I have write the following function to build parameters, i want to know that is there any other way in python to do that so that the code efficient is improved...
build_parameters(users[keys]["email"], Null , xsmtpapi, Message_Subject, Message_Content, Message_Content, 'support#brightspyre.com', 'BrightSpyre', 'support#brightspyre.com', Null, Null, Null, Null)
Here is the function
def build_parameters(to = None, toname = None, x-smtpapi = None, subject = None, text = None, html = None, from = None, cc = None, ccname = None, bcc = None, bccname = None, fromname = None, replyto = None, date = None, files = None, content = None, headers = None):
param = {}
if headers:
param['headers'] = headers
if content:
param['content'] = content
if files:
param['files'] = files
if date:
param['date'] = date
if replyto:
param['replyto'] = replyto
if fromname:
param['fromname'] = fromname
if bccname:
param['bccname'] = bccname
if bcc:
param['bcc'] = bcc
if ccname:
param['ccname'] = ccname
if cc:
param['cc'] = cc
if from:
param['from'] = from
if html:
param['html'] = html
if text:
param['text'] = text
if subject:
param['subject'] = subject
if x-smtpapi:
param['x-smtpapi'] = x-smtpapi
if toname:
param['toname'] = toname
if to:
param['to'] = to
return param
I have updated the code as described by #J0HN
_allowed_keys = {'to', 'toname', 'x-smtpapi', 'subject', 'text', 'html', 'from', 'cc', 'ccname', 'bcc', 'bccname', 'fromname', 'replyto', 'date', 'files', 'content', 'headers'}
def build_parameter(**kwargs):
return {key:value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in _allowed_keys}
params = build_parameter(to = users[keys]["email"], toname = users[keys]["name"], x-smtpapi = xsmtpapi, subject = Message_Subject,text = Message_Content, html = Message_Content, from = 'support#bs.com', fromname = 'BS', replyto = 'support#bs.com')
params = build_parameter(to = users[keys]["email"],toname = users[keys]["name"], x-smtpapi = xsmtpapi, subject = Message_Subject,text = Message_Content, html = Message_Content, from = '
support#bs.com', fromname = 'BSe', replyto = 'support#bs.com')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
_allowed_keys = {'to', 'toname', 'x-smtpapi', ...]
def build_parameters(**kwargs):
return {key:value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in _allowed_keys}
Step by step:
Define _allowed_keys to contain all keyword arguments' names. Refer to set documentation for details.
Replace parameters with **kwargs. Refer to Understanding kwargs in Python for details on what's that.
Use a dictionary comprehension to build a new dictionary out of kwargs
items are used to iterate over key-value pair of a dictionary
key in _allowed_keys is self-explanatory I believe
As a result, this function receives any number of keyword arguments, but filter out keys not in _allowed_keys.
UPD: ok, from is a keyword and x-smtpapi can't be a keyword argument as it contains -. It's an expected behavior, but the canonical way to workaround it renders the whole method useless.
So you'll need to represent them differently, e.g.:
_transforms = {'x_smtpapi'='x-smtpapi', `_from`='from'}
def build_parameter(**kwargs):
return {_transforms.get(key, key):value for key, value in kwargs.items() if _transforms.get(key, key) in _allowed_keys}
And use like this build_parameter(_from='from value', x_smtpapi: 'x-smtpapi value', ...)
However, I wouldn't recommend doing this is it might be quite confusing. Instead, consider alternative approaches, e.g. build a class to encapsulate creating params dict (and probably using it)
Just build a dictionary.
params = {"to": "to value",
"from": "from value}
There is no need to use a method for this.
I am trying to pass a data back to a URL fetch request. We are using Python 3.x
user_type_data = {'user_type': 'admin',
'user_name': 'myname',
'user_check_flag': 'yes'}
return_data = json.dumps({
l_user_type_data : user_type_data
},default = date_handler)
return return_data
When we do this for a dict I am getting the following error - TypeError("unhashable type: 'dict'"). According to this, it states that we cannot use a dict that is not hashabale - but how do we do this?
