I am trying to install python package "M2Crypto" via requirements.txt and I receive the following error message:
/usr/include/openssl/opensslconf.h:36: Error: CPP #error ""This openssl-devel package does not work your architecture?"". Use the -cpperraswarn option to continue swig processing.
error: command 'swig' failed with exit status 1
I tried passing
option_name: SWIG_FEATURES
value: "-cpperraswarn -includeall -I/usr/include/openssl"
But the error persists. Any idea?
The following config file (placed in .ebextensions) works for me:
swig: []
command: 'SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -D`uname -m` -I/usr/include/openssl" pip install M2Crypto==0.21.1'
Make sure you don't specify M2Crypto in your requirements.txt though, Elastic Beanstalk will try to install all dependencies before running the container commands.
I have found a solution that gets M2Crypto installed on Beanstalk but it is a bit of hack and it is your responsibility to make sure that it is good for a production environment. I dropped M2Crypto from my project because this issue is ridiculous, try pycrypto if you can.
Based on (I only added python setup.py test):
python -c "import M2Crypto" 2> /dev/null
if [ "$?" == 1 ]
cd /tmp/
pip install -d . --use-mirrors M2Crypto==0.21.1
tar xvfz M2Crypto-0.21.1.tar.gz
cd M2Crypto-0.21.1
./fedora_setup.sh build
./fedora_setup.sh install
python setup.py test
In the environment config file
command: scripts/m2crypto.sh
ignoreErrors: True
test: echo '! python -c "import M2Crypto"' | bash
ignoreErrors is NOT a good idea but I just used it to test if the package actually gets installed and seems like it.
Again, this might seem to get the package installed but I am not sure because removing ignoreErrors causes failure. Therefore, I won't mark this as the accepted answer but it was way too much to be a comment.
What I should have:
I want my Yocto Project to build a package for my Python project with all dependencies inside. The project has to run out of box on the resulting read-only sdcard image.
It simply should install all requirements in the required version to the package.
What I tried without luck:
Calling pip in do_install():
"pip/pip3 is not found", even it's in RDEPENDS.
Anyway, I really prefer this way.
With inherit pypi:
When trying with inherit pypi, it tries to get also my local sources (my pyton project) from pypi. And I have always to copy the requirements to the recipe. This is not my preferred way.
Calling pip in pkg_postinst():
It tries to install the modules on first start and fails, because the system has no internet connection and it's a read-only system. It must run out of the box without installation on first boot time. Does its stuff to late.
Where I'll get around:
There should be no need to change anything in the recipes when something changes in requirements.txt.
Background information
I'm working with Yocto Rocko in a Linux environment.
In the Hostsystem, there is no pip installed. I want to run this one installed from RDEPENDS in the target system.
Building the Package (only this recipe) with:
bitbake myproject
Building the whole sdcard image:
bitbake myProject-image-base
The recipe:
myproject.bb (relevant lines):
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "python3 python3-pip"
APP_SOURCES_DIR := "${#os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True)) + '/../../../../app-sources')}"
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI = " \
file://${APP_SOURCES_DIR}/myProject \
inherit allarch # tried also with pypi and setuptools3 for the pypi way.
do_install() { # Line 116
install -d -m 0755 ${D}/myProject
cp -R --no-dereference --preserve=mode,links -v ${APP_SOURCES_DIR}/myProject/* ${D}/myProject/
pip3 install -r ${APP_SOURCES_DIR}/myProject/requirements.txt
# Tried also python ${APP_SOURCES_DIR}/myProject/setup.py install
# Tried also this, but it's no option because the data MUST be included in the Package:
# pkg_postinst_${PN}() {
# #!/bin/sh -e
# pip3 install -r /myProject/requirements.txt
# }
FILES_${PN} = "/myProject/*"
Resulting Errors:
Expected to install the listed modules from requirements.txt into the myProject package, so that the python app will run directly on the resulting readonly sdcard image.
With pip, I get:
| /*/tmp/work/*/myProject/0.1.0-r0/temp/run.do_install: 116: pip3: not found
| WARNING: exit code 127 from a shell command.
| ERROR: Function failed: do_install ...
When using pypi:
404 Not Found
ERROR: myProject-0.1.0-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL: 'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/m/myproject/myproject-0.1.0.tar.gz'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.
=> But it should not fetch myProject, since it is already local and nowhere remote.
