Can python-pptx module insert video? - python

according to the documentation, python-pptx can insert videos, however, the documentation does not give very good examples. Anybody have any code snippets to add video1.avi to my pptx?
from pptx import Presentation
pptx1 = Presentation()
slide = pptx1.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout)
not sure what inputs I need
slide.placeholders.element.add_placeholder(id_,name,ph_type, orient, sz,idx)

UPDATE: python-pptx now supports inserting videos (and probably audio in many cases using the same method).
I'm not sure where in the documentation it says it can insert videos, but if you can cite a particular location I'll fix it.
We've looked at this feature, but it turns out to be quite complex as different video formats require a substantial amount of undocumented customization to the metadata inserted into the XML surrounding the embedded video object. Also as I recall one needs a way to get a still image (first frame maybe) from the video to insert in it's place while it's not running, and libraries for this sort of thing are not readily available in Python last time we looked.
Anyway, the short answer is no, it's not supported yet. And it's not likely to come soon unless there's a motivated contributor or sponsor. Sorry I didn't have happier news for you :(

I ended up converting my avi video to an animated gif, and that successfully inserted into the pptx
aviname = 'vid1.avi'
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
aviname = 'vid1.avi'
clip = VideoFileClip(aviname)

The library now has a function for adding videos to slides:
slide.shapes.add_movie(video_file, x_pos, y_pos, width, height, poster_frame_image=thumbnail_image_file)

this video could help you:
he speaks arabic. Here is the code:
import pptx
from pptx.utils import Cm
from pptx.enum.shapes import PP_MEDIA_TYPE
pres = pptx.Presentation()
blank_slide = pres.slides.add_slide(pres.slide_layouts[6])
movie_path = "path"
movie_shape = blank_slide.shapes.add_movie(left = Cm(5), top = Cm(5), width = Cm(10), height = Cm(10), poster_frame_image = "image_path", mime_type = "video/mp4")
movie_shape.media_type = PP_MEDIA_TYPE.MOVIE"pres.pptx")


Saving area within a shape (rectangle) as image from multiple powerpoint slides

I'm attempting to grab an image of diagrams constructed within a rectangle on a power point slide deck. I found python-pptx and am able to identify the shapes on each slide. Is there any way to expand this to take a snapshot of the area within the rectangle shape and export it as an image?
# Auto grab the photos created in Powerpoint
from pptx import Presentation
prs = Presentation('ex.pptx')
for slide in prs.slides:
for shape in slide.shapes:
# Identify shape on each slide, find area within, and save as .png
I think you're going to be best off looking at a COM32 type of solution, either writing something in VBA or possibly using the win32com library in Python if you really want a Python solution.
Either way this is going to fire up a "live" PowerPoint application instance and basically run it by remote control. That sort of thing isn't a great idea server-side, but if it's just for personal productivity it might work fine.
python-pptx can't do this sort of thing and probably never will. The rendering engine needs to get involved in this type of work and python-pptx is strictly a .pptx file editor/generator.
With Aspose.Slides for Python, you can easily save presentation shapes to images. The following code example shows you how to save all charts from a presentation to PNG images:
import aspose.slides as slides
import aspose.slides.charts as charts
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
with slides.Presentation("example.pptx") as presentation:
for slide_index, slide in enumerate(presentation.slides):
for shape_index, shape in enumerate(slide.shapes):
# Looking for charts, for example.
if isinstance(shape, charts.Chart):
# Get a chart image.
with shape.get_thumbnail() as chart_image:
# Save the chart image to PNG.
image_path = "chart_image_{}_{}.png".format(slide_index, shape_index), draw.imaging.ImageFormat.png)
Aspose.Slides for Python is a paid product, but you can get a temporary license or use it in a trial mode to evaluate all features for managing presentations. Alternatively, you can use Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Python. This package provides a REST-based API for managing presentations as well. The code example below shows you how to do the same using Aspose.Slides Cloud:
import asposeslidescloud
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
from asposeslidescloud.apis.slides_api import SlidesApi
from asposeslidescloud.models import *
slides_api = SlidesApi(None, "my_client_id", "my_client_secret")
file_name = "example.pptx"
# Upload the presentation to the default storage.
with open(file_name, "rb") as file_stream:
slides_api.upload_file(file_name, file_stream)
# Get the number of slides.
slides_info = slides_api.get_slides(file_name)
slide_count = len(slides_info.slide_list)
for slide_index in range(1, slide_count + 1):
# Get the number of shapes on the current slide.
shapes_info = slides_api.get_shapes(file_name, slide_index)
shape_count = len(shapes_info.shapes_links)
for shape_index in range(1, shape_count + 1):
shape = slides_api.get_shape(file_name, slide_index, shape_index)
# Looking for charts, for example.
if shape.type == "Chart":
# Get the chart as a PNG image.
image_path = slides_api.download_shape(file_name, slide_index, shape_index, ShapeExportFormat.PNG)
print("A chart image was saved to " + image_path)
This is also a paid product, but you can make 150 free API calls per month for any purposes.
I work as a Support Developer at Aspose and can answer your questions of these libraries on Aspose.Slides forum.

