Optimizing histogram distance metric for two matrices in Python - python

I have two matrices A and B, each with a size of NxM, where N is the number of samples and M is the size of histogram bins. Thus, each row represents a histogram for that particular sample.
What I would like to do is to compute the chi-square distance between two matrices for a different pair of samples. Therefore, each row in the matrix A will be compared to all rows in the other matrix B, resulting a final matrix C with a size of NxN and C[i,j] corresponds to the chi-square distance between A[i] and B[j] histograms.
Here is my python code that does the job:
def chi_square(histA,histB):
esp = 1.e-10
d = sum((histA-histB)**2/(histA+histB+eps))
return 0.5*d
def matrix_cost(A,B):
a,_ = A.shape
b,_ = B.shape
C = zeros((a,b))
for i in xrange(a):
for j in xrange(b):
C[i,j] = chi_square(A[i],B[j])
return C
Currently, for a 100x70 matrix, this entire process takes 0.1 seconds.
Is there any way to improve this performance?
I would appreciate any thoughts or recommendations.
Thank you.

Sure! I'm assuming you're using numpy?
If you have the RAM available, you could use broadcast the arrays and use numpy's efficient vectorization of the operations on those arrays.
Here's how:
Abroad = A[:,np.newaxis,:] # prepared for broadcasting
C = np.sum((Abroad - B)**2/(Abroad + B), axis=-1)/2.
Timing considerations on my platform show a factor of 10 speed gain compared to your algorithm.
A slower option (but still faster than your original algorithm) that uses less RAM than the previous option is simply to broadcast the rows of A into 2D arrays:
def new_way(A,B):
C = np.empty((A.shape[0],B.shape[0]))
for rowind, row in enumerate(A):
C[rowind,:] = np.sum((row - B)**2/(row + B), axis=-1)/2.
return C
This has the advantage that it can be run for arrays with shape (N,M) much larger than (100,70).
You could also look to Theano to push the expensive for-loops to the C-level if you don't have the memory available. I get a factor 2 speed gain compared to the first option (not taking into account the initial compile time) for both the (100,70) arrays as well as (1000,70):
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
X = T.matrix("X")
Y = T.matrix("Y")
results, updates = theano.scan(lambda x_i: ((x_i - Y)**2/(x_i+Y)).sum(axis=1)/2., sequences=X)
chi_square_norm = theano.function(inputs=[X, Y], outputs=[results])
chi_square_norm(A,B) # same result


NumPy array row differences

I have a NumPy array vectors = np.random.randn(rows, cols). I want to find differences between its rows according to some other array diffs which is sparse and "2-hot": containing a 1 in its column corresponding to the first row of vectors and a -1 corresponding to the second row. Perhaps an example shall make it clearer:
diffs = np.array([[ 1, 0, -1],
[ 1, -1, 0]])
then I can compute the row differences by simply diffs # vectors.
Unfortunately this is slow for diffs of 10_000x1000 and vectors 1000x15_000. I can get a speedup by using scipy.sparse: sparse.csr_matrix(diffs) # vectors, but even this is 300ms.
Possibly this is simply as fast as it gets, but some part of me thinks whether using matrix multiplications is the wisest decision for this task.
What's more is I need to take the absolute value afterwards so really I'm doing np.abs(sparse.csr_matrix(diffs) # vectors) which adds ~ 200ms for a grand total of ~500ms.
I can compute the row differences by simply diffs # vectors.
This is very inefficient. A matrix multiplication runs in O(n*m*k) for a (n,m) multiplied by a (m,k) one. In your case, there is only two values per line and you do not actually need a multiplication by 1 or -1. Your problem can be computed in O(n*k) time (ie. m times faster).
Unfortunately this is slow for diffs of 10_000x1000 and vectors 1000x15_000. I can get a speedup by using scipy.sparse.
The thing is the input data representation is inefficient. When diff is an array of size (10_000,1000), this is not reasonable to use a dense matrix that would be ~1000 times bigger than needed nor a sparse matrix that is not optimized for having only two non-zero values (especially 1 and -1). You need to store the position of the non-zeros values in a 2D array called sel_rows of shape (2,n) where the first row contains the location of the 1 and the second one contains the location of the -1 in the diff 2D array. Then, you can extract the rows of vectors for example with vectors[sel_rows[0]]. You can perform the final operation with vectors[sel_rows[0,:]] - vectors[sel_rows[1,:]]. This approach should be drastically faster than a dense matrix product and it may be a bit faster than a sparse one regarding the target machine.
While the above solution is simple, it create multiple temporary arrays that are not cache-friendly since your output array should take 10_000 * 15_000 * 8 = 1.1 GiB (which is quite huge). You can use Numba so to remove temporary array and so improve the performance. Multiple threads can be used to improve performance even further. Here is an untested code:
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('(int_[:,::1], float64[:,::1])', parallel=True)
def compute(diffs, vectors):
n, k = diffs.shape[0], vectors.shape[1]
assert diffs.shape[1] == 2
res = np.empty((n, k))
for i in nb.prange(n):
a, b = diffs[i]
for j in range(k):
# Compute nb.abs here if needed so to avoid
# creating new temporary arrays
res[i, j] = vectors[a, j] - vectors[b, j]
return res
This above code should be nearly optimal. It should be memory bound and able to saturate the memory bandwidth. Note that writing such huge arrays in memory take some time as well as reading (twice) the input array. On x86-64 platforms, a basic implementation should move 4.4 GiB of data from/to the RAM. Thus, on a mainstream PC with a 20 GiB/s RAM, this takes 220 ms. In fact, the sparse matrix computation result was not so bad in practice for a sequential implementation.
If this is not enough to you, then you can use simple-precision floating-point numbers instead of double-precision (twice faster). You could also use a low-level C/C++ implementation so to reduce the memory bandwidth used (thanks to non-temporal instructions -- ~30% faster). There is no much more to do.