Any ideas? What would be the best way to reach to a ready to use sdcard image without the need to change recipes when requirements.txt changes?
You should use RDEPENDS_${PN} to take care of your dependencies for your app in the recipe.
For example, assuming your python app needs aws-iot-device-sdk-python module, you should add it to RDEPENDS in the recipe. In your case, it would be like this:
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "python3 \
python3-pip \
python3-aws-iot-device-sdk-python \
Here's the link showing the Python modules supported by OpenEmbedded Layer.
If the modules you need are not there, you will likely need to create recipes for the modules.
My newest findings:
Yocto/bitbake seems to suppress interpreting the requirements, because this breaks automatic dependency resolving what could lead to conflicts.
Reason: The required modules from setup.py would not be stored as independent packages, but as part of my package. So, bitbake does not know about this modules what could conflict with other packages that probably requires same modules in different versions.
What was in my recipe:
MY_INSTALL_ARGS = "--root=${D} \
--prefix=${prefix} \
--install-lib=${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR} \
do_install() {
If I execute this outside of bitbake as python3 setup.py install ${MY_INSTALL_ARGS}, all will be installed correctly, but in the recipe, no requirements are installed.
There is a parameter --no-deps, but I didn't find where it is set.
I think there could be one possibility to exploit the requirements out of setup.py:
Find out where to disable --no-deps in the openembedded/poky layer for easy_install.
Install this separate PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR in eg the home directory as private python modules dir.
This way, no python module would trigger a conflict.
Since I do not have the time to experiment with this, I'll define now one recipe per requirement.
You try installing pip?
apt-get install python-pip
apt-get install python3-pip
yum install python-pip
I've been looking in the internet for a solution of this issue when i try to install pylibnet , i would like to know if you guys were be able to install pylibnet succesfully and how.
root#root:/home/core2# pip install ./pylibnet-3.0-beta-rc1.tar.gz
Unpacking ./pylibnet-3.0-beta-rc1.tar.gz
Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip-LSMFJM-build/setup.py) egg_info for package from file:///home/core/pylibnet-3.0-beta-rc1.tar.gz
Searching for libnet...
Could not locate the static library "libnet.a"
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
Searching for libnet...
Could not locate the static library "libnet.a"
Cleaning up...
Command python setup.py egg_info failed with error code 255 in /tmp/pip-LSMFJM-build
Storing debug log for failure in /root/.pip/pip.log
Try runnning
$ find / | grep libnet.a
$ locate libnet.a
and if it is found somewhere then move it to /usr/lib/libnet.a because this is where pip looks for it when it trys to install pylibnet e.g.
$ sudo cp /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnet.a /usr/lib/libnet.a
this worked for me :-)
Essentially I am trying to get Python2.7 to work on Linux EL5, but currently with no success. Really appreciate some pointer from anyone who has done this before.
Anyone happens to know whether there is a repo to get all the dependencies (EL5 rpms if not sources) for Python 2.7?
I could find the RPMs for Python27 EL5 at http://ftp.srce.hr/redhat/test/el5/x86_64/ but still not complete.
m000772#hkl20030997 ~]$ rpm -ivh python27-2.7.2-5.2.el5.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libpython2.7.so.1.0()(64bit) is needed by python27-2.7.2-5.2.el5.x86_64 python27-libs = 2.7.2-5.2.el5 is needed by python27-2.7.2-5.2.el5.x86_64
[m000772#hkl20030997 ~]$ rpm -ivh python27-libs-2.7.2-5.2.el5.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libdb-4.8.so()(64bit) is needed by python27-libs-2.7.2-5.2.el5.x86_64
Now there is no RPM for libdb-4.8
You can use yum, this command take care of all dependencies.
First check with the following command:
# yum search python27
And the try with the available version..for example
# yum install python27
When I attempt to run pyramid
[~/env/MyStore]# ../bin/pserve development.ini
It will show the following error
File "/home/vretinfo/env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/Paste-", line 14, in <module>
from paste.httpheaders import *
File "/home/vretinfo/env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/Paste-", line 140, in <module>
from rfc822 import formatdate, parsedate_tz, mktime_tz
ImportError: No module named rfc822
How should I resolve this?
