Ansicon doesn't install from python but only from cmd - python

I'm trying to install ansicon on Windows 8.1. I extracted the files and got to the level that I need to call ansicon -i. When I type this in my cmd and run python scripts that works great but when I call t from python by os.system('ansicon -i') that doesn't work and seems like it doesn't have any influence on the cmd.
Why os.system('ansicon -i') doesn't work and what alternative method can I use from within python?

First off, it’s not the -i flag that really does the work. -i only tells it to add itself to AutoRun. The -p flag that -i implies is what really does the work: -p tells it to inject a DLL into the parent process, and therein lies the problem: when you use os.system, you spawn a shell, which then runs the command you give it. But then you have Python running cmd running ansicon, and ansicon will inject into cmd, and then cmd, having finished its work, will exit.
Rather than using os.system, use the subprocess module, e.g.:
subprocess.check_call(['ansicon', '-p'])
The subprocess module (unlike os.system) will execute the command directly without a shell in-between (unless you pass shell=True). Then Python will spawn ansicon, and ansicon will inject into Python, as desired.
That said, rather than having ansicon inject itself into Python, Python could probably just load the DLL itself, avoiding some hardship:
import sys
import math
import ctypes
bitness = 1 << round(math.log2(round(math.log2(sys.maxsize + 1))))


command with to run virtualenv doesn't work

I'm trying to run my virtualenv called env (created before) using call() from subprocess and it doesn't work. Command is fine, it's working when I type it directly in terminal.
python code:
import subprocess"source env/bin/activate", shell=True)
I was trying also:
import os
os.system("source env/bin/activate")
any ideas why command is not performed or what should I use instead os.system() and
In both examples, your code launches a subprocess. That subprocess, which has its own environment, attempts to run the "source" command, and then exits. Since the subprocess has its own environment, this has no effect on the current process.
Assuming your end goal is to run some other command in the subprocess, you should just run it directly. You don't specifically need to activate the virtual environment.["./env/bin/pip", "list"])
Avoid using the shell=True option if at all possible; it can be quite dangerous if you're not extremely careful with it.
If you really need to set the environment variables that the activate script sets in this script, you need to manually set them in os.environ. You can read the activate script to see what they are. They usually won't matter, though.

How to run python code in the currently activated virtualenv with subprocess?

I have a virtualenv named 'venv' and it is activate:
and I wrote codes that I'll run it in the virtualenv (
import subprocess
result ='python', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
but when I run file:
(venv)> python
subprocess does not execute the command (python in the virtualenv i.e venv
How to run subprocess command in the current virtualenv session?
A child process can't run commands in its parent process without that process's involvement.
This is why ssh-agent requires usage as eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" to invoke the shell commands it emits on output, for example. Thus, the literal thing you're asking for here is impossible.
Fortunately, it's also unnecessary.
virtualenvs use environment variables inherited by child processes.
This means that you don't actually need to use the same shell that has a virtualenv activated to start a new Python interpreter intended to use the interpreter/libraries/etc. from that virtualenv. must be passed a list, or shell=True must be used.
Either do this (which is better!)
import subprocess
result =['python', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
Or this (which is worse!)
import subprocess
result ='python', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
If you want to run a script with the same Python executable being used to run the current script, don't use python and rely on the path being set up properly, just use sys.executable:
A string giving the absolute path of the executable binary for the Python interpreter, on systems where this makes sense.
This works if you executed the script with python relying on the active virtualenv's PATH. It also works if you executed the script with /usr/local/bin/python3.6 to ignore the PATH and test your script with a specific interpreter. Or if you executed the script with, relying on a shbang line created at installation time by setuptools. Or if the script was run as a CGI depending on your Apache configuration. Or if you sudod the executable, or did something else that scraped down your environment. Or almost anything else imaginable.1
As explained in Charles Duffy's answer, you still need to use a list of arguments instead of a string (or use shell=True, but you rarely want to do that). So:
result =[sys.executable, ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
1. Well, not quite… Examples of where it doesn't work include custom C programs that embed a CPython interpreter, some smartphone mini-Python environments, old-school Amiga Python, … The one most likely to affect you—and it's a pretty big stretch—is that on some *nix platforms, if you write a program that execs Python by passing incompatible names for the process and arg0, sys.executable can end up wrong.

