I'm trying to use the code that I found to implement the LeCun Local Contrast Normalization but I get incorrect result. The code is in Python and uses the theano library.
def lecun_lcn(input, img_shape, kernel_shape, threshold=1e-4):
Yann LeCun's local contrast normalization
Orginal code in Theano by: Guillaume Desjardins
input = input.reshape(input.shape[0], 1, img_shape[0], img_shape[1])
X = T.matrix(dtype=theano.config.floatX)
X = X.reshape(input.shape)
filter_shape = (1, 1, kernel_shape, kernel_shape)
filters = gaussian_filter(kernel_shape).reshape(filter_shape)
convout = conv.conv2d(input=X,
image_shape=(input.shape[0], 1, img_shape[0], img_shape[1]),
# For each pixel, remove mean of 9x9 neighborhood
mid = int(np.floor(kernel_shape / 2.))
centered_X = X - convout[:, :, mid:-mid, mid:-mid]
# Scale down norm of 9x9 patch if norm is bigger than 1
sum_sqr_XX = conv.conv2d(input=centered_X ** 2,
image_shape=(input.shape[0], 1, img_shape[0], img_shape[1]),
denom = T.sqrt(sum_sqr_XX[:, :, mid:-mid, mid:-mid])
per_img_mean = denom.mean(axis=[1, 2])
divisor = T.largest(per_img_mean.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1), denom)
divisor = T.maximum(divisor, threshold)
new_X = centered_X / divisor
new_X = new_X.dimshuffle(0, 2, 3, 1)
new_X = new_X.flatten(ndim=3)
f = theano.function([X], new_X)
return f(input)
Here is the testing code:
x_img_origin = plt.imread("..//data//Lenna.png")
x_img = plt.imread("..//data//Lenna.png")
x_img_real_result = plt.imread("..//data//Lenna_Processed.png")
x_img = x_img.reshape(1, x_img.shape[0], x_img.shape[1], x_img.shape[2])
for d in range(3):
x_img[:, :, :, d] = tools.lecun_lcn(x_img[:, :, :, d], (x_img.shape[1], x_img.shape[2]), 9)
x_img = x_img[0]
pylab.subplot(1, 3, 1); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(x_img_origin)
pylab.subplot(1, 3, 2); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(x_img)
pylab.subplot(1, 3, 3); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(x_img_real_result)
Here is the result:
(left to right: origin, my result, the expected result)
Could someone tell me what I did wrong with the code?
Here is how I implemented local contrast normalization as reported in Jarrett et al (http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/jarrett-iccv-09.pdf). You can use it as a separate layer.
I tested it on the code from the LeNet tutorial of theano in which I applied LCN to the input and to each convolutional layer which yields slightly better results.
You can find the full code here:
class LecunLCN(object):
def __init__(self, X, image_shape, threshold=1e-4, radius=9, use_divisor=True):
Allocate an LCN.
:type X: theano.tensor.dtensor4
:param X: symbolic image tensor, of shape image_shape
:type image_shape: tuple or list of length 4
:param image_shape: (batch size, num input feature maps,
image height, image width)
:type threshold: double
:param threshold: the threshold will be used to avoid division by zeros
:type radius: int
:param radius: determines size of Gaussian filter patch (default 9x9)
:type use_divisor: Boolean
:param use_divisor: whether or not to apply divisive normalization
# Get Gaussian filter
filter_shape = (1, image_shape[1], radius, radius)
self.filters = theano.shared(self.gaussian_filter(filter_shape), borrow=True)
# Compute the Guassian weighted average by means of convolution
convout = conv.conv2d(
# Subtractive step
mid = int(numpy.floor(filter_shape[2] / 2.))
