Recursive list building: permutations of all lengths - python

I've been having some trouble with recursion, especially with lists. I don't understand the process of 'building a list recursively' very well, since I don't really get where the lists are created. I have gotten this program to print out all the permutations of len(string), but I would like to extend it so that it'll also give me the permutations of length 1 to len(string) - 1. Here is what I have got:
def subset(string):
result = []
if len(string) == 0:
return result
for i in range(len(string)):
shorterstring = string[ :i] + string[i+1: ]
shortersets = subset(shorterstring)
for s in shortersets:
result.append(string[i] + s)
return result
Which gives:
['rum', 'rmu', 'urm', 'umr', 'mru', 'mur']
I don't understand why that when I change result.append(string[i] + s), to just result.append(s), I get no output at all.

If you change result.append(string[i] + s) to result.append(s), your code will only add permutations of length len(string) to results when len(string) == 0.
For your code to generate all permutations, the last for loop needs to be:
for s in shortersets:
result.append(string[i] + s)
Note that when used with the original code, you will actually end up adding multiple instances of the same permutations to the final output. You could fix this by making results a set instead of a list, but you might want to try re-writing your code to avoid this inefficiency altogether.


Algorithm to print all valid combinations of n pairs of parentheses [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Algorithm to print all valid combations of n pairs of parenthesis
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
This is a very popular interview question and there are tons of pages on the internet about the solution to this problem.
eg. Calculating the complexity of algorithm to print all valid (i.e., properly opened and closed) combinations of n-pairs of parentheses
So before marking this as a duplicate question please read the full details.
I implemented my own solution to this problem but I'm missing some edge cases that I'm having a hard time to figure out.
def get_all_parens(num):
if num == 0:
return []
if num == 1:
return ['()']
sub_parens = get_all_parens(num - 1)
temp = []
for parens in sub_parens:
temp.append('(' + parens + ')')
temp.append('()' + parens)
temp.append(parens + '()')
return set(temp)
there is basically a recursive call to subproblems and putting parenthesis around the combinations from subproblem.
For num = 4, it returns 13 possible combinations however the correct answer is 14, and the missing one is (())(())
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. is this a right direction I'm moving towards or it's a completely wrong approach?
For the first time reader here is the question:
Implement an algorithm to print all valid (e.g., properly opened and closed) combinations of n pairs of parentheses.
E.G Input: 3, Output: ()()(), ()(()), (())(), (()()), ((()))
It looks like a wrong approach.
As you can see in your failure case (())(()) your algorithm may only obtain such string by placing parenthesis around ())((). Unfortunately the latter is not a valid combination, and cannot be generated: the prior recursive call only builds valid ones.
There are many things to correct in your approach.
recursion - it is not the fastest solution
returning set from list with duplicates (did you consider only set instead of list?)
approach of generating only 3 types of new combinations:
a) surrounding parentheses
b) parentheses on the left
c) parentheses on the right,
which also generates many duplications and omits the symmetrical results
You can try to add one additional loop (it will not reduce problems mentioned above) but it will add the expected results to the returned set.
I modified your function by adding only one loop (my proposition is to use every position of ( and add parentheses in the middle of that string):
def get_all_parens(num):
if num == 0:
return []
if num == 1:
return ['()']
sub_parens = get_all_parens(num - 1)
temp = []
for parens in sub_parens:
temp.append('()' + parens)
temp.append('(' + parens + ')')
temp.append(parens + '()')
# added loop
last_index = 0
for _ in range(parens.count('(')):
temp.append(parens[:last_index] + '()' + parens[last_index:])
last_index = parens.index('(', last_index) + 1
# end of added loop
return set(temp)
I propose linear version of that algorithm:
def get_all_combinations(n):
results = set()
for i in range(n):
new_results = set()
if i == 0:
results = {"()"}
for it in results:
output = set()
last_index = 0
for _ in range(it.count("(")):
output.add(it[:last_index] + "()" + it[last_index:])
last_index = it.index("(", last_index) + 1
output.add(it[:last_index] + "()" + it[last_index:])
results = new_results
return list(results), len(results)

for j in anagram(word[:i] + word[i+1:]): <- how it works?

