Heat diffusion on a 2d plate- Python - python

I need to complete a task, and I'm kind of in the middle of nowhere. I dont know whats wrong with the solver, and I dont know how to visualize the data.
My task is to simulate heat diffusion on a 2D plate. It has to have 2 heaters, and two holes in the middle of the plate. BCs are as always zero.
My questions are:
How do I make simulation run through time? I'm asking this because when I plot it this way it shows me heaters on a plate, but all of the heat is concentrated on them. Another question is, how can I visualize the results as video or as pictures at given time?
Here is my code. Thank you.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
L=50 #length of the plate
B=50 #width of the plate
M=np.zeros([L,B]) #matrix
#heating device shaped like X
for iGr in range(10):
#implementing heaters to matrix
#wannabe solver
while t<10:
for j in range(1,L-1):
for i in range(1,B-1):
if 24<j<28:
if 29<i<32:
elif 23<i<20: # holes for liquid

This might get you started. I'm not familiar with your heat transfer function (or heat transfer functions in general) so I used a different one for these purposes.
The following code computes M for each step dt, and appends it to a list MM.
We then use FuncAnimation to step through the elements of MM (recall that the elements of MM are the snapshots of matrix M) and display them.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
L=50 # length of the plate
B=50 # width of the plate
#heating device shaped like X
for iGr in range(10):
# Function to set M values corresponding to non-zero Gr values
def assert_heaters(M, Gr):
M[20:30,10:20] = np.where(Gr > 0, Gr, M[20:30,10:20])
M[20:30,30:40] = np.where(Gr > 0, Gr, M[20:30,30:40])
M=np.zeros([L,B]) # matrix
assert_heaters(M, Gr)
# Build MM, a list of matrices, each element corresponding to M at a given step
T = np.arange(0,10,dt)
MM = []
for itime in xrange(len(T)):
for j in range(1,L-1):
for i in range(1,B-1):
k=0.5 # default k
if 24<j<28:
# holes for liquid
if 29<i<32 or 23<i<20: k=0
#dm = k * ((dt)/dx**2) * (M[i,j+1] + M[i,j-1] - 2*M[i,j]) + \
# k * ((dt)/dx**2) * (M[i+1,j] + M[i-1,j] - 2*M[i,j])
#M[i,j] += dm
M[i,j] = (M[i-1,j] + M[i+1,j] + M[i,j-1] + M[i,j+1])/4
# Re-assert heaters
assert_heaters(M, Gr)
fig = plt.figure()
pcm = plt.pcolormesh(MM[0])
# Function called to update the graphic
def step(i):
if i >= len(MM): return
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, step, interval=50)
You'll have to correct the transfer function to your own of course.
This code produces something like this animation (Note, it's 3M, too big to embed in the answer)
Compressed version:


Generating points within a Menger Sponge (fractal shape)

I am trying to generate a lattice of points in the shape of a Menger sponge or Sierpinski sponge.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menger_sponge This link details how the shape is mathematically constructed.
I wanted to find a way where I could make this shape using recursion to remove the necessary cubes.
I looked online but I could only find code which generated 3d renderings of the shape and not a lattice of points.
It is worth mentioning that I am not familiar with OO programming which seemed to be the general method the examples I found used.
I then tried to make a 2D version to see if I could implement it, but the only version I got to work was by manually subtracting the areas needed.
This is what I've gotten to work, only removing the first square from the centre:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
size = 12
x = []
y = []
for index_x in np.arange(size):
for index_y in np.arange(size):
x = np.append(x, index_x)
y = np.append(y, index_y)
# step 1: remove central box
x_box = []
y_box = []
for index_1 in np.arange(144):
if (x[index_1] < size/3 or x[index_1] >= 2/3 * size or
y[index_1] < size/3 or y[index_1] >= 2/3 * size):
x_box = np.append(x_box, x[index_1])
y_box = np.append(y_box, y[index_1])
# step 2: remove central square in each surrounding square
# Do the same steps as above but for the other smaller squares
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(x_box, y_box)
ax.set_title('Menger Sponge')
This is what my code produces.
Is there an easier / better way of implementing this?
You need to add a recursive element to your code. I would also suggest thinking in terms of 2D (and eventually 3D) matricies instead of 1D arrays and explore numpy's abilities in depth:
import numpy as np
def menger(matrix, size):
quotient, remainder = divmod(size, 3)
if remainder == 0:
for x in np.arange(0, size, quotient):
for y in np.arange(0, size, quotient):
view = matrix[x:x + quotient, y:y + quotient]
if (x // quotient) % 3 == 1 and (y // quotient) % 3 == 1:
view *= 0
menger(view, quotient)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
SIZE = 27
matrix = np.ones((SIZE, SIZE))
menger(matrix, SIZE)