# Make filter dimension broadcastable and subtract
centered_X = X - T.addbroadcast(convout[:, :, mid:-mid, mid:-mid], 1)
# Boolean marks whether or not to perform divisive step
if use_divisor:
# Note that the local variances can be computed by using the centered_X
# tensor. If we convolve this with the mean filter, that should give us
# the variance at each point. We simply take the square root to get our
# denominator
# Compute variances
sum_sqr_XX = conv.conv2d(
# Take square root to get local standard deviation
denom = T.sqrt(sum_sqr_XX[:,:,mid:-mid,mid:-mid])
per_img_mean = denom.mean(axis=[2,3])
divisor = T.largest(per_img_mean.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x'), denom)
# Divisise step
new_X = centered_X / T.maximum(T.addbroadcast(divisor, 1), threshold)
new_X = centered_X
self.output = new_X
def gaussian_filter(self, kernel_shape):
x = numpy.zeros(kernel_shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
def gauss(x, y, sigma=2.0):
Z = 2 * numpy.pi * sigma ** 2
return 1. / Z * numpy.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2. * sigma ** 2))
mid = numpy.floor(kernel_shape[-1] / 2.)
for kernel_idx in xrange(0, kernel_shape[1]):
for i in xrange(0, kernel_shape[2]):
for j in xrange(0, kernel_shape[3]):
x[0, kernel_idx, i, j] = gauss(i - mid, j - mid)
return x / numpy.sum(x)
I think these two lines may have some mistakes on the matrix axes:
per_img_mean = denom.mean(axis=[1, 2])
divisor = T.largest(per_img_mean.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1), denom)
and it should be rewritten as:
per_img_mean = denom.mean(axis=[2, 3])
divisor = T.largest(per_img_mean.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x'), denom)
I have the following code which is based on https://github.com/leonard-seydoux/scatnet. The original code was based on TF v1 and I am in the process of migrating it to TF v2. However, I am facing some issues while trying to perform a numpy operation on a tensor. I am running the code on Google Colab.
The reproducible code is as below, sorry it is quite long:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from datetime import datetime
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
HERMITE = [[1, 0, -3, 2], [0, 0, 3, -2], [0, 1, -2, 1], [0, 0, -1, 1]]
FORMAT = 'float32'
def real_hermite_interp(xi, x, m, p):
# Hermite polynomial coefficients
h = tf.Variable(np.array(HERMITE).astype(FORMAT), trainable=False)
xx = tf.stack([x[:, :-1], x[:, 1:]], axis=2)
# The concatenated coefficients are of shape (n_knots - 1, 2)
mm = tf.stack([m[:-1], m[1:]], axis=1)
pp = tf.stack([p[:-1], p[1:]], axis=1)
y = tf.concat([mm, pp], axis=1)
# Extract Hermite polynomial coefficients from y (n_knots - 1, 4)
yh = tf.matmul(y, h)
xi_ = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(xi, 0), 0)
x0_ = tf.expand_dims(xx[:, :, 0], 2)
x1_ = tf.expand_dims(xx[:, :, 1], 2)
xn = (xi_ - x0_) / (x1_ - x0_)
# Calculate powers of normalized interpolation vector
mask = tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(xn, 0.), tf.less(xn, 1.))
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32)
xp = tf.pow(tf.expand_dims(xn, -1), [0, 1, 2, 3])
# Interpolate
return tf.einsum('rf,srtf->st', yh, xp * tf.expand_dims(mask, -1))
class Scattering:
"""Learnable scattering network layer."""
def __init__(self, x, j=None, q=None, k=None, pooling_type='average',
decimation=2, pooling=2, index=0, **filters_kw):
"""Scattering network layer.
Computes the convolution modulus and scattering coefficients of the
input signal.
x: :class:`~tensorflow.Tensor()`
Input data of shape ``(batch_size, channels, patch_shape).
