Python based network sniffer (scapy not good enough?) - python

I am looking for the specific task:
Grab the payload/data from a packet -> Append to a file... BUT. I want specifically to follow packets according to flags/ICMP types/etc... So lets say I want specifically to take the payload of "echo" packets and not the rest.
My (ineffective) code is the following:
from scapy.all import *
f= open('filecaptured', 'a+')
def pkt_diam(pkt):
raw = pkt.getlayer(Raw).load
print raw
# fo = open("payload", "wb")
sniff (filter="icmp" , store=0, prn=pkt_diam, timeout = 120 )
The problem here is that I cannot find a way to sniff specifically for "type = echo request" and the only parameters that I can use is 'protocol' and host or 'and not host'.
Is there a way around this?
I think for this one I need to use ctypes and but I am not sure... (I didnt find any [other] libraries for python - sniffing )

I don't have scapy installed right now, but what if you simply check for the type echo-reply in your callback-function pkt_diam:
if not "echo-reply" in

Try filter="icmp[0]=8" for filtering during capture or
if pkt[ICMP].type==8:
in callback function.


PwnTools recv() on output that expects input directly after

Hi I have a problem that I cannot seem to find any solution for.
(Maybe i'm just horrible at phrasing searches correctly in english)
I'm trying to execute a binary from python using pwntools and reading its output completely before sending some input myself.
The output from my binary is as follows:
Enter input: <binary expects me to input stuff here>
Where I would like to read the first line, the second line and the output part of the third line (with ':' being the last character).
The third line of the output does not contain a newline at the end and expects the user to make an input directly. However, I'm not able to read the output contents that the third line starts with, no matter what I try.
My current way of trying to achieve this:
from pwn import *
io = process("./testbin")
print io.recvline()
print io.recvline()
print io.recvuntil(":", timeout=1) # this get's stuck if I dont use a timeout
# maybe sending data here
# io.send(....)
Do I missunderstand something about stdin and stdout? Is "Enter input:" of the third line not part of the output that I should be able to receive before making an input?
Thanks in advance
I finally figured it out.
I got the hint I needed from
It seems that Ubuntu is doing lots of buffering on its own.
When manually making sure that pwnTools uses a pseudoterminal for stdin and stdout it works!
import * from pwn
pty = process.PTY
p = process(stdin=pty, stdout=pty)
You can use the clean function which is more reliable and which can be used for remote connections:
For example:
def start():
p = remote("", 4000)
return p
io = start()

Parse XML input from UDP port

I'm a newbie in python, just done only a couple of scripts.
Now I need to listen and process a xml text that is being received from a udp socket.
By the moment I have the first part but i don't know how to proceed.
import socket
import lxml.etree
port = 7059
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(("", port))
print "waiting on port:", port
while 1:
data, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
print data
I'm receiving the data ok, and it's printed on the screen:
<electricity id='4437190066CD'><timestamp>1532728995</timestamp><signal rssi='-78' lqi='94'/><battery level='10%'/><chan id='0'><curr units='w'>609.00</curr><day units='wh'>34.64</day></chan><chan id='1'><curr units='w'>42.00</curr><day units='wh'>2.38</day></chan><chan id='2'><curr units='w'>538.00</curr><day units='wh'>30.43</day></chan></electricity>
But I need to get or parse de values in bold:
<chan id='0'><curr units='w'>609.00</curr>
<chan id='1'><curr units='w'>42.00</curr>
<chan id='2'><curr units='w'>538.00</curr>
and asign to something like a var with it's sub objects:
power.ch0 = 609.00
power.ch1 = 42.00
power.ch2 = 538.00
with that variable, then I will do a request to my porwer monitoring system api to send these values.
I usually use bash for scripting, and I'm pretty happy with it, but I think that this time not rich enough and python seems to be my solution
Thanks in advance for your help!!
There are several ways to do this. First, I do not see where you are using the xml.etree module. Take a look at the docs real fast:
Also, you can achieve this with BeautifulSoup as well:
Lastly, you can achieve this with the .replace() and .strip() functions as well