I built anagram generator. It works, but I don't know for loop for functions works at line 8, why does it works only in
for j in anagram(word[:i] + word[i+1:]):
why not
for j in anagram(word):
Also, I want to know what
for j in anagram(...)
means and doing...
what is j doing in this for loop?
this is my full code
def anagram(word):
n = len(word)
anagrams = []
if n <= 1:
return word
for i in range(n):
for j in anagram(word[:i] + word[i+1:]):
anagrams.append(word[i:i+1] + j)
return anagrams
if __name__ == "__main__":
The reason you can't write for i in anagram(word) is that it creates an infinite loop.
So for example if I write the recursive factorial function,
def fact(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
return n * fact(n - 1)
This works and is not a circular definition because I am giving the computer two separate equations to compute the factorial:
n! = 1
n! = n (n-1)!
and I am telling it when to use each of these: the first one when n is 0 or 1, the second when n is larger than that. The key to its working is that eventually we stop using the second definition, and we instead use the first definition, which is called the “base case.” If I were to instead say another true definition like that n! = n! the computer would follow those instructions but we would never reduce down to the base case and so we would enter an infinite recursive loop. This loop would probably exhaust a resource called the “stack” rapidly, leading to errors about “excessive recursion” or too many “stack frames” or just “stack overflow” (for which this site is named!). And then if you gave it a mathematically invalid expression like n! = n n! it would infinitely loop and also it would be wrong even if it did not infinitely loop.
Factorials and anagrams are closely related, in fact we can say mathematically that
len(anagrams(f)) == fact(len(f))
so solving one means solving the other. In this case we are saying that the anagram of a word which is empty or of length 1 is just [word], the list containing just that word. (Your algorithm messes this case up a little bit, so it's a bug.)
The anagram of any other word must have something to do with anagrams of words of length len(word) - 1. So what we do is we pull each character out of the word and put it at the front of the anagram. So word[:i] + word[i+1:] is the word except it is missing the letter at index i, and word[i:i+1] is the space between these -- in other words it is the letter at index i.
This is NOT an answer but a guide for you to understand the logic by yourself.
Firstly you should understand one thing anagram(word[:i] + word[i+1:]) is not same as anagram(word)
>>> a = 'abcd'
>>> a[:2] + a[(2+1):]
You can clearly see the difference.
And for a clearer understanding I would recommend you to print the result of every word in the recursion. put a print(word) statement before the loop starts.

Algorithm for finding the possible palindromic strings in a list containing a list of possible subsequences

I have "n" number of strings as input, which i separate into possible subsequences into a list like below
If the Input is : aa, b, aa
I create a list like the below(each list having the subsequences of the string):
aList = [['a', 'a', 'aa'], ['b'], ['a', 'a', 'aa']]
I would like to find the combinations of palindromes across the lists in aList.
For eg, the possible palindromes for this would be 5 - aba, aba, aba, aba, aabaa
This could be achieved by brute force algorithm using the below code:
d = []
def isPalindrome(x):
if x == x[::-1]: return True
else: return False
for I in itertools.product(*aList):
a = (''.join(I))
if isPalindrome(a):
if a not in d:
count += 1
But this approach is resulting in a timeout when the number of strings and the length of the string are bigger.
Is there a better approach to the problem ?
Second version
This version uses a set called seen, to avoid testing combinations more than once.
Note that your function isPalindrome() can simplified to single expression, so I removed it and just did the test in-line to avoid the overhead of an unnecessary function call.
import itertools
aList = [['a', 'a', 'aa'], ['b'], ['a', 'a', 'aa']]
d = []
seen = set()
for I in itertools.product(*aList):
if I not in seen:
a = ''.join(I)
if a == a[::-1]:
print('d: {}'.format(d))
Current approach has disadvantage and that most of generated solutions are finally thrown away when checked that solution is/isn't palindrome.
One Idea is that once you pick solution from one side, you can immediate check if there is corresponding solution in last group.
For example lets say that your space is this
[["a","b","c"], ... , ["b","c","d"]]
We can see that if you pick "a" as first pick, there is no "a" in last group and this exclude all possible solutions that would be tried other way.
For larger input you could probably get some time gain by grabbing words from the first array, and compare them with the words of the last array to check that these pairs still allow for a palindrome to be formed, or that such a combination can never lead to one by inserting arrays from the remaining words in between.
This way you probably cancel out a lot of possibilities, and this method can be repeated recursively, once you have decided that a pair is still in the running. You would then save the common part of the two words (when the second word is reversed of course), and keep the remaining letters separate for use in the recursive part.
Depending on which of the two words was longer, you would compare the remaining letters with words from the array that is next from the left or from the right.
This should bring a lot of early pruning in the search tree. You would thus not perform the full Cartesian product of combinations.
I have also written the function to get all substrings from a given word, which you probably already had:
def allsubstr(str):
return [str[i:j+1] for i in range(len(str)) for j in range(i, len(str))]
def getpalindromes_trincot(aList):
def collectLeft(common, needle, i, j):
if i > j:
return [common + needle + common[::-1]] if needle == needle[::-1] else []
results = []
for seq in aRevList[j]:
if seq.startswith(needle):
results += collectRight(common+needle, seq[len(needle):], i, j-1)
elif needle.startswith(seq):
results += collectLeft(common+seq, needle[len(seq):], i, j-1)
return results
def collectRight(common, needle, i, j):
if i > j:
return [common + needle + common[::-1]] if needle == needle[::-1] else []
results = []
for seq in aList[i]:
if seq.startswith(needle):
results += collectLeft(common+needle, seq[len(needle):], i+1, j)
elif needle.startswith(seq):
results += collectRight(common+seq, needle[len(seq):], i+1, j)
return results
aRevList = [[seq[::-1] for seq in seqs] for seqs in aList]
return collectRight('', '', 0, len(aList)-1)
# sample input and call:
input = ['already', 'days', 'every', 'year', 'later'];
aList = [allsubstr(word) for word in input]
result = getpalindromes_trincot(aList)
I did a timing comparison with the solution that martineau posted. For the sample data I have used, this solution is about 100 times faster:
See it run on
Another Optimisation
Some gain could also be found in not repeating the search when the first array has several entries with the same string, like the 'a' in your example data. The results that include the second 'a' will obviously be the same as for the first. I did not code this optimisation, but it might be an idea to improve the performance even more.

