I am trying my first things with pywinauto.
Now I want to make use of print_control_identifiers() but I get errors, however I write my code - I cant get any information about GUI objects.
I already tried to generate the code via swapy - had a lot of generated code, but no success.
This is my code so far:
import getpass, fnmatch
from pywinauto import application
currentUser = getpass.getuser()
if fnmatch.fnmatch(currentUser, "axe"):
pwa_app = application.Application()
w_handle = application.findwindows.find_windows(title=u'Login - 0.9.347', class_name='WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.141b42a_r11_ad1')[0]
window = pwa_app.window_(handle=w_handle)
ctrl = window['Log In']
print "You need admin rights for that action"
Can you tell me, where I need to use print_control_identifiers()?
Do you have any other GUI automation frameworks that are more up-to-date?
PrintControlIdentifiers() is useful for top level window. If window is top level window specification, then just call
pwa_app.Window_(title=u'Login - 0.9.347', top_level_only=True).PrintControlIdentifiers()
A few examples:
Swapy is good to identify the properties. Also, the examples given with pywinauto are quite helpful.
Source: https://pywinauto.googlecode.com/hg/pywinauto/docs/getting_started.html
from pywinauto import application
app = application.Application.Start("Notepad.exe")
from pywinauto import application
from pywinauto import application
app = application.Application()
Wnd_Main = app.window_(title_re=".*Notepad")
Wnd_Save = app.window_(title_re="Save As")
Wnd_Save.Edit1.SetEditText("Hello World.txt")
I'm planning to use kivy to develop an app related to one of my project. But still I couldn't find a way to make the app run in background and while a certain condition is satisfied I need it to display a push notification in mobile. How can I add push notification feature in kivy? Please let me know if someone know how to make it work. (Note - Even the app is closed in mobile it should run in background..).
I can't tell you how to keep running in the background (because I don't know either) but I can show you how to notify.
by the way,plyer doesn't work as well as windows on android so you should throw with java lib jnius
codes is here:
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from jnius import autoclass
def notify(*args):
AndroidString = autoclass('java.lang.String')
PythonActivity = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonActivity')
NotificationBuilder = autoclass('android.app.Notification$Builder')
Context = autoclass('android.content.Context')
Drawable = autoclass('org.test.notify.R$drawable')
icon = Drawable.icon
notification_builder = NotificationBuilder(PythonActivity.mActivity)
notification_service = notification_service = PythonActivity.mActivity.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)
class NotifyApp(App):
def build(self):
return Button(text="notify", on_press=notify)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if you keep getting errors,look here
I'm trying to make a python bot for zoom.us, but to join a meeting, zoom tells us to download an application and to join the meeting from there. Is there any python module like selenium but to control desktop apps? I found PyAutoIt, but is there anything better?
Didn't understand entirely what you're planning to do, but maybe pyautogui can be helpful too
You have to download the zoom app for desktop and use the 'pyautogui' module to automate the GUI of zoom app. here is a script that I wrote to automate mine. edit the positions of the app according to your machine
import pyautogui
import time
pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False
class ZoomOpener():
def __init__(self, meeting_id, password):
self.meeting_id = meeting_id
self.password = password
def main(self):
# clicks on zoom logo in the task bar and opens it
pyautogui.click(550, 800, duration=0.2)
# clicks on join button
pyautogui.click(x=550, y=317, clicks=2, interval=0.2)
# types the meeting id
# clicks the join button
pyautogui.click(x=690, y=487)
# types the password
pyautogui.click(x=550, y=317, clicks=2)
pyautogui.typewrite(self.password, interval=0.06)
# clicks the join button
pyautogui.click(x=690, y=487, clicks=1)
# final joining
pyautogui.click(x=900, y=590, clicks=2, interval=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
zoom = ZoomOpener('9656400024', '123456')
This seems simple. I have a Jupyter Notebook with the following code allowing for a file dialog so the user can select a file to analyze. There are a couple of different files used and it is important the user selects the proper file in the proper order. I am trying to add information to the Window title so the user knows which file the script is looking for.
