Python : Why this scripts gets very slow after some point of time? - python

I am running the below script to extract ip addresses from file f for domains in file g. It is worth to mention that they are 11 files in the path and each have about 800 million lines (each file f). In this script I am loading file g in a dictionary d in the memory and then I am comparing lines of file f, with the items in the dictionary d, if there, I check if the bl_date in d is between dates in f, then write it to another dictionary dns_dic. Here is how my script looks like:
path = '/data/data/2014*.M.mtbl.A.1'
def process_file(file):
start = time()
d = defaultdict(set)
filename =file.split('/')[-1]
g = open ('/data/data/ap2014-2dom.txt','r')
for line in g:
line = line.strip('\n')
domain, bl_date= line.split('|')
bl_date = int(bl_date)
if domain in d:
d[domain] = set([bl_date])
print("loaded APWG in %.fs" % (time()-start))
stat_d, stat_dt = 0, 0
f = open(file,'r')
with open ('/data/data/overlap_last_%s.txt' % filename,'a') as w:
for n, line in enumerate(f):
jdata = json.loads(line)
dom = jdata.get('bailiwick')[:-1]
if dom in d:
stat_d += 1
for bl_date in d.get(dom):
if jdata.get('time_first') <= bl_date <= jdata.get('time_last'):
stat_dt += 1
dns_dic[dom].update(jdata.get('rdata', []))
for domain,ips in dns_dic.items():
for ip in ips:
w.write('%s|%s\n' % (domain,ip))
if __name__ == "__main__":
files_list = glob(path)
cores = 11
print("Using %d cores" % cores)
pp = Pool(processes=cores)
pp.imap_unordered(process_file, files_list)
Here is file f:
{"bailiwick":"","time_last": 1493687431,"time_first": 1393687431,"rdata": [""]}
{"bailiwick": "","time_last": 1395267335,"time_first": 1395267335,"rdata": [""]}
{"bailiwick":"","time_last": 1399742959,"time_first": 1393639617,"rdata": ["", ""]}
Here is file g:|1407101455|1399553282|1300084462|1400243222
Expected result:|[""]|["", ""]
Can somebody help me find out why at some point of time the script become really slow although memory usage is all the time about 400 MG.

Even though it doesn't change the overall computational complexity, I would start with avoiding redundant dict lookup operations. For instance, instead of
if domain in d:
d[domain] = set([bl_date])
you might want to do
d.setdefault(domain, set()).add(bl_date)
in order to perform one lookup instead of two. But actually, it seems like a set is not the perfect choice for storing a domain's access timestamps. If you used lists instead, you could sort each domain's timestamps before you start matching them to the session data from f. That way, you would simply compare each session's fields time_last and time_first to the first and last element in the domain's timestamp list to determine if the IP addresses are to be put into dns_dic[dom].
In general, you are doing a lot of unnecessary work in the for bl_date in d.get(dom): loop. At least, at the first bl_date that lies between the time_last and time_first fields, you should terminate the loop. Depending on the length of g, this might be your bottleneck.


How to use multiprocess in csv.DictReader?

This is a script to calculate histogram, and I find the lib takes most time. How can I run it paralleled ?
The size of input file samtools.depth.gz is 14G, contains about 3 billion lines.
SamplesList = ('Sample_A', 'Sample_B', 'Sample_C', 'Sample_D')
from collections import Counter
cDepthCnt = {key:Counter() for key in SamplesList}
cDepthStat = {key:[0,0] for key in SamplesList} # x and x^2
RecordCnt,MaxDepth = inStat('samtools.depth.gz')
def inStat(inDepthFile):
import gzip
import csv
RecordCnt = 0
MaxDepth = 0
with, 'rt') as tsvfin:
tsvin = csv.DictReader(tsvfin, delimiter='\t', fieldnames=('ChrID','Pos')+SamplesList )
RecordCnt += 1
for row in tsvin:
for k in SamplesList:
theValue = int(row[k])
if theValue > MaxDepth:
MaxDepth = theValue
cDepthCnt[k][theValue] += 1
cDepthStat[k][0] += theValue
cDepthStat[k][1] += theValue * theValue
return RecordCnt,MaxDepth
There are ways to read huge file into chunks and distribute them with list, like :
bufsize = 65536
with open(path) as infile:
while True:
lines = infile.readlines(bufsize)
if not lines:
for line in lines:
However, csv.DictReader only accepts file handles.
