I saw some useful information in this post about how you can't expect to run a process in the background if you are retrieving output from it using subprocess. The problem is ... this is exactly what I want to do!
I have a script which drops commands to various hosts via ssh and I don't want to have to wait on each one to finish before starting the next. Ideally, I could have something like this:
for host in hostnames:
p[host] = Popen(["ssh", mycommand], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
pout[host], perr[host] = p[host].communicate()
which would have (in the case where mycommand takes a very long time) all of the hosts running mycommand at the same time. As it is now, it appears that the entirety of the ssh command finishes before starting the next. This is (according to the previous post I linked) due to the fact that I am capturing output, right? Other than just cating the output to a file and reading the output later, is there a decent way to make these things happen on various hosts in parallel?
You may want to use fabric for this.
Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
Example file:
from fabric.api import run, env
def do_mycommand():
my_command = "ls" # change to your command
output = run(mycommand)
print "Output of %s on %s:%s" % (mycommand, env.host_string, output)
Now to execute on all hosts (host1,host2 ... is where all hosts go):
fab -H host1,host2 ... do_mycommand
You could use threads for achieving parallelism and a Queue for retrieving results in a thread-safe way:
import subprocess
import threading
import Queue
def run_remote_async(host, command, result_queue, identifier=None):
if isinstance(command, str):
command = [command]
if identifier is None:
identifier = "{}: '{}'".format(host, ' '.join(command))
def worker(worker_command_list, worker_identifier):
p = subprocess.Popen(worker_command_list,
result_queue.put((worker_identifier, ) + p.communicate())
t = threading.Thread(target=worker,
args=(['ssh', host] + command, identifier),
t.daemon = True
return t
Then, a possible test case could look like this:
def test():
data = [('host1', ['ls', '-la']),
('host2', 'whoami'),
('host3', ['echo', '"Foobar"'])]
q = Queue.Queue()
for host, command in data:
run_remote_async(host, command, q)
for i in range(len(data)):
identifier, stdout, stderr = q.get()
print identifier
print stdout
Queue.get() is blocking, so at this point you can collect one result after another, once the task is completed.
I have a script which can run on my host machine and several other servers. I want to launch this script as a background process on my host machine along with the remote machine using ssh and output the stdout/stderr to host machine for my host machine background process and on the remote machines for remote machine background tasks.
I tried with
subprocess.check_output(['python' ,'script.py' ,'arg_1', ' > file.log ', ' & echo -ne $! ']
but it doesn't work. it doesnt give me the pid nor write into the file. It works with shell=True but then I read it is not good to use shell=True for security reasons.
then I tried
p = subprocess.Popen(['python' ,'script.py' ,'arg_1', ' > file.log ']
Now i can get the process pid but the output is not writing in the remote log file.
using stdout/stderr arguments like suggested below will open the log file in my host machine not the remote machine. i want to log on the remote machine instead.
append subprocess.Popen output to file?
Could someone please suggest me a single command that works both on my host machine and also ssh's to remote server and launches the background process there? and write to output file ?
<HOW_TO_GET_PID> = subprocess.<WHAT>( ([] if 'localhost' else ['ssh','<remote_server>']) + ['python', 'script.py', 'arg_1' <WHAT>] )
Someone could please finish the above psudo code ?
You're not going to get something that's safe and correct in a one-liner without making it unreadable; better not to try.
Note that we're using a shell here: In the local case we explicitly call shell=True, whereas in the remote case ssh always, implicitly starts a shell.
import shlex
import subprocess
def startBackgroundCommand(argv, outputFile, remoteHost=None, andGetPID=False):
cmd_str = ' '.join(shlex.quote(word) for word in argv)
if outputFile != None:
cmd_str += ' >%s' % (shlex.quote(outputFile),)
if andGetPID:
cmd_str += ' & echo "$!"'