Here is the Notebook code:
import PCB_utility
f_name = PCB_utility.get_file('Select Bitwise data file')
df_bitwise = pd.read_excel(f_name, sheetname = 'lvtemporary_653630', header=(0))
f_name = PCB_utility.get_file('Select ARINC 429 data file')
df_ARINC = pd.read_csv(f_name, sep = '\t', header=(0))
The file dialog works. The user selects the file, and the program just does what it needs to. I am trying to make it a little more user friendly.
PCB_utility looks like this:
import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
#from PyQt4.QtCore import *
def get_file(Instructions):
filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, Instructions, '/')
The problem is the Instructions are NOT making through to the dialog box. I manually entered this function into the IPython section and it works beautifully. It doesn't add the extra text when I call it from the notebook. It just has the standard 'Open File'.
Here is the code that finally worked:
import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
def get_file(Instructions):
# Create an PyQT4 application object.
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# The QWidget widget is the base class of all user interface objects in PyQt4.
wid = QWidget()
# Get filename using QFileDialog
filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(wid, Instructions, '/')
I needed to add the PyQt4 application and widget, then close it. I have to admit I don't quite understand why, but it works.
OP already found solution, but for others that looking for the same thing - you can use IPython magic command for enabling IPython GUI event loop integration, to make working external GUI called from IPython (i.e. Jupyter notebook):
# Magic (we must tell IPython that we will be running an external Qt GUI)
%gui qt5
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog
def select_file(directory='./'):
fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,
'Select file...',
filter='All files (*)')
return fname[0]
As original question is for PyQt4, above command %gui qt5 should be replaced with %gui qt4 or only %gui qt.
To do the same thing without magic commands (similar to OP's solution):
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileDialog
def select_file(directory='./'):
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,
'Select file...',
filter='All files (*)')
return fname[0]
Am working on a python script (env: custom Linux Mint 17.1) that uses a webbrowser class to instantiate a browser instance that renders some HTML.
I'd like to have a hyperlink within the HTML, which when clicked upon, causes
a local python script to run.
Have not found any precise way to do this.. any help is appreciated,
TIA, Kaiwan.
Since you're using PyQt4 and the QtWebKit module, it's very easy to do so.
You create a function that grabs the url and acts accordingly.
Here's some sample code to get you started:
from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebView, QWebPage
import sys
def linkHandler(url):
print "[DEBUG] Clicked link is: %s" % url
if url == "My Triggering URL":
print "Found my link, launching python script"
# Handle url gracefully
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
webview = QWebView()
# Tell our webview to handle links, which it doesn't by default
return app.exec_()
if __name__ == "__main__":
P.S. Whenever you're posting code snippets, it's better to edit your question and provide the information there because it becomes a mess in the comment field.
P.S.S. Be more specific in your tags the next time, there are a lot of frameworks that can actually create a browser, PyQt4 would be a very good tag to begin with and would get you more answers.
I am interested in being able to open the control panel through python using the win32 extension.
What I really want to be able to do is open the 'Internet Properties' panel (Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet Options), but I'd figured getting the control panel open would be a good enough start.
For those using Chrome, if you go to Menu > Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Change proxy settings... , the Windows 'Internet Properties' box shows us.
According to this page and this one, you could use something like:
import win32api
import win32con
'{0}\\control.exe Inetcpl.cpl'.format(win32api.GetSystemDirectory()),
# or
win32api.WinExec('control.exe Inetcpl.cpl', win32con.SW_NORMAL)
Internet Options dialog should pops up now.
Yon don't really need win32 extension for this, you can use something as simple as:
import os
os.system('{0}\\System32\\control.exe Inetcpl.cpl'.format(os.environ['WINDIR']))
# or
os.system('control.exe Inetcpl.cpl')
import os
from tkinter import *
def open():
os.system('cmd /c control') # thi is what will help you
root =Tk()
b = Button(root, text='open control panel', command = (open)).place(x=200, y=200) # you can choose your own position