I am currently trying to produce a program that allows me to encrypt and decrypt a words using a keyword, I have been told to use alphabetic value to do add from another words alphabetic value I know that I need to use ord or chr but I am not very confident in using this as I'm a beginner at programming, however I have no idea how to do this and would much appreciate, if someone could explain this to me with some examples.
s = "foo!#bar"
enc_key = "key"
# get sum of ord's of letters in key modulo 256
sm_ords= sum(map(ord,enc_key)) % 256
# add sum of ord's in encryption letter in key to ord of each char in s and use chr to create a new char
enc = "".join(chr((sm_ords + ord(ch))) for ch in s)
# reverse the encryption using - ord
dec = "".join(chr((ord(ch) - sm_ords)) for ch in enc)
This code encrypts / decrypts a string by adding the value of each of the keyword letters to each character in the string to be encrypted.
def encryptfunction():
result = ""
addedup = 0
for letter in wordtoencrypt:
for letter2 in keyword:
addedup = addedup + ord(letter2)
result = result + chr(ord(letter) + addedup)
return result
def decryptfunction():
result = ""
addedup = 0
for letter in wordtoencrypt:
for letter2 in keyword:
addedup = addedup + ord(letter2)
result = result + chr(ord(letter) - addedup)
return result
wordtoencrypt = input("Enter the word to encrypt:")
keyword = input("Enter the keyword:")
encrypt = int(input("encrypt(1) or decrypt(0)"))
if encrypt == 1:
Hey so i'm trying to encrypt a string, with a shift key. It works perfectly, the only issue i have is with shifting the characters. For example hello, world!0 and the shift will be 5. I want it to return as olssv, dvysk!0 Basically, only the alphabets will get encrypted. The puncutations & numbers, etc won't be shifted.
keymax = 26
def text():
print('What message(s) are you trying to encrypt?')
return input()
def shift():
key = 0;
while True:
print('Enter the key number (1-%s)' % (keymax))
key = int(input())
if (key >= 1 and key <= keymax):
return key
def encrypt(string, shift):
hidden = ''
for char in string:
if char == ' ':
hidden = hidden + char
elif char.isupper():
hidden = hidden + chr((ord(char) + shift - 65) % 26 + 65)
hidden = hidden + chr((ord(char) + shift - 97) % 26 + 97)
return hidden
text = text()
s = shift()
print("original string: ", text)
print("after encryption: ", encrypt(text, s))
I am fairly new to python, sorry for my bad understandings. Any help would gladly be appreciated!
You could replace the first if statement in your encrypt function with if char.isalpha() == False:. So when the character is not an alphabetical character, the charcter doesn't get changed.
Edit: Also to suggest an improvement, if you want to you can even have shifts upwards of 26. If you use key = key % 26 (%, called modulo, is the remainder of the division, in this case key divided by 26).
This allows you to have keys that are more than 26. This doesn't really change much at all, I just personally like it more
I am working on an online course that has us creating a caesar cipher and vigenere cipher, but we first created two functions; one to find the position of a letter in an alphabet variable, and one to rotate one given character a given amount of times (I have seen that ord() and chr() work better, but the assignment wants us to focus on simpler concepts for now, I guess).
I was able to get the caesar function working, but am unsure as how to go forward with the vigenere cipher. I have watched many videos and looked around this site, but have not found any that allow for the preservation of spaces and non alphabetical characters. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to start the vigenere function?
#Create function alphabet_position(letter) to turn letter into number
#such as a=0 or e=4, using lowercase to make sure case doesnt matter.
def alphabet_position(letter):
alphabet ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" #Lists alphabet for a key
lower_letter = letter.lower() #Makes any input lowercase.
return alphabet.index(lower_letter) #Returns the position of input as a number.
def rotate_character(char, rot):
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
if char.isalpha():
a = alphabet_position(char)
a = (a + rot) % 26 #needs modulo
a = (alphabet[a])
if char.isupper():
a = a.title()
return a
return char
def encrypt(text, rot):
list1 = ""
for char in text:
list1 += rotate_character(char, rot)
return list1
def main():
x = input("Type a message: ")
y = input("Rotate by: ")
#result = rotate_character(x, y) #Not needed once encrypt function works.