There is a way to split to temporary files at , I wonder whether I can use fifo to do it on-the-fly.
I just find csv.DictReader accepts any object which supports the iterator protocol and returns a string each time its next() method is called — file objects and list objects are both suitable.
I have modify inStat() to accept lines. Would you please help me to complete statPool() ?
def statPool(inDepthFile):
import gzip
RecordCnt = 0
MaxDepth = 0
cDepthCnt = {key:Counter() for key in SamplesList}
cDepthStat = {key:[0,0,0,0,0] for key in SamplesList} # x and x^2
with, 'rt') as tsvfin:
while True:
lines = tsvfin.readlines(ChunkSize)
if not lines:
with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
res = pool.apply_async(inStat,[lines])
iRecordCnt,iMaxDepth,icDepthCnt,icDepthStat = res.get()
RecordCnt += iRecordCnt
if iMaxDepth > MaxDepth:
MaxDepth = iMaxDepth
for k in SamplesList:
cDepthStat[k][0] += icDepthStat[k][0]
cDepthStat[k][1] += icDepthStat[k][1]
return RecordCnt,MaxDepth,cDepthCnt,cDepthStat
I think asyncio.Queue seems be a good way to pipe to multiple csv.DictReader workers.
Looking up things in global scope takes longer then looking up stuff in local scope.
You do a lot of lookups - I suggest changing your code to:
cDepthCnt = {key:Counter() for key in SamplesList}
cDepthStat = {key:[0,0] for key in SamplesList} # x and x^2
RecordCnt,MaxDepth = inStat('samtools.depth.gz', cDepthCnt, cDepthStat)
def inStat(inDepthFile, depthCount, depthStat):
# use the local depthCount, depthStat
to speed that part up by some.
Running parallellized when accessing the same keys over and over will introduce locks on those values to avoid mishaps - locking/unlocking takes time as well. You would have to see if it is faster.
All you do is summing up values - you could partition your data and use the 4 parts for 4(times 2) different dictionarys and afterwards add up the 4 dicts into your global one to avoid locks.

Python compare every line in file with all others

I am implementing a statistical program and have created a performance bottleneck and was hoping that I could obtain some help from the community to possibly point me in the direction of optimization.
I am creating a set for each row in a file and finding the intersection of that set by comparing the set data of each row in the same file. I then use the size of that intersection to filter certain sets from the output. The problem is that I have a nested for loop (O(n2)) and the standard size of the files incoming into the program are just over 20,000 lines long. I have timed the algorithm and for under 500 lines it runs in about 20 minutes but for the big files it takes about 8 hours to finish.
I have 16GB of RAM at disposal and a significantly quick 4-core Intel i7 processor. I have noticed no significant difference in memory use by copying the list1 and using a second list for comparison instead of opening the file again(maybe this is because I have an SSD?). I thought the 'with open' mechanism reads/writes directly to the HDD which is slower but noticed no difference when using two lists. In fact, the program rarely uses more than 1GB of RAM during operation.
I am hoping that other people have used a certain datatype or maybe better understands multiprocessing in Python and that they might be able to help me speed things up. I appreciate any help and I hope my code isn't too poorly written.