Launching a python script in a new terminal from another python script

I'm using LXDE, I would like to Launch a python script in a new terminal from another python script.
I would like the new python script to be totally independent.
I have tried a lot of things...
Calling xterm (or x-terminal-emulator) directly from python with the or subprocess.Popen with or without shell=True argument, it didn't work. It gives me an error about display not being set.
I have also created a sh file which calls the other python script and tried to call it, same results.
Any way to do this?
This works fine for me:
import os
os.system("xterm -e \"python\"")
non blocking:
import os
os.system("xterm -e \"python\" &")

Calling multiple commands using os.system in Python

I would like to invoke multiple commands from my python script.
I tried using the os.system(), however, I'm running into issues when the current directory is changed.
os.system("ls -l")
os.system("<some command>") # This will change the present working directory
os.system("launchMyApp") # Some application invocation I need to do.
Now, the third call to launch doesn't work.
os.system is a wrapper for the C standard library function system(). Its argument can be any valid shell command as long as it fits into the memory reserved for environment and argument lists of a process.
So, delimit each command with a semicolon or a newline and they will be executed one after another in the same environment.
os.system(" ls -l; <some command>; launchMyApp")
ls -l
<some command>
Try this
import os
os.system("ls -l")
os.chdir('path') # This will change the present working directory
os.system("launchMyApp") # Some application invocation I need to do.
Each process has its own current working directory. Normally, child processes can't change parent's directory that is why cd is a builtin shell command: it runs in the same (shell) process.
Each os.system() call creates a new shell process. Changing the directory inside these processes has no effect on the parent python process and therefore on the subsequent shell processes.
To run multiple commands in the same shell instance, you could use subprocess module:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import check_call
check_call(r"""set -e
ls -l
<some command> # This will change the present working directory
launchMyApp""", shell=True)
If you know the destination directory; use cwd parameter suggested by #Puffin GDI instead.
It’s simple, really.
For Windows separate your commands with &, for Linux, separate them with ;.
str.replace is a very good way to approach the problem, used in the example below:
import os
os.system('''cd /
mkdir somedir'''.replace('\n', ';')) # or use & for Windows
When you call os.system(), every time you create a subshell - that closes immediately when os.system returns (subprocess is the recommended library to invoke OS commands). If you need to invoke a set of commands - invoke them in one call.
BTW, you may change working director from Python - os.chdir
Try to use subprocess.Popen and cwd
subprocess.Popen('launchMyApp', cwd=r'/working_directory/')
os.system("ls -l && <some command>")
You can change back to the directory you need to be in with os.chdir()
Just use
os.system("first command\nsecond command\nthird command")
I think you have got the idea what to do
Note: This is not a very reliable approach if you are doing a complex
job using CLI tools. Popen and subprocess methods are better there.
Although small task link copy, move, list will work fine

os.system doesn't work in Python

I'm working on windows vista, but I'm running python from DOS command. I have this simple python program. (It's actually one py file named
import os
os.system('cd ..')
When I execute "python" from a Dos command, it doesn't work.
For example, if the prompt Dos Command before execution was this:
After execution, must be this:
Help Plz.
First, you generally don't want to use os.system - take a look at the subprocess module instead. But, that won't solve your immediate problem (just some you might have down the track) - the actual reason cd won't work is because it changes the working directory of the subprocess, and doesn't affect the process Python is running in - to do that, use os.chdir.
I don't really use Windows, but you can try cmd /k yourcommandhere. This executes the command and then returns to the CMD prompt.
So for example, maybe you can do what you want like this:['cmd', '/k', 'cd .. && prompt changed'])
As I said, I am not familiar with Windows, so the syntax could be wrong, but you should get the idea.
In case you don't know, this is a different CMD instance than the one you were in before you started your python script. So when you exit, your python script should continue execution, and after it's done, you'll be back to your original CMD.