result = encrypt(x, y)
print (result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
following my comments; using all printables as alphabet:
from string import ascii_letters, digits, punctuation, whitespace
ALPHABET = ascii_letters + digits
STATIC_ALPHABET = punctuation + whitespace
# minor speedup
ALPHA_INDEX = {a: i for i, a in enumerate(ALPHABET)}
def encrypt(char, key):
return char
return ALPHABET[(ALPHA_INDEX[char] + key) % MOD]
def decrypt(char, key):
return char
return ALPHABET[(ALPHA_INDEX[char] + MOD - key) % MOD]
key = 17
plain = 'Hello World!'
enc = ''.join(encrypt(char, key) for char in plain)
print(enc) # YvCCF dFICu!
dec = ''.join(decrypt(char, key) for char in enc)
print(dec) # Hello World!
I am currently working on a python project to take a string of text, encrypt the text by adding a keyword to it and then outputting the result. I currently have all the features of this program operational except converting the numerical value back into text.
For example, the raw text will be converted into a numerical value, for instance [a, b, c] will become [1, 2, 3].
Currently I have no ideas of how to correct this issue and would welcome any help, my current code is as follows:
def encryption():
print("You have chosen Encryption")
outputkeyword = []
output = []
input = raw_input('Enter Text: ')
input = input.lower()
for character in input:
number = ord(character) - 96
input = raw_input('Enter Keyword: ')
input = input.lower()
for characterkeyword in input:
numberkeyword = ord(characterkeyword) - 96
first = output
second = outputkeyword
print("The following is for debugging only")
print output
print outputkeyword
outputfinal = [x + y for x, y in zip(first, second)]
print outputfinal
def decryption():
print("You have chosen Decryption")
outputkeyword = []
output = []
input = raw_input('Enter Text: ')
input = input.lower()
for character in input:
number = ord(character) - 96
input = raw_input('Enter Keyword: ')
input = input.lower()
for characterkeyword in input:
numberkeyword = ord(characterkeyword) - 96
first = output
second = outputkeyword
print("The following is for debuging only")
print output
print outputkeyword
outputfinal = [y - x for x, y in zip(second, first)]
print outputfinal
mode = raw_input("Encrypt 'e' or Decrypt 'd' ")
if mode == "e":
elif mode == "d":
print("Enter a valid option")
mode = raw_input("Encrypt 'e' or Decrypt 'd' ")
if mode == "e":
elif mode == "d":
Although Your Question is not quite clear I wrote a script which do encryption using Dictionary
plaintext = list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') #Alphabet String for Input
Etext = list('1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H90IJKLMNOP') """Here is string combination of numbers and alphabets you can replace it with any kinda format and your dictionary will be build with respect to the alphabet sting"""
def messageEnc(text,plain, encryp):
dictionary = dict(zip(plain, encryp))
newmessage = ''
for char in text:
newmessage = newmessage + dictionary[char.upper()]
newmessage += ''
print(text,'has been encryptd to:',newmessage)
def messageDec(text,encryp, plain):
dictionary = dict(zip(encryp,plain))
newmessage = ''
for char in text:
newmessage = newmessage + dictionary[char.upper()]
newmessage += ''
print(text,'has been Decrypted to:',newmessage)
while True:
Simple Dictionary Encryption :
Press 1 to Encrypt
Press 2 to Decrypt
choose = int(input())
print("Press Either 1 or 2")
if choose == 1:
text = str(input("enter something: "))
text = str(input("enter something: "))
Suppose you've got a list of numbers like a = [1, 2, 3] and an alphabet: alpha = "abcdef". Then you convert this as follows:
def NumToStr(numbers, alpha):
ret = ""
for num in numbers:
ret += alpha[num-1]
# handle error
return ret
Going by your question , you want to convert number back to text.
You can have two list declared for both the number and alphabet, such as:
and after that find the index/position from the num list and find the alphabet for that index in alpa list.