Anagrams code resulting in infinite results

I need to generate anagrams for an application. I am using the following code for generating anagrams
def anagrams(s):
if len(s) < 2:
return s
tmp = []
for i, letter in enumerate(s):
for j in anagrams(s[:i]+s[i+1:]):
print (j+letter)
return tmp
The code above works in general. However, it prints infinite results when the following string is passed
str = "zzzzzzziizzzz"
print anagrams(str)
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong? I need unique anagrams of a string
This is not an infinity of results, this is 13!(*) words (a bit over 6 billions); you are facing a combinatorial explosion.
(*) 13 factorial.
Others have pointed out that your code produces 13! anagrams, many of them duplicates. Your string of 11 z's and 2 i's has only 78 unique anagrams, however. (That's 13! / (11!·2!) or 13·12 / 2.)
If you want only these strings, make sure that you don't recurse down for the same letter more than once:
def anagrams(s):
if len(s) < 2:
return s
tmp = []
for i, letter in enumerate(s):
if not letter in s[:i]:
for j in anagrams(s[:i] + s[i+1:]):
tmp.append(letter + j )
return tmp
The additional test is probably not the most effective way to tell whether a letter has already been used, but in your case with many duplicate letters it will save a lot of recursions.
There isn't infinte results - just 13! or 6,227,020,800
You're just not waiting long enough for the 6 billion results.
Note that much of the output is duplicates. If you are meaning to not print out the duplicates, then the number of results is much smaller.

Reverse a string without using reversed() or [::-1]?

