Write to Mifare sector NFC RFIDIOT Python - python

I'm trying to write a number to sector 10 / block 40 on a Mifare 4k classic card
Any ideas on how I can get this working?
Here is my code:
BLOCK = 40
import rfidiot
import re
card = rfidiot.card
if card.select():
'card selected UID: ' + str(card.uid)
if card.login(BLOCK, TYPE, KEY):
if card.readMIFAREblock(BLOCK):
print card.MIFAREdata
data = card.ReadablePrint(card.ToBinary(card.MIFAREdata))
id = re.findall('\d+', data)[0]
print id
if card.writeblock(BLOCK, '1234567'):
print 'write success'
print 'error %s %s' % (card.errorcode , card.ISO7816ErrorCodes[card.errorcode])
print 'read failed'
print 'Login failed'
ouput+ error message:
card selected UID: DBF93873
error 6300 No information given


Python Web Scraping Display additional data fields on screen

Good day. I need help again to do web scraping of the url https://bscscan.com/token/0x15a217c30b1303fbf64b8bdc3323fd3c14e9acb3#balances. There are still data that I wanted to display but cannot figure out how.
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
cotractpage = requests.get("https://bscscan.com/token/0x722126182535a93fb70633ea09c228b43894bf84#balances")
ca = BeautifulSoup(cotractpage.content, 'html.parser')
#print holders
tokenholders = ca.find(id='ContentPlaceHolder1_tr_tokenHolders').get_text()
tokenholdersa = "Total Holders: " + ((((tokenholders.strip()).strip("Holders:")).strip()).strip(" a ")).strip()
#print transfers -> Not working
tokentransfers = ca.find(id='ContentPlaceHolder1_trNoOfTxns').get_text()
tokentransfersa = "Total Transfers: " + ((((tokentransfers.strip()).strip("Transfers:")).strip()))
#print name
website = ca.find('span', class_='text-secondary small').get_text()
tokename = "Name: " + website
#print marketcap
mcapa = ca.find(id='ContentPlaceHolder1_tr_valuepertoken').get_text()
print("Market Cap: " + re.search(r'Market Cap.*?([$\d,.]+)', mcapa, flags=re.S).group(1))
#print totalsupply
totalbox = ca.find('div', class_='col-md-8').get_text().split('(')[0].strip()
print("Total Supply: " + totalbox)
lp = ca.find('i', class_='far fa-file-alt text-secondary').get_text()
Needs Help:
How to display the total transfers
How can I find the row with the icon(Lock) beside and print the percentage
How can I find the 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead and return the percentage
The code above displays:
Total Holders: 6
Market Cap: $0.00
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 FUCKTHEMOON
Total Transfers: 7 <---- Does not work. Needs help
Lock: 83.5687% <---- Does not work. Needs help
Burn: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead, 15.0000% <---- Does not work. Needs help

