Celery can't get result from given task - python

I try to configure celery with rabbitmq. Server works fine, my worker receive task and return succeded result but communication(?) fail. I'm following first steps from celery doc. I started tasks worker and created file tasks.py. My connection:
app = Celery('tasks', backend='amqp', broker='amqp://')
Logs inside worker (correct):
[2015-03-13 21:00:46,146: INFO/MainProcess] Task tasks.add[ee0fd026-d08e-4380-b010-9bbe65cb8b8f] succeeded in 0.00891784499981s: 4
but can't get result and the status is pending
add_task = tasks.add.delay(2,2)
In [4]: add_task.status
Out[4]: 'PENDING'

add_task.status gets the state of the task as soon as you queue it (remember, you are using .delay, not executing it immediately), which will be PENDING.
To get the state of the task from the backend use AsyncResult.
res = tasks.add.AsyncResult(add_task.task_id)
This will work, unless you have set the backend to ignore task results.


Celery not processing tasks everytime

I am having below configuration for celery
celery = Celery(__name__,
broker=os.environ.get('CELERY_BROKER_URL', 'redis://'),
backend=os.environ.get('CELERY_BROKER_URL', 'redis://'))
ssl = celery.conf.get('REDIS_SSL', True)
r = redis.StrictRedis(REDIS_BROKER, int(REDIS_BROKER_PORT), 0,
charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True, ssl=ssl)
db_uri = celery.conf.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI')
def process_task(data):
#some code here
I am calling process task inside API endpoint like
sometimes it's processing tasks sometimes not.
can someone help me to resolve this issue?
I am running worker like celery worker -A api.celery --loglevel=DEBUG --concurrency=10
Once all the worker-processes are busy the new tasks will just sit on the queue waiting for the next idle worker-process to start the task. This is most likely why you perceive this as "not processing tasks everytime". Go through the monitoring and management section of the Celery documentation to find how to monitor your Celery cluster. For starters, do celery worker -A api.celery inspect active to check the currently running tasks.

Cannot get State & Result Of Remote Celery Worker

My Architecture:
RabbitMQ 3.6.5 (broker)
Redis (backend)
Celery default worker
Webserver application
Celery default worker
Celery default worker
I'm triggering tasks via Webserver application (from master-machine), for example:
task_id = task1.delay(1,2,3).id.
I have an API for retrieving the task status / result (again, from master-machine):
result = task1.AsyncResult(task_id, app=celery_app)
if result.ready():
return result.get()
return result.state
where celery_app defined exactly as in workers.. (broker, backend..)
The Problem: when consumed by default worker of the master-machine it is possible to retrieve the state / result of the task, but when consumed by slave-machines workers I can't seem to retrieve the correct state /result: (result.state ==PENDING forever).
From Flower which is on the master-machine I can retrieve the correct state / result (SUCCESS + actual result).
In addition, the result appears in Redis backend as SUCCESS:
redis-cli -h master-machine -p 6379> get "celery-task-meta-74de04de-0d4e-45bc-977d-16caab047eed"
"{\"status\": \"SUCCESS\", \"traceback\": null, \"result\": {123}, \"task_id\": \"74de04de-0d4e-45bc-977d-16caab047eed\", \"children\": []}"
Any idea why this happens? I would like to be able to retrieve tasks' state / result including the tasks that run on the slaves-machines.

Celery tasks on multiple machines

I have a server where I installed a RabbitMQ broker and two Celery consumers (main1.py and main2.py) both connected to the same broker.
In the first consumer (main1.py), I implemented a Celery Beat that sends multiple times a different task on a specific queue:
app = Celery('tasks', broker=..., backend=...)
app.conf.task_routes = (
('tasks.beat', {'queue': 'print-queue'}),
app.conf.beat_schedule = {
'beat-every-10-seconds': {
'task': 'tasks.beat',
'schedule': 10.0
#app.task(name='tasks.beat', bind=True)
def beat(self):
for i in range(10):
app.send_task("tasks.print", args=[i], queue="print-queue")
return None
In the second consumer (main2.py), I implemented the task said above:
app = Celery('tasks', broker=..., backend=...)
app.conf.task_routes = (
('tasks.print', {'queue': 'print-queue'}),
#app.task(name='tasks.print', bind=True)
def print(self, name):
return name
When I start the two Celery worker:
consumer1: celery worker -A main1 -Q print-queue --beat
consumer2: celery worker -A main2 -Q print-queue
I get these errors:
[ERROR/MainProcess] Received unregistered task of type 'tasks.print'
on the first consumer
[ERROR/MainProcess] Received unregistered task of type 'tasks.beat'
on the second consumer
Is it possible to split tasks on different Celery Applications both connected to the same broker?
Thanks in advance!
Here's what is happening. You have two workers A and B one of which also happens to be running celery beat (say that one is B).
celery beat submits task.beat to the queue. All this does is enqueue a message in rabbit with some metadata including the name of the task.
one of the two workers reads the message. Both A and B are listening to the same queue so either may read it.
a. If A reads the message it will try to find the task called tasks.beat this blows up because A doesn't define that task.
b. If B reads the message it will successfully try to find the task called tasks.beat (since it does have that task) and will run the code. tasks.beat will enqueue a new message in rabbit containing the metadata for tasks.print.
The same problem will again occur because only one of A and B defines tasks.print but either may get the message.
In practice, celery may be doing some checks to throw an error message earlier but I'm fairly certain this is the underlying problem.
In short, all workers (including beat) on a queue should be running the same code.