Reading PCAP file with scapy

I have about 10GB pcap data with IPv6 traffic to analyze infos stored in IPv6 header and other extension header. To do this I decided to use Scapy framework. I tried rdpcap function , but for such big files it is not recommended. It tries to load all file into memory and get stuck in my case.
I found in the Net that in such situation sniff is recommended, my code look like:
def main():
sniff(offline='traffic.pcap', prn=my_method,store=0)
def my_method(packet):
In function called my_method I receive each packet separately and I can parse them, but....
When I call show function with is in-build framework method I got sth like this:
When opened in wireshark I got properly looking packet:
Could you tell me how to parse this packets in scapy to get proper results?
According to the discussion in comments I found a way to parse PCAP file with Python. In my opinion the easies way is to use pyshark framework:
import pyshark
pcap = pyshark.FileCapture(pcap_path) ### for reading PCAP file
It is possible to easily iterate read file with for loop
for pkt in pcap:
#do what you want
For parsing IPv6 header following methods may be useful:
pkt['ipv6'].tclass #Traffic class field
pkt['ipv6'].tclass_dscp #Traffic class DSCP field
pkt['ipv6'].tclass_ecn #Traffic class ECN field
pkt['ipv6'].flow #Flow label field
pkt['ipv6'].plen #Payload length field
pkt['ipv6'].nxt #Next header field
pkt['ipv6'].hlim #Hop limit field
The latest scapy versions now support ipv6 parsing.
So to parse an ipv6 ".pcap" file with scapy now it can be done like so:
from scapy.all import *
scapy_cap = rdpcap('file.pcap')
for packet in scapy_cap:
print packet[IPv6].src
Now as I had commented back when this question was originally asked, for older
scapy versions (that don't support ipv6 parsing):
pyshark can be used instead (pyshark is a tshark wrapper) like so:
import pyshark
shark_cap = pyshark.FileCapture('file.pcap')
for packet in shark_cap:
print packet.ipv6.src
or even of course tshark (kind of the terminal version of wireshark):
$ tshark -r file.pcap -q -Tfields -e ipv6.src
If you want to keep using scapy and read the file Iteratively I'd recommend you to give it a shot to PcapReader()
It would do the same you tried to do with pyshark but in Scapy
from scapy.all import *
for packet in PcapReader('file.pcap')
I'd recommend wrapping this around just as a failsafe if you have any packet that does not have an IPv6 address.

Paramiko capturing command output

I have an issue that has been giving me a headache for a few days. I am using the Paramiko module with Python 2.7.10 and I'd like to issue multiple commands to a Brocade router, but only return output from one of the given commands like so:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import paramiko, time
router = ''
password = 'password'
username = 'testuser'
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(router, username=username, password=password)
print('Successfully connected to %s' % router)
remote_conn = ssh.invoke_shell()
output = remote_conn.recv(1000)
# Disable paging on Brocade.
remote_conn.send('terminal length 0\n')
# Check interface status.
remote_conn.send('show interfaces ethernet 0/1\n') # I only want output from this command.
output = remote_conn.recv(5000)
If I were to print the full output it would contain everything issued to the router, but I only want to see output from the show interfaces ethernet 0/1\n command.
Can anyone help with this issue?
One final thing I would like to ask. I want to filter through the output variable and check for occurrences of strings like "up" or "down", but I can't seem to get it to work because everything in the output appears to be on new lines?
For example:
If I iterate over the output variable in a for loop I get all of the characters in the variable like so:
for line in output:
I get an output like this:
Any way around this?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Best regards,
Aaron C.
After reading all of the comment I have made the following changes:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import paramiko, time
router = ''
password = 'password'
username = 'testuser'
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(router, username=username, password=password)
print('Successfully connected to %s' % router)
remote_conn = ssh.invoke_shell()
output = remote_conn.recv(1000)
# Disable paging on Brocade.
remote_conn.send('terminal length 0\n')
# Clearing output.
if remote_conn.recv_ready():
output = remote_conn.recv(1000)
# Check interface status.
remote_conn.send('show interfaces ethernet 4/1\n') # I only want output from this command.
# Getting output I want.
if remote_conn.recv_ready():
output = remote_conn.recv(5000)
# Test: Check if interface is up.
for line in output.split('\n'):
if 'line protocol is up' in line:
Everything works great now.
Thank you for all the help.
Best regards,
Aaron C.
For your second question: Though I am not specialist of paramiko, I see that function recv, according to the doc, returns a string. If you apply a for loop on a string, you will get characters (and not lines as one might perhaps expect). The newline is caused by your use of the print function as explained on this page, at paragraph 6.3.
I haven't studied what paramiko suggests to do. But why don't you treat the full string as a single entity? For example, you could check the presence of "up" as:
if "up" in output:
Or, if that suits your needs better, you could split the string into lines and then do whatever test you want to do:
for line in output.split('\n'):
If you can, the exec_command() call provides a simpler mechanism to invoke a command. I have seen Cisco switches abruptly drop connections that try exec_command(), so that may not be usable with Brocade devices.
If you must go the invoke_shell() route, be sure to clear all pending output after connecting and after send('terminal length 0\n'), checking recv_ready() before calling recv() to avoid blocking on reading data that might not ever arrive. Since you are controlling an interactive shell, sleep() calls might be needed to allow the server adequate time to process and send data, or it might be necessary to poll the output string to confirm that your last command completed by recognizing the shell prompt string.

print scapy sniff output to file

I have created a sniffer in scapy and I want the packets captured by scapy to be written onto a file for further analysis?
def sniffer(ip):
filter_str = "icmp and host " + ip
f = open('log.txt',"a")
The last line of code does not work. Is there any way I could do this?
f.write expects a character buffer, but you supply it with a Sniffed object which is the result of calling sniff. You can, very simply, do the following:
This should work. But it probably won't display the information exactly as you would like it. You are going to have to do more work collecting information from packets as strings before you write to f.
