For cycle gets stuck in Python - python

My code below is getting stuck on a random point:
import functions
from itertools import product
from random import randrange
values = {}
tables = {}
letters = "abcdefghi"
nums = "123456789"
for x in product(letters, nums): #unnecessary
values[x[0] + x[1]] = 0
for x in product(nums, letters): #unnecessary
tables[x[0] + x[1]] = 0
for line_cnt in range(1,10):
for column_cnt in range(1,10):
num = randrange(1,10)
table_cnt = functions.which_table(line_cnt, column_cnt) #Returns a number identifying the table considered
#gets the values already in the line and column and table considered
line = [y for x,y in values.items() if x.startswith(letters[line_cnt-1])]
column = [y for x,y in values.items() if x.endswith(nums[column_cnt-1])]
table = [x for x,y in tables.items() if x.startswith(str(table_cnt))]
#if num is not contained in any of these then it's acceptable, otherwise find another number
while num in line or num in column or num in table:
num = randrange(1,10)
values[letters[line_cnt-1] + nums[column_cnt-1]] = num #Assign the number to the values dictionary
print(line_cnt) #debug
print(sorted(values)) #debug
As you can see it's a program that generates random sudoku schemes using 2 dictionaries : values that contains the complete scheme and tables that contains the values for each table.
Example :
5th square on the first line = 3
values["a5"] = 3
tables["2b"] = 3
So what is the problem? Am I missing something?

import functions
table_cnt = functions.which_table(line_cnt, column_cnt) #Returns a number identifying the table considered
It's nice when we can execute the code right ahead on our own computer to test it. In other words, it would have been nice to replace "table_cnt" with a fixed value for the example (here, a simple string would have sufficed).
for x in product(letters, nums):
values[x[0] + x[1]] = 0
Not that important, but this is more elegant:
values = {x+y: 0 for x, y in product(letters, nums)}
And now, the core of the problem:
while num in line or num in column or num in table:
num = randrange(1,10)
This is where you loop forever. So, you are trying to generate a random sudoku. From your code, this is how you would generate a random list:
nums = []
for _ in range(9):
num = randrange(1, 10)
while num in nums:
num = randrange(1, 10)
The problem with this approach is that you have no idea how long the program will take to finish. It could take one second, or one year (although, that is unlikely). This is because there is no guarantee the program will not keep picking a number already taken, over and over.
Still, in practice it should still take a relatively short time to finish (this approach is not efficient but the list is very short). However, in the case of the sudoku, you can end up in an impossible setting. For example:
line = [6, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 0]
column = [0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Where those are the first line (or any line actually) and the last column. When the algorithm will try to find a value for line[8], it will always fail since 7 is blocked by column.
If you want to keep it this way (aka brute force), you should detect such a situation and start over. Again, this is very unefficient and you should look at how to generate sudokus properly (my naive approach would be to start with a solved one and swap lines and columns randomly but I know this is not a good way).


Python: prevent continuous duplicates in a list

For example, given a list:
binary = [] #only 0, 1 allowed
Now I put it in a loop which append 0, 1 value randomly using randint.
1st loop:
binary = [1]
2nd loop:
binary = [1, 1]
Now, if the third the random number also return 1 which is:
binary = [1, 1, 1] # not allowed
but this case is ok:
binary = [1, 1, 0, 1] #ok
The point is, I want to prevent continuously duplication in a list, where [1, 1, 1] is not allowed. How can I do it?
Add check for length of binary and then check for last two elements of binary list and then append the next bit into the list.
you can try something like this:
binary = []
def add_binary(bit):
if len(binary) >=2:
if binary[-1] == binary[-2] == bit:
print("Bit can not be added")
return binary
for i in [1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1]:
You can try my code:
import random
iterations=int(input("Enter no. of times:")) #No. of iteration
for x in range(iterations):
#Generate digit
#Check if current digit is not previous
if current_dig!=prev_dig:
#Set the previous and counter
#Check if 3 repetations occur
elif current_dig==prev_dig and flag_counter==2:
print("Not allowed")
#If 1 time repeated then allow 2 consecutive repetation
#Increment counter
Here I have used prev_dig to keep track of previously generated random digits and a counter to keep track of repetations. As soon as I see that there are 3 repetations then I discard that.
You can edit this code to your will.