celery apply_async choking rabbit mq

I am using celery's apply_async method to queue tasks. I expect about 100,000 such tasks to run everyday (number will only go up). I am using RabbitMQ as the broker. I ran the code a few days back and RabbitMQ crashed after a few hours. I noticed that apply_async creates a new queue for each task with x-expires set at 1 day. My hypothesis is that RabbitMQ chokes when so many queues are being created. How can I stop celery from creating these extra queues for each task?
I also tried giving the queue parameter to the apply_async and assigned a x-message-ttl to that queue. Messages did go this new queue, however they were immediately consumed and never reached the ttl of 30sec that I had put. And this did not stop celery from creating those extra queues.
Here's my code:
from celery import task, chain
chain(task1.s(a), task2.s(b),)
.apply_async(link_error=error_handler.s(a), queue="async_tasks_queue")
from celery.result import AsyncResult
def error_handler(uuid, a):
#Handle error
def task1(a):
#Do something
return a
def task2(a, b):
#Do something more
app = Celery(
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
app.amqp.queues.add("async_tasks_queue", queue_arguments={'durable' : True , 'x-message-ttl': 30000})
From the celery logs:
[2016-01-05 01:17:24,398: INFO/MainProcess] Received task:
[2016-01-05 01:17:24,834: INFO/MainProcess] Received task:
RabbitMQ had 2 new queues by the names "615e094c2ec945689fe182ead2cd303b" and "bf9a0a948e714ad69eaa359f93446a3f" when these tasks were executed
My code is running on Django 1.7.7, celery 3.1.17 and RabbitMQ 3.5.3.
Any other suggestions to execute tasks asynchronously are also welcome
Try using a different backend - I recommend Redis. When we tried using Rabbitmq as both broker and backend we discovered that it was ill suited to the broker role.

How to list the queued items in celery?

I have a Django project on an Ubuntu EC2 node, which I have been using to set up an asynchronous using Celery.
I am following http://michal.karzynski.pl/blog/2014/05/18/setting-up-an-asynchronous-task-queue-for-django-using-celery-redis/ along with the docs.
I've been able to get a basic task working at the command line, using:
(env1)ubuntu#ip-172-31-22-65:~/projects/tp$ celery --app=myproject.celery:app worker --loglevel=INFO
I just realized, that I have a bunch of tasks in my queue, that had not executed:
[2015-03-28 16:49:05,916: WARNING/MainProcess] Restoring 4 unacknowledged message(s).
(env1)ubuntu#ip-172-31-22-65:~/projects/tp$ celery -A tp purge
WARNING: This will remove all tasks from queue: celery.
There is no undo for this operation!
(to skip this prompt use the -f option)
Are you sure you want to delete all tasks (yes/NO)? yes
Purged 81 messages from 1 known task queue.
How do I get a list of the queued items from the command line?
If you want to get all scheduled tasks,
celery inspect scheduled
To find all active queues
celery inspect active_queues
For status
celery inspect stats
For all commands
celery inspect
If you want to get it explicitily.Since you are using redis as queue.Then
>KEYS * #find all keys
Then find out something related to celery
>LLEN KEY # i think it gives length of list
Here is a copy-paste solution for Redis:
def get_celery_queue_len(queue_name):
from yourproject.celery import app as celery_app
with celery_app.pool.acquire(block=True) as conn:
return conn.default_channel.client.llen(queue_name)
def get_celery_queue_items(queue_name):
import base64
import json
from yourproject.celery import app as celery_app
with celery_app.pool.acquire(block=True) as conn:
tasks = conn.default_channel.client.lrange(queue_name, 0, -1)
decoded_tasks = []
for task in tasks:
j = json.loads(task)
body = json.loads(base64.b64decode(j['body']))
return decoded_tasks
It works with Django. Just don't forget to change yourproject.celery.