if remoteHost != None:
p = subprocess.Popen(['ssh', remoteHost, cmd_str], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_str, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
return p.communicate()[0]
# Run your command locally
startBackgroundCommand(['python', 'script.py', 'arg_1'],
outputFile='file.log', andGetPID=True)
# Or run your command remotely
startBackgroundCommand(['python', 'script.py', 'arg_1'],
remoteHost='foo.example.com', outputFile='file.log', andGetPID=True)
# At the beginning you can even program automatic daemonizing
# Using os.fork(), otherwise, you run it with something like:
# nohup python run_my_script.py &
# This will ensure that it continues running even if SSH connection breaks.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
p = Popen(["python", "yourscript.py"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE)
log = open("logfile.log", "wb")
log.write(b"PID: %i\n\n" % p.pid)
while 1:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if not line: break
log.write(b"\nExit status: %i" % p.poll())
If possible I would like to not use subProcess.popen. The reason I want to capture the stdout of the process started by the child is because I need to save the output of the child in a variable to display it back later. However I have yet to find a way to do so anywhere. I also need to activate multiple programs without necessarily closing the one that's active. I also need to be controlling the child process whit the parent process.
I'm launching a subprocess like this
listProgram = ["./perroquet.py"]
listOutput = ["","",""]
tubePerroquet = os.pipe()
pipeMain = os.pipe()
pipeAge = os.pipe()
pipeSavoir = os.pipe()
pid = os.fork()
process = 1
if pid == 0:
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(tubeMain[1], 'w')
os.execvp("./perroquet.py", listProgram)
Now as you can see I'm launching the program with os.execvp and using os.dup2() to redirect the stdout of the child. However I'm not sure of what I've done in the code and want to know of the correct way to redirect stdout with os.dup2 and then be able to read it in the parent process.
Thank you for your help.
I cannot understand why you do not want to use the excellent subprocess module that could save you a lot of boiler plate code (and as much error possibilities ...). Anyway, I assume perroquet.py is a python script, not an executable progam. Shell know how to find the correct interpretor for scripts, but exec family are low-level functions that expect a real executable program.
You should at least have something like :
listProgram = [ "python", "./perroquet.py","",""]
os.execvp("python", listProgram)
But I'd rather use :
prog = subprocess.Popen(("python", "./perroquet.py", "", ""), stdout = PIPE)
or even as you are already in python import it and directly call the functions from there.
It looks thart what you really want is :
user gives you a command (can be almost anything)
[ you validate that the command is safe ] - unsure if you intend to do it but you should ...
you make the shell execute the command and get its output - you may want to read stderr too and control exit code
You should try something like
while True:
cmd = raw_input("commande :") # input with Python 3
if cmd.strip().lower() == exit: break
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = proc.communicate()
code = proc.returncode
print("OUT", out, "ERR", err, "CODE", code)
It is absolutely unsafe, since this code executes any command as the underlying shell would do (include rm -rf *, rd /s/q ., ...), but it gives you the output, the output and the return code of the command, and it can be used is a loop. The only limitation is that as you use a different shell for each command, you cannot use commands that change shell environment - they will be executed but will have no effect.
Here's a solution if you need to extract any changes to the environment
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os
def execute_and_get_env(cmd, initial_env=None):
if initial_env is None:
initial_env = os.environ
r_fd, w_fd = os.pipe()
write_env = "; env >&{}".format(w_fd)
p = Popen(cmd + write_env, shell=True, env=initial_env, pass_fds=[w_fd], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output, error = p.communicate()
# this will cause problems if the environment gets very large as
# writing to the pipe will hang because it gets full and we only
# read from the pipe when the process is over
with open(r_fd) as f:
env = dict(line[:-1].split("=", 1) for line in f)
return output, error, env
export_cmd = "export my_var='hello world'"
echo_cmd = "echo $my_var"
out, err, env = execute_and_get_env(export_cmd)
out, err, env = execute_and_get_env(echo_cmd, env)
I have a python (v3.3) script that runs other shell scripts. My python script also prints message like "About to run script X" and "Done running script X".
When I run my script I'm getting all the output of the shell scripts separate from my print statements. I see something like this:
All of script X's output
All of script Y's output
All of script Z's output
About to run script X
Done running script X
About to run script Y
Done running script Y
About to run script Z
Done running script Z
My code that runs the shell scripts looks like this:
print( "running command: " + cmnd )
ret_code = subprocess.call( cmnd, shell=True )
print( "done running command")
I wrote a basic test script and do *not* see this behaviour. This code does what I would expect:
ret_code = subprocess.call("/bin/ls -la", shell=True )
Any idea on why the output is not interleaved?