Generating linearly independent columns for a matrix

As the title suggests, I want to generate a random N x d matrix (N - number of examples, d - number of features) where each column is linearly independent of the other columns. How can I implement the same using numpy and python?
If you just generate the vectors at random, the chance that the column vectors will not be linearly independent is very very small (Assuming N >= d).
Let A = [B | x] where A is a N x d matrix, B is an N x (d-1) matrix with independent column vectors, and x is a column vector with N elements. The set of all x with no constraints is a subspace with dimension N, while the set of all x such that x is NOT linearly independent with all column vectors in B would be a subspace with dimension d-1 (since every column vector in B serves as a basis vector for this set).
Since you are dealing with bounded, discrete numbers (likely doubles, floats, or integers), the probability of the matrix not being linearly independent will not be exactly zero. The more possible values each element can take, in general, the more likely the matrix is to have independent column vectors.
Therefore, I recommend you chose elements at random. You can always verify after the fact that the matrix has linearly independent column vectors by calculating it's column-echelon form. You could do this with np.random.rand(N,d).
One way to guarantee random independent columns would be to iteratively add a random column and check matrix rank:
import numpy as np
N, d = 1000, 200
M = np.random.rand(N,1)
r = 1 #matrix rank
while r < d:
t = np.random.rand(N,1)
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.hstack([M,t])) > r:
M = np.hstack([M,t])
However this process is quite slow since requires to compute the rank of a matrix at least d times.
A faster approach would be to generate a random Nxd 2d-array and check its rank:
M = np.random.rand(N,d)
r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(M)
while r < d:
M = np.random.rand(N,d)
r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(M)
Which is likely to never enter the while loop, however we add a check and eventually generate another random 2d-array.
You can still have a small degree of correlation, simply by chance, if your number of observations is small.
One way of ensuring that, is to using the principal component scores. So brief explanation from wiki:
Repeating this process yields an orthogonal basis in which different
individual dimensions of the data are uncorrelated. These basis
vectors are called principal components, and several related
procedures principal component analysis (PCA).
We can see this below:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
N = 50
d = 20
a = np.random.normal(0,1,(50,20))
pca = PCA(n_components=d)
pc_scores = pca.transform(a)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(10,4))
The heatmap on the matrix shows you can still have some degree of correlation by chance (drawing from a standard normal, but small sample size).