how to find 3 Numbers with Sum closest to a given number

I'm trying to write simple code for that problem. If I get an array and number I need to find the 3 numbers that their sum are close to the number that's given.
I've thought about first to pop out the last digit (the first number)
then I'll have a new array without this digit. So now I look for the second number who needs to be less the sum target. so I take only the small numbers that it's smaller them the second=sum-first number (but I don't know how to choose it.
The last number will be third=sum-first-second
I tried to write code but it's not working and it's very basic
def f(s,target):
for i in range(len(s)):
for j in range(len(m)):
if (closest<=target-m[0]) and s[-1] + m[j] == target:
print (m[j])
n = m[:j] + nums[j+1:]
for z in range (len(z)):
if (closest<target-n[z]) and s[-1]+ m[j]+n[z] == target:
print (n[z])
if you have idea what to change here. Please let me know
Thank you
Here is my solution I tried to maximize the performance of the code to not repeat any combinations. Let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck.
def find_3(s,target):
to_not_rep=[] #This list will store all combinations without repetation
close_to_0=abs(target - s[0]+s[1]+s[2]) #initile
There_is_one=False #False: don't have a combination equal to the target yet
for s1,first_n in enumerate(s):
for s2,second_n in enumerate(s):
if (s1==s2) : continue #to not take the same index
for s3,third_n in enumerate(s):
if (s1==s3) or (s2==s3) : continue #to not take the same index
val=sorted([first_n,second_n,third_n]) #sorting
if val in to_not_rep :continue #to not repeat the same combination with diffrent positions
to_not_rep.append(val)#adding all the combinations without repetation
sum_=sum(val) #the sum of the three numbers
# Good one
if sum_==target:
print(f"Found a possibility: {val[0]} + {val[1]} + {val[2]} = {target}")
There_is_one = True
if There_is_one is False: #No need if we found combination equal to the target
# close to the target
# We know that (target - sum) should equal to 0 otherwise :
# We are looking for the sum of closet combinations(in abs value) to 0
if pos_n < close_to_0:
closet_one=f"The closet combination to the target is: {val[0]} + {val[1]} + {val[2]} = {sum_} almost {target} "
# Print the closet combination to the target in case we did not find a combination equal to the target
if There_is_one is False: print(closet_one)
so we can test it :
s =[4,2,3,8,6,4,12,16,30,20,5]
#Found a possibility: 4 + 4 + 12 = 20
#Found a possibility: 2 + 6 + 12 = 20
#Found a possibility: 3 + 5 + 12 = 20
another test :
s =[4,2,3,8,6,4,323,23,44]
#The closet combination to the target is: 4 + 6 + 8 = 18 almost 20
This is a simple solution that returns all possibilites.
For your case it completed in 0.002019 secs
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
def f(s, target):
dic = {}
for tup in combinations(s, 3):
dic[np.absolute(np.sum(tup) - target)].append(str(tup))
except KeyError:
dic[np.absolute(np.sum(tup) - target)] = [tup]
Use itertools.combinations to get all combinations of your numbers without replacement of a certain length (three in your case). Then take the three-tuple for which the absolute value of the difference of the sum and target is minimal. min can take a key argument to specify the ordering of the iterable passed to the function.
from typing import Sequence, Tuple
def closest_to(seq: Sequence[float], target: float, length: int = 3) -> Tuple[float]:
from itertools import combinations
combs = combinations(seq, length)
diff = lambda x: abs(sum(x) - target)
return min(combs, key=diff)
closest_to([4,2,12,3,4,8,14], 20) # (4, 2, 14)
This is not the fastest or most efficient way to do it, but it's conceptionally simple and short.
Something like this?
import math
num_find = 1448
lst_Results = []
i_Number = num_find
while i_Number > 0:
num_Exp = math.floor(math.log(i_Number) / math.log(2))
lst_Results.append(dict({num_Exp: int(math.pow(2, num_Exp))}))
i_Number = i_Number - math.pow(2, num_Exp)
In a sequence of numbers: for example 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc ...
The sum of the previous numbers is never greater than the next. This gives us the possibility of combinations, for example:
The number: 1448, there is no other combination than the sum of the previous numbers: 8 + 32 + 128 + 256 + 1024
Then you find the numbers whose sum is close to the number provided

