Pass values to python script with Tkinter - python

So I've written a python script that uses the PIL library to format a png passed to it. I want to make the script more user friendly and after looking around I saw the Tkinter library which seemed perfect. Basically the script has five variables that I need to pass to it for it to run. I'm currently using the raw_input() function to asking the user for the following variables:
Once received the script runs and exports the formatted png. I've used Tkinter to build those basic inputs as you can see from the picture below but I don't know how to pass the inputed text values and the file path from the choose png button to their respective variables.
from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
from tkMessageBox import *
app = Tk()
app.title("Picture Formatting")
def callback():
chart_path = askopenfilename()
def title_data():
title_data = chart_title
errmsg = 'Error!'
browse_botton = Button(app, text="Choose png", width=15, command=callback)
browse_botton.pack(side='top', padx=15, pady=15)
# Get chart data
chart_title = StringVar()
title = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_title)
title.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
chart_subtitle = StringVar()
subtitle = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_subtitle)
subtitle.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
chart_source = StringVar()
source = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_source)
source.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
chart_sample_size = IntVar()
sample_size = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_sample_size)
sample_size.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
submit_button = Button(app, text="Submit", width=15)
submit_button.pack(side='bottom', padx=15, pady=15)

I have tried your code, and I added some lines:
from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
from tkMessageBox import *
app = Tk()
app.title("Picture Formatting")
def callback():
global chart_path
chart_path = askopenfilename()
def title_data():
title_data = chart_title
def calculate():
chart_title = title.get()
chart_subtitle = subtitle.get()
chart_source = source.get()
chart_sample_size = sample_size.get()
print "chart_path : ", chart_path
print "chart_title : ", chart_title
print "chart_subtitle : ", chart_subtitle
print "chart_source : ", chart_source
print "chart_sample_size : ", chart_sample_size
#Call your functions here
errmsg = 'Error!'
# Get chart data
chart_path = ''
browse_botton = Button(app, text="Choose png", width=15, command=callback)
browse_botton.pack(side='top', padx=15, pady=15)
chart_title = StringVar()
title = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_title)
title.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
chart_subtitle = StringVar()
subtitle = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_subtitle)
subtitle.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
chart_source = StringVar()
source = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_source)
source.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
chart_sample_size = IntVar()
sample_size = Entry(app, textvariable = chart_sample_size)
sample_size.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
submit_button = Button(app, text="Submit", width=15, command=calculate)
submit_button.pack(side='bottom', padx=15, pady=15)
I think the problem you want to ask is how to get the text values in the entry widgets and get the path text from the askopenfilename() function. You can use the method Entry.get() to get the text value in certain entry widget.
And you can just use str = askopenfilename() to get the path's text value. But because this line of code is written in a function, you need to declare that it is a global variable or create a class to contain them, or the interpreter will consider that variable is an local variable and it will not be passed to the function calculate() which I added.
Since you didn't use a class to contain the variables, I also use the variables as global variables. It is not a good design. You can consider to create a class instead.

In order to receive the value from an entry widget, you would want to use the get() function. The get() function will return whatever is in the entry widget. For instance in your case: response = sample_size.get() will set the variable response to 0. See this page for more documentation on the entry widget.
Hope this helped.


How to correctly define variables in Python?

