine, but an experienced Python person reviewed everything and suggested to improve the pythonicity of the code.
Initially, I just used sys.path.append() to add sub-directories that would contain many .py files (basically one class within each .py).
Now I am trying to get the thing working with packages and modules:
I added (empty) files in my root directory, and all sub-directories;
I turned all my classes into "modules", by adding __name__ = "whatever-filename" at line 1.
And, well, imports work. In my main script, I can do
from classes import MyHelper
(where classes refers to a sub-directory, and MyHelper to a module within). But:
gives me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./xyz", line 12, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'some_class_method'
But I didn't change MyHelper - it still has all the #classmethods that I could use before introducing packages/modules.
Edit: MyHelper looks like this:
__name__ = "MyHelper"
class MyHelper(object):
"""This class..."""

MyHelper refers to a module name when imported, not the class name which is the same. You can try the following import instead to import a class from a module in a child directory.
from classes.MyHelper import MyHelper

from X import Y
is really importing a class or function Y from the module X into the current module's namespace, and you can use Y directly.
Alternatively, if you just imported the module X, eg
import X
then you would call the function (or class) Y as X.Y. So in your case, try just
import MyHelper


Does importing specific class from file instead of full file matters?

Most of the tutorials and books about Django or Flask import specific classes from files instead of importing the whole file.
For example, importing DataRequiered validator from wrtforms.validators is done via from wtforms import validators instead of importing it via import wtforms.validators as valids and then accessing DataRequiered with valids.DataRequiered.
My question is: Is there an reason for this ?
I thought to something like avoiding the loading a whole module for computation/memory optimization (is it really relevant?) ? Or is it simply to make the code more readable ?
My question is: Is there an reason for this ?
from module_or_package import something is the canonical pythonic idiom (when you only want to import something in your current namespace of course).
Also, import module_or_package.something only works if module_or_package is a package and something a submodule, it raises an ImportError(No module named something) if something is a function, class or whatever object defined in module_or_package, as can be seen in the stdlib with os.path (which is a submodule of the os.package) vs (which is a class defined in the datetime module):
>>> import os.path as p
>>> p
<module 'posixpath' from '/home/bruno/.virtualenvs/blook/lib/python2.7/posixpath.pyc'>
>>>import as d
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named date
thought to something like avoiding the loading a whole module for computation/memory optimization (is it really relevant?)
Totally irrelevant - importing a given name from a module requires importing the whole module. Actually, this:
from module_or_package import something
is only syntactic sugar for
import module_or_package
something = module_or_package.something
del module_or_package
EDIT: You mention in a comment that
Right, but importing the whole module means loading it to the memory, which can be a reason for importing only a submodule/class
so it seems I failed to make the point clear: in Python, you can not "import only a submodule/class", period.
In Python, import, class and def are all executable statements (and actually just syntactic sugar for operation you can do 'manually' with functions and classes). Importing a module actually consists in executing all the code at the module's top-level (which will instanciate function and class objects) and create a module object (instance of module type) which attributes will be all names defined at the top-level via import, def and class statements or via explicit assignment. It's only when all this has been done that you can access any name defined in the module, and this is why, as I stated above,
from module import obj
is only syntactic sugar for
import module
obj = module.obj
del module
But (unless you do something stupid like defining a terabyte-huge dict or list in your module) this doesn't actually take that much time nor eat much ram, and a module is only effectively executed once per process the first time it's imported - then it's cached in sys.modules so subsequent imports only fetch it from cache.
Also, unless you actively prevents it, Python will cache the compiled version of the module (the .pyc files) and only recompile it if the .pyc is missing or older than the source .py file.
wrt/ packages and submodules, importing a submodule will also execute the package's and build a module instance from it (IOW, at runtime, a package is also a module). Package initializer are canonically rather short, and actually quite often empty FWIW...
It depends, in the tutorial that was probably done for readability
Usually if you use most of the classes in a file, you import the file. If the files contains many classes but you only need a few, just import those.
It's both a matter of readability and optimization.