# Filter bank properties
self.shape_input = x.get_shape().as_list()
self.j = j = j[index] if type(j) is list else j
self.q = q = q[index] if type(q) is list else q
self.k = k = k[index] if type(k) is list else k
filters = self.init_filters(j, q, k, **filters_kw)
n_filters, kernel_size = filters.get_shape().as_list()
filters_concat = tf.concat([tf.math.real(filters), tf.math.imag(filters)], 0)
filters_kernel = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(filters_concat), 1)
# Pad input in the time dimension before convolution with half the size
# of filters temporal dimension (kernel_size).
shape_fast = [np.prod(self.shape_input[:-1]), 1, self.shape_input[-1]]
paddings = [0, 0], [0, 0], [kernel_size // 2 - 1, kernel_size // 2 + 1]
x_reshape = tf.reshape(x, shape_fast)
x_pad = tf.pad(x_reshape, paddings=paddings, mode='SYMMETRIC')
# Differentiate the case of one input channel or multiple
# which needs reshaping in order to treat them independently
# The "NCW" format stores data as batch_shape + [in_channels, in_width]
x_conv = tf.nn.conv1d(x_pad, filters_kernel, stride=decimation,
padding='VALID', data_format='NCW')
u = tf.sqrt(tf.square(x_conv[:, :n_filters]) +
tf.square(x_conv[:, n_filters:]))
self.u = tf.reshape(u, (*self.shape_input[:-1], n_filters, -1))
pool = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D
# Pooling for the scattering coefficients
if pooling > 1:
pooled = pool(
pooling // (decimation ** (index + 1)),
pooling // (decimation ** (index + 1)),
padding='valid', data_format='channels_first')
pooled = pooled(u)
self.s = tf.reshape(pooled, self.shape_input[:-1] + [j * q] + [-1])
self.output = self.s
inverse = tf.gradients(x_conv, x, x_conv)[0]
self.reconstruction_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(
inverse - tf.stop_gradient(x)) / np.prod(self.shape_input)
def init_filters(self, j, q, k, learn_scales=False, learn_knots=False,
learn_filters=True, hilbert=False):
extra_octave = 1 if learn_scales else 0
self.filter_samples = k * 2 ** (j + extra_octave)
time_max = np.float32(k * 2**(j - 1 + extra_octave))
time_grid = tf.linspace(-time_max, time_max, self.filter_samples)
scales_base = 2**(tf.range(j * q, dtype=tf.float32) / np.float32(q))
scales_delta = tf.Variable(
tf.zeros(j * q), trainable=learn_scales, name='scales')
scales = scales_base + scales_delta
nyquist_offset = scales + \
tf.stop_gradient(tf.one_hot(0, j * q) * tf.nn.relu(1 - scales[0]))
scales_correction = tf.concat(
tf.nn.relu(nyquist_offset[:-1] - nyquist_offset[1:])], 0)
self.scales = nyquist_offset + \
knots_base = tf.Variable(
tf.ones(k), trainable=learn_knots, name='knots')
knots_sum = tf.cumsum(
tf.expand_dims(knots_base, 0) * tf.expand_dims(self.scales, 1),
1, self.filter_samples - k), exclusive=True, axis=1)
self.knots = knots_sum - (k // 2) * tf.expand_dims(self.scales, 1)
if hilbert is True:
m = (np.cos(np.arange(k) * np.pi) * np.hamming(k)).astype(FORMAT)
p = (np.zeros(k)).astype(FORMAT)
self.m = tf.Variable(m, name='m', trainable=learn_filters)
self.p = tf.Variable(p, name='p', trainable=learn_filters)
# Boundary Conditions and centering
mask = np.ones(k, dtype=np.float32)
mask[0], mask[-1] = 0, 0
m_null = self.m - tf.reduce_mean(self.m[1:-1])
filters = real_hermite_interp(
time_grid, self.knots, m_null * mask, self.p * mask)
# Renorm and set filter-bank
filters_renorm = filters / tf.reduce_max(filters, 1, keepdims=True)
filters_fft = tf.signal.rfft(filters_renorm) # was spectral.rfft
filters = tf.signal.ifft(
tf.concat([filters_fft, tf.zeros_like(filters_fft)], 1))
# Define the parameters for saving
self.parameters = self.m, self.p, self.scales, self.knots
return filters
def renorm(self, parent, epsilon=1e-3):