Im writing a program so i can practise my spanish grammer. I come from the world of PLC programming and wanted to delve into Python to get 2 birds stoned at once. Below is the code, it however gives me an error on the syntax as its missing the var RandomVerbNumber in the on_change def. I have tried defining it outside of the def structures, but it will always make RandomVerbNumber have an incorrect value.
I have tried looking into classes and the init function. But that's not very clear to me yet.
import gspread
import random
import tkinter as tk
gc = gspread.service_account(filename = 'credentials.json')
SpanishVerbs ='Spanish Verbs')
worksheet = SpanishVerbs.worksheet("EnglishSpanishList")
EnglishList = worksheet.col_values(1)
SpanishList = worksheet.col_values(2)
AmountOfRows = len(worksheet.col_values(1))
def on_next(event):
RandomVerbNumber = random.randint(0,AmountOfRows)
EnglishVerbLabel.config(text = EnglishList[RandomVerbNumber])
print(EnglishList[RandomVerbNumber]," = ",SpanishList[RandomVerbNumber])
def on_change(event):
if SpanishEntry.get() == SpanishList[RandomVerbNumber]:
ResultLabel.config(text = "Correct")
ResultLabel.config(text = "Incorrect")
SpanishEntry.delete(0, tk.END)
root = tk.Tk()
QuestionLabel = tk.Label(root, text = "Spanish Verb for:")
EnglishVerbLabel = tk.Label(root)
ResultLabel = tk.Label(root)
SpanishEntry = tk.Entry(root)
root.bind("<Return>", on_change)
buttonNext = tk.Button(root, text="Next", fg="black")
buttonNext.bind("<Button-1>", on_next)
QuestionLabel.grid(row=0, sticky=tk.E)
EnglishVerbLabel.grid(row=0, column=1)
SpanishEntry.grid(row=1, columnspan=2)
buttonNext.grid(row=2, columnspan=2)
ResultLabel.grid(row=3, columnspan=2)
RandomVerbNumber is not defined in the function on_change. Why do you think it would be defined?
There does exist a variabel RandomVerbNumber in another function, but that's outside of the scope of on_change. Variables only exists within their scope.
You can pass a randomised array defined in main as an argument into both methods, holding the index values of the words and pop the index value in the on_next method. Your edited code is below, my edits are marked with NOTE tags.
This method works because python lists are passed by reference.
import gspread
import random
import tkinter as tk
gc = gspread.service_account(filename = 'credentials.json')
SpanishVerbs ='Spanish Verbs')
worksheet = SpanishVerbs.worksheet("EnglishSpanishList")
EnglishList = worksheet.col_values(1)
SpanishList = worksheet.col_values(2)
AmountOfRows = len(worksheet.col_values(1))
randomisedList = random.sample(range(AmountOfRows), AmountOfRows)
#NOTE: event argument removed
def on_next(list):
EnglishVerbLabel.config(text = EnglishList[RandomVerbNumber])
print(EnglishList[RandomVerbNumber]," = ",SpanishList[RandomVerbNumber])
#NOTE: event argument removed
def on_change(list):
if SpanishEntry.get() == SpanishList[list[-1]]:
ResultLabel.config(text = "Correct")
ResultLabel.config(text = "Incorrect")
SpanishEntry.delete(0, tk.END)
root = tk.Tk()
QuestionLabel = tk.Label(root, text = "Spanish Verb for:")
EnglishVerbLabel = tk.Label(root)
ResultLabel = tk.Label(root)
SpanishEntry = tk.Entry(root)
root.bind("<Return>", lambda event, list=randomisedList: on_change(list))
buttonNext = tk.Button(root, text="Next", fg="black")
buttonNext.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, list=randomisedList: on_next(list))
QuestionLabel.grid(row=0, sticky=tk.E)
EnglishVerbLabel.grid(row=0, column=1)
SpanishEntry.grid(row=1, columnspan=2)
buttonNext.grid(row=2, columnspan=2)
ResultLabel.grid(row=3, columnspan=2)

Python Tkinter StringVar only displaying Py_Var(number)