Thanks. This works but has one limitation - you can't see any output until after the command completes. I found an answer from another question (here) that uses popen but also lets me see the output in real time. Here's what I ended up with this:
import subprocess
import sys
cmd = ['/media/sf_git/test-automation/src/SalesVision/mswm/shell_test.sh', '4', '2']
print('running command: "{0}"'.format(cmd)) # output the command.
# Here, we join the STDERR of the application with the STDOUT of the application.
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):
line = line.replace('\n', '')
process.wait() # Wait for the underlying process to complete.
errcode = process.returncode # Harvest its returncode, if needed.
print( 'Script ended with return code of: ' + str(errcode) )
This uses Popen and allows me to see the progress of the called script.
It has to do with STDOUT and STDERR buffering. You should be using subprocess.Popen to redirect STDOUT and STDERR from your child process into your application. Then, as needed, output them. Example:
import subprocess
cmd = ['ls', '-la']
print('running command: "{0}"'.format(cmd)) # output the command.
# Here, we join the STDERR of the application with the STDOUT of the application.
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
process.wait() # Wait for the underlying process to complete.
out, err = process.communicate() # Capture what it outputted on STDOUT and STDERR
errcode = process.returncode # Harvest its returncode, if needed.
print('done running command')
Additionally, I wouldn't use shell = True unless it's really required. It forces subprocess to fire up a whole shell environment just to run a command. It's usually better to inject directly into the env parameter of Popen.
I have a server that launches command line apps. They receive a local file path, load a file, export something, then close.
It's working, but I would like to be able to keep track of which tasks are active and which completed.
So with this line:
p = mp.Process(target=subprocess.Popen(mayapy + ' -u ' + job.pyFile), group=None)
I have tried 'is_alive', and it always returns False.
The subprocess closes, I see it closed in task manager, but the process and pid still seem queryable.
Your use of mp.Process is wrong. The target should be a function, not the return value of subprocess.Popen(...).
In any case, if you define:
proc = subprocess.Popen(mayapy + ' -u ' + job.pyFile)
Then proc.poll() will be None while the process is working, and will equal a return value (not None) when the process has terminated.
For example, (the output is in the comments)
import subprocess
import shlex
import time
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('ls -lR /'), stdout=PIPE)
# None
# -15
I running a subprocess that run a software in "command" mode. (This software is Nuke by The Foundy, in case you know that software)
When in command mode, this software is waiting for user input. This mode allow to create compositing scripts without any UI.
I have done this bit of code that start the process, find when the application is done starting then I try to send the process some commands, but the stdin doesn't seem to be sending the commands properly.
Here the sample code I did to test this process.
import subprocess
appPath = '/Applications/Nuke6.3v3/Nuke6.3v3.app/Nuke6.3v3' readyForCommand = False
commandAndArgs = [appPath, '-V', '-t']
commandAndArgs = ' '.join(commandAndArgs)
process = subprocess.Popen(commandAndArgs,
shell=True, )
while True:
if readyForCommand:
print 'trying to send command to nuke...'
process.stdin.write('import nuke')
process.stdin.write('print nuke')
print 'done sending commands'
readyForCommand = False
print 'Reading stdout ...'
outLine = process.stdout.readline().rstrip()
if outLine:
print 'stdout:', outLine
if outLine.endswith('getenv.tcl'):
print 'setting ready for command'
readyForCommand = True
if outLine == '' and process.poll() != None:
print 'in break!'
print('return code: %d' % process.returncode)
when I run nuke in a shell and send the same commands here is what I get:
sylvain.berger core/$ nuke -V -t
Loading /Applications/Nuke6.3v3/Nuke6.3v3.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/getenv.tcl
>>> import nuke
>>> print nuke
<module 'nuke' from '/Applications/Nuke6.3v3/Nuke6.3v3.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/nuke/__init__.pyc'>
>>> quit()
sylvain.berger core/$
Any idea why the stdin is not sending the commands properly?
your code will send the text
import nukeprint nukequit()
with no newline, thus the python instance will not try to execute anything, everything is just sitting in a buffer waiting for a newline
The subprocess module is not intended for interactive communication with a process. At best, you can give it a single pre-computed standard input string and then read its stdout and stderr:
p = Popen(..., stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate(predefined_stdin)
If you actually need interaction, consider using pexpect.