This is what I did to install
$ mkdir opt
$ cd opt
$ wget http://python.org/ftp/python/3.2.3/Python-3.2.3.tgz
$ tar -xzf Python-3.2.3.tgz
$ cd Python-3.2.3
./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/Python-3.2.3
$ make;
$ make install
$ cd ~
$ wget http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
$ pico distribute_setup.py
* change first line to opt/Python-3.2.3/python
$ opt/Python-3.2.3/bin/python3.2 distribute_setup.py
$ opt/Python-3.2.3/bin/easy_install virtualenv
$ opt/Python-3.2.3/bin/virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ cd env
$ ./bin/pip install passlib
$ ./bin/pip install pyramid_beaker
$ ./bin/pip install pyramid_mailer
$ ./bin/pip install pyramid_mongodb
$ ./bin/pip install pyramid_jinja2
$ ./bin/pip install Werkzeug
$ ./bin/pip install pyramid
$ ./bin/pcreate -s pyramid_mongodb MyShop
$ cd MyShop
$ ../bin/python setup.py develop
$ ../bin/python setup.py test -q
Ok, I've done some searching around on pyramid docs ( http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/paste.html ).
It states on the 3rd paragraph
"However, all Pyramid scaffolds render PasteDeploy configuration files, to provide new developers with a standardized way of setting deployment values, and to provide new users with a standardized way of starting, stopping, and debugging an application."
So I made changes to development.ini and replaced
use = egg:waitress#main
and in setup.py, I added 'waitress' into the requires array
Next step, I did to totally remove all things related to Paste, in /home/vretinfo/env/ECommerce/,
$ rm -rf Paste*;rm -rf paste*
After this, I tried running test -q again, this is the stack trace:
[~/env/ECommerce]# ../bin/python setup.py test -q
/home/vretinfo/opt/Python-3.2.3/lib/python3.2/distutils/dist.py:257: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'paster_plugins'
running test
Checking .pth file support in .
/home/vretinfo/env/ECommerce/../bin/python -E -c pass
Searching for Paste>=1.7.1
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/Paste/
Reading http://pythonpaste.org
Best match: Paste
Downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Paste/Paste-
Processing Paste-
Writing /tmp/easy_install-q5h5rn/Paste-
Running Paste- -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-q5h5rn/Paste-
warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'docs/_build/_sources'
It seems like paste is needed for pyramid1.4 for some reason. Perhaps someone have some insights on this.
I have managed to solve this issue through the folks in IRC#pyramid. I'm posting the solution in here in case someone encounters in future. I've tested this out in Python3.2, works ok now.
After running ./bin/pcreate -s <...>
in the folder of the project, development.ini
Change the following:
1. in the 1st line, rename [app:<Project>] to [app:main]
2. [server:main]
If it is egg:Paste#http, change it to
use = egg:waitress#main
3. remove [pipeline:main] and its section
in the same folder, make the necessary changes to setup.py:
1. requires = [....], add in waitress into the array, remove WebError from the array
2. remove paster_plugins=['pyramid']
Then finally, run
$ ../bin/python setup.py develop
Paste will not be installed or checked if it exists.
I have Python 2.7.3 installed on RHEL 6, and when I tried to install pysvn-1.7.6, I got an error. What should I do?
/search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/CXX/Python2/Objects.hxx:2912: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
Compile: pysvn_svnenv.cpp into pysvn_svnenv.o
Compile: pysvn_profile.cpp into pysvn_profile.o
Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/cxxsupport.cxx into cxxsupport.o
Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/cxx_extensions.cxx into cxx_extensions.o
Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/cxxextensions.c into cxxextensions.o
Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/IndirectPythonInterface.cxx into IndirectPythonInterface.o
Link pysvn/_pysvn_2_7.so
make: *** No rule to make target `egg'. Stop.
error: Not a URL, existing file, or requirement spec: 'dist/pysvn-1.7.6-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg'
I solved this problem, the reason is that i have made a mistake.
i just executed the following command, it is not in the instruction.
python setup.py install
the installation steps are (the Source is the dir name in pysvn directory):
cd Source
python setup.py configure
cd ../Tests
cd Source
mkdir [YOUR PYTHON LIBDIR]/site-packages/pysvn
cp pysvn/__init__.py [YOUR PYTHON LIBDIR]/site-packages/pysvn
cp pysvn/_pysvn*.so [YOUR PYTHON LIBDIR]/site-packages/pysvn
I had a same problem. and I find this solution and it is working.
Download the latest epel-release rpm from
for now :
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Install epel-release rpm:
rpm -Uvh epel-release*rpm
Install pysvn rpm package:
yum install pysvn