How does importing a function from a module work in Python?

I have a module which contains the following code:
def testf():
Now, in a file named, I have this code:
import os
from some_module import testf
But executing gives me NameError: name 'os' is not defined. I've already imported os in, and testf is in the namespace of So why does this error occur?
import is not the same as including the content of the file as if you had typed it directly in place of the import statement. You might think it works this way if you're coming from a C background, where the #include preprocessor directive does this, but Python is different.
The import statement in Python reads the content of the file being imported and evaluates it in its own separate context - so, in your example, the code in has no access to or knowledge of anything that exists in or any other file. It starts with a "blank slate", so to speak. If's code wants to access the os module, you have to import it at the top of
When a module is imported in Python, it becomes an object. That is, when you write
import some_module
one of the first things Python does is to create a new object of type module to represent the module being imported. As the interpreter goes through the code in, it assigns any variables, functions, classes, etc. that are defined in that file to be attributes of this new module object. So in your example, the module object will have one attribute, testf. When the code in the function testf wants to access the variable os, it looks in the function itself (local scope) and sees that os is not defined there, so it then looks at the attributes of the module object which testf belongs to (this is the "global" scope, although it's not truly global). In your example, it will not see os there, so you get an error. If you add
import os
to, then that will create an attribute of the module under the name os, and your code will find what it needs to.
You may also be interested in some other answers I've written that may help you understand Python's import statement:
Why import when you need to use the full name?
Does Python import statement also import dependencies automatically?
The name testf is in the namespace of test. The contents of the testf function are still in some_module, and don't have access to anything in test.
If you have code that needs a module, you need to import that module in the same file where that code is. Importing a module only imports it into the one file where you import it. (Multiple imports of the same module, in different files, won't incur a meaningful performance penalty; the actual loading of the module only happens once, and later imports of the same module just get a reference to the already-imported module.)
Importing a module adds its name as an attribute of the current scope. Since different modules have independent scopes, any code in some_module cannot use names in __main__ (the executed script) without having imported it first.

