I need to run programs parallel, 3 at a time. I tried the following but when programC finished before A and B, it does not work. How can I limit the number of running programs to, say, at most 3 at any time.
for i in range(10):
os.system("xterm -e program " + i + "a" + " &")
os.system("xterm -e program " + i + "b" + " &")
os.system("xterm -e program " + i + "c" + " ")
Here my solution, though I will select a better answer:
for i in range(10):
a = subprocess.Popen(["xterm -e program"+ i + " a" ],shell=True)
b = subprocess.Popen(["xterm","-e","program",i," b"])
c = subprocess.Popen(["xterm","-e","program",i," c"])
Is there a way for me to bring what is inside of 'a' into the message?
a = print("You have shown",top1.value,"and",top2.value)
notification.notify(title="Facial Expression" , message =" ", app_icon=None, timeout=3,)
The print() method does not return a value.
a = "You have shown " + top1.value + " and " + top2.value
notification.notify(title="Facial Expression", message=a, app_icon=None, timeout=3,)
I'm trying to call my function overwatch. It should print out bastion and lucio.
My code looks right to me. However I'm getting a couple errors and I don't know why I'm getting an error.
def overwatch(hero1, hero2):
print("hello " + hero1 "and " hero2)
overwatch(bastion, lucio)
You missed two + signs and quotes around your string literals.
def overwatch(hero1, hero2):
print("hello " + hero1 + " and " + hero2)
overwatch('bastion', 'lucio')
First of all you want bastion and lucio as a string variable, so you need to use overwatch('bastion','lucio'). Furthermore in your print statement you need to add a plus-sign:
print("hello " + hero1 "and "+ hero2)
The Error, you are seeing is:
print("hello " + hero1 "and " hero2)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
and the solution is easy:
you should edit your code:
1) print("hello " + hero1 + "and " + hero2)
2) overwatch("bastion", "lucio")
So i am creating a slot machine as a little project for fun and learning, I was wondering if there was a way to replace multiple lines of text in the console. I have it replacing one line but I would like to be able to print three lines then the top be replaced with the middle then middle with the bottom and continue untill the loop is finished. I am still a beginner so if there are any tips you have for me and or please feel free to critique my code. Thank you
import sys
import time
from random import randint
slot_possibilities = [" Star "," Moon "," Sun! "," Monkey"]
wait_time = 15
print "--------------------------------"
print "|--------Monkey-----Slots------|"
print "|------------------------------|"
while wait_time != 0 :
x = randint(0,3)
y = randint(0,3)
z = randint(0,3)
sys.stdout.write("\r|" + slot_possibilities[x] + " || " + slot_possibilities[y] + " || "+ slot_possibilities[z] + " |")
wait_time -= 1
I have built a multiprocessing password cracker (using a wordlist) for a specific function, it halved the time needed compared to using a single process.
The original problem being that it would show you the cracked password and terminate the worker, but the remaining workers would carry on until they ran out of words to hash! not ideal.
My new step forward is to use Manager.Event() to terminate the remaining workers, this works as I had hoped (after some trial and error), but the application now takes far longer that it would take as a single process, I'm sure this must be due to the if function inside pwd_find() but I thought I would seek some advice.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import hashlib, os, time, math
from hashlib import md5
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count, Manager
def screen_clear(): # Small function for clearing the screen on Unix or Windows
if os.name == 'nt':
return os.system('cls')
return os.system('clear')
cores = cpu_count() # Var containing number of cores (Threads)
print ""
print "Welcome to the Technicolor md5 cracker"
print ""
user = raw_input("Username: ")
print ""
nonce = raw_input("Nonce: ")
print ""
hash = raw_input("Hash: ")
print ""
file = raw_input("Wordlist: ")
print "Cracking the password for \"" + user + "\" using "
time1 = time.time() # Begins the 'Clock' for timing
realm = "Technicolor Gateway" # These 3 variables dont appear to change
qop = "auth"
uri = "/login.lp"
HA2 = md5("GET" + ":" + uri).hexdigest() # This hash doesn't contain any changing variables so doesn't need to be recalculated
file = open(file, 'r') # Opens the wordlist file
wordlist = file.readlines() # This enables us to use len()
length = len(wordlist)
print "Cracking the password for \"" + user + "\" using " + str(length) + " words"
break_points = [] # List that will have start and stopping points
for i in range(cores): # Creates start and stopping points based on length of word list
break_points.append({"start":int(math.ceil((length+0.0)/cores * i)), "stop":int(math.ceil((length+0.0)/cores * (i + 1)))})
def pwd_find(start, stop, event):
for number in range(start, stop):
if not event.is_set():
word = (wordlist[number])
pwd = word.replace("\n","") # Removes newline character
HA1 = md5(user + ":" + realm + ":" + pwd).hexdigest()
hidepw = md5(HA1 + ":" + nonce +":" + "00000001" + ":" + "xyz" + ":" + qop + ":" + HA2).hexdigest()
if hidepw == hash:
time2 = time.time() # stops the 'Clock'
timetotal = math.ceil(time2 - time1) # Calculates the time taken
print "\"" + pwd + "\"" + " = " + hidepw + " (in " + str(timetotal) + " seconds)"
print ""
if __name__ == '__main__': # Added this because the multiprocessor module sometimes acts funny without it.