Remove all images from docx files

I've searched the documentation for python-docx and other packages, as well as stack-overflow, but could not find how to remove all images from docx files with python.
My exact use-case: I need to convert hundreds of word documents to "draft" format to be viewed by clients. Those drafts should be identical the original documents but all the images must be deleted / redacted from them.
Sorry for not including an example of things I tried, what I have tried is hours of research that didn't give any info. I found this question on how to extract images from word files, but that doesn't delete them from the actual document: Extract pictures from Word and Excel with Python
From there and other sources I've found out that docx files could be read as simple zip files, I don't know if that means that it's possible to "re-zip" without the images without affecting the integrity of the docx file (edit: simply deleting the images works, but prevents python-docx from continuing to work with this file because of missing references to images), but thought this might be a path to a solution.
Any ideas?
If your goal is to redact images maybe this code I used for a similar usecase could be useful:
import sys
import zipfile
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import io
blur = ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(40)
def redact_images(filename):
outfile = filename.replace(".docx", "_redacted.docx")
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as inzip:
with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, "w") as outzip:
for info in inzip.infolist():
name = info.filename
content =
if name.endswith((".png", ".jpeg", ".gif")):
fmt = name.split(".")[-1]
img =
img = img.convert().filter(blur)
outb = io.BytesIO(), fmt)
content = outb.getvalue()
info.file_size = len(content)
info.CRC = zipfile.crc32(content)
outzip.writestr(info, content)
Here I used PIL to blur images in some files, but instead of the blur filter any other suitable operation could be used. This worked quite nicely for my usecase.
I don't think it's currently implemented in python-docx.
Pictures in the Word Object Model are defined as either floating shapes or inline shapes. The docx documentation states that it only supports inline shapes.
The Word Object Model for Inline Shapes supports a Delete() method, which should be accessible. However, it is not listed in the examples of InlineShapes and there is also a similar method for paragraphs. For paragraphs, there is an open feature request to add this functionality - which dates back to 2014! If it's not added to paragraphs it won't be available for InlineShapes as they are implemented as discrete paragraphs.
You could do this with win32com if you have a machine with Word and Python installed.
This would allow you to call the Word Object Model directly, giving you access to the Delete() method. In fact you could probably cheat - rather than scrolling through the document to get each image, you can call Find and Replace to clear the image. This SO question talks about win32com find and replace:
import win32com.client
from os import getcwd, listdir
docs = [i for i in listdir('.') if i[-3:]=='doc' or i[-4:]=='docx'] #All Word file
FromTo = {"First Name":"John",
"Last Name":"Smith"} #You can insert as many as you want
word = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Word.Application")
word.Visible = True #Keep comment after tests
word.DisplayAlerts = False
for doc in docs:
word.Documents.Open('{}\\{}'.format(getcwd(), doc))
for From in FromTo.keys():
word.Selection.Find.Text = From
word.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text = FromTo[From]
word.Selection.Find.Execute(Replace=2, Forward=True) #You made the mistake here=> Replace must be 2
name = doc.rsplit('.',1)[0]
ext = doc.rsplit('.',1)[1]
word.ActiveDocument.SaveAs('{}\\{}_2.{}'.format(getcwd(), name, ext))
word.Quit() # releases Word object from memory
In this case since we want images, we would need to use the short-code ^g as the find.Text and blank as the replacement.
find.Text = "^g"
find.Replacement.Text = ""
find.Execute(Replace=1, Forward=True)
I don't know about this library, but looking through the documentation I found this section about images. It mentiones that it is currently not possible to insert images other than inline. If that is what you currently have in your documents, I assume you can also retrieve these by looking in the Document object and then remove them?
The Document is explained here.
Although not a duplicate, you might also want to look at this question's answer where user "scanny" explains how he finds images using the library.

How do I create an animated gif in Python using Wand?

The instructions are simple enough in the Wand docs for reading a sequenced image (e.g. animated gif, icon file, etc.):
>>> from wand.image import Image
>>> with Image(filename='sequence-animation.gif') as image:
... len(image.sequence)
...but I'm not sure how to create one.
In Ruby this is easy using RMagick, since you have ImageLists. (see my gist for an example.)
I tried creating an Image (as the "container") and instantiating each SingleImage with an image path, but I'm pretty sure that's wrong, especially since the constructor documentation for SingleImage doesn't look for use by the end-user.
I also tried creating a wand.sequence.Sequence and going from that angle, but hit a dead-end as well. I feel very lost.
The best examples are located in the unit-tests shipped with the code. wand/tests/ for example.
For creating an animated gif with wand, remember to load the image into the sequence, and then set the additional delay/optimize handling after all frames are loaded.
from wand.image import Image
with Image() as wand:
# Add new frames into sequance
with Image(filename='1.png') as one:
with Image(filename='2.png') as two:
with Image(filename='3.png') as three:
# Create progressive delay for each frame
for cursor in range(3):
with wand.sequence[cursor] as frame:
frame.delay = 10 * (cursor + 1)
# Set layer type
wand.type = 'optimize''animated.gif')