How to append randomized float values into array within loop

I have a set of randomized float values that are to be arranged into an array at the end of each loop that produces 67 of them, however, there are 64 total loops.
As an example, if I had 4 values per loop and 3 total loops of integers, I would like it to be like this:
values = [[0, 4, 5, 1],[6, 6, 5, 3],[0,0,0,7]]
such that I could identify them as separate arrays, however, I am unsure of the best way to append the values after they are created, but am aware of how to return them. Forgive me as I am unskilled with the logic.
import math
import random
funcs = []
coord = []
pi = math.pi
funcAmt = 0
coordAmt = 0
repeatAmt = 0
coordPass = 0
while funcAmt < 64:
while coordAmt < 67:
coordAmt += 1
uniform = round(random.uniform(-pi, pi), 2)
print("Coord [",coordAmt,"] {",uniform,"} Func:", funcAmt + 1)
if uniform in coord:
repeatAmt += 1
print("Repeat Found!")
coordAmt -= 1
print("Repeat [",repeatAmt,"] Resolved")
coordPass += 1
#<<<Append Here>>>
funcAmt += 1
coordAmt = 0
In my given code above, it would be similar to:
func = [
[<67 items>],
...63 more times
Your "append here" logic should append the coordinate list and then clear that list for the next iteration of the outer loop:
funcs.append(coord[:]) # The slice notation makes a copy of the list
coord.clear() # or simply coord = []
You should learn to use a for loop. This will simplify your looping: you don't have to maintain the counts yourself. For instance:
for funcAmt in range(64):
for coordAmt in range(67):
You might also look up how to make a "list comprehension", which can reduce your process to a single line of code -- a long, involved line, but readable with proper white space.
Does that get you moving?
There are a couple of ways around this. Instead of using while lists and counters, you could just use for loops. Or at least do that for the outer loop, since it looks like you still want to check for repeats. Here's an example using your original dimensions of 3 and 4:
from math import pi
import random
coord_sets = 3
coords = 4
biglist = []
for i in range(coord_sets):
coords_set = []
non_repeating_coords = 0
while non_repeating_coords < coords:
new_coord = round(random.uniform(-1.0*pi, pi), 2)
if new_coord not in coords_set:
non_repeating_coords += 1
You can use sets because they don't allow duplicate values:
from math import pi
import random
funcs = []
funcAmt = 0
while funcAmt < 64: # This is the number of loops
myset = set()
while len(myset) < 67: # This is the length of each set
uniform = round(random.uniform(-pi, pi), 2)
funcs.append(list(myset)) # Append randomly generated set as a list
funcAmt += 1
maybe you can benefit from arrays in numpy:
import numpy as np
funcs = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, [63, 67])
This creates an array of shape (63, 67) from uniform random between -pi to pi.

How to make a random but partial shuffle in Python?

Instead of a complete shuffle, I am looking for a partial shuffle function in python.
Example : "string" must give rise to "stnrig", but not "nrsgit"
It would be better if I can define a specific "percentage" of characters that have to be rearranged.
Purpose is to test string comparison algorithms. I want to determine the "percentage of shuffle" beyond which an(my) algorithm will mark two (shuffled) strings as completely different.
Update :
Here is my code. Improvements are welcome !
import random
percent_to_shuffle = int(raw_input("Give the percent value to shuffle : "))
to_shuffle = list(raw_input("Give the string to be shuffled : "))
num_of_chars_to_shuffle = int((len(to_shuffle)*percent_to_shuffle)/100)
for i in range(0,num_of_chars_to_shuffle):
print ''.join(to_shuffle)
This is a problem simpler than it looks. And the language has the right tools not to stay between you and the idea,as usual:
import random
def pashuffle(string, perc=10):
data = list(string)
for index, letter in enumerate(data):
if random.randrange(0, 100) < perc/2:
new_index = random.randrange(0, len(data))
data[index], data[new_index] = data[new_index], data[index]
return "".join(data)
Your problem is tricky, because there are some edge cases to think about:
Strings with repeated characters (i.e. how would you shuffle "aaaab"?)
How do you measure chained character swaps or re arranging blocks?
In any case, the metric defined to shuffle strings up to a certain percentage is likely to be the same you are using in your algorithm to see how close they are.
My code to shuffle n characters:
import random
def shuffle_n(s, n):
idx = range(len(s))
idx = idx[:n]
mapping = dict((idx[i], idx[i-1]) for i in range(n))
return ''.join(s[mapping.get(x,x)] for x in range(len(s)))
Basically chooses n positions to swap at random, and then exchanges each of them with the next in the list... This way it ensures that no inverse swaps are generated and exactly n characters are swapped (if there are characters repeated, bad luck).
Explained run with 'string', 3 as input:
idx is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
we shuffle it, now it is [5, 3, 1, 4, 0, 2]
we take just the first 3 elements, now it is [5, 3, 1]
those are the characters that we are going to swap
s t r i n g
^ ^ ^
t (1) will be i (3)
i (3) will be g (5)
g (5) will be t (1)
the rest will remain unchanged
so we get 'sirgnt'
The bad thing about this method is that it does not generate all the possible variations, for example, it could not make 'gnrits' from 'string'. This could be fixed by making partitions of the indices to be shuffled, like this:
import random
def randparts(l):
n = len(l)
s = random.randint(0, n-1) + 1
if s >= 2 and n - s >= 2: # the split makes two valid parts
yield l[:s]
for p in randparts(l[s:]):
yield p
else: # the split would make a single cycle
yield l
def shuffle_n(s, n):
idx = range(len(s))
mapping = dict((x[i], x[i-1])
for i in range(len(x))
for x in randparts(idx[:n]))
return ''.join(s[mapping.get(x,x)] for x in range(len(s)))
import random
def partial_shuffle(a, part=0.5):
# which characters are to be shuffled:
idx_todo = random.sample(xrange(len(a)), int(len(a) * part))
# what are the new positions of these to-be-shuffled characters:
idx_target = idx_todo[:]
# map all "normal" character positions {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, ...}
mapper = dict((i, i) for i in xrange(len(a)))
# update with all shuffles in the string: {old_pos:new_pos, old_pos:new_pos, ...}
mapper.update(zip(idx_todo, idx_target))
# use mapper to modify the string:
return ''.join(a[mapper[i]] for i in xrange(len(a)))
for i in xrange(5):
print partial_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 0.2)
Evil and using a deprecated API:
import random
# adjust constant to taste
# 0 -> no effect, 0.5 -> completely shuffled, 1.0 -> reversed
# Of course this assumes your input is already sorted ;)
cmp = lambda a, b: cmp(a, b) * (-1 if random.random() < 0.2 else 1)
maybe like so:
>>> s = 'string'
>>> shufflethis = list(s[2:])
>>> random.shuffle(shufflethis)
>>> s[:2]+''.join(shufflethis)
Taking from fortran's idea, i'm adding this to collection. It's pretty fast:
def partial_shuffle(st, p=20):
p = int(round(p/100.0*len(st)))
idx = range(len(s))
sample = random.sample(idx, p)
samptrav = 1
for i in range(len(st)):
if i in sample:
res += st[sample[-samptrav]]
samptrav += 1
res += st[i]
return res