I am using Tkinter in python 3.4 to make a text based game, and I cannot figure out how to get a string from an Entry widget, it just returns Py_Var#, # being a number. I have looked at answers to similar questions, but none of them quite line up with what I need and have. Here's the relevant pieces of code:
from tkinter import *
win = Tk()
playername = StringVar()
def SubmitName():
#messagebox.showinfo("Success", playername)
frame3 = Frame(win)
label1 = Label(frame3, text="You awaken in a room, with no memories of yourself or your past. ")
label2 = Label(frame3, text="First, how about you give yourself a name:")
label1.config(font=("Courier", 11))
label2.config(font=("Courier", 11))
entry1 = Entry(frame3, textvariable=playername)
entry1.config(font=("Courier", 11))
label1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
label2.grid(row=1, column=0)
entry1.grid(row=1, column=1)
bnamesub= Button(frame3, text="Submit", command=lambda: SubmitName())
Also, first time using stackoverflow and its reading weird but w/e.
You have two mistakes in SubmitName().
First, you need to get the text like this:
txt = playername.get()
Then you need to print that txt:
By mistake you printed the StringVar variable itself.
from tkinter import *
import pickle
win = Tk()
def SubmitName():
playername = entry1.get()
messagebox.showinfo("Success", playername)
frame3 = Frame(win)
label1 = Label(frame3, text="You awaken in a room, with no memories of yourself or your past. ")
label2 = Label(frame3, text="First, how about you give yourself a name:")
label1.config(font=("Courier", 11))
label2.config(font=("Courier", 11))
#name entered is a StringVar, returns as Py_Var7, but I need it to return the name typed into entry1.
entry1 = Entry(frame3)
entry1.config(font=("Courier", 11))
label1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
label2.grid(row=1, column=0)
entry1.grid(row=1, column=1)
bnamesub= Button(frame3, text="Submit", command=lambda: SubmitName())
What I changed:
-deleted playername = StringVar(). We don't really need it;
-changed inside the function: changed playername.get to playername = entry1.get();
-added frame3.grid() (without geometry managment, widgets cannot be shown on the screen.);
-also, a little edit: in Python, comments are created with # sign. So I changed * to #.
I was happy to find a solution here, but all these answers "as it is" are not working with my setting, python3.8, pycharm 2018.2
So if anyone could answer this, it seems that entry1.get() cannot be used as a string. I first wanted to append it in a list, and I did a more simple version to point out the trouble :
from tkinter import *
import pickle
win = Tk()
#playername = StringVar()
def SubmitName():
labell = Label(win, text="Little tryup").grid()
playername = entry1.get()
# result about line 11: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
labelle = Label(win, text=playername).grid()
# print(txt)
label1 = Label(win, text="Enter a name:").grid()
entry1 = Entry(win).grid()
boutonne = Button(win, text="label-it!", command=lambda: SubmitName())

I need a to send data to script with submit button

I'm building a python GUI and there I got 2 text boxes.
I want to create a submit button that will take the data from those 2 text boxes and send them to start(save_place, website_url) function.
This is what I got so far:
from Tkinter import *
def start(save_place, website_url):
app = Tk()
top_app = Frame(app)
save_location = Entry(top_app, width=20)
url = Entry(top_app, width=20)
save_location.grid(sticky=W, row=0)
url.grid(sticky=W, row=1)
save_place = save_location.get("1.0", END)
website_url = url.get("1.0", END)
button_start = Button(top_app, text="Start", fg="green", command=start(save_place,website_url))
button_start.grid(sticky=W, row=2, pady=20)
I also tried this:
from Tkinter import *
def start():
save_place = save_loc.get()
website_url = urls.get()
print (save_place + " " + website_url)
app = Tk()
top_app = Frame(app)
save_loc = StringVar()
save_location = Entry(top_app, textvariable=save_loc, width=85)
urls = StringVar()
url = Entry(top_app, textvariable=urls, width=85)
button_start = Button(top_app, text="Start", fg="green", command=start)
button_start.grid(sticky=W, row=2, pady=20)
And it didn't work.
How can I make this script send the inputs in the text boxes to the function?
Thanks to all the helpers :)
As mentioned in the previous response "about how to call a function", you just put command = start and put save_place = save_location.get()
in start function, however you can use save_location = Entry(top_app, width=20), so the total prg:
from Tkinter import *
def start():
save_place = save_location.get()
website_url = url.get()
print save_place,website_url
app = Tk()
top_app = Frame(app)
save_location = Entry(top_app, width=20)
url = Entry(top_app, width=20)
save_location.grid(sticky=W, row=0)
url.grid(sticky=W, row=1)
button_start = Button(top_app, text="Start", fg="green", command=start)
button_start.grid(sticky=W, row=2, pady=20)
command=start(save_place,website_url) doesn't do what you think its doing. It's assigning the result of the function call to the command. (Which is probably None). Bind your Entry boxes to StringVar like:
location = StringVar()
Entry(top_app, textvariable=location, width=20)
Then you assign the function call to the command parameter using command = start. Inside the function you can access the value in the Entry using location.get(). To set the value use the corresponding method location.set(value)