A couple of things. The first is to convert the coded values back to characters you can use the chr(i) command. Just remember to ad the 96 back on.
for code in outputfinal:
print chr(code + 96),
I tried 'aaa' as my plaintext and 'bbb' as my keyword and this printed 'ccc' which is what I think you are trying to do.
Another thing. The zip command iterates over two lists but (in my playing) only until one of the lists runs out of members. If your plaintext is 10 characters and your keyword is only 5 then only the first 5 characters of your plaintext get encrypted. You will need to expand or inflate your key to the length of your plaintext message. I played with something like this:
plaintext = ['h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d']
keyword = ['f','r','e','d']
index = len(keyword) # point to the end of the key word
keyLength = len(keyword)
while index < len(plaintext): # while there are still letters in the plain text
keyword.append(keyword[index - keyLength]) # expand the key
index += 1
print keyword
for a,b in zip(plaintext, keyword):
print a, b
I hope this helps. Please let me know if I have misunderstood.
This is a simple encryption code that I've come up with. It uses a single character key.
ar = input('please input string to be de/encrypted:')
key = input('please input single character key:')
def encrypt1(key,ar):
i = 0
while i < len(ar):
br = chr(ord(ar[i])^ord(key))
i = i+1
print('Input string = ' + ar+'\n'+'key = '+key)
If I input "CMPUT" for the string to be encrypted and 'a' as the key I will get this printed output:
Which is the correct encryption (according to my assignment example). Now I just have to get those outputs into a single string and print them in the shell like such:
>>>decrypted string: ",145
I've looked through google and old questions on this website but I've still come up empty. I would appreciate your help.
Check out this code, I believe this is what you need (I changed print(br) line):
ar = input('please input string to be de/encrypted:')
key = input('please input single character key:')
def encrypt1(key,ar):
i = 0
while i < len(ar):
br = chr(ord(ar[i])^ord(key))
i = i+1
print(br, end='')
print('\nInput string = ' + ar+'\n'+'key = '+key)
Most obvious way for a beginner would be to simply accumulate to a string
def encrypt1(key,ar):
i = 0
result = ""
while i < len(ar):
br = chr(ord(ar[i])^ord(key))
i = i+1
result += br
return result
Usually you would just write it using a generator expression
def encrypt1(key,ar):
return ''.join(chr(ord(i) ^ ord(key)) for i in ar)
After much frustration, I have made my first Caesar Decoder :)
But the problem now is to make the program circular...
For example if we want to shift doge by 1, no problem, it's ephf...
But what about xyz, and the shift was 4???
So programming pros help a first time novice aka newb out :P
import string
def main():
inString = raw_input("Please enter the word to be "
"translated: ")
key = int(raw_input("What is the key value? "))
toConv = [ord(i) for i in inString] #now want to shift it by key
toConv = [x+key for x in toConv]
#^can use map(lambda x:x+key, toConv)
result = ''.join(chr(i) for i in toConv)
print "This is the final result due to the shift", result
Here is Python code that I wrote to be easy to understand. Also, I think the classic Caesar cipher didn't define what to do with punctuation; I think the classic secret messages were unpunctuated and only contained letters. I wrote this to only handle the classic Roman alphabet and pass any other characters unchanged.
As a bonus, you can use this code with a shift of 13 to decode ROT13-encoded jokes.
def caesar_ch(ch, shift):
Caesar cipher for one character. Only shifts 'a' through 'z'
and 'A' through 'Z'; leaves other chars unchanged.
n = ord(ch)
if ord('a') <= n <= ord('z'):
n = n - ord('a')
n = (n + shift) % 26
n = n + ord('a')
return chr(n)
elif ord('A') <= n <= ord('Z'):
n = n - ord('A')
n = (n + shift) % 26
n = n + ord('A')
return chr(n)
return ch
def caesar(s, shift):
Caesar cipher for a string. Only shifts 'a' through 'z'
and 'A' through 'Z'; leaves other chars unchanged.
return ''.join(caesar_ch(ch, shift) for ch in s)
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert caesar("doge", 1) == "ephf"
assert caesar("xyz", 4) == "bcd"
assert caesar("Veni, vidi, vici.", 13) == "Irav, ivqv, ivpv."