Importing Class in Python Subpackage imports more than requested

I'm running some scientific simulations and I want to process the resulting data in Python. The simulation produces a custom data type that is not used outside of the chain of programs that the authors of the simulation produced, so unfortunately I need what they provide me.
They want me to install two files:
A module called that defines a class that provides all user functions and two demos
A compiled module called that only provides helper functions to
(I find it strange that they're offering me two modules that are so inextricably connected, it doesn't seem like good coding practice to me, but using their code is probably better than rewriting things from scratch.) I'd prefer not to install them directly into my path, side by side. They come from the same company, they're designed to do one specific task together: access and manipulate SDDS-type files.
So I thought I would put them in a package. I could install that on my path, it would be self-contained, and I could easily find and uninstall or upgrade the modules from one location. Then I could hide their un-Pythonic solution in a more-Pythonic package without significantly rewriting things. Seems elegant.
The package I actually use is found here:
Unfortunately, they only support Windows and Mac OS X right now. Compiling the source code is quite onerous, and apparently they have no significant requests for Linux/Unix. I have a Mac, so thankfully this isn't a problem for me.
So my directory tree looks like this:
SDDSPython/ My toplevel package Designed to only import the SDDS class Defines SDDS class and two demo methods Defines sddsdata module used by SDDS class.
My file literally only contains this:
from sdds import SDDS
The file contains the class definition and the two demo definitions. The only other code in the file is:
import sddsdata, sys, time
class SDDS:
(lots of code here)
def demo(output):
(lots of code here)
def demo2(output):
(lots of code here)
I can then import SDDSPython and check, using dir:
>>> import SDDSPython
>>> dir(SDDSPython)
['SDDS', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'sdds', 'sddsdata']
So I can now access the SDDS class via SDDSPython.SDDS
How on earth did SDDSPython.sdds and SDDSPython.sddsdata get loaded into the SDDSPython namespace??
>>> SDDSPython.sdds
<module 'SDDSPython.sdds' from 'SDDSPython/sdds.pyc'>
>>> SDDSPython.sddsdata
<module 'SDDSPython.sddsdata' from 'SDDSPython/'>
I thought by creating an file I was specifically excluding the sdds and sddsdata modules from being loaded into the SDDSPython namespace. What is going on? I can only assume this is happening due to something in the file? But how can a module affect its parent's namespace like that? I'm rather lost, and I don't know where to start. I've looked at the C code, but I don't see anything suspicious. To be fair- I probably don't know what something suspicious would look like, I'm probably not familiar enough with programming C extensions for Python.
Curious question--I did some investigation for you using a similar test case.
XML/ -from indent import XMLIndentGenerator -contains class XMLIndentGenerator, and Xml
It appears that importing a class from a module, even though you are importing just a portion, the entire module is accessible in the way you described, that is:
>>>import XML
<module 'XML.indent' from 'XML\'>
>>>XML.indent.Xml #did not include this in the from
<class 'XML.indent.Xml'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError:yadayada no attribute 'Sink'
This is expected, since I did not import Sink in!
I added a line to
import Sink
class XMLIndentGenerator(XMLGenerator):
Now, since this class imports a module contained within the XML package, if i do:
>>>import XML
<module 'XML.Sink' from 'XML\Sink.pyc'>
So, it appears that because your imported sdds module also imports sddsdata, you are able to access it. That answers the "How" portion of your question, but "why" this is the case, I'm sure there's an answer somewhere in the docs :)
I hope this helps - I was literally doing this as I was typing the answer! A learning experience for me as well.
This happens because python imports don't work the way you might think. They work like this:
the import machinery looks for a file that should be the module requested from the import
a types.ModuleType instance is created, several attributes on it are set to the corresponding file (__file__, __name__ and so on), and that object is inserted into sys.modules under the fully qualified module name it would have.
if this is a submodule import (ie, which is a submodule in SDDSPython), the newly created module is attached as an attribute to the existing python module of the parent package.
the file is "executed" with that module as its global scope; all names defined by that file appear as attributes of the module.
in the case of a from import, an attribute from the module may be returned to the importing script.
So that means if I import a module (say, that has, as its source only:
import bar
then there is a global in foo, called bar, and I can access it as
There is no capacity in python for "only execute the part of this python script i want to use right now." The whole thing runs.

I'm getting AttributeError when I call a method in other class

I'm very new to Python and I have a code like this:
class Configuration:
def test():
return "Hello World"
When I call the method test from other python code like this:
import test
I get an error like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'test'
where I'm making the mistake?
My directory structure:
Python module names and the classes they contain are separate. You need use the full path:
import test
print test.Configuration.Configuration.test()
Your test package has a module named Configuration, and inside that module is your Configuration class.
Note that Python, unlike Java, lets you define methods outside classes too, no need to make this a static method. Nor do you need to use a separate file per class.
Try to rename your module to something other than 'test', since this is the name of a standard library module ( and probably you're importing that module instead of your own. Another option is to add the directory containing your test module into the PYTHONPATH environment variable, so that python may find it instead of the standard library module (but this is not advised as it shadows the standard module and you won't be able to import it later).
To check which file you're importing from, do:
import test
print test

import & structure python modules / classes

im working on some basic python stuff within the google app engine and I was unable to figure out the correct way to structure my handlers.
the AccountHandler is basically a class
class AccountHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
when im using from project.handlers import AccountHandler
python always give me a
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
how do i have to name/import/structure my classes?
To quote from the docs:
A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended.
The AccountHandler you are importing is the module /project/handlers/ in this case. The file is not callable, and the interpreter tells you this. To call the class you defined in your file just use:
from project.handlers.AccountHandler import AccountHandler
# Alternately
# from project.handler import AccountHandler
# AccountHandler.AccountHandler() # will also work.
You need to rename to