I came across a strange Codecademy exercise that required a function that would take a string as input and return it in reverse order. The only problem was you could not use the reversed method or the common answer here on stackoverflow, [::-1].
Obviously in the real world of programming, one would most likely go with the extended slice method, or even using the reversed function but perhaps there is some case where this would not work?
I present a solution below in Q&A style, in case it is helpful for people in the future.
You can also do it with recursion:
def reverse(text):
if len(text) <= 1:
return text
return reverse(text[1:]) + text[0]
And a simple example for the string hello:
= reverse(ello) + h # The recursive step
= reverse(llo) + e + h
= reverse(lo) + l + e + h
= reverse(o) + l + l + e + h # Base case
= o + l + l + e + h
= olleh
Just another option:
from collections import deque
def reverse(iterable):
d = deque()
return ''.join(d)
Use reversed range:
def reverse(strs):
for i in xrange(len(strs)-1, -1, -1):
yield strs[i]
>>> ''.join(reverse('hello'))
xrange or range with -1 step would return items in reversed order, so we need to iterate from len(string)-1 to -1(exclusive) and fetch items from the string one by one.
>>> list(xrange(len(strs) -1, -1 , -1))
[4, 3, 2, 1, 0] #iterate over these indexes and fetch the items from the string
def reverse(strs):
return ''.join([strs[i] for i in xrange(len(strs)-1, -1, -1)])
>>> reverse('hello')
Recent activity on this question caused me to look back and change my solution to a quick one-liner using a generator:
rev = ''.join([text[len(text) - count] for count in xrange(1,len(text)+1)])
Although obviously there are some better answers here like a negative step in the range or xrange function. The following is my original solution:
Here is my solution, I'll explain it step by step
def reverse(text):
lst = []
count = 1
for i in range(0,len(text)):
count += 1
lst = ''.join(lst)
return lst
print reverse('hello')
First, we have to pass a parameter to the function, in this case text.
Next, I set an empty list, named lst to use later. (I actually didn't know I'd need the list until I got to the for loop, you'll see why it's necessary in a second.)
The count variable will make sense once I get into the for loop
So let's take a look at a basic version of what we are trying to accomplish:
It makes sense that appending the last character to the list would start the reverse order. For example:
>>lst = []
>>word = 'foo'
>>print lst
But in order to continue reversing the order, we need to then append word[1] and then word[0]:
>>print lst
This is great, we now have a list that has our original word in reverse order and it can be converted back into a string by using .join(). But there's a problem. This works for the word foo, it even works for any word that has a length of 3 characters. But what about a word with 5 characters? Or 10 characters? Now it won't work. What if there was a way we could dynamically change the index we append so that any word will be returned in reverse order?
Enter for loop.
for i in range(0,len(text)):
count += 1
First off, it is necessary to use in range() rather than just in, because we need to iterate through the characters in the word, but we also need to pull the index value of the word so that we change the order.
The first part of the body of our for loop should look familiar. Its very similar to
In fact, the base concept of it is exactly the same:
So what's all the stuff in the middle doing?
Well, we need to first append the index of the last letter to our list, which is the length of the word, text, -1. From now on we'll refer to it as l(t) -1
That alone will always get the last letter of our word, and append it to lst, regardless of the length of the word. But now that we have the last letter, which is l(t) - 1, we need the second to last letter, which is l(t) - 2, and so on, until there are no more characters to append to the list. Remember our count variable from above? That will come in handy. By using a for loop, we can increment the value of count by 1 through each iteration, so that the value we subtract by increases, until the for loop has iterated through the entire word:
>>for i in range(0,len(text)):
.. lst.append(text[len(text)-count])
.. count += 1
Now that we have the heart of our function, let's look at what we have so far:
def reverse(text):
lst = []
count = 1
for i in range(0,len(text)):
count += 1
We're almost done! Right now, if we were to call our function with the word 'hello', we would get a list that looks like:
We don't want a list, we want a string. We can use .join for that:
def reverse(text):
lst = []
count = 1
for i in range(0,len(text)):
count += 1
lst = ''.join(lst) # join the letters together without a space
return lst
And that's it. If we call the word 'hello' on reverse(), we'd get this:
>>print reverse('hello')
Obviously, this is way more code than is necessary in a real life situation. Using the reversed function or extended slice would be the optimal way to accomplish this task, but maybe there is some instance when it would not work, and you would need this. Either way, I figured I'd share it for anyone who would be interested.
If you guys have any other ideas, I'd love to hear them!
Only been coding Python for a few days, but I feel like this was a fairly clean solution. Create an empty list, loop through each letter in the string and append it to the front of the list, return the joined list as a string.
def reverse(text):
backwardstext = []
for letter in text:
backwardstext.insert(0, letter)
return ''.join(backwardstext)
I used this:
def reverse(text):
for i in range(l):
return s
Inspired by Jon's answer, how about this one
word = 'hello'
q = deque(word)
''.join(q.pop() for _ in range(len(word)))