How do we fix this?
A valid dictionary key string should be enveloped by quotes or double quotes.
a_dict = {'key': 'value'} # Valid
b_dict = {"key": "value"} # Valid
Or if you wish to assign string that was stored in a variable to be the dictionary key, you can do this instead:
st = "key"
a_dict = dict()
a_dict[st] = 'value'
Since json_dumps requires a valid python dictionary, you may need to rearrange your code.
If the l_user_type_data is a variable contains a string, you should do:
temp_dict = dict()
temp_dict[l_user_type_data] = user_type_data
result = json.dumps(temp_dict, default = date_handler)
Otherwise, if l_user_type_data is a string for the key, just simply enclose that with either single quote or double quotes.
return_data = json.dumps({
"l_user_type_data" : user_type_data
},default = date_handler)
Sorry if this has been asked, I've searched a ton and not finding what I'm looking for. Lots of ways to combine dictionaries, but haven't found anything for combining in a loop that applies.
I have a function (masternodes()) that will return a filtered queryset. With each object returned from that queryset, I loop through and query another function (masternodeDetail()) to get some details about that object. The function (masternodeDetail()) returns a dictionary. I'd like to combine the dictionaries returned in to a single dictionary so I can pass that to my template.
Here's my code I've been working with:
def masternodes(request):
user = request.user
mn = {}
queryset = Masternode.objects.filter(created_by=user)
for n in queryset:
mn = masternodeDetail(n.wallet_address, n.coin_symbol)
args = {'masternodes': queryset, 'masternodetail': mn}
return render(request, 'monitor.html', args)
def masternodeDetail(wallet, ticker):
monitorinfo = MonitorInfo.objects.get(coin_symbol=ticker)
coin_symbol = monitorinfo.coin_symbol
daemon = monitorinfo.daemon
rpc_user = monitorinfo.rpc_user
rpc_password = monitorinfo.rpc_password
rpc_port = monitorinfo.rpc_port
coin_name = monitorinfo.coin_name
notes = monitorinfo.notes
masternode_reward = monitorinfo.masternode_reward
coingecko_id = monitorinfo.coingecko_id
json_output = monitorinfo.json_output
headers = {'content-type': 'text/plain'}
payload = {"method": "masternodelist", "params": ['full', wallet], "jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "MN Monitoring v0.1"}
response = requests.post("http://" + daemon + ":" + rpc_port, json=payload, headers=headers, auth=(rpc_user,rpc_password)).json()
res = response["result"]
if json_output == False:
for k,v in res.items():
list = v.split()
## status protocol payee lastseen activeseconds lastpaidtime lastpaidblock IP ##
status = list[0]
protocol = list[1]
payee = list[2]
lastseen = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(float(list[3])))
activeseconds = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(list[4]))
lastpaidtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(float(list[5])))
lastpaidblock = list[6]
nodeip = list[7].split(':', 1)[0]
masternode_result = {payee: {'coin':coin_symbol, 'coin_name':coin_name, 'notes':notes, 'masternode_reward':masternode_reward,
'coingecko_id':coingecko_id, 'status':status, 'protocol':protocol, 'payee':payee, 'lastseen': lastseen,
'activeseconds': activeseconds, 'lastpaidtime': lastpaidtime, 'lastpaidblock': lastpaidblock, 'nodeip': nodeip}}
masternodes_result = {**masternode_result, **masternode_result}
return masternodes_result
for txid in res:
status = res[txid]['status']
nodeip = res[txid]['address'].split(':', 1)[0]
protocol = res[txid]['protocol']
payee = res[txid]['payee']
lastseen = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(float(res[txid]['lastseen'])))
activeseconds = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(res[txid]['activeseconds']))
lastpaidtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(float(res[txid]['lastpaidtime'])))
lastpaidblock = res[txid]['lastpaidblock']
masternode_result = {payee: {'coin':coin_symbol, 'coin_name':coin_name, 'notes':notes, 'masternode_reward':masternode_reward,
'coingecko_id':coingecko_id, 'status':status, 'protocol':protocol, 'payee':payee, 'lastseen': lastseen,
'activeseconds': activeseconds, 'lastpaidtime': lastpaidtime, 'lastpaidblock': lastpaidblock, 'nodeip': nodeip}}
masternodes_result = {**masternode_result, **masternode_result}
return masternodes_result
How can I combine this in to a single dictionary or get all the info I need back to my template? You can see one of my many attempts using the {,} method I've used before but since it's not two different named dictionaries, I'guessing that's why it's not working. Right now, the last dictionary returned from my loop is what's getting passed. Maybe I'm approaching this completely wrong and there's a better way to get this info? Suggestions?