import ast, sys, os, shutil
list1 = []
end = 0
filterValue = 3
# creates output file with filterValue appended to name
with open(arg2 + arg1 + "/filteredSets" + str(filterValue) , "w") as outfile:
with open(arg2 + arg1 + "/file", "r") as infile:
# create a list of sets of rows in file
for row in infile:
for row in infile:
# if file only has one row, no comparisons need to be made
if not(len(list1) == 1):
# get the first set from the list and...
set1 = set(ast.literal_eval(row))
# ...find the intersection of every other set in the file
for i in range(0, len(list1)):
# don't compare the set with itself
if not(pos == i):
set2 = list1[i]
set3 = set1.intersection(set2)
# if the two sets have less than 3 items in common
if(len(set3) < filterValue):
# and you've reached the end of the file
if(i == len(list1)):
# append the row in outfile
# increase position in infile
pos += 1
Sample input would be a file with this format:
[userID1, userID2, userID3]
[userID5, userID3, userID9]
[userID10, userID2, userID3, userID1]
[userID8, userID20, userID11, userID1]
The output file if this were the input file would be:
[userID5, userID3, userID9]
[userID8, userID20, userID11, userID1]
...because the two sets removed contained three or more of the same user id's.
This answer is not about how to split code in functions, name variables etc. It's about faster algorithm in terms of complexity.
I'd use a dictionary. Will not write exact code, you can do it yourself.
Sets = dict()
for rowID, row in enumerate(Rows):
for userID in row:
if Sets.get(userID) is None:
Sets[userID] = set()
So, now we have a dictionary, which can be used to quickly obtain rownumbers of rows containing given userID.
BadRows = set()
for rowID, row in enumerate(Rows):
Intersections = dict()
for userID in row:
for rowID_cmp in Sets[userID]:
if rowID_cmp != rowID:
Intersections[rowID_cmp] = Intersections.get(rowID_cmp, 0) + 1
# Now Intersections contains info about how many "times"
# row numbered rowID_cmp intersectcs current row
filteredOut = False
for rowID_cmp in Intersections:
if Intersections[rowID_cmp] >= filterValue:
filteredOut = True
if filteredOut:
Having rownumbers of all filtered out rows saved to BadRows, now we do iteration one last time:
for rowID, row in enumerate(Rows):
if rowID not in BadRows:
# output row
This works in 3 scans and in O(nlogn) time. Maybe you'd have to rework iterating Rows array, because it's a file in your case, but doesn't really change much.
Not sure about python syntax and details, but you get the idea behind my code.
First of all, please pack your the code into functions which do one thing well.
def get_data(*args):
# get the data.
def find_intersections_sets(list1, list2):
# do the intersections part.
def loop_over_some_result(result):
# insert assertions so that you don't end up looping in infinity:
assert result is not None
def myfunc(*args):
source1, source2 = args
L1, L2 = get_data(source1), get_data(source2)
intersects = find_intersections_sets(L1,L2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
then you can easily profile the code using:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import cProfile'myfunc()')
which gives you invaluable insight into your code behaviour and allows you to track down logical bugs. For more on cProfile, see How can you profile a python script?
An option to track down a logical flaw (we're all humans, right?) is to user a timeout function in a decorate like this (python2) or this (python3):
Hereby myfunc can be changed to:
def get_data(*args):
# get the data.
def find_intersections_sets(list1, list2):
# do the intersections part.
def myfunc(*args):
source1, source2 = args
L1, L2 = get_data(source1), get_data(source2)
#timeout(10) # seconds <---- the clever bit!
intersects = find_intersections_sets(L1,L2)
...where the timeout operation will raise an error if it takes too long.
Here is my best guess:
import ast
def get_data(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as fi:
data = fi.readlines()
return data
def get_ast_set(line):
return set(ast.literal_eval(line))
def less_than_x_in_common(set1, set2, limit=3):
if len(set1.intersection(set2)) < limit:
return True
return False
def check_infile(datafile, savefile, filtervalue=3):
list1 = [get_ast_set(row) for row in get_data(datafile)]
outlist = []
for row in list1:
if any([less_than_x_in_common(set(row), set(i), limit=filtervalue) for i in outlist]):
with open(savefile, 'w') as fo:
if __name__ == "__main__":
datafile = str(arg2 + arg1 + "/file")
savefile = str(arg2 + arg1 + "/filteredSets" + str(filterValue))
check_infile(datafile, savefile)

parsing sdf file, performance issue

I've wrtien a script which read different files and search molecular ID in big sdf databases (about 4.0 GB each).
