Making PySNMP resolve Object IDs - python

I'm trying to do a SNMP-walk with PySNMP. I wrote the following script, which works, but for every device I "walk" the OIDs of only about ten rows can be resolved to a "real name".
from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen
from os.path import exists
import sys
import os
# Turn on debugging
#debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('msgproc', 'secmod'))
# Enter parameters
target_IP = raw_input('Target IP ( ') or ''
target_port = raw_input('Target port (161): ') or 161
max_timeout = int(raw_input('Maximum timeout in seconds (1):')) or 1
max_retries = int(raw_input('Maximum number of retries (0):')) or 0
target_file_name = raw_input('Target filename (.txt is added): ') + '.txt'
# Check for already existing file
path = 'walks/'
if not os.path.exists(path):
if exists(path+target_file_name):
sys.exit("The file '%s' already exists. Try again." % target_file_name)
target_file = open(path+target_file_name, 'w+')
# Initialize counter to zero
counter = 0
# Create command generator
cmdGen = cmdgen.CommandGenerator()
# Get data
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBindTable = cmdGen.nextCmd(
cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((target_IP, target_port), timeout=max_timeout, retries=max_retries),
# Print errors and values to file
if errorIndication:
# Print error messages
if errorStatus:
print('%s at %s' % (
errorIndex and varBindTable[-1][int(errorIndex)-1] or '?'
# Print values
for varBindTableRow in varBindTable:
for name, val in varBindTableRow:
counter += 1
target_file.write("(%s)\t %s value = \t%s\n" % (counter, name.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint()))
# Finish the operation
print('Writing to %s successful. %d lines have been written' % (target_file_name, counter))
The result is a file with very many rows.
the first entrys look like this:
(1) SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr."0" value = Hirschmann MAR
(2) SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID."0" value =
(3) SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime."0" value = 2626357
(4) SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact."0" value = Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH
(5) SNMPv2-MIB::sysName."0" value = mar1030.plc-s7-15000
(6) SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation."0" value = Hirschmann MAR
(7) SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices."0" value = 2
(8) SNMPv2-MIB::sysORLastChange."0" value = 300
But then the OIDs are not resolved anymore:
(9) SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2."2.1.0" value = 27
(10) SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2."" value = 1
(11) SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2."" value = 2
(12) SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2."" value = 3
What causes this and what can I do about it?

To resolve MIBs with pysnmp you have to load them into pysnmp engine prior to make SNMP queries. Your script performs MIB resolution for SNMPv2-MIB because it is automatically loaded by pysnmp engine.
To make use of plain-text MIBs with pysnmp you have to convert them from plain text form (e.g. ASN.1) into pysnmp format (Python code). You could use the build-pysnmp-mib shell script (based on libsmi) or download and install a pre-compiled pack of common MIBs (pysnmp-mibs Python package).
To load some or all available MIBs you could use the MibVariable.loadMibs(*mibs) method. See this script for example.