Requests to Foursquare API is producing no output when called from the terminal

The following code doesn't produce any output when I run python findArestaurant.py in the terminal
It's supposed to produce an output that lists restaurants in places around the world.
I signed up for a Foursqure dev account, created an app, and was then able to copy both the client id, and client secret. However, no output?
filename: findArestaurant.py
from geocode import getGeocodeLocation
import json
import httplib2
import sys
import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)
sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr)
foursquare_client_id = "entered_here"
foursquare_client_secret = "entered_here"
def findARestaurant(mealType,location):
#1. Use getGeocodeLocation to get the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location string.
latitude, longitude = getGeocodeLocation(location)
#2. Use foursquare API to find a nearby restaurant with the latitude, longitude, and mealType strings.
#HINT: format for url will be something like https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET&v=20130815&ll=40.7,-74&query=sushi
url = ('https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&v=20130815&ll=%s,%s&query=%s' % (foursquare_client_id, foursquare_client_secret,latitude,longitude,mealType))
h = httplib2.Http()
result = json.loads(h.request(url,'GET')[1])
if result['response']['venues']:
#3. Grab the first restaurant
restaurant = result['response']['venues'][0]
venue_id = restaurant['id']
restaurant_name = restaurant['name']
restaurant_address = restaurant['location']['formattedAddress']
address = ""
for i in restaurant_address:
address += i + " "
restaurant_address = address
#4. Get a 300x300 picture of the restaurant using the venue_id (you can change this by altering the 300x300 value in the URL or replacing it with 'orginal' to get the original picture
url = ('https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/%s/photos?client_id=%s&v=20150603&client_secret=%s' % ((venue_id,foursquare_client_id,foursquare_client_secret)))
result = json.loads(h.request(url, 'GET')[1])
#5. Grab the first image
if result['response']['photos']['items']:
firstpic = result['response']['photos']['items'][0]
prefix = firstpic['prefix']
suffix = firstpic['suffix']
imageURL = prefix + "300x300" + suffix
#6. if no image available, insert default image url
imageURL = "http://pixabay.com/get/8926af5eb597ca51ca4c/1433440765/cheeseburger-34314_1280.png?direct"
#7. return a dictionary containing the restaurant name, address, and image url
restaurantInfo = {'name':restaurant_name, 'address':restaurant_address, 'image':imageURL}
print ("Restaurant Name: %s" % restaurantInfo['name'] )
print ("Restaurant Address: %s" % restaurantInfo['address'] )
print ("Image: %s \n" % restaurantInfo['image'] )
return restaurantInfo
print ( "No Restaurants Found for %s" % location )
return "No Restaurants Found"
if __name__ == '__main__':
findARestaurant("Pizza", "Tokyo, Japan")
findARestaurant("Tacos", "Jakarta, Indonesia")
findARestaurant("Tapas", "Maputo, Mozambique")
findARestaurant("Falafel", "Cairo, Egypt")
findARestaurant("Spaghetti", "New Delhi, India")
findARestaurant("Cappuccino", "Geneva, Switzerland")
findARestaurant("Sushi", "Los Angeles, California")
findARestaurant("Steak", "La Paz, Bolivia")
findARestaurant("Gyros", "Sydney, Australia")

Python: Google Contacts API only retrieving 3 contacts

I am new to Python and to the Google APIs.
I have the following code from https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/?hl=en:
def PrintAllContacts(gd_client):
feed = gd_client.GetContacts()
for i, entry in enumerate(feed.entry):
print '\n%s %s' % (i+1, entry.name.full_name.text)
if entry.content:
print ' %s' % (entry.content.text)
# Display the primary email address for the contact.
for email in entry.email:
if email.primary and email.primary == 'true':
print ' %s' % (email.address)
# Show the contact groups that this contact is a member of.
for group in entry.group_membership_info:
print ' Member of group: %s' % (group.href)
# Display extended properties.
for extended_property in entry.extended_property:
if extended_property.value:
value = extended_property.value
value = extended_property.GetXmlBlob()
print ' Extended Property - %s: %s' % (extended_property.name, value)
This is only returning 3 contacts out of c. 850. Any thoughts, anyone?
This works:
def PrintAllContacts(gc):
max_results = 20000
start_index = 1
query = gdata.contacts.client.ContactsQuery()
query.max_results = max_results
query.start_index = start_index
feed = gc.GetContacts(q=query)
print len(feed.entry)
for e in feed.entry:
print e.name
for email in e.email:
print email.address
Useful link: https://gdata-python-client.googlecode.com/hg/pydocs/gdata.contacts.data.html#ContactEntry

Python / json : Check content of keys that may or may not exist

For those familiar with imageboards, an OP post may or may not contain a 'subject' and a 'comment'
I wrote this to search all pages of a given board for thread subjects and OP posts.
If my search term exists on one of them but the other key is inexistent it will not get appended to my res list.
So how do I search json keys where 1 key or the other may not exist?
import urllib, json, HTMLParser
def s4Chan(board, search):
logo = '3::54chan'
res = []
p = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
catalog = json.load(urllib.urlopen('https://api.4chan.org/%s/catalog.json' % board))
for i in catalog:
for j in i['threads']:
if search.lower() in j['sub'].lower() or search.lower() in j['com'].lower():
subject = j['sub']
post = p.unescape(str(j['com'])).replace('<br>', ' ')
if len(post) > 300:
post = post[0:300]
post = post + '...'
text = str('%s /%s/ %s | %s | %s (R:%s, I:%s)' % (logo, board, subject, post, 'https://4chan.org/%s/res/%s' % (board, j['no']), j['replies'], j['images']))
return res
json.load returns objects as Python dictionaries. You can, for example, use the get method of dict:
if search.lower() in j.get('sub', '').lower() or search.lower() in j.get('com', '').lower():