p = Pool(cores) # Number of processes to create.
m = Manager()
event = m.Event()
for i in break_points: # Cycles though the breakpoints list created above.
i['event'] = event
a = p.apply_async(pwd_find, kwds=i, args=tuple()) # This will start the separate processes.
p.close() # Prevents any more processes being started
p.join() # Waits for worker process to end
if event.is_set():
end = raw_input("hit enter to exit")
file.close() # Closes the wordlist file
time2 = time.time() # Stops the 'Clock'
totaltime = math.ceil(time2 - time1) # Calculates the time taken
print "Sorry your password was not found (in " + str(totaltime) + " seconds) out of " + str(length) + " words"
print ""
end = raw_input("hit enter to exit")
file.close() # Closes the wordlist file
Edit (for #noxdafox):
def finisher(answer):
if answer:
end = raw_input("hit enter to exit")
file.close() # Closes the wordlist file
def pwd_find(start, stop):
for number in range(start, stop):
word = (wordlist[number])
pwd = word.replace("\n","") # Removes newline character
HA1 = md5(user + ":" + realm + ":" + pwd).hexdigest()
hidepw = md5(HA1 + ":" + nonce +":" + "00000001" + ":" + "xyz" + ":" + qop + ":" + HA2).hexdigest()
if hidepw == hash:
time2 = time.time() # stops the 'Clock'
timetotal = math.ceil(time2 - time1) # Calculates the time taken
print "\"" + pwd + "\"" + " = " + hidepw + " (in " + str(timetotal) + " seconds)"
print ""
return True
elif hidepw != hash:
return False
if __name__ == '__main__': # Added this because the multiprocessor module sometimes acts funny without it.
p = Pool(cores) # Number of processes to create.
for i in break_points: # Cycles though the breakpoints list created above.
a = p.apply_async(pwd_find, kwds=i, args=tuple(), callback=finisher) # This will start the separate processes.
p.close() # Prevents any more processes being started
p.join() # Waits for worker process to end
You can use the Pool primitives to solve your problem. You don't need to share an Event object which access is synchronised and slow.
Here I give an example on how to terminate a Pool given the desired result from a worker.
You can simply signal the Pool by returning a specific value and terminate the pool within a callback.
I think your hunch is correct. You are checking a synchronization primitive inside a fast loop. I would maybe only check if the event is set every so often. You can experiment to find the sweet spot where you check it enough to not do too much work but not so often that you slow the program down.
from math import *
def solution_handler(self, input):
while re.search(r'(?<!\.)(\d+)(?!\.)(\d*)', input):
rx = re.search(r'(?<!\.)(\d+)(?!\.)(\d*)', input)
input = input[:rx.start()] + rx.group() + ".0" + input[rx.end():]
exec "solution = " + input
return solution
This is the code that I'm using to solve the equations entered into the calculator I'm working on. It seems to work fine most of the time, but if I try to enter a function (cos, sin, etc.) with a value outside of [-9,9], the program freezes.
What did I do wrong?
Example strings:
exec "solution = " + "6*cos(6)" -> solution = 5.761 ...
exec "solution = " + "7/cos(8/2)" -> solution = -10.709 ...
exec "solution = " + "sin(12) + 3" -> Freeze
exec "solution = " + "abs(-50) / 2" -> Freeze
It seems to be the case with any function that I try to use.
The problem is with your loop: remove the exec and it would still hang. Try this instead:
from __future__ import division
from math import *
def solution_handler(self, input):
return eval(input)