I am trying to authenticate user using FIWARE.
It returns a 404. Thus fails at Step 1 itself. What is the access token url ? Any other pointers to check
I have tried variations with 'oauth/access_token', 'oauth/token' 'oauth2/token' 'oauth2/access_token' . All of them dont seem to work.
My Code is Below:
import oauth2 as oauth
# OAuth secret into your project's settings.
consumer = oauth2.Consumer(settings.FIWARE_CLIENT_ID,settings.FIWARE_CLIENT_SECRET)
client = oauth2.Client(consumer)
access_token_url = 'https://account.lab.fiware.org/oauth2/access_token'
# This is the slightly different URL used to authenticate/authorize.
authenticate_url = 'https://account.lab.fiware.org/oauth2/authorize'
def fiware_login(request):
# Step 1. Get a request token from FIWARE.
resp, content = client.request(access_token_url, "GET")
print resp
if resp['status'] != '200':
print content
raise Exception("Invalid response from FIWARE.")
# Step 2. Redirect the user to the authentication URL.
url = "%s?access_token=%s" % (authenticate_url,
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Correct endpoint is "/oauth2/token".
Maybe you should use POST method instead of GET.
For more information see https://github.com/ging/fi-ware-idm/wiki/Using-the-FI-LAB-instance
I'm trying to send a POST request to a Django view from an ordinary Python script using Python-Request. The django view is not #login_required, so the only thing i need to send, other than my JSON data, is a CSRF token, here is what i tried:
token = session.get('')
data = json.dumps({'test': 'value'})
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': token,
'data': data})
The django view should just receive the Request and print it to my console:
def myview(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.POST.get('data')
response = HttpResponse(get_token(request))
return response
The problem with my current code is that my console will throw a log: WARNING - Forbidden (CSRF token missing or incorrect.). I cannot use #csrf_exempt, since i need this to be as safe as possible. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
Why might a user encounter a CSRF validation failure after logging in?
For security reasons, CSRF tokens are rotated each time a user logs in. Any page
with a form generated before a login will have an old, invalid CSRF token and need to be reloaded. This might happen if a user uses the back button after a login or if they log in a different browser tab.
This also goes for cookies. After you log in, django will send a new csrf cookie to the client. This will be stored in client.cookies and replaces the old one. The django server does not keep any record of the old token, so that's why you get the "CSRF token missing or incorrect." response.
You can access the new token from request.cookies['csrftoken'] as before.
import requests
request = requests.session()
# Retrieve the CSRF token first
csrftoken = request.cookies['csrftoken']
r1 = request.post(LOGIN_URL, headers={'X-CSRFToken': csrftoken},
new_csrftoken = r1.cookies['csrftoken']
data = json.dumps({'test': 'value'})
payload = {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': new_csrftoken,'data':data }
In fact, you can just use the client cookie directly. This would have avoided this bug in the first place. Requests keeps track of cookies for you when you use requests.session().
try :
r2 = request.post('', data=payload, headers={'X-CSRFToken': r1.cookies['crsftoken']})
except :
print('error expected')
I am creating an app for use in our organization that will login users based on their Office 365 credentials using OAuth2.0. I am fetching an access token that I will store in a session variable. Here is an example of what I am doing:
def authorization(request):
microsoft = OAuth2Session(client_id,scope=scope,redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
token = ""
users = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me' ##msgraph query url-
##This query is purelyjust used to
##authenticate user!
token = microsoft.fetch_token(token_url,client_secret=client_secret,code=request.GET.get('code', '')) ##Code is the authorization code present
##in request URL
header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token['access_token']}
response = requests.get(url = users, headers = header)
if int(response.status_code) != 200: ##if status code is not 200, then authentication failed. Redirect to login.
print ('Not validated. Return to login.')