# Extract all shapes.
if epsilon > 0:
s = self.s / (tf.expand_dims(parent.s, -2) + epsilon)
batch_size, *_, samples = s.get_shape().as_list()
return tf.reshape(s, [batch_size, -1, samples])
return tf.reshape(self.s, [batch_size, -1, samples])
# testing
data = tf.random.uniform((4,3,16800), dtype=tf.float32)
batch_size = 4
args = {'layers': {'j': [4, 6, 8], 'q': [8, 2, 1], 'k': 7, 'pooling_type': 'average', 'decimation': 4, 'pooling': 1024, 'learn_scales': False, 'learn_knots': False, 'learn_filters': True, 'hilbert': True}, 'eps_norm': 0.001, 'eps_log': 0.0001, 'learning': {'epochs': 3, 'rate': 0.001}, 'pca': {'n_components': 5}, 'gmm': {'gmm_type': 'natural', 'trainable': False}, 'gmm_init': {'n_components': 10, 'max_iter': 1000, 'covariance_type': 'full', 'warm_start': True}}
# Run over batches
epochs = args['learning']['epochs']
learning_rate = args['learning']['rate']
for epoch in range(epochs):
# Gradually decrease learning rate over epochs
if epoch == epochs // 2:
learning_rate /= 5
if epoch == 3 * epochs // 4:
learning_rate /= 5
# Calculate scattering coefficients for all batches
scat_all = list()
n_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size
for b in range(n_batches):
layers = [Scattering(data, index=0, **args['layers'])]
for i in range(1, 3):
layer = Scattering(layers[-1].u, index=i, **args['layers'])
# Extract parameters.
net = [layer.parameters for layer in layers]
# Get reconstruction losses.
rl = tf.add_n([a.reconstruction_loss for a in layers])
# Renormalize coefficients.
r = list()
for i in range(1, 3):
r.append(layers[i].renorm(layers[i - 1], args['eps_norm']))
# Concatenate.
sx = tf.transpose(tf.concat(r, axis=1), [1, 0, 2])
sx = tf.reshape(sx, [sx.get_shape().as_list()[0], -1])
sx = tf.transpose(sx)
sx = tf.math.log(sx + args['eps_log'])
sx[np.isnan(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
sx[np.isinf(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
The issue is from the line 'sx[np.isnan(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])'. The full error is shown below:
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [6], line 34
31 print("sx:", sx)
32 print("sx shape: ", sx.shape)
---> 34 sx[np.isnan(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
35 sx[np.isinf(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
36 scat_all.append(sx)
File c:\Python310\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\ops.py:922, in Tensor.__array__(***failed resolving arguments***)
920 def __array__(self, dtype=None):
921 del dtype
--> 922 raise NotImplementedError(
923 f"Cannot convert a symbolic tf.Tensor ({self.name}) to a numpy array."
924 f" This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a Tensor to"
925 f" a NumPy call, which is not supported.")
NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic tf.Tensor (Log_2:0) to a numpy array. This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a Tensor to a NumPy call, which is not supported.
Based on solutions on previous stackoverflow posts, I have tried to upgrade my tensorflow (2.11.0) and numpy versions (1.23.5) but that did not solve the problem. I saw some suggestions on downgrading numpy but because of other dependencies that did not work. My Python version is 3.8.16. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks in advance.
I'm following the Andrew-Ng course on Machine Learning and I'm currently doing the week 5 exercise.
I've found myself stuck on the implementation of the backpropagation algorithm, due to the fact that the relative difference, compared to numerical gradient, is very high (order of 1e-1), but I can't find any error within my implementation, so I'm gently asking if someone could take a look at it and explain what I did wrong.