Progressively filter/smooth a signal in python (to straight line on the left to no filtering on the right)

A picture is worth a thousand words (sorry for the shoddy work):
If the solution is preserving the value and the slope at both ends it is better.
If, in addition, the position and sharpness of the transition can be adjusted it is perfect.
But I have not found any solution yet...
Thank you very much for your help
Here is a piece of code to get started:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
import numpy as np
def round_up_to_odd(f):
return np.int(np.ceil(f / 2.) * 2 + 1)
def generateRandomSignal(n=1000, seed=None):
n : integer, optional
Number of points in the signal. The default is 1000.
sig : numpy array
print("Seed was:", seed)
steps = np.random.choice(a=[-1, 0, 1], size=(n-1))
roughSig = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), steps]).cumsum(0)
sig = savgol_filter(roughSig, round_up_to_odd(n/20), 6)
return sig
n = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10,n)
seed = np.random.randint(0,high=100000)
#seed = 45136
sig = generateRandomSignal(seed=seed)
# ????
# sigFilt = adaptiveFilter(sig)
# Plot
plt.plot(t, sig, label="Signal")
# plt.plot(t, sigFilt, label="Signal filtered")
Simple convolution does smoothing. However, as mentioned below, here we need strong smoothing first and no smoothing towards the end. I used the moving average approach with the dynamic size of the window. In the example below, the window size changes linearly.
def dynamic_smoothing(x, start_window_length=(len(x)//2), end_window_length=1):
d_sum = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float)
smoothed = list()
for i in range(len(x)):
# compute window length
a = i / len(x)
w = int(np.round(a * start_window_length + (1.0-a) * end_window_length))
# get the window
w0 = max(0, i - w) # the window must stay inside the array
w1 = min(len(x), i + w)
return np.array(smoothed)

How to generate random and lattice points inside of an irregular object?