return redirect('http://localhost:8000/login')
except Exception as e:
print ('User not does not have authentication rights')
return redirect('http://localhost:8000/login')
request.session['oauth_state'] = 'authorized'
response = HttpResponseRedirect('http://localhost:8000/search')
return response
I am then using this to check if 'oauth_state' is set to 'authorized'. However, I may change this so that the token is used to query the MS Graph API in each function in order to check if the user has proper permissions or not. Here's an example of what I am doing:
def search(request):
if (str(request.session['oauth_state']) != 'authorized'):
print ('Not authorized')
return redirect('http://localhost:8000/login')
except Exception as e:
print ('Not authorized')
return redirect('http://localhost:8000/login')
<rest of code>
How insecure is this? Should I possibly be passing in the token to the response header? Or should I get rid of this method, and use django's standard auth and login system? I really appreciated the benefits of OAuth2.0, but if this method compromises our security, I might scrap it.
How do you make an authenticated request to the Github API once you've got the access token in GAE using Python and urlfetch?
Here is my code so far:
# Make an authenticated GET request to the Github API
url = 'https://api.github.com/user'
fields = {
"access_token" : access_token,
data = urllib.urlencode(fields)
result = urlfetch.fetch(
And the error I get is:
{"message":"Requires authentication","documentation_url":"http://developer.github.com/v3"}
What am I doing wrong, and how can I fix this so it makes a correct authenticated request?
The solution to this one was pretty simply, although it took me quite a while to get to it.
Here is the code to make an authenticated request to the Github on Google App Engine using Python/Urlfetch:
# Make an authenticated request
url = 'https://api.github.com/user?access_token=' + str(access_token)
result = urlfetch.fetch(
I'm trying to create an event with facebook from an external application. I've read this con events, where it states that you can create an event via POST, so i have the following-
data = dict()
data['access_token'] = self.access_token
data['name'] = 'Fb event from Python!'
data['start_time'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
data = urllib.urlencode(data)
url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/events'
request = urllib2.Request(url=url, data=data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
Where I already have my access token and my fb permissions set so my app can create events and so forth. But I get an error 400 = Bad Request, so if anyone could help I'd be more than happy thanks in advance
Well I would say you should think about using facebook-sdk. From your error i.e http 400 you know that what you are doing wrong is how you are sending the http request itself. The request requires certain parameters in a certain form that you are not giving. If you look at
the request function in here
It makes the request in this form where path is id( I am also not sure me is valid here, but perhaps we can use me for the resource whose access-token we are using)
I think args access token .
file = urllib2.urlopen("https://graph.facebook.com/" + path + "?" +
post_data, timeout=self.timeout)
Thus change the form in which you are making the request. You can go through facebook.py's code and docs to figure out the variables mean based on your needs
I have a Google App Engine app - http://mylovelyapp.appspot.com/
It has a page - mylovelypage
For the moment, the page just does self.response.out.write('OK')
If I run the following Python at my computer:
import urllib2
f = urllib2.urlopen("http://mylovelyapp.appspot.com/mylovelypage")
s = f.read()
print s
it prints "OK"
the problem is if I add login:required to this page in the app's yaml
then this prints out the HTML of the Google Accounts login page
I've tried "normal" authentication approaches. e.g.
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)
But it makes no difference - I still get the login page's HTML back.
I've tried Google's ClientLogin auth API, but I can't get it to work.
h = httplib2.Http()
auth_uri = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
myrequest = "Email=%s&Passwd=%s&service=ah&source=DALELANE-0.0" % ("billy.bob#gmail.com", "billybobspassword")
response, content = h.request(auth_uri, 'POST', body=myrequest, headers=headers)
if response['status'] == '200':
authtok = re.search('Auth=(\S*)', content).group(1)
headers = {}
headers['Authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % authtok.strip()
headers['Content-Length'] = '0'
response, content = h.request("http://mylovelyapp.appspot.com/mylovelypage",
while response['status'] == "302":
response, content = h.request(response['location'], 'POST', body="", headers=headers)
print content
I do seem to be able to get some token correctly, but attempts to use it in the header when I call 'mylovelypage' still just return me the login page's HTML. :-(
Can anyone help, please?