python module ffpyplayer showing or displaying video frames to screen

Using python module ffpyplayer, How can I see the frames or get the img object to display or show the video image/frames to the screen?, in the tutorial that I followed, it seems very simple, it reads the frames and plays oudio but (does not display) any video image or frame to the screen, only if I add the (print img, t) will print the frame info to the screen but not video image is displayed on the screen.
I being following tutorials from:, and here:, and searched google but the only relevant results point to the same info, I am somewhat new to programming and python, and so maybe I am missing something that seems to be very simple but I can't figure it out myself.
I am using: windows 7 64bit, python 2.7.11 32bit.
Any Help will be appreciated thank you very much.
from ffpyplayer.player import MediaPlayer
vid = 'test_video.flv'
player = MediaPlayer(vid)
val = ''
while val != 'eof':
frame, val = player.get_frame()
if val != 'eof' and frame is not None:
img, t = frame
print img, t #This prints the image object
# display img #This does nothing!
Kivy already provides such a video player, based on ffpyplayer, for you.
It also has the necessary threads already setup for you, to deal with buttons, file reading, audio and timing.
Check this page:
To install kivy:
Then you might wish to take a look at the code in:
<< python_path >>\lib\site-packages\kivy\uix\
That example could be rather complex, so you can also look at this url:
How to play videos from the web like youtube in kivy
Finally, in case Kivy complains that you only have opengl 1.1 (as happened to me), you might try adding the following lines to your code:
from kivy.config import Config
Config.set('graphics', 'multisamples', '0')
These solved the problem to me.

Printing Graphics in Python

I need to print "Wheel Tags" from python. Wheel tags will have images, lines, and text.
The Python tutorial has two paragraphs about creating postscript files with the image lib. After reading it I still do not know how to lay out the data. I was hoping some one might have samples of how to layout the images, text and lines?
Thanks for any help.
Note that:
the PSDraw module does not appear to have been actively maintained since 2005; I would guess that most of the effort has been redirected into supporting the PDF format instead. You might be happier using pypdf instead;
it has comments like '# FIXME: incomplete' and 'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' in the source
it does not appear to have any method of setting the page size - which as I recall means it defaults to A4 (8.26 x 11.69 inches)
all measurements are in points, at 72 points per inch.
You will need to do something like:
import Image
import PSDraw
# fns for measurement conversion
PTS = lambda x: 1.00 * x # points
INS = lambda x: 72.00 * x # inches-to-points
CMS = lambda x: 28.35 * x # centimeters-to-points
outputFile = ''
outputFileTitle = 'Wheel Tag 36147'
myf = open(outputFile,'w')
ps = PSDraw.PSDraw(myf)
ps is now a PSDraw object which will write PostScript to the specified file, and the document header has been written - you are ready to start drawing stuff.
To add an image:
im ="myimage.jpg")
box = ( # bounding-box for positioning on page
INS(1), # left
INS(1), # top
INS(3), # right
INS(3) # bottom
dpi = 300 # desired on-page resolution
ps.image(box, im, dpi)
To add text:
ps.setfont("Helvetica", PTS(12)) # PostScript fonts only -
# must be one which your printer has available
loc = ( # where to put the text?
INS(1), # horizontal value - I do not know whether it is left- or middle-aligned
INS(3.25) # vertical value - I do not know whether it is top- or bottom-aligned
ps.text(loc, "Here is some text")
To add a line:
lineFrom = ( INS(4), INS(1) )
lineTo = ( INS(4), INS(9) )
ps.line( lineFrom, lineTo )
... and I don't see any options for changing stroke weight.
When you are finished, you have to close the file off like:
Edit: I was doing a bit of reading on setting stroke weights, and I ran across a different module, psfile: The module itself looks pretty minimal - he's writing a lot of raw postscript - but it should give you a better idea of what's going on behind the scenes.
I would recommend the open source library Reportlab for this sort of task.
It is very simple to use and outputs directly to PDF format.
A very simple example from the official documentation:
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
def hello(c):
c.drawString(100,100,"Hello World")
c = canvas.Canvas("hello.pdf")
As long as PIL is installed, it is also very easy to add images to your page:
canvas.drawImage(self, image, x,y, width=None,height=None,mask=None)
where "image" is either a PIL Image object, or the filename of the image you wish to use.
Plenty of examples in the documentation also.