I have an irregular 3d object and want to know the surface of this object. The object can be both convex or non convex type. I can get the surface of this object applying any method like marching cube, surface contour, or isosurface.
All this methods give me triangulated mesh which is basically contains edges and vertex.
My task is to generate random and lattice points inside the object.
How should i check whether my point is inside or outside?
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from skimage import measure, io
from skimage.draw import ellipsoid
import skimage as sk
import random
for i in range(50):
for j in range(50):
for k in range(50):
if dist<8:
if dist<16:
verts, faces, normals, values = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(I,0.7)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
mesh = Poly3DCollection(verts[faces])
%now forget the above code and suppose i have only verts and
%faces information. Now how to generate random points inside this Data
For random points inside the closed shape:
Select linear density of samples
Make bounding box enclosing the shape
Select entry point on the box
Select exit point, compute direction cosines (wx, wy, wz). Find all segments inside the shape along the ray
Start the ray from entry point
Get to first segment and and set it to pstart
Sample length s from exponential distribution with selected linear density
Find point pend = pstart + s (wx, wy, wz)
If it is in the first segment, store it, and make pstart = pend. Go to step 7.
If it is not, go to the start of another segment, and set it to pstart. Go to step 7. If there is no segment left, you're done with one ray, go to step 3 and generate another ray.
Generate some predefined number of rays, collect all stored points, and you're done
I am sharing the code which I have written. It might be useful for others if anybody is interested for similar kind of problem. This is not the optimize code. As grid spacing value decrease computation time increase. Also depends upon the number of triangle of mesh. Any suggestion for optimizing or improve the code is welcome. Thanks
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
import numpy as np
#from mayavi import mlab
verts # numpy array of vertex (triangulated mesh)
faces # numpy array of faces (triangulated mesh)
%This function is taken from here
def ray_intersect_triangle(p0, p1, triangle):
# Tests if a ray starting at point p0, in the direction
# p1 - p0, will intersect with the triangle.
# arguments:
# p0, p1: numpy.ndarray, both with shape (3,) for x, y, z.
# triangle: numpy.ndarray, shaped (3,3), with each row
# representing a vertex and three columns for x, y, z.
# returns:
# 0.0 if ray does not intersect triangle,
# 1.0 if it will intersect the triangle,
# 2.0 if starting point lies in the triangle.
v0, v1, v2 = triangle
u = v1 - v0
v = v2 - v0
normal = np.cross(u, v)
b = np.inner(normal, p1 - p0)
a = np.inner(normal, v0 - p0)
# Here is the main difference with the code in the link.
# Instead of returning if the ray is in the plane of the
# triangle, we set rI, the parameter at which the ray
# intersects the plane of the triangle, to zero so that
# we can later check if the starting point of the ray
# lies on the triangle. This is important for checking
# if a point is inside a polygon or not.
if (b == 0.0):
# ray is parallel to the plane
if a != 0.0:
# ray is outside but parallel to the plane
return 0
# ray is parallel and lies in the plane
rI = 0.0
rI = a / b
if rI < 0.0:
return 0
w = p0 + rI * (p1 - p0) - v0
denom = np.inner(u, v) * np.inner(u, v) - \
np.inner(u, u) * np.inner(v, v)
si = (np.inner(u, v) * np.inner(w, v) - \
np.inner(v, v) * np.inner(w, u)) / denom
if (si < 0.0) | (si > 1.0):
return 0
ti = (np.inner(u, v) * np.inner(w, u) - \
np.inner(u, u) * np.inner(w, v)) / denom
if (ti < 0.0) | (si + ti > 1.0):
return 0
if (rI == 0.0):
# point 0 lies ON the triangle. If checking for
# point inside polygon, return 2 so that the loop
# over triangles can stop, because it is on the
# polygon, thus inside.
return 2
return 1
def bounding_box_of_mesh(triangle):
return [np.min(triangle[:,0]), np.max(triangle[:,0]), np.min(triangle[:,1]), np.max(triangle[:,1]), np.min(triangle[:,2]), np.max(triangle[:,2])]
def boundingboxoftriangle(triangle,x,y,z):
localbox= [np.min(triangle[:,0]), np.max(triangle[:,0]), np.min(triangle[:,1]), np.max(triangle[:,1]), np.min(triangle[:,2]), np.max(triangle[:,2])]
#print 'local', localbox
for i in range(1,len(x)):
if (x[i-1] <= localbox[0] < x[i]):
if (x[i-1] < localbox[1] <= x[i]):
for i in range(1,len(y)):
if (y[i-1] <= localbox[2] < y[i]):
if (y[i-1] < localbox[3] <= y[i]):
for i in range(1,len(z)):
if (z[i-1] <= localbox[4] < z[i]):
if (z[i-1] < localbox[5] <= z[i]):
return [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max]
spacing=5 # grid spacing
print boundary
print Grid.shape
# actual number of grid is very high so checking every grid is
# inside or outside is inefficient. So, I am looking for only
# those grid which is near to mesh boundary. This will reduce
#the time and later on internal grid can be interpolate easily.
for i in range(len(data)):
#print '\n', data[i]
AABB=boundingboxoftriangle(data[i],x,y,z) ## axis aligned bounding box
#print AABB
for gx in range(AABB[0],AABB[1]+1):
if gx not in xarr:
for gy in range(AABB[2],AABB[3]+1):
if gy not in yarr:
for gz in range(AABB[4],AABB[5]+1):
if gz not in zarr:
print len(xarr),len(yarr),len(zarr)
center=np.array([np.mean(verts[:,0]), np.mean(verts[:,1]), np.mean(verts[:,2])])
print center
p1=center #np.array([0,0,0])
for i in range(len(xarr)):
for j in range(len(yarr)):
for k in range(len(zarr)):
for go in range(len(data)):
value=ray_intersect_triangle(p0, p1, data[go])
if value>0:
print i
#If the grid value is greater than 0 then it is inside the triangulated mesh.
#I am writing the value of only confusing grid near boundary.
#Deeper inside grid of mesh can be interpolate easily with above information.
#If grid spacing is very small then generating random points inside the
#mesh is equivalent to choosing the random grid.