Could I use the GData client library to do this sort of thing? From
what I've read, I think it should be able to access App Engine apps,
but I haven't been any more successful at getting the authentication working for App Engine stuff there either
Any pointers to samples, articles, or even just keywords I should be
searching for to get me started, would be very much appreciated.
appcfg.py, the tool that uploads data to App Engine has to do exactly this to authenticate itself with the App Engine server. The relevant functionality is abstracted into appengine_rpc.py. In a nutshell, the solution is:
Use the Google ClientLogin API to obtain an authentication token. appengine_rpc.py does this in _GetAuthToken
Send the auth token to a special URL on your App Engine app. That page then returns a cookie and a 302 redirect. Ignore the redirect and store the cookie. appcfg.py does this in _GetAuthCookie
Use the returned cookie in all future requests.
You may also want to look at _Authenticate, to see how appcfg handles the various return codes from ClientLogin, and _GetOpener, to see how appcfg creates a urllib2 OpenerDirector that doesn't follow HTTP redirects. Or you could, in fact, just use the AbstractRpcServer and HttpRpcServer classes wholesale, since they do pretty much everything you need.
thanks to Arachnid for the answer - it worked as suggested
here is a simplified copy of the code, in case it is helpful to the next person to try!
import os
import urllib
import urllib2
import cookielib
users_email_address = "billy.bob#gmail.com"
users_password = "billybobspassword"
target_authenticated_google_app_engine_uri = 'http://mylovelyapp.appspot.com/mylovelypage'
my_app_name = "yay-1.0"
# we use a cookie to authenticate with Google App Engine
# by registering a cookie handler here, this will automatically store the
# cookie returned when we use urllib2 to open http://currentcost.appspot.com/_ah/login
cookiejar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar))
# get an AuthToken from Google accounts
auth_uri = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin'
authreq_data = urllib.urlencode({ "Email": users_email_address,
"Passwd": users_password,
"service": "ah",
"source": my_app_name,
"accountType": "HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE" })
auth_req = urllib2.Request(auth_uri, data=authreq_data)
auth_resp = urllib2.urlopen(auth_req)
auth_resp_body = auth_resp.read()
# auth response includes several fields - we're interested in
# the bit after Auth=
auth_resp_dict = dict(x.split("=")
for x in auth_resp_body.split("\n") if x)
authtoken = auth_resp_dict["Auth"]
# get a cookie
# the call to request a cookie will also automatically redirect us to the page
# that we want to go to
# the cookie jar will automatically provide the cookie when we reach the
# redirected location
# this is where I actually want to go to
serv_uri = target_authenticated_google_app_engine_uri
serv_args = {}
serv_args['continue'] = serv_uri
serv_args['auth'] = authtoken
full_serv_uri = "http://mylovelyapp.appspot.com/_ah/login?%s" % (urllib.urlencode(serv_args))
serv_req = urllib2.Request(full_serv_uri)
serv_resp = urllib2.urlopen(serv_req)
serv_resp_body = serv_resp.read()
# serv_resp_body should contain the contents of the
# target_authenticated_google_app_engine_uri page - as we will have been
# redirected to that page automatically
# to prove this, I'm just gonna print it out
print serv_resp_body
for those who can't get ClientLogin to work, try app engine's OAuth support.
Im not too familiar with AppEngine, or Googles web apis, but for a brute force approach you could write a script with something like mechanize (http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/) to simply walk through the login process before you begin doing the real work of the client.
I'm not a python expert or a app engine expert. But did you try following the sample appl at http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/gettingstarted/usingusers.html. I created one at http://quizengine.appspot.com, it seemed to work fine with Google authentication and everything.
Just a suggestion, but look in to the getting started guide. Take it easy if the suggestion sounds naive. :)