Forward propagation:
def forward_propagation(thetas, X, history=False):
activation_arr = []
a = X # X is the array of the first activation values
for k in range(0, len(thetas)):
a = add_intercept(a) # add the bias unit
a = sigmoid(a # thetas[k].T)
if history:
return activation_arr if history else a
def gradient_nn(thetas, X, y, num_labels, reg_lambda=None):
n_examples = X.shape[0]
Y = np.zeros(( # creates a n_examples X num_labels matrix
n_examples, # n of examples
for i in range(n_examples):
Y[i, y[i, 0]] = 1 # the index corresponding to the correct label for each row has value = 1
# add intercepted X to the activation array
activation_arr = [add_intercept(X)] + forward_propagation(thetas, X, history=True)
sigma = [activation_arr[-1] - Y] # sigma^L = a^L - y
delta = [sigma[-1].T # activation_arr[-2]] # find delta for the first row
thetas_grad = []
# Calculate sigma and delta
for idx in range(1, len(thetas)): # skip last iteration
sigma = [
(sigma[0] # thetas[-idx][:, 1:]) * partial_derivative(activation_arr[-1-idx])
] + sigma
delta = [
sigma[0].T # activation_arr[-2-idx]
] + delta
return [np.sum(d) / n_examples for d in thetas_grad]
Partial derivative:
def partial_derivative(a):
return a * (1 - a) # element wise multiplication
Numerical gradient:
def compute_numerical_gradient(cost_function, thetas):
# Unroll parameters
nn_params = unroll_thetas(thetas)
num_grad = np.zeros(nn_params.shape)
perturb = np.zeros(nn_params.shape)
shapes = [theta.shape for theta in thetas]
epsilon = 1e-4 # not the one of random initialization
for p in range(nn_params.shape[0]):
# Set perturbation vector
perturb[p] = epsilon
minus_theta = nn_params - perturb
plus_theta = nn_params + perturb
# --- Roll params back in order to use the cost function ---
minus_theta = roll_thetas(minus_theta, shapes)
plus_theta = roll_thetas(plus_theta, shapes)
# calculate the loss of the cost function
minus_loss = cost_function(minus_theta)
plus_loss = cost_function(plus_theta)
# Compute Numerical Gradient
num_grad[p] = (plus_loss - minus_loss) / (2 * epsilon)
perturb[p] = 0
num_grad = roll_thetas(num_grad, shapes)
return [np.sum(num_g) for num_g in num_grad]
Cost function:
def J_nn(num_labels, reg_lambda=None):
def non_reg_func(thetas, X, y):
n_examples = X.shape[0]
Y = np.zeros(( # creates a n_examples X num_labels matrix
n_examples, # n of examples
for i in range(n_examples):
Y[i, y[i, 0]] = 1 # the index corresponding to the correct label for each row has value = 1
prediction = forward_propagation(thetas, X)
return np.sum(np.sum(-Y * np.log(prediction) - (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - prediction))) / n_examples
if reg_lambda is None:
func = non_reg_func
else: # regularization
def func(thetas, X, y):
cost = non_reg_func(thetas, X, y)
for theta in thetas: # regularize for every layer
theta = theta[1:] # remove bias unit
cost = cost + (reg_lambda / (2 * y.shape[0])) * np.sum(np.sum(theta[:, ] ** 2))
return cost
return func
Checking backpropagation with numerical gradient:
def check_nn_gradients(reg_lambda=None):
Creates a small neural network (max 8 x 8 x 7 x 8) and checks that
the implementation of the backpropagation algorithm is good
#n_examples, sizes = random.randint(5, 10), [random.randint(2, 8), random.randint(2, 8), random.randint(1, 8)]
n_examples, sizes = 5, [8, 8, 5, 4]
n_labels = sizes[-1] # Last size is equal to the number of labels
init_epsilon = 0.0001
thetas = random_init_thetas(sizes, init_epsilon)
X = np.array(
random_init_thetas([sizes[0]-1, n_examples], init_epsilon)
).squeeze() # We squeeze it because random_init_thetas returns a 3D array, but we want X to be 2D
y = np.array([random.randint(0, n_labels-1) for _ in X])
y = y[:, np.newaxis]
inner_cost = lambda _thetas: J_nn(n_labels, reg_lambda)(_thetas, X, y)
gradients = gradient_nn(thetas, X, y, n_labels, 0)
unrolled_gradients = unroll_thetas(gradients)
# finite difference method
grad_checking_epsilon = 1e-4
num_grad = compute_numerical_gradient(inner_cost, thetas)
unrolled_num_grad = unroll_thetas(num_grad)
return diff = np.linalg.norm(unrolled_num_grad - unrolled_gradients) / np.linalg.norm(unrolled_num_grad + unrolled_gradients)
I am attempting to solve an LMS problem using kernel trick. The reference is taken from this note.