the idea of this script is to copy every molecules from a list of id (about 287212 molecules) from my original databases to a new one in a way to have only one single copy of each molecule (in this case, the first copy encountered)
I've writen this script:
import re
import sys
import os
def sdf_grep (molname,files):
filin = open(files, 'r')
filine= filin.readlines()
for i in range(0,len(filine)):
if filine[i][0:-1] == molname and filine[i][0:-1] not in past_mol:
iterate = 1
while iterate == 1:
if filine[i] == "$$$$\n":
iterate = 0
i = i+1
mol_dock = os.listdir("test")
listmol = []
past_mol = []
imp_listmol = open("consensus_sorted_surflex.txt", 'r')
filout = open('test_ini.sdf','wa')
for line in imp_listmol:
print 'list ready... reading files'
for f in mol_dock:
print 'reading '+f
for molecule in listmol:
if molecule not in past_mol:
sdf_grep(molecule , 'test/'+f)
print len(past_mol)
it works perfectely, but it is very slow... too slow for what I need. Is there a way to rewrite this script in a way that can reduce the computation time?
thank you very much.
The main problem is that you have three nested loops: molecular documents, molecules and file parsing in the inner loop. That smells like trouble - I mean, quadratic complexity. You should move huge files parsing outside of inner loop and use set or dictionary for molecules.
Something like this:
For each sdf file
For each line, if it is molecule definition
Check in dictionary of unfound molecules
If present, process it and remove from dictionary of unfound molecules
This way, you will parse each sdf file exactly once, and with each found molecule, speed will further increase.
Let past_mol be a set, rather than a list. That will speed up
filine[i][0:-1] not in past_mol
since checking membership in a set is O(1), while checking membership in a list is O(n).
Try not to write to a file one line at a time. Instead, save up lines in a list, join them into a single string, and then write it out with one call to filout.write.
It is generally better not to allow functions to modify global variables. sdf_grep modifies the global variable past_mol.
By adding past_mol to the arguments of sdf_grep you make it explicit that sdf_grep depends on the existence of past_mol (otherwise, sdf_grep is not really a standalone function).
If you pass past_mol in as a third argument to sdf_grep, then Python will make a new local variable named past_mol which will point to the same object as the global variable past_mol. Since that object is a set and a set is a mutable object, past_mol.add(sline) will affect the global variable past_mol as well.
As an added bonus, Python looks up local variables faster than global variables:
def using_local():
x = set()
for i in range(10**6):
y = set
def using_global():
for i in range(10**6):
In [5]: %timeit using_local()
10 loops, best of 3: 33.1 ms per loop
In [6]: %timeit using_global()
10 loops, best of 3: 41 ms per loop
sdf_grep can be simplified greatly if you use a variable (let's call it found) which keeps track of whether or not we are inside one of the chunks of lines we want to keep. (By "chunk of lines" I mean one that begins with molname and ends with "$$$$"):
import re
import sys
import os
def sdf_grep(molname, files, past_mol):
chunk = []
found = False
with open(files, 'r') as filin:
for line in filin:
sline = line.rstrip()
if sline == molname and sline not in past_mol:
found = True
elif sline == '$$$$':
found = False
if found:
return '\n'.join(chunk)
def main():
past_mol = set()
with open("consensus_sorted_surflex.txt", 'r') as imp_listmol:
listmol = [line.split('\t')[0] for line in imp_listmol]
print 'list ready... reading files'
with open('test_ini.sdf', 'wa') as filout:
for f in os.listdir("test"):
print 'reading ' + f
for molecule in listmol:
if molecule not in past_mol:
filout.write(sdf_grep(molecule, os.path.join('test/', f), past_mol))
print len(past_mol)
if __name__ == '__main__':

How do I create a list of timedeltas in python?

I've been searching through this website and have seen multiple references to time deltas, but haven't quite found what I'm looking for.