I don't think you want a "single dictionary", I can't imagine what that would look like. Instead you probably want a list of dictionaries - in which case you could do:
mn = []
for n in queryset:
mn.append(masternodeDetail(n.wallet_address, n.coin_symbol))
or even shorter:
mn = [masternodeDetail(n.wallet_address, n.coin_symbol) for n in queryset]
Start with an empty dictionary full_dict and use full_dict.update(d) to add dictionary d to full_dict.
Be aware that if there are commons keys between full_dict and d, they will be replaced.
The following example code starts with an empty dict and updates it with each dict passed in a for loop. Hopefully you can adapt this idea into your code:
full_dict = {}
dict_a = {"a": 10, "b": 20}
dict_b = {"b": 100, "c": 120}
for d in (dict_a, dict_b):
print(full_dict) # {"a": 10, "b": 100, "c": 120}
I am Overloading the get_mail_values method of mail.compose.message. I have added email_cc field only and I am expecting the mail should go to both recipients.
def get_mail_values(self, res_ids):
"""Generate the values that will be used by send_mail to create mail_messages
or mail_mails. """
results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False)
rendered_values = {}
mass_mail_mode = self.composition_mode == 'mass_mail'
# render all template-based value at once
if mass_mail_mode and self.model:
rendered_values = self.render_message(res_ids)
# compute alias-based reply-to in batch
reply_to_value = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, None)
if mass_mail_mode and not self.no_auto_thread:
# reply_to_value = self.env['mail.thread'].with_context(thread_model=self.model).browse(res_ids).message_get_reply_to(default=self.email_from)
reply_to_value = self.env['mail.thread'].with_context(thread_model=self.model).message_get_reply_to(res_ids, default=self.email_from)
for res_id in res_ids:
# static wizard (mail.message) values
mail_values = {
'subject': self.subject,
'body': self.body or '',
'parent_id': self.parent_id and self.parent_id.id,
'partner_ids': [partner.id for partner in self.partner_ids],
**'email_cc' : self.partner_ids_cc,**
'attachment_ids': [attach.id for attach in self.attachment_ids],
'author_id': self.author_id.id,
'email_from': self.email_from,
'record_name': self.record_name,
'no_auto_thread': self.no_auto_thread,
'mail_server_id': self.mail_server_id.id,
# mass mailing: rendering override wizard static values
if mass_mail_mode and self.model:
# keep a copy unless specifically requested, reset record name (avoid browsing records)
mail_values.update(notification=not self.auto_delete_message, model=self.model, res_id=res_id, record_name=False)
# auto deletion of mail_mail
if self.auto_delete or self.template_id.auto_delete:
mail_values['auto_delete'] = True
# rendered values using template
email_dict = rendered_values[res_id]
mail_values['partner_ids'] += email_dict.pop('partner_ids', [])
if not self.no_auto_thread:
if reply_to_value.get(res_id):
mail_values['reply_to'] = reply_to_value[res_id]
if self.no_auto_thread and not mail_values.get('reply_to'):
mail_values['reply_to'] = mail_values['email_from']
# mail_mail values: body -> body_html, partner_ids -> recipient_ids
mail_values['body_html'] = mail_values.get('body', '')
mail_values['recipient_ids'] = [(4, id) for id in mail_values.pop('partner_ids', [])]
# process attachments: should not be encoded before being processed by message_post / mail_mail create
mail_values['attachments'] = [(name, base64.b64decode(enc_cont)) for name, enc_cont in email_dict.pop('attachments', list())]
attachment_ids = []
for attach_id in mail_values.pop('attachment_ids'):
new_attach_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].browse(attach_id).copy({'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': self.id})
mail_values['attachment_ids'] = self.env['mail.thread']._message_preprocess_attachments(
mail_values.pop('attachments', []),
attachment_ids, 'mail.message', 0)
results[res_id] = mail_values
return results
As per my conclusion mail.compose.message passing control to mail.mail object and send method of mail.mail object is responsible to send mail to normal recipients and CC recipient.