My problem is that the value of beta blows up. It reaches to the order of 10e17 on just about 5 or 6 iterations. One thing I noticed is that the signs entries in beta oscillate (positive to negative and vice versa) on consecutive update of beta in the loop.
Also, lowering the value of alpha (learning rate) does not help. I tried alpha = 0.01 but the value of beta still blows up.
Here's the code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
file = pd.read_csv("weatherHistory.csv")
#selecting only the required columns
useful_index = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
file = file.iloc[:, useful_index]
# getting training set and test set
file_randomized = file.sample(frac=1, random_state=1)
# useable data size
usable_dataset_size = 1200
# training set size
training_set_index = int(0.75 * usable_dataset_size)
# get rid of unnecessary data
file = file_randomized[:usable_dataset_size]
# make training and test set
training_set = file[:training_set_index]
test_set = file[training_set_index:]
# Select the columns
input_index = [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
X = training_set.iloc[:, input_index]
output_index = [1]
Y = training_set.iloc[:, output_index]
# Convert to numpy into suitable format
X = X.to_numpy()
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
Y = Y.to_numpy()
# This function calculates K(phi(x), phi(y))
def kernel_matrix(K, degree=1):
"""K is the matrix of dot product. This applies kernel function to the matrix"""
result = np.zeros(K.shape)
for i in range(0, degree+1):
result += np.power(K, i)
return result
# Main training function
def lms_with_kt(X, Y, alpha, degree = 1, num_iters = 1000):
"""X: nxd vector, Y: nx1 vector, beta: nx1 zero vector, alpha: number, degree: number"""
# normalize x
x_min = X.min(axis = 0, keepdims=True)
x_max = X.max(axis = 0, keepdims=True)
X = (X - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
n = X.shape[0]
# add the column of 1 in the front
X = np.hstack((np.ones((n, 1)), X))
# make K_matrix (kernel matrix)
K = np.matmul(X, X.T)
K = kernel_matrix(K, degree)
# initialize beta
beta = np.zeros((n, 1))
# update beta
for i in range(num_iters):
beta += alpha * (Y - np.matmul(K, beta))
def predict(x):
"""x: 1xd matrix"""
x_norm = (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
n_predict = x_norm.shape[0]
x_norm = np.hstack((np.ones((n_predict, 1)), x_norm))
K_for_prediction = np.matmul(X, x_norm.T)
K_for_prediction = kernel_matrix(K_for_prediction, degree)
return np.dot(beta.T, K_for_prediction)
return predict
predictor = lms_with_kt(X, Y, 0.1, 2, 1000)
The link to the dataset is here.
I have a torch tensor with shape (batch_size, number_maps, x_val, y_val). The tensor is normalized with a sigmoid function, so within range [0, 1]. I want to find the covariance for each map, so I want to have a tensor with shape (batch_size, number_maps, 2, 2). As far as I know, there is no torch.cov() function as in numpy. How can I efficiently calculate the covariance without converting it to numpy?
def get_covariance(tensor):
bn, nk, w, h = tensor.shape
tensor_reshape = tensor.reshape(bn, nk, 2, -1)
x = tensor_reshape[:, :, 0, :]
y = tensor_reshape[:, :, 1, :]
mean_x = torch.mean(x, dim=2).unsqueeze(-1)
mean_y = torch.mean(y, dim=2).unsqueeze(-1)
xx = torch.sum((x - mean_x) * (x - mean_x), dim=2).unsqueeze(-1) / (h*w - 1)
xy = torch.sum((x - mean_x) * (y - mean_y), dim=2).unsqueeze(-1) / (h*w - 1)
yx = xy
yy = torch.sum((y - mean_y) * (y - mean_y), dim=2).unsqueeze(-1) / (h*w - 1)
cov = torch.cat((xx, xy, yx, yy), dim=2)
cov = cov.reshape(bn, nk, 2, 2)
return cov
I tried the following now, but I m pretty sure it's not correct.