Bifurcation diagram in matplotlib

I'm trying to acquire the bifurcation diagram for the equation below:
(x is a function of t)
And here is my snippet:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def pitch(r, x):
return r * x + np.power(x,3)- np.power(x,5)
n = 10000
r = np.linspace(-200, 200, n)
iterations = 1000
last = 100
x = 0
for i in range(iterations):
x = pitch(r,x)
if i >= (iterations - last):
plt.plot(r,x, ',k', alpha=0.02)
plt.title("Bifurcation diagram")
But the generated plot is not what it is supposed to be:
Here is my recent attempt:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def pitch(s,x,r):
x = s[0]
dxdt = r * x + np.power(x,3)- np.power(x,5)
return [dxdt]
t = np.linspace(0,100)
r = np.linspace(-200, 200)
for i in r:
s = odeint(pitch,s0,t, args=(i,))
plt.plot(s,i,',k', alpha=0.02)
plt.title("Bifurcation diagram")
With this error:
raise ValueError("x and y must have same first dimension") ValueError:
x and y must have same first dimension
Could you give me some advice to fix this problem?!
I found a link to this post and decided to post a few remarks that might be helpful to someone stumbling upon it in the future.
I did not analyze the equation in detail but it is clear from the first sight that something interesting would happen when r is close to 0.
So we could study the behavior of the system for r in [-10,10]
You are right to use odeint instead of solving the Cauchy problem using Euler method coded by yourself.
This equation has an attractor in that it soon "forgets" the initial condition and slides towards the attractor, yet the choice of the attractor depends on where in relation to 0 do we start. Large positive initial conditions would slide to the negative attractor and vice versa as - x^5 is the term that defines the behavior at large x.
What we need to do is for each r in the range put a mark at the attractor that the solution slides to for each initial condition.
We first create a canvas to put marks into:
diagram = np.zeros((200,200))
And then for each combination of (r,s0) we put a point on the canvas at (r,s[-1]).
Here is the complete code
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def pitch(s,x,r):
x = s[0]
dxdt = r * x + np.power(x,3)- np.power(x,5)
return [dxdt]
t = np.arange(0,100,2)
N = 200 # Number of points along each side of the diagram
diagram = np.zeros((N,N))
rmin,rmax = -10,10
rrange = np.arange(rmin, rmax,(rmax-rmin)/N)
smin,smax = -5.0,5.0
srange = np.arange(smin,smax,2*(smax-smin)/N)
for i in rrange:
for s0 in srange:
s = odeint(pitch,[s0],t, args=(i,))
imgx = int((i-rmin)*N/(rmax-rmin))
imgy = int((s[-1]-smin)/(smax-smin)*N)
imgx = min(N-1,max(0,imgx)) # make sure we stay
imgy = min(N-1,max(0,imgy)) # within the diagram bounds
diagram[imgy,imgx] = 1
plt.title("Bifurcation diagram")
And the resulting plot
When you zoom in into the region around 0 by setting (rmin,rmax) to (-0.5,0.5) you could see that the branches of the diagram do not start at 0
Instead as in the diagram drawn in the original post the branches start at roughly r=-0.25