Basically, I have a list of messages that are received by a comms server and I want to calcuate the latency time between each message out and in. It looks like this:
161336.934072 - TMsg out: [O] enter order. RefID [123] OrdID [4568]
161336.934159 - TMsg in: [A] accepted. ordID [456] RefNumber [123]
Mixed in with these messages are other messages as well, however, I only want to capture the difference between the Out messages and in messages with the same RefID.
So far, to sort out from the main log which messages are Tmessages I've been doing this, but it's really inefficient. I don't need to be making new files everytime.:
big_file = open('C:/Users/kdalton/Documents/Minicomm.txt', 'r')
small_file1 = open('small_file1.txt', 'w')
for line in big_file:
if 'T' in line: small_file1.write(line)
How do I calculate the time deltas between the two messages and sort out these messages from the main log?
First of all, don't write out the raw log lines. Secondly use a dict.
tdeltas = {} # this is an empty dict
if "T" in line:
get Refid number
if Refid in tedeltas:
tdeltas[Refid] = timestamp - tdeltas[Refid]
tdeltas[Refid] = timestamp
Then at the end, convert to a list and print
allRefids = sorted(tdeltas.keys())
for k in allRefids:
print k+": "+tdeltas[k]+" secs"
You may want to convert your dates into time objects from the datetime module and then use timedelta objects to store in the dict. Probably not worth it for this task but it is worthwhile to learn how to use the datetime module.
Also, I have glossed over parsing the Refid from the input string, and the possible issue of converting the times from string to float and back.
Actually, just storing deltas will cause confusion if you ever have a Refid that is not accepted. If I were doing this for real, I would store a tuple in the value with the start datetime, end datetime and the delta. For a new record it would look like this: (161336.934072,0,0) and after the acceptance was detected it would look like this: (161336.934072,161336.934159,.000087). If the logging activity was continuous, say a global ecommerce site running 24x7, then I would periodically scan the dict for any entries with a non-zero delta, report them, and delete them. Then I would take the remaining values, sort them on the start datetime, then report and delete any where the start datetime is too old because that indicates failed transactions that will never complete.
Also, in a real ecommerce site, I might consider using something like Redis or Memcache as an external dict so that reporting and maintenance can be done by another server/application.
This generator function returns a tuple containing the id and the difference in timestamps between the out and in messages. (If you want to do something more complex with the time difference, check out datetime.timedelta). Note that this assumes out messages always appear before in messages.
def get_time_deltas(infile):
entries = (line.split() for line in open(INFILE, "r"))
ts = {}
for e in entries:
if len(e) == 11 and " ".join(e[2:5]) == "TMsg out: [O]":
ts[e[8]] = e[0] # store timestamp for id
elif len(e) == 10 and " ".join(e[2:5]) == "TMsg in: [A]":
in_ts, ref_id = e[0], e[9]
# Raises KeyError if out msg not seen yet. Handle if required.
out_ts = ts.pop(ref_id) # get ts for this id
yield (ref_id[1:-1], float(in_ts) - float(out_ts))
You can now get a list out of it:
>>> INFILE = 'C:/Users/kdalton/Documents/Minicomm.txt'
>>> list(get_time_deltas(INFILE))
[('123', 8.699999307282269e-05), ('1233', 0.00028700000257231295)]
Or write it to a file:
>>> with open("out.txt", "w") as outfile:
... for id, td in get_time_deltas(INFILE):
... outfile.write("Msg %s took %f seconds\n", (id, td))
Or chain it into a more complex workflow.
(in response to looking at the actual data)
Try this instead:
def get_time_deltas(infile):
entries = (line.split() for line in open(INFILE, "r"))
ts = {}
for e in entries:
if " ".join(e[2:5]) == "OuchMsg out: [O]":
ts[e[8]] = e[0] # store timestamp for id
elif " ".join(e[2:5]) == "OuchMsg in: [A]":
in_ts, ref_id = e[0], e[7]
out_ts = ts.pop(ref_id, None) # get ts for this id
# TODO: handle case where out_ts = None (no id found)
yield (ref_id[1:-1], float(in_ts) - float(out_ts))
INFILE = 'C:/Users/kdalton/Documents/Minicomm.txt'
print list(get_time_deltas(INFILE))
Changes in this version:
the number of fields is not as stated in the sample input posted in question. Removed check based on entry number
ordID for in messages is the one that matches refID in the out messages
used OuchMsg instead of TMsg
Update 2
To get an average of the deltas:
deltas = [d for _, d in get_time_deltas(INFILE)]
average = sum(deltas) / len(deltas)
Or, if you have previously generated a list containing all the data, we can reuse it instead of reparsing the file:
data = list(get_time_deltas(INFILE))