Python script to check bond status for Linux

I have the Below python code which I'm using to determine the Linux bond/team status. This code works just fine. I am not good at aligning the output formatting thus getting little hiccup.
I wanted the Printing Format into a Certain format, would appreciate any help on the same.
Below is the code exercise:
# Using below file to process the data
# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
import sys
import re
def usage():
print '''USAGE: %s [options] [bond_interface]
--help, -h This usage document
bond_interface The bonding interface to query, eg. 'bond0'. Default is 'bond0'.
''' % (sys.argv[0])
# Parse arguments
iface = sys.argv[1]
if iface in ('--help', '-h'):
except IndexError:
iface = 'bond0'
# Grab the inf0z from /proc
bond = open('/proc/net/bonding/%s' % iface).read()
except IOError:
print "ERROR: Invalid interface %s\n" % iface
# Parse and output
active = 'NONE'
Link = 'NONE'
slaves = ''
state = 'OK'
links = ''
bond_status = ''
for line in bond.splitlines():
m = re.match('^Currently Active Slave: (.*)', line)
if m:
active = m.groups()[0]
m = re.match('^Slave Interface: (.*)', line)
if m:
s = m.groups()[0]
slaves += ', %s' % s
m = re.match('^Link Failure Count: (.*)', line)
if m:
l = m.groups()[0]
links += ', %s' % l
m = re.match('^MII Status: (.*)', line)
if m:
s = m.groups()[0]
if slaves == '':
bond_status = s
slaves += ' %s' % s
if s != 'up':
state = 'FAULT'
print "%s %s (%s) %s %s %s" % (iface, state, bond_status, active, slaves, links)
$ ./
bond0 OK (up) ens3f0 , ens3f0 up, ens3f1 up , 0, 0
bond0: OK (up), Active Slave: ens3f0 , PriSlave: ens3f0(up), SecSlave: ens3f1(up) , LinkFailCountOnPriInt: 0, LinkFailCountOnSecInt: 0
I tried to format in a very basic way as shown below :
print "%s: %s (%s), Active Slave: %s, PriSlave: %s (%s), SecSlave: %s (%s), LinkFailCountOnPriInt: %s, LinkFailCountOnSecInt: %s" % (iface, state, bond_status, active, slaves.split(',')[1].split()[0], slaves.split(',')[1].split()[1], slaves.split(',')[2].split()[0], slaves.split(',')[2].split()[1], links.split(',')[1], links.split(',')[2])
bond0: OK (up), Active Slave: ens3f0, PriSlave: ens3f0 (up), SecSlave: ens3f1 (up), LinkFailCountOnPriInt: 1, LinkFailCountOnSecInt: 1
However, I would suggest to get the values into variables prior and then use them in the print statement so as to avoid "out of index" issues during print() , as in rare cases like bond with only one interface will report indexing error while splitting hence good to get the values in variable and suppress the out of index into exception for those cases.
Do not use the way with "/proc/net/bonding/%s' for querying bond status. It could trigger system panic. Try to use "/sys/class/net/bondX/bonding", it is more safe.

Filtering packets by src mac in scapy

When I filter the packets using this filter in wireshark: ==
All goes perfect.
However, I'm trying to do it with the following python script using scapy, but it never filter by the source mac:
from scapy.all import *
from datetime import datetime
import traceback
# import MySQLdb
def getAverageSSI():
global ssiFinal
return ssiFinal
def setParams():
global window
global timestamp
global SSID
global datetime
global iterator1
window = 1
timestamp =
iterator1 = 0
global ssiArray
ssiArray = []
def myPacketHandler(pkt) :
global SSID
global timestamp
global iterator1
global ssiArray
try :
if pkt.haslayer(Dot11) :
ssiNew = -(256-ord(pkt.notdecoded[-4:-3]))
if diffT>window:
print 'With MAC dst = %s with SSI Power= %s' %(pkt.addr1, sum(ssiArray)/len(ssiArray))
print ssiArray
ssiArray = []
except Exception as e:
print 'Exception'
print e
sniff(iface="wlan1", filter="ether src 04:b1:67:14:bd:64", prn = myPacketHandler, store=0)
except Exception as e:
print e
print "Sniff AP1 Off"
I have also tried to remove the filter in sniff, and put an if like the following:
if pkt.addr1 == '04:b1:67:14:bd:64' : # mac xiaomi mi a1
# SSID =;
ssiNew = -(256-ord(pkt.notdecoded[-4:-3]))
if diffT>window:
# queryBack=cur.execute(query)
# query = "INSERT INTO RSSI VALUES(%d,\"AP1\",%d);"%(iterator1,ssiNew)
# queryBack = cur.execute(query)
print 'MAC = %s with SSI Power= %s' %(pkt.addr1, sum(ssiArray)/len(ssiArray))
ssiArray = []
# Conexion.commit()
# iterator1+=1
But it is only filtering by destination mac.
Do you know how to properly filter by mac like in the following wireshark image? (it needs to be exactly the same behaviour than in the wireshark filter):
Your second method should be working well, if you used addr2 instead of addr1
Here is how it works in 802.11 (yes it’s really messy)
Also, you should update to the github scapy version, which has support for RSSI directly (so you don’t have to parse notdecoded)