Need to handle keyerror exception python

I'm getting a keyerror exception when I input a player name here that is not in the records list. I can search it and get back any valid name, but if I input anything else, i get a keyerror. I'm not really sure how to go about handling this since it's kindof confusing already dealing with like 3 sets of data created from parsing my file.
I know this code is bad I'm new to python so please excuse the mess - also note that this is a sortof test file to get this functionality working, which I will then write into functions in my real main file. Kindof a testbed here, if that makes any sense.
This is what my data file, stats4.txt, has in it:
[00000] Cho'Gath - 12/16/3 - Loss - 2012-11-22
[00001] Fizz - 12/5/16 - Win - 2012-11-22
[00002] Caitlyn - 13/4/6 - Win - 2012-11-22
[00003] Sona - 4/5/9 - Loss - 2012-11-23
[00004] Sona - 2/1/20 - Win - 2012-11-23
[00005] Sona - 6/3/17 - Loss - 2012-11-23
[00006] Caitlyn - 14/2/16 - Win - 2012-11-24
[00007] Lux - 10/2/14 - Win - 2012-11-24
[00008] Sona - 8/1/22 - Win - 2012-11-27
Here's my code:
import re
info = {}
records = []
search = []
with open('stats4.txt') as data:
for line in data:
gameid = [item.strip('[') for item in line.split(']')]
del gameid[-1]
gameidstr = ''.join(gameid)
gameid = gameidstr
line = line[7:]
player, stats, outcome, date = [item.strip() for item in line.split('-', 3)]
stats = dict(zip(('kills', 'deaths', 'assists'), map(int, stats.split('/'))))
date = tuple(map(int, date.split('-')))
info[player] = dict(zip(('gameid', 'player', 'stats', 'outcome', 'date'), (gameid, player, stats, outcome, date)))
records.append(tuple((gameid, info[player])))
print "\n\n", info, "\n\n" #print the info dictionary just to see
champ = raw_input() #get champion name
#print info[champ].get('stats').get('kills'), "\n\n"
#print "[%s] %s - %s/%s/%s - %s-%s-%s" % (info[champ].get('gameid'), champ, info[champ].get('stats').get('kills'), info[champ].get('stats').get('deaths'), info[champ].get('stats').get('assists'), info[champ].get('date')[0], info[champ].get('date')[1], info[champ].get('date')[2])
#print "\n\n"
#print info[champ].values()
i = 0
for item in records: #this prints out all records
print "\n", "[%s] %s - %s/%s/%s - %s - %s-%s-%s" % (records[i][0], records[i][1]['player'], records[i][1]['stats']['kills'], records[i][1]['stats']['deaths'], records[i][1]['stats']['assists'], records[i][1]['outcome'], records[i][1]['date'][0], records[i][1]['date'][1], records[i][1]['date'][2])
i = i + 1
print "\n" + "*" * 50
i = 0
for item in records:
if champ in records[i][1]['player']:
i = i + 1
s = 0
if not search:
print "no availble records" #how can I get this to print even if nothing is inputted in raw_input above for champ?
print "****"
for item in search:
print "\n[%s] %s - %s/%s/%s - %s - %s-%s-%s" % (search[s]['gameid'], search[s]['player'], search[s]['stats']['kills'], search[s]['stats']['deaths'], search[s]['stats']['assists'], search[s]['outcome'], search[s]['date'][0], search[s]['date'][1], search[s]['date'][2])
s = s + 1
I tried setting up a Try; Except sort of thing but I couldn't get any different result when entering an invalid player name. I think I could probably set something up with a function and returning different things if the name is present or not but I think I've just gotten myself a bit confused. Also notice that no match does indeed print for the 8 records that aren't matches, though thats not quite how I want it to work. Basically I need to get something like that for any invalid input name, not just a valid input that happens to not be in a record in the loop.
Valid input names for this data are:
Cho'Gath, Fizz, Caitlyn, Sona, or Lux - anything else gives a keyerror, thats what I need to handle so it doesn't raise an error and instead just prints something like "no records available for that champion" (and prints that only once, rather then 8 times)
Thanks for any help!
[edit] I was finally able to update this code in the post (thank you martineau for getting it added in, for some reason backticks aren't working to block code and it was showing up as bold normal text when i pasted. Anyways, look at if not search, how can I get that to print even if nothing is entered at all? just pressing return on raw_input, currently it prints all records after **** even though i didn't give it any search champ
where is your exact error occurring?
i'm just assuming it is when champ = raw_input() #get champion name
and then info[champ]
you can either check if the key exists first
if champ not in info:
print 'no records avaialble'
or use get
if info.get(champ)
or you can just try and access the key
# do stuff
except KeyError:
print 'no records available'
the more specific you can be in your question the better, although you explained your problem you really didn't include any specifics Please always include a traceback if available, and post the relevant code IN your post not on a link.
Here's some modifications that I think address your problem. I also reformatted the code to make it a little more readable. In Python it's possible to continue long lines onto the next either by ending with a \ or just going to the next line if there's an unpaired '(' or '[' on the previous line.
Also, the way I put code in my questions or answer here is by cutting it out of my text editor and then pasting it into the edit window, after that I make sure it's all selected and then just use the {} tool at the top of edit window to format it all.
import re
from pprint import pprint
info = {}
records = []
with open('stats4.txt') as data:
for line in data:
gameid = [item.strip('[') for item in line.split(']')]
del gameid[-1]
gameidstr = ''.join(gameid)
gameid = gameidstr
line = line[7:]
player, stats, outcome, date = [item.strip() for item in line.split('-', 3)]
stats = dict(zip(('kills', 'deaths', 'assists'), map(int, stats.split('/'))))
date = tuple(map(int, date.split('-')))
info[player] = dict(zip(('gameid', 'player', 'stats', 'outcome', 'date'),
(gameid, player, stats, outcome, date)))
records.append(tuple((gameid, info[player])))
#print "\n\n", info, "\n\n" #print the info dictionary just to see
champ = raw_input("Champ's name: ") #get champion name
#print info[champ].get('stats').get('kills'), "\n\n"
#print "[%s] %s - %s/%s/%s - %s-%s-%s" % (
# info[champ].get('gameid'), champ, info[champ].get('stats').get('kills'),
# info[champ].get('stats').get('deaths'), info[champ].get('stats').get('assists'),
# info[champ].get('date')[0], info[champ].get('date')[1],
# info[champ].get('date')[2])
#print "\n\n"
#print info[champ].values()
i = 0
for item in records: #this prints out all records
print "\n", "[%s] %s - %s/%s/%s - %s - %s-%s-%s" % (
records[i][0], records[i][1]['player'], records[i][1]['stats']['kills'],
records[i][1]['stats']['deaths'], records[i][1]['stats']['assists'],
records[i][1]['outcome'], records[i][1]['date'][0],
records[i][1]['date'][1], records[i][1]['date'][2])
i = i + 1
print "\n" + "*" * 50
i = 0
search = []
for item in records:
if champ in records[i][1]['player']:
i = i + 1
if not search:
print "no match"
s = 0
for item in search:
print "\n[%s] %s - %s/%s/%s - %s - %s-%s-%s" % (search[s]['gameid'],
search[s]['player'], search[s]['stats']['kills'],
search[s]['stats']['deaths'], search[s]['stats']['assists'],
search[s]['outcome'], search[s]['date'][0], search[s]['date'][1],
s = s + 1