You could try the function suggested on Github:
def cov(x, rowvar=False, bias=False, ddof=None, aweights=None):
"""Estimates covariance matrix like numpy.cov"""
# ensure at least 2D
if x.dim() == 1:
x = x.view(-1, 1)
# treat each column as a data point, each row as a variable
if rowvar and x.shape[0] != 1:
x = x.t()
if ddof is None:
if bias == 0:
ddof = 1
ddof = 0
w = aweights
if w is not None:
if not torch.is_tensor(w):
w = torch.tensor(w, dtype=torch.float)
w_sum = torch.sum(w)
avg = torch.sum(x * (w/w_sum)[:,None], 0)
avg = torch.mean(x, 0)
# Determine the normalization
if w is None:
fact = x.shape[0] - ddof
elif ddof == 0:
fact = w_sum
elif aweights is None:
fact = w_sum - ddof
fact = w_sum - ddof * torch.sum(w * w) / w_sum
xm = x.sub(avg.expand_as(x))
if w is None:
X_T = xm.t()
X_T = torch.mm(torch.diag(w), xm).t()
c = torch.mm(X_T, xm)
c = c / fact
return c.squeeze()
so I have a numpy function that returns a float.
I would like to see how the value changes over time to see its stabililty.
Hence I would like a rolling window with the function on a time series
Time series looks like
array([-9.51263882e-03, -2.81717483e-02, 9.43949087e-05, ...,
-9.07504803e-03, -4.77400512e-03, 1.51740085e-03])
I am using the following function for rolling window
# Reshape a numpy array 'a' of shape (n, x) to form shape((n - window_size), window_size, x))
def rolling_window(a, window, step_size):
shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1 - step_size + 1, window)
strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1] * step_size,)
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
The function i am trying to calculate rolling is below:
def dist_range(x, y):
return (np.max(np.abs(x - y), axis=1) - np.min(np.abs(x - y), axis=1)) / (np.max(np.abs(x - y), axis=1) + np.min(np.abs(x - y), axis=1))
##### RangeEn-B (mSampEn)
def RangeEn_B(x, emb_dim=2, tolerance=.1, dist=dist_range):
n = np.shape(x)
n = np.max(n)
tVecs = np.zeros((n - emb_dim, emb_dim + 1))
for i in range(tVecs.shape[0]):
tVecs[i, :] = x[i:i + tVecs.shape[1]]
counts = []
for m in [emb_dim, emb_dim + 1]:
# get the matrix that we need for the current m
tVecsM = tVecs[:n - m + 1, :m]
# successively calculate distances between each pair of template vectors
for i in range(len(tVecsM)):
dsts = dist(tVecsM, tVecsM[i])
# delete self-matching
dsts = np.delete(dsts, i, axis=0)
# delete undefined distances coming from zero segments
# dsts = [x for i, x in enumerate(dsts) if not np.isnan(x) and not np.isinf(x)]
# count how many 'defined' distances are smaller than the tolerance
# if (dsts):
counts[-1] += np.sum(dsts < tolerance)/(n - m - 1)
if counts[1] == 0:
# log would be infinite => cannot determine RangeEn_B
RangeEn_B = np.nan
# compute log of summed probabilities
RangeEn_B = -np.log(1.0 * counts[1] / counts[0])
return RangeEn_B
My attempt is below:
w=np.apply_along_axis(RangeEn_B, 1, rolling_window(rs_num,5 , 1))
although this returns an array of nan, if I put 30 it returns values.
Am i correct in my logic?
I also tried to do in pandas as well -
#Assume matrix is a series
t = pd.Series(rs_num)
t=t.rolling(window=5, min_periods=2).apply(RangeEn_B).dropna()