HSM using label of key object in PKCS11

This block of code is loading a library and retrieving slot info. This is getting a list of objects in slot num. 0. I don't need to access all the keys to perform a few functions, just a specific key pair. Is there a way to get a single desired token by using the label name, object ID, or handle?
pkcs11 = PyKCS11.PyKCS11Lib()
info = pkcs11.getInfo()
i = pkcs11.getSlotInfo(0)
print "Library manufacturerID: " + info.manufacturerID
slots = pkcs11.getSlotList()
print "Available Slots:", len(slots)
for s in slots:
i = pkcs11.getSlotInfo(s)
print "Slot no:", s
print format_normal % ("slotDescription", i.slotDescription.strip())
print format_normal % ("manufacturerID", i.manufacturerID.strip())
t = pkcs11.getTokenInfo(s)
print "TokenInfo"
print format_normal % ("label", t.label.strip())
print format_normal % ("manufacturerID", t.manufacturerID.strip())
print format_normal % ("model", t.model.strip())
session = pkcs11.openSession(s)
print "Opened session 0x%08X" % session.session.value()
if pin_available:
print "login failed, exception:", str(sys.exc_info()[1])
objects = session.findObjects()
print "Found %d objects: %s" % (len(objects), [x.value() for x in objects])
The specific script i'm running only has a few commands defined, such as -pin --sign --decrypt --lib do i need to define a common pkcs11-tool such as --init-token or --token-label to pass it as an argument when executing my script ? Or can i directly assign a variable to the desired LabelName within the python script?
So from command line i'm running
$./ --pin=pass and getting the following
Library manufacturerID: Safenet, Inc.
Available Slots: 4
Slot no: 0
slotDescription: ProtectServer K5E:00045
manufacturerID: SafeNet Inc.
label: CKM
manufacturerID: SafeNet Inc.
model: K5E:PL25
Opened session 0x00000002
Found 52 objects: [5021, 5022, 5014, 5016, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 5313, 5314, 4982, 5325, 5326, 5328, 5329, 5331, 5332, 5335, 5018, 4962, 5020, 4963, 5357, 5358, 5360, 5361, 5363, 5364, 5366, 5367, 5369, 5370, 5372, 5373, 5375, 5376]
I'm ultimately trying to get only one of these objects to run some tests.For instance objectID = 201603040001 contains a private/cert file. I want to specify this particular handle. The actual label is something like 000103...3A0. How can I define this so I don't get the rest of the objects inside the library.
Here's the a list of just a couple of the HSM objects
5314 00000103000003A1 X509PublicKeyCertificate 201603040001
5313 00000103000003A1 RSAPrivateKey 201603040001
I'm trying to pull just one of the Labels.
Here's the defined usage
def usage():
print "Usage:", sys.argv[0],
print "[-p pin][--pin=pin]",
print "[-s slot][--slot=slot]",
print "[-c lib][--lib=lib]",
print "[-h][--help]",
print "[-o][--opensession]"
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:c:Sd:h:s", ["pin=", "lib=", "sign", "decrypt", "help","slot="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# print help information and exit:
I'm not aware of how I can add an argument so I can use --sign with just a specific label. End game I want to use $./ --pin=pass --sign --label "00000103000003A4" or by handle $./ --pin=pass --sign --handle=5313
UPDATED from suggested comments below. still having trouble getting attributes for rsa private key and cert. Using the specific token has worked but those objects inside of it are returning bad attribute types
t = pkcs11.getTokenInfo(s)
print "TokenInfo"
if 'CKM' == t.label.decode('ascii').strip():
tokenInfo = pkcs11.getTokenInfo(slot)
if '00000103000003A1' == tokenInfo.label.decode('ascii').strip():
print format_normal % ("label", t.label.strip())
print format_normal % ("manufacturerID", t.manufacturerID.strip())
print format_normal % ("model", t.model.strip())
session = pkcs11.openSession(s)
print("Opened session 0x%08X" % session.session.value())