# .. use data for something some operation ...
# calculate average using the list
average = sum(d for _, d in data) / len(data)

Upper memory limit?

Is there a limit to memory for python? I've been using a python script to calculate the average values from a file which is a minimum of 150mb big.
Depending on the size of the file I sometimes encounter a MemoryError.
Can more memory be assigned to the python so I don't encounter the error?
EDIT: Code now below
NOTE: The file sizes can vary greatly (up to 20GB) the minimum size of the a file is 150mb
file_A1_B1 = open("A1_B1_100000.txt", "r")
file_A2_B2 = open("A2_B2_100000.txt", "r")
file_A1_B2 = open("A1_B2_100000.txt", "r")
file_A2_B1 = open("A2_B1_100000.txt", "r")
file_write = open ("average_generations.txt", "w")
mutation_average = open("mutation_average", "w")
files = [file_A2_B2,file_A2_B2,file_A1_B2,file_A2_B1]
for u in files:
line = u.readlines()
list_of_lines = []
for i in line:
values = i.split('\t')
count = 0
for j in list_of_lines:
count +=1
for k in range(0,count):
length = len(list_of_lines[0])
print_counter = 4
for o in range(0,length):
total = 0
for p in range(0,count):
number = float(list_of_lines[p][o])
total = total + number
average = total/count
print average
if print_counter == 4:
print_counter = 0
print_counter +=1
(This is my third answer because I misunderstood what your code was doing in my original, and then made a small but crucial mistake in my second—hopefully three's a charm.
Edits: Since this seems to be a popular answer, I've made a few modifications to improve its implementation over the years—most not too major. This is so if folks use it as template, it will provide an even better basis.
As others have pointed out, your MemoryError problem is most likely because you're attempting to read the entire contents of huge files into memory and then, on top of that, effectively doubling the amount of memory needed by creating a list of lists of the string values from each line.
Python's memory limits are determined by how much physical ram and virtual memory disk space your computer and operating system have available. Even if you don't use it all up and your program "works", using it may be impractical because it takes too long.
Anyway, the most obvious way to avoid that is to process each file a single line at a time, which means you have to do the processing incrementally.
To accomplish this, a list of running totals for each of the fields is kept. When that is finished, the average value of each field can be calculated by dividing the corresponding total value by the count of total lines read. Once that is done, these averages can be printed out and some written to one of the output files. I've also made a conscious effort to use very descriptive variable names to try to make it understandable.
from itertools import izip_longest
except ImportError: # Python 3
from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest
input_file_names = ["A1_B1_100000.txt", "A2_B2_100000.txt", "A1_B2_100000.txt",
file_write = open("average_generations.txt", 'w')
mutation_average = open("mutation_average", 'w') # left in, but nothing written
for file_name in input_file_names:
with open(file_name, 'r') as input_file:
print('processing file: {}'.format(file_name))
totals = []
for count, fields in enumerate((line.split('\t') for line in input_file), 1):
totals = [sum(values) for values in
izip_longest(totals, map(float, fields), fillvalue=0)]
averages = [total/count for total in totals]
for print_counter, average in enumerate(averages):
print(' {:9.4f}'.format(average))
if print_counter % GROUP_SIZE == 0:
You're reading the entire file into memory (line = u.readlines()) which will fail of course if the file is too large (and you say that some are up to 20 GB), so that's your problem right there.
Better iterate over each line:
for current_line in u:
is the recommended approach.