Counting number of values between interval

Is there any efficient way in python to count the times an array of numbers is between certain intervals? the number of intervals i will be using may get quite large
mylist = [4,4,1,18,2,15,6,14,2,16,2,17,12,3,12,4,15,5,17]
some function(mylist, startpoints):
# startpoints = [0,10,20]
count values in range [0,9]
count values in range [10-19]
output = [9,10]
you will have to iterate the list at least once.
The solution below works with any sequence/interval that implements comparision (<, >, etc) and uses bisect algorithm to find the correct point in the interval, so it is very fast.
It will work with floats, text, or whatever. Just pass a sequence and a list of the intervals.
from collections import defaultdict
from bisect import bisect_left
def count_intervals(sequence, intervals):
count = defaultdict(int)
for item in sequence:
pos = bisect_left(intervals, item)
if pos == len(intervals):
count[None] += 1
count[intervals[pos]] += 1
return count
data = [4,4,1,18,2,15,6,14,2,16,2,17,12,3,12,4,15,5,17]
print count_intervals(data, [10, 20])
Will print
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {10: 10, 20: 9})
Meaning that you have 10 values <10 and 9 values <20.
I don't know how large your list will get but here's another approach.
import numpy as np
mylist = [4,4,1,18,2,15,6,14,2,16,2,17,12,3,12,4,15,5,17]
np.histogram(mylist, bins=[0,9,19])
You can also use a combination of value_counts() and pd.cut() to help you get the job done.
import pandas as pd
mylist = [4,4,1,18,2,15,6,14,2,16,2,17,12,3,12,4,15,5,17]
split_mylist = pd.cut(mylist, [0, 9, 19]).value_counts(sort = False)
This piece of code will return this:
(0, 10] 10
(10, 20] 9
dtype: int64
Then you can utilise the to_list() function to get what you want
split_mylist = split_mylist.tolist()
Output: [10, 9]
If the numbers are integers, as in your example, representing the intervals as frozensets can perhaps be fastest (worth trying). Not sure if the intervals are guaranteed to be mutually exclusive -- if not, then
intervals = [frozenzet(range(10)), frozenset(range(10, 20))]
counts = [0] * len(intervals)
for n in mylist:
for i, inter in enumerate(intervals):
if n in inter:
counts[i] += 1
if the intervals are mutually exclusive, this code could be sped up a bit by breaking out of the inner loop right after the increment. However for mutually exclusive intervals of integers >= 0, there's an even more attractive option: first, prepare an auxiliary index, e.g. given your startpoints data structure that could be
indices = [sum(i > x for x in startpoints) - 1 for i in range(max(startpoints))]
and then
counts = [0] * len(intervals)
for n in mylist:
if 0 <= n < len(indices):
counts[indices[n]] += 1
this can be adjusted if the intervals can be < 0 (everything needs to be offset by -min(startpoints) in that case.
If the "numbers" can be arbitrary floats (or decimal.Decimals, etc), not just integer, the possibilities for optimization are more restricted. Is that the case...?