Python Sinusoidal white noise

So what I'm doing is creating sine waves with normally distributed amplitudes and frequencies - within given ranges. Eg 5V with 2-10Hz. So my attempt at this is to get my function with the given amplitude and frequency and then run it till the first turning point. From there I calculate the next function and add the y value of the previous functions turning point (as a shift) so it starts from that point. My problem is for some of the function changes I get straight lines rather than curves. If someone could tell me where I'm going wrong I'd appreciate it. Just to note, I use 8ms increments for each value to be plotted.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import serial
newlist = np.zeros(1)
timesnew = np.zeros(1)
volts = []
def main(amp, lowerFreq, upperFreq, time, incr):
#Creates graph and saves it in newlist and timesnew
amt = np.int(time / incr)
list = []
timels = [] # np.zeros(amt+amt)
curtime = 0
loweramp = -amp
mu, sigma = 0, 1
ybefore = 0
rand = stats.truncnorm((loweramp - mu) / sigma, (amp - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
freqr = stats.truncnorm((lowerFreq - mu) / sigma, (upperFreq - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
i = 0
while i < amt:
# get amp
thisAmp = rand.rvs()
angleFreq = 2 * np.pi * freqr.rvs()
xtp = np.arccos(0) / angleFreq #x value of turning point
yval = thisAmp * np.sin(angleFreq * xtp)
# check that yvalue(voltage) is okay to be used - is within +-amp range
while not loweramp <= yval + ybefore <= amp:
thisAmp = rand.rvs()
angleFreq = 2 * np.pi * freqr.rvs()
xtp = np.arccos(0) / angleFreq
yval = thisAmp * np.sin(angleFreq * xtp)
# now add values to list
t = 0
while t <= xtp:
ynow = thisAmp * np.sin(angleFreq * t) + ybefore
# print ynow
curtime += incr
t += incr
i += 1
print i
ybefore = ynow
newlist = np.asarray(list)
timesnew = np.asarray(timels)
#a = np.column_stack((timesnew, newlist))
np.savetxt("C://foo.csv", a, delimiter=";", fmt='%.10f')
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(5, 1, 2, 25, 0.00008)
Basically here is the problem, after the turning point the function does not seem to be sinusodial (the line seems to be linear) and I can't understand why or atleast how to get the functions to end up being more "curvy" and not "sharp" at the turning points.
I'm thinking maybe the function changes shouldn't be too different from the previous function but then I would lose the randomness. I'd like it to "look better" but I'm not sure how to achieve that unless I ran the frequencies in order. I'm trying to emulate a "whitenoise file" that was given to me as part of a job that I applied for - the whitenoise would be sent to a digital to analog converter and be used to test equipment. Obviously I didn't get the position BUT for knowledge purposes I want to complete this.
Here is the graph of the whitenoise file I was given - 700 mins long:
From the last pic the difference between mine and the given can be seen, I think I'm going to attempt to run each function for an entire period rather than a single turning point.
True white noise is completely random, so trying to emulate white noise using some kind of function already is contradictory.
If the file you have is really supposed to be white noise than it has already undergone some kind of filtering. You can of course do the same in your program: Create some truely random numbers and use a filter function to obtain some "smoothing" effect.
For example you can use a Hann filter and colvolute the random noise with the filter. This is shown below.
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = np.random.rand(1600)
win = scipy.signal.hann(15)
filtered = scipy.signal.convolve(y, win, mode='same') / sum(win)
fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax.plot(y, linestyle="-", marker=".", lw=0.3, markersize=1, color="r", alpha=0.5)
ax.set_title("random noise")
ax2.plot(y, linestyle="", marker=".", color="r", markersize=1)
You might want to zoom in to better see the effect or use different parameter for the filter window.