Tkinter Entry Box 2 is receiving entry box 1 's characters whiles i type in entrybox 1

When I type in entrybox1 it automatically appears in entrybox2. So is like anything that happens entrybox1 happens to entrybox2.
Below is my code
from Tkinter import*
import random
class Love:
def __init__(self):
window = Tk()
window.title("Love Calculator")
frame1 = Frame(window)
self.lbl = Label(frame1, text = "Love is Pure",fg="white",bg = "blue")
self.lbl2=Label(frame1, text ="are you meant for one another",fg="White",bg = "red")
self.lbl3=Label(frame1,text="Let FIND OUT!!",fg="white",bg = "green")
label = Label(frame2,text = "Your Name")
label2 = Label(frame2, text= "Your Lovers name")
self.msg = StringVar
entry1 = Entry(frame2, textvariable =self.msg)
self.out = StringVar
entry2 = Entry(frame2, textvariable =self.out)
btCalculate=Button(frame2, text="Calculate", command=self.processButton)
Both of your Entry widgets are effectively using the same textvariable. This is because you are using StringVar wrong. You aren't creating newStringVars, you're merely referencing the class.
In short, you need to do this:
self.msg = StringVar()
... Rather than this:
self.msg = StringVar
Notice the use of ().

Python Tk _tkinter.TclError: invalid command name ".42818376"

I am getting the error mentioned in the title of the post I really just want this to work. Been working on this problem for a while now and it is frustrating. My ultimate goal is to obtain the values for the varables text, chkvar, and v.
Thanks to anyone who can reply and help on this!!
from Tkinter import *
import ImageTk, Image
root = Tk()
def killwindow():
text = Text(root, height=16, width=40)
scroll = Scrollbar(root, command=text.yview)
chkvar = IntVar()
c = Checkbutton(root, text="CaseIt", variable=chkvar)
v = ""
radio1 = Radiobutton(root, text="Src", variable=v, value=1)
radio2 = Radiobutton(root, text="Dst", variable=v, value=2)
b1 = Button(root, text="Submit", command=killwindow)
b1.grid(row=1, column=2)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Hadoken.gif"))
panel = Label(root, image = img)
panel.grid(row=0, column=2)
tk1 = text.get(text)
tk2 = chkvar.get(chkvar)
tk3 = v.get(v)
print tk1
print tk2
print tk3
Once mainloop exits, the widgets no longer exist. When you do text.get(text), you're trying to access a deleted widget. Tkinter simply isn't designed to allow you to access widgets after the main window has been destroyed.
The quick solution is to modify killwindow to get the values before it destroys the window, and store them in a global variable which you can access after mainloop exits.
The program didn't make it through the variable getting, so it never reported the incorrect method calls. I made a few changes to the original code (added a textval StringVar, and changed the v variable to another IntVar). I had a feeling the "associated variables" wouldn't have a problem, and didn't need to be included in the killwindow code. The only variable I grab in killwindow is the text data.
Working code (changed lines marked with #++) :
from Tkinter import *
import ImageTk, Image
root = Tk()
textval = StringVar() #++ added
def killwindow():
textval.set(text.get('1.0',END)) #++ grab contents before destruction
text = Text(root, height=16, width=40)
scroll = Scrollbar(root, command=text.yview)
chkvar = IntVar()
c = Checkbutton(root, text="CaseIt", variable=chkvar)
v = IntVar() #++ changed
v.set(1) #++ initial value
radio1 = Radiobutton(root, text="Src", variable=v, value=1)
radio2 = Radiobutton(root, text="Dst", variable=v, value=2)
b1 = Button(root, text="Submit", command=killwindow)
b1.grid(row=1, column=2)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Hadoken.gif"))
panel = Label(root, image = img)
panel.grid(row=0, column=2)
# windows are destroyed at this point
tk1 = textval.get() #++ changed
tk2 = chkvar.get() #++ changed
tk3 = v.get() #++ changed
print tk1
print tk2
print tk3