The part at the end is a "self-test" for the code. If you run this as a stand-alone program, it will test itself, and "assert" if a test fails.
If you have any questions about this code, just ask and I'll explain.
Just add the key to all the actual character codes, then if the added value is greater than z, modulo with character code of z and add it with the character code of a.
inString, key = "xyz", 4
toConv = [(ord(i) + key) for i in inString] #now want to shift it by key
toConv = [(x % ord("z")) + ord("a") if x > ord("z") else x for x in toConv]
result = ''.join(chr(i) for i in toConv)
print result # cde
I'd recommend using string.translate().
So, we can do the following:
key = 1
table = string.maketrans(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_lowercase[key:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:key] + string.ascii_uppercase[key:] + string.ascii_uppercase[:key])
And then we can use it as follows:
'doge'.translate(table) # Outputs 'ephf'
'Doge'.translate(table) # Outputs 'Ephf'
'xyz'.translate(table) # Outputs 'yza'
In particular, this doesn't change characters that are not ascii lowercase or uppercase characters, like numbers or spaces.
'3 2 1 a'.translate(table) # Outputs '3 2 1 b'
in general, to make something "wrap" you use the modulo function (% in Python) with the number you want to wrap, and the range you want it to wrap in. For example, if I wanted to print the numbers 1 through 10 a bajillion times, I would do:
i = 0
while 1:
# I want to see 1-10, and i=10 will give me 0 (10%10==0), so i%10+1!
i += 1
In this case it's a little more difficult because you're using ord, which doesn't have a nice happy "range" of values. If you had done something like string.ascii_lowercase you could do...
import string
codex = string.ascii_lowercase
inString = "abcdxyz"
key = 3
outString = [codex[(codex.index(char)+key)%len(codex)] for char in inString]
However since you're using ord, we're kind of going from ord('A') == 65 to ord('z')==122, so a range of 0 -> 57 (e.g. range(58), with a constant of 65. In other words:
codex = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# every char for chr(65) -> chr(122)
codex = ''.join([chr(i+65) for i in range(58)]) # this is the same thing!
we can do this instead, but it WILL include the characters [\]^_`
inString, key = 'abcxyzABCXYZ', 4
toConv = [(ord(i)+key-65)%58 for i in inString]
result = ''.join(chr(i+65) for i in toConv)
# "efgBCDEFG\\]^"
I know this is kind of an old topic, but I just happened to be working on it today. I found the answers in this thread useful, but they all seemed to use a decision to loop. I figured a way to accomplish the same goal just using the modulus(remainder) operator (%). This allows the number to stay within the range of a table and loop around. It also allows for easy decoding.
# advCeaser.py
# This program uses a ceaser cypher to encode and decode messages
import string
def main():
# Create a table to reference all upper, lower case, numbers and common punctuation.
table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890,.!?-#'
print 'This program accepts a message and a key to encode the message.'
print 'If the encoded message is entered with the negative value of the key'
print 'The message will be decoded!'
# Create accumulator to collect coded message
code =''
# Get input from user: Message and encode key
message = raw_input('Enter the message you would like to have encoded:')
key = input('Enter the encode or decode key: ')
# Loop through each character in the message
for ch in message:
# Find the index of the char in the table add the key value
# Then use the remainder function to stay within range of the table.
index = ((table.find(ch)+key)%len(table))
# Add a new character to the code using the index
code = code + table[index]
# Print out the final code
print code
The encode and decode output look like this.
This program accepts a message and a key to encode the message.
If the encoded message is entered with the negative value of the key
The message will be decoded!
Enter the message you would like to have encoded:The zephyr blows from the east to the west!
Enter the encode or decode key: 10
This program accepts a message and a key to encode the message.
If the encoded message is entered with the negative value of the key
The message will be decoded!
Enter the message you would like to have encoded:croj0ozr92jlvy73jp2ywj4rojok34j4yj4roj7o34G
Enter the encode or decode key: -10
The zephyr blows from the east to the west!
Sorry if my formatting looks catywompus I literally found stackoverflow yesterday! Yes, I literally mean literally :)