This is a very interesting question, I will like to offer a simple one
liner answer:
>>> S='abcdefg'
>>> ''.join(item[1] for item in sorted(enumerate(S), reverse=True))
Brief explanation:
enumerate() returns [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e'), (5, 'f'), (6, 'g')]. The indices and the values.
To reverse the values, just reverse sort it by sorted().
Finally, just put it together back to a str
I created different versions of how to reverse a string in python in my repo:
You can do it by using list-comprehension or lambda technique:
# Reverse a string without using reverse() function
s = 'Federico';
li = list( s ) #convert string to list
ret = [ li[i-1] for i in xrange(len(li),0,-1) ] #1 liner lambda
print ( "".join( ret ) )
or by doing a backward for loop
# Reverse a string without using reverse() function
s = 'Federico';
r = []
length = len(s)
for i in xrange(length,0,-1):
r.append( s[ i - 1] )
print ( "".join(r) )
reduce(lambda x, y : y + x, "hello world")
A golfed version: r=lambda x:"".join(x[i] for i in range(len(x-1),-1,-1)).
i just solved this in code academy and was checking my answers and ran across this list. so with a very limited understanding of python i just did this and it seamed to work.
def reverse(s):
i = len(s) - 1
sNew = ''
while i >= 0:
sNew = sNew + str(s[i])
i = i -1
return sNew
def reverse(s):
return "".join(s[i] for i in range(len(s)-1, -1, -1))
Blender's answer is lovely, but for a very long string, it will result in a whopping RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded. One might refactor the same code into a while loop, as one frequently must do with recursion in python. Obviously still bad due to time and memory issues, but at least will not error.
def reverse(text):
answer = ""
while text:
answer = text[0] + answer
text = text[1:]
return answer
Today I was asked this same exercise on pen&paper, so I come up with this function for lists:
def rev(s):
l = len(s)
for i,j in zip(range(l-1, 0, -1), range(l//2)):
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
return s
which can be used with strings with "".join(rev(list("hello")))
This is a way to do it with a while loop:
def reverse(s):
t = -1
s2 = ''
while abs(t) < len(s) + 1:
s2 = s2 + s[t]
t = t - 1
return s2
I have also just solved the coresponding exercise on codeacademy and wanted to compare my approach to others. I have not found the solution I used so far, so I thought that I sign up here and provide my solution to others. And maybe I get a suggestion or a helpful comment on how to improve the code.
Ok here it goes, I did not use any list to store the string, instead I have just accessed the string index. It took me a bit at first to deal with the len() and index number, but in the end it worked :).
def reverse(x):
reversestring = ""
for n in range(len(str(x))-1,-1, -1):
reversestring += x[n]
return reversestring
I am still wondering if the reversestring = "" could be solved in a more elegant way, or if it is "bad style" even, but i couldn't find an answer so far.
def reverse(text):
return a
i just concatenated the string a with highest indexes of text (which keeps on decrementing by 1 each loop).
All I did to achieve a reverse string is use the xrange function with the length of the string in a for loop and step back per the following:
myString = "ABC"
for index in xrange(len(myString),-1):
print index
My output is "CBA"
You can simply reverse iterate your string starting from the last character. With python you can use list comprehension to construct the list of characters in reverse order and then join them to get the reversed string in a one-liner:
def reverse(s):
return "".join([s[-i-1] for i in xrange(len(s))])
if you are not allowed to even use negative indexing you should replace s[-i-1] with s[len(s)-i-1]
You've received a lot of alternative answers, but just to add another simple solution -- the first thing that came to mind something like this:
def reverse(text):
reversed_text = ""
for n in range(len(text)):
reversed_text += text[-1 - n]
return reversed_text
It's not as fast as some of the other options people have mentioned(or built in methods), but easy to follow as we're simply using the length of the text string to concatenate one character at a time by slicing from the end toward the front.
def reverseThatString(theString):
reversedString = ""
lenOfString = len(theString)
for i,j in enumerate(theString):
lenOfString -= 1
reversedString += theString[lenOfString]
return reversedString
This is my solution using the for i in range loop:
def reverse(string):
tmp = ""
for i in range(1,len(string)+1):
tmp += string[len(string)-i]
return tmp
It's pretty easy to understand. I start from 1 to avoid index out of bound.
Here's my contribution:
def rev(test):
test = list(test)
i = len(test)-1
result = []
print test
while i >= 0:
i -= 1
return "".join(result)
You can do simply like this
def rev(str):
rev = ""
for i in range(0,len(str)):
rev = rev + str[(len(str)-1)-i]
return rev
Here is one using a list as a stack:
def reverse(s):
rev = [_t for _t in s]
t = ''
while len(rev) != 0:
return t
Try this simple and elegant code.
my_string= "sentence"
new_str = ""
for i in my_string:
new_str = i + new_str
you have got enough answer.
Just want to share another way.
you can write a two small function for reverse and compare the function output with the given string
var = ''
def reverse(data):
for i in data:
var = i + var
return var
if not var == data :
print "No palindrome"
else :
print "Palindrome"
Not very clever, but tricky solution
def reverse(t):
for j in range(len(t) // 2):
t = t[:j] + t[- j - 1] + t[j + 1:- j - 1] + t[j] + t[len(t) - j:]
return t
from functools import partial
from operator import add
flip = lambda f: lambda x, y: f(y, x)
rev = partial(reduce, flip(add))
>>> rev('hello')