Please suggest me where i am doing mistakes?
I have a flask application which is receiving a request from dataTables Editor. Upon receipt at the server, request.form looks like (e.g.)
ImmutableMultiDict([('data[59282][gender]', u'M'), ('data[59282][hometown]', u''),
('data[59282][disposition]', u''), ('data[59282][id]', u'59282'),
('data[59282][resultname]', u'Joe Doe'), ('data[59282][confirm]', 'true'),
('data[59282][age]', u'27'), ('data[59282][place]', u'3'), ('action', u'remove'),
('data[59282][runnerid]', u''), ('data[59282][time]', u'29:49'),
('data[59282][club]', u'')])
I am thinking to use something similar to this really ugly code to decode it. Is there a better way?
from collections import defaultdict
# request.form comes in multidict [('data[id][field]',value), ...]
# so we need to exec this string to turn into python data structure
data = defaultdict(lambda: {}) # default is empty dict
# need to define text for each field to be received in data[id][field]
age = 'age'
club = 'club'
confirm = 'confirm'
disposition = 'disposition'
gender = 'gender'
hometown = 'hometown'
id = 'id'
place = 'place'
resultname = 'resultname'
runnerid = 'runnerid'
time = 'time'
# fill in data[id][field] = value
for formkey in request.form.keys():
exec '{} = {}'.format(d,repr(request.form[formkey]))
This question has an accepted answer and is a bit old but since the DataTable module seems being pretty popular among jQuery community still, I believe this approach may be useful for someone else. I've just wrote a simple parsing function based on regular expression and dpath module, though it appears not to be quite reliable module. The snippet may be not very straightforward due to an exception-relied fragment, but it was only one way to prevent dpath from trying to resolve strings as integer indices I found.
import re, dpath.util
rxsKey = r'(?P<key>[^\W\[\]]+)'
rxsEntry = r'(?P<primaryKey>[^\W]+)(?P<secondaryKeys>(\[' \
+ rxsKey \
+ r'\])*)\W*'
rxKey = re.compile(rxsKey)
rxEntry = re.compile(rxsEntry)
def form2dict( frmDct ):
res = {}
for k, v in frmDct.iteritems():
m = rxEntry.match( k )
if not m: continue
mdct = m.groupdict()
if not 'secondaryKeys' in mdct.keys():
res[mdct['primaryKey']] = v
fullPath = [mdct['primaryKey']]
for sk in re.finditer( rxKey, mdct['secondaryKeys'] ):
k = sk.groupdict()['key']
dpath.util.get(res, fullPath)
except KeyError:
dpath.util.new(res, fullPath, [] if k.isdigit() else {})
fullPath.append(int(k) if k.isdigit() else k)
dpath.util.new(res, fullPath, v)
return res
The practical usage is based on native flask request.form.to_dict() method:
# ... somewhere in a view code
pars = form2dict(request.form.to_dict())
The output structure includes both, dictionary and lists, as one could expect. E.g.:
# A little test:
rs = jQDT_form2dict( {
'columns[2][search][regex]' : False,
'columns[2][search][value]' : None,
'columns[2][search][regex]' : False,
} )
"columns": [
"search": {
"regex": false,
"value": null
Update: to handle lists as dictionaries (in more efficient way) one may simplify this snippet with following block at else part of if clause:
# ...
fullPathStr = mdct['primaryKey']
for sk in re.finditer( rxKey, mdct['secondaryKeys'] ):
fullPathStr += '/' + sk.groupdict()['key']
dpath.util.new(res, fullPathStr, v)
I decided on a way that is more secure than using exec:
from collections import defaultdict
def get_request_data(form):
return dict list with data from request.form
:param form: MultiDict from `request.form`
:rtype: {id1: {field1:val1, ...}, ...} [fieldn and valn are strings]
# request.form comes in multidict [('data[id][field]',value), ...]
# fill in id field automatically
data = defaultdict(lambda: {})
# fill in data[id][field] = value
for formkey in form.keys():
if formkey == 'action': continue
datapart,idpart,fieldpart = formkey.split('[')
if datapart != 'data': raise ParameterError, "invalid input in request: {}".format(formkey)
idvalue = int(idpart[0:-1])
fieldname = fieldpart[0:-1]
data[idvalue][fieldname] = form[formkey]
# return decoded result
return data
So I'm trying to compare a dict that I have created to a dict response returned by a boto3 call.
The response is a representation of a JSON document and I want to check they are the same.
Boto3 always returned the strings as unicode. Here's the response:
{u'Version': u'2012-10-17', u'Statement': [{u'Action': u'sts:AssumeRole', u'Principal': {u'Service': u'ec2.amazonaws.com'}, u'Effect': u'Allow', u'Sid': u''}]}
I initially created my dict like this:
default_documment = {}
default_documment['Version'] = '2012-10-17'
default_documment['Statement'] = [{}]
default_documment['Statement'][0]['Sid'] = ''
default_documment['Statement'][0]['Effect'] = 'Allow'
default_documment['Statement'][0]['Principal'] = {}
default_documment['Statement'][0]['Principal']['Service'] = 'ec2.amazonaws.com'
default_documment['Statement'][0]['Action'] = 'sts:AssumeRole'
However, when i compare these two dicts with == they are not equal.
So then I tried adding u to all the strings when I create the dict:
# Default document for a new role
default_documment = {}
default_documment[u'Version'] = u'2012-10-17'
default_documment[u'Statement'] = [{}]
default_documment[u'Statement'][0][u'Sid'] = u''
default_documment[u'Statement'][0][u'Effect'] = u'Allow'
default_documment[u'Statement'][0][u'Principal'] = {}
default_documment[u'Statement'][0][u'Principal'][u'Service'] = u'ec2.amazonaws.com'
default_documment[u'Statement'][0][u'Action'] = u'sts:AssumeRole'
This doesn't work either. The dicts are not equally and if i do a print of my dict it doesn't show u'somestring' it just shows 'somestring'.
How can I compare my dict to what boto3 has returned?
Your second attempt works correctly in Python 2.7 and 3.3. Below is just a cut-and-paste of your Boto3 response and your code (with document spelling corrected :)
D = {u'Version': u'2012-10-17', u'Statement': [{u'Action': u'sts:AssumeRole', u'Principal': {u'Service': u'ec2.amazonaws.com'}, u'Effect': u'Allow', u'Sid': u''}]}
default_document = {}
default_document[u'Version'] = u'2012-10-17'
default_document[u'Statement'] = [{}]
default_document[u'Statement'][0][u'Sid'] = u''
default_document[u'Statement'][0][u'Effect'] = u'Allow'
default_document[u'Statement'][0][u'Principal'] = {}
default_document[u'Statement'][0][u'Principal'][u'Service'] = u'ec2.amazonaws.com'
default_document[u'Statement'][0][u'Action'] = u'sts:AssumeRole'
print(D == default_document)