Decompose 2D filter kernel into 1D kernels

I'm trying to separate a 2D matrix into two vectors such that their outer products equal the original matrix.
Using SVD:
import cv2
import numpy as np
def createDoG(sigma, sigmaRatio=0.5):
size = int(np.ceil(sigma*3))*2+1
kernel1_2D = np.outer(cv2.getGaussianKernel(size, sigma), cv2.getGaussianKernel(size, sigma))
kernel2_2D = np.outer(cv2.getGaussianKernel(size, sigma*sigmaRatio), cv2.getGaussianKernel(size, sigma*sigmaRatio))
return kernel1_2D - kernel2_2D
def decompose(kernel):
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(kernel)
h1 = U[:,0] * np.sqrt(S[0])
h2 = V[0] * np.sqrt(S[0])
return h1,h2
kernel_DoG = createDoG(1)
h1,h2 = decompose(kernel_DoG)
print("kernel_DoG == h1*h2':", np.isclose(kernel_DoG, np.outer(h1, h2)).all()) #prints False
Why can't I decompose this matrix? What class of matrices are separable(into two vectors)?
The application is for decomposing a kernel so I can apply two-pass 1D convolution for speed-up. I also tried this answer in python with no luck.
Why can't I decompose this matrix?
Because it is not separable. The DoG, and many other kernels, are not separable.
What class of matrices are separable (into two vectors)?
The kernels where all rows are scaled versions of the other rows are separable. That is, each row i must be of the form
r[i][j] = a[i] * b[j]
where b is the “model row”, and a[i] is the scaling for each row. This looks kind of obvious, since the multiplication above is what you get when you convolve the column kernel a with the row kernel b (and is the outer product that the code in the question uses).
To know if a 2D kernel is separable, compute its rank: the rank must be 1. This indicates that all rows are scaled versions of each other.
For reference, here are two different MATLAB solutions to the kernel decomposition in an arbitrary number of dimensions:
my solution, using SVD
DJ Kroon’s solution, using least squares

Vectorizing or boosting time for an interpolation in Python

I have to boost the time for an interpolation over a large (NxMxT) matrix MTR, where:
N is about 8000;
M is about 10000;
T represents the number of times at which each NxM matrix is calculated (in my case it's 23).
I have to compute the interpolation element-wise, on all the T different times, and return the interpolated values over a different array of times (T_interp, in my case with lenght 47) so, as output, I want an NxMxT_interp matrix.
The code snippet below defines the function I built for the interpolation, using scipy.interpolate.Rbf (y is the array MTR[i,j,:], x is the times array with length T, x_interp is the new array of times with length T_interp:
# Interpolate without nans
def interp(x,y,x_interp,**kwargs):
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
mask = np.isnan(y)
y_mask = np.ma.array(y,mask = mask)
x_new = [x[i] for i in np.where(~mask)[0]]
if len(y_mask.compressed()) == 0:
return [np.nan for i,n in enumerate(x_interp)]
elif len(y_mask.compressed()) == 1:
return [y_mask.compressed() for i,n in enumerate(x_interp)]
interp = Rbf(x_new,y_mask.compressed(),**kwargs)
y_interp = interp(x_interp)
return y_interp
I tried to achieve my goal either by looping over the NxM elements of the MTR matrix:
new_MTR = np.empty((N,M,T_interp))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
new_MTR[i,j,:]=interp(times,MTR[i,j,:],New_times,function = 'linear')
or by using the np.apply_along_axis funtion:
new_MTR = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: interp(times,x,New_times,function = 'linear'),2,MTR)
In both cases I extimated the time it takes to perform the whole operation and it appears to be slightly better for the np.apply_along_axis function, but still it will take about 15 hours!!
Is there a way to reduce this time? Maybe by vectorizing the entire operation? I don't know much about vectorizing and how it can be done in a situation like mine so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Speeding up nested loops in python

How can I speed up this code in python?
while ( norm_corr > corr_len ):
correlation = 0.0
for i in xrange(6):
for j in xrange(6):
correlation += (p[i] * T_n[j][i]) * ((F[j] - Fbar) * (F[i] - Fbar))
Integral += correlation
T_n =np.mat(T_n) * np.mat(TT)
T_n = T_n.tolist()
norm_corr = correlation / variance
Here, TT is a fixed 6x6 matrix, p is a fixed 1x6 matrix, and F is fixed 1x6 matrix. T_n is the nth power of TT.
This while loop might be repeated for 10^4 times.
The way to do these things quickly is to use Numpy's built-in functions and operators to perform the operations. Numpy is implemented internally with optimized C code and if you set up your computation properly, it will run much faster.
But leveraging Numpy effectively can sometimes be tricky. It's called "vectorizing" your code - you have to figure out how to express it in a way that acts on whole arrays, rather than with explicit loops.
For example in your loop you have p[i] * T_n[j][i], which IMHO can be done with a vector-by-matrix multiplication: if v is 1x6 and m is 6x6 then v.dot(m) is 1x6 that computes dot products of v with the columns of m. You can use transposes and reshapes to work in different dimensions, if necessary.