if pin_available:
if (pin is None) and \
print("\nEnter your PIN for %s on the pinpad" % t.label.strip())
print("login failed, exception:", str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
objects = session.findObjects([(CKA_LABEL, "00000103000003A4")])
print("Found %d objects: %s" % (len(objects), [x.value() for x in objects]))
all_attributes = list(PyKCS11.CKA.keys())
# only use the integer values and not the strings like 'CKM_RSA_PKCS'
all_attributes = [e for e in all_attributes if isinstance(e, int)]
n_obj = 1
for o in objects:
print((red + "==================== Object: %d ====================" + normal) % o.value())
n_obj += 1
attributes = session.getAttributeValue(o, all_attributes)
except PyKCS11.PyKCS11Error as e:
attrDict = dict(zip(all_attributes, attributes))
and attrDict[PyKCS11.CKA_KEY_TYPE] == PyKCS11.CKK_RSA:
m = attrDict[PyKCS11.CKA_MODULUS]
if m and e:
mx = eval(b'0x' + ''.join("%02X" %c for c in m))
ex = eval(b'0x' + ''.join("%02X" %c for c in e))
if sign:
toSign = "12345678901234567890123456789012" # 32 bytes, SHA256 digest
print("* Signing with object 0x%08X following data: %s" % (o.value(), toSign))
signature = session.sign(o, toSign)
sx = eval(b'0x' + ''.join("%02X" % c for c in signature))
print(dump(''.join(map(chr, signature))))
if m and e:
print("Verifying using following public key:")
print(dump(''.join(map(chr, m))))
print(dump(''.join(map(chr, e))))
decrypted = pow(sx, ex, mx) # RSA
d = binascii.unhexlify(hexx(decrypted))
if toSign == d[-20:]:
print("*** signature VERIFIED!\n")
the following is what prints. nothing seems to be working using the specific objects, there are no error messages
Slot no: 0
slotDescription: ProtectServer K5E:00045
manufacturerID: SafeNet Inc.
Opened session 0x00000002
Found 2 objects: [5328, 5329]
==================== Object: 5328 ====================
==================== Object: 5329 ====================
You can work only with one token by checking its label before use, e.g.:
tokenInfo = pkcs11.getTokenInfo(slot)
if 'DesiredTokenLabel' == tokenInfo.label.decode('ascii').strip():
# Start working with this particular token
session = pkcs11.openSession(s)
You can enumerate only specific object using a template argument for the findObjects call, e.g.:
# get objects labelled "PRIV"
objects = session.findObjects([(CKA_LABEL, "PRIV")])
# get all private key objects
objects = session.findObjects([(CKA_CLASS, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY)])
# get all private key objects labelled "PRIV"
objects = session.findObjects([(CKA_CLASS, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY),(CKA_LABEL, "PRIV")])
# get all RSA private key objects labelled "PRIV"
objects = session.findObjects([(CKA_CLASS, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY),(CKA_KEY_TYPE, CKK_RSA),(CKA_LABEL, "PRIV")])
Below is an example code with hard-coded parameters:
from PyKCS11 import *
pkcs11 = PyKCS11.PyKCS11Lib()
pkcs11.load("your module path...")
slots = pkcs11.getSlotList()
for s in slots:
t = pkcs11.getTokenInfo(s)
if 'CKM' == t.label.decode('ascii').strip():
session = pkcs11.openSession(s)
objects = session.findObjects([(CKA_LABEL, "00000103000003A1")])
print ("Found %d objects: %s" % (len(objects), [x.value() for x in objects]))
Please note that it is Python 3 as I can't use PyKCS11 in Python 2.x right now.
Soma additional (random) notes:
do not rely on handles -- they may (and will) be different for different program runs
your program's command line arguments are up to you -- you must decide yourself if your program needs arguments like --token-label
Disclaimer: I am not that into python so please do validate my thoughts
Good luck!
EDIT(Regarding you recent edit)>
No error is (most probably) shown because the exception is caught and ignored:
attributes = session.getAttributeValue(o, all_attributes)
except PyKCS11.PyKCS11Error as e:

i need to write a python script to pull the repository details of mercurial for given 2 dates

i have referred a program which prints all the repository details. Now i want to provide 2 dates i.e. from date and to date as parameters and the repository details between these 2 dates needs to be pulled out. How can this be done. I am not sure which mercurial api to be used.
import sys
import hglib
# repo path
# figure out what repo path to use
repo = "."
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
repo = sys.argv[1],
from_date = sys.argv[2],
to_date = sys.argv[3]
# connect to hg
client =
# gather some stats
revs = int(client.tip().rev)
files = len(list(client.manifest()))
heads = len(client.heads())
branches = len(client.branches())
tags = len(client.tags()) - 1 # don't count tip
authors = {}
for e in client.log():
authors[] = True
description = {}
for e in client.log():
description[e.desc] = True
merges = 0
for e in client.log(onlymerges=True):
merges += 1
print "%d revisions" % revs
print "%d merges" % merges
print "%d files" % files
print "%d heads" % heads
print "%d branches" % branches
print "%d tags" % tags
print "%d authors" % len(authors)
print "%s authors name" % authors.keys()
print "%d desc" % len(description)
This prints out everything in the repository, i need to pull the details between the two given dates lie 2015-07-13 (from date) and 2015-08-20(todate)
Updated code not working
import sys
import hglib
import datetime as dt
# repo path
# figure out what repo path to use
repo = "."
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
repo = sys.argv[1]
#from_date = sys.argv[2],
#to_date = sys.argv[3]
# connect to hg
client =
# define time ranges
d1 = dt.datetime(2015,7,7)
d2 = dt.datetime(2015,8,31)
#if "date('>05/07/07') and date('<06/08/8')"
#logdetails = client.log()
description = {}
for e in client.log():
if (description[] >= d1 and description[] <=d2):
description[e.desc] = True
print "%s desc" % description
You can use revsets to limit the changesets. I'm not exactly sure how it translates to the hglib API, but it has an interface for revsets as well. From the normal CLI you can do like:
hg log -r"date('>2015-01-01') and date('<2015-03-25')"
Checkout hg help revsets and hg help dates.
By the way: the output of of the numeric revision count revs = int(client.tip().rev) will be wrong (too big) if there are pruned or obsolete changesets which are for instance easily created by means of hg commit --amend.

pysnmp output format issue

I am trying to get some snmp variables from cisco routers using PySNMP but I am getting a hex output using prettyprint instead of the output I get from my normal snmp browser.
I have tried multiple encode (hex, utf-8 and ascii) and without encode, always not what I was expecting.
Any ideas?
Start discovery of = 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
result = {'error': 1, 'value': "default"}
cmdGen = cmdgen.CommandGenerator()
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = cmdGen.getCmd(
cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((destination, 161)),
# Check for errors and print out results
if errorIndication:
if errorStatus:
result['error'] = 1
# print('%s at %s' % (
# errorStatus.prettyPrint(),
# errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex)-1] or '?'
# )
# )
result['error'] = 0
for name, val in varBinds:
print('%s = %s' % (name.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint()))
result['value'] = val.prettyPrint().encode("ascii")
That is because Cisco SNMP Agent reports control characters (\n) what may potentially screw your script's output. There are several ways to handle this:
Pass lookupMib=True like shown in this example. Then pysnmp would try to look up proper output format for this particular OID at MIB. For this to work pysnmp must be able to find and load pysnmp-formatted MIB file(s).
Add some code to trigger a hex string decoder when 0x prefix is seen:
s = '436973636f...06d63707265'
print(''.join([ chr(int(s[x:x+2], 16)) for x in range(0, len(s), 2) ]))
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software ...Compiled Tue 25-Feb-14 11:36 by mcpre