Later in your script, you're doing some very strange things like first counting all the items in a list, then constructing a for loop over the range of that count. Why not iterate over the list directly? What is the purpose of your script? I have the impression that this could be done much easier.
This is one of the advantages of high-level languages like Python (as opposed to C where you do have to do these housekeeping tasks yourself): Allow Python to handle iteration for you, and only collect in memory what you actually need to have in memory at any given time.
Also, as it seems that you're processing TSV files (tabulator-separated values), you should take a look at the csv module which will handle all the splitting, removing of \ns etc. for you.
Python can use all memory available to its environment. My simple "memory test" crashes on ActiveState Python 2.6 after using about
1959167 [MiB]
On jython 2.5 it crashes earlier:
239000 [MiB]
probably I can configure Jython to use more memory (it uses limits from JVM)
Test app:
import sys
sl = []
i = 0
# some magic 1024 - overhead of string object
fill_size = 1024
if sys.version.startswith('2.7'):
fill_size = 1003
if sys.version.startswith('3'):
fill_size = 497
MiB = 0
while True:
s = str(i).zfill(fill_size)
if i == 0:
sys.stderr.write('size of one string %d\n' % (sys.getsizeof(s)))
except AttributeError:
i += 1
if i % 1024 == 0:
MiB += 1
if MiB % 25 == 0:
sys.stderr.write('%d [MiB]\n' % (MiB))
In your app you read whole file at once. For such big files you should read the line by line.
No, there's no Python-specific limit on the memory usage of a Python application. I regularly work with Python applications that may use several gigabytes of memory. Most likely, your script actually uses more memory than available on the machine you're running on.
In that case, the solution is to rewrite the script to be more memory efficient, or to add more physical memory if the script is already optimized to minimize memory usage.
Your script reads the entire contents of your files into memory at once (line = u.readlines()). Since you're processing files up to 20 GB in size, you're going to get memory errors with that approach unless you have huge amounts of memory in your machine.
A better approach would be to read the files one line at a time:
for u in files:
for line in u: # This will iterate over each line in the file
# Read values from the line, do necessary calculations
Not only are you reading the whole of each file into memory, but also you laboriously replicate the information in a table called list_of_lines.
You have a secondary problem: your choices of variable names severely obfuscate what you are doing.
Here is your script rewritten with the readlines() caper removed and with meaningful names:
file_A1_B1 = open("A1_B1_100000.txt", "r")
file_A2_B2 = open("A2_B2_100000.txt", "r")
file_A1_B2 = open("A1_B2_100000.txt", "r")
file_A2_B1 = open("A2_B1_100000.txt", "r")
file_write = open ("average_generations.txt", "w")
mutation_average = open("mutation_average", "w") # not used
files = [file_A2_B2,file_A2_B2,file_A1_B2,file_A2_B1]
for afile in files:
table = []
for aline in afile:
values = aline.split('\t')
values.remove('\n') # why?
row_count = len(table)
row0length = len(table[0])
print_counter = 4
for column_index in range(row0length):
column_total = 0
for row_index in range(row_count):
number = float(table[row_index][column_index])
column_total = column_total + number
column_average = column_total/row_count
print column_average
if print_counter == 4:
print_counter = 0
print_counter +=1
It rapidly becomes apparent that (1) you are calculating column averages (2) the obfuscation led some others to think you were calculating row averages.
As you are calculating column averages, no output is required until the end of each file, and the amount of extra memory actually required is proportional to the number of columns.
Here is a revised version of the outer loop code:
for afile in files:
for row_count, aline in enumerate(afile, start=1):
values = aline.split('\t')
values.remove('\n') # why?
fvalues = map(float, values)
if row_count == 1:
row0length = len(fvalues)
column_index_range = range(row0length)
column_totals = fvalues
assert len(fvalues) == row0length
for column_index in column_index_range:
column_totals[column_index] += fvalues[column_index]
print_counter = 4
for column_index in column_index_range:
column_average = column_totals[column_index] / row_count
print column_average
if print_counter == 4:
print_counter = 0
print_counter +=1
