I have a dataset df with three columns: 'String_key_val', 'Float_other_val1', 'Int_other_val2'. I want to groupby on key_val, then extract the sum of val1 (resp. val2) with respect to these groups. Here is my code:
df = pandas.read_csv('test.csv')
grouped = df.groupby('String_key_val')
series_calculus1 = grouped['Float_other_val1'].sum()
series_calculus2 = grouped['Int_other_val2'].sum()
res = pandas.concat([series_calculus1, series_calculus2], axis=1)
My problem is: My entry dataset is 10GB and I have 4Go Ram so I need to chunk my calculus but I can't see how. I thought of using HDFStore, but since I only have to build a numerical dataset, I see no point of storing complete DataFrame, and I don't think HDFStore can store simple arrays.
What can I do?
I believe a simple approach would be something along these lines....
import pandas as pd
summary = pd.DataFrame()
chunker = pd.read_csv('test.csv',iterator=True,chunksize=50000)
for chunk in chunker:
group = chunk.groupby('String_key_val')
out = group[['Float_other_val1','Int_other_val2']].sum()
summary = summary.append(out)
summary = summary.reset_index()
group = summary.groupby('String_key_val')
summary = group[['Float_other_val1','Int_other_val2']].sum()
I've written a piece of code to extract data from a HDF5 file and save into a dataframe that I can export as .csv later. The final data frame effectively has 2.5 million rows and is taking a lot of time to execute.
Is there any way, I can optimize this code so that it can run effectively.
Current runtime is 7.98 minutes!
Ideally I would want to run this program for 48 files like these and expect a faster run time.
Link to source file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g2fpJHZmD5FflfB4s3BlAoiB5sGISKmg/view
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#import geopandas as gpd
f = h5py.File('mer.h5', 'r')
for key in f.keys():
#print(key) #Names of the root level object names in HDF5 file - can be groups or datasets.
#print(type(f[key])) # get the object type: usually group or dataset
ls = list(f.keys())
#Get the HDF5 group; key needs to be a group name from above
key ='DHI'
#group = f['OBSERVATION_TIME']
#for key in ls:
#data = f.get(key)
#dataset1 = np.array(data)
data = f.get(key)
dataset1 = np.array(data)
X = f.get('X')
X_1 = pd.DataFrame(X)
Y = f.get('Y')
Y_1 = pd.DataFrame(Y)
data_df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(Y_1)),columns=range(len(X_1)))
for i in data_df.index:
data_df.iloc[i] = dataset1[0][i]
final = pd.DataFrame(index=range(1616*1616),columns=['X', 'Y','GHI'])
for y in range(len(Y_1)):
for x in range(len(X_1[:-2])): #X and Y ranges are not same
final.loc[k,'X'] = X_1[0][x]
final.loc[k,'Y'] = Y_1[0][y]
final.loc[k,'GHI'] = data_df.iloc[y,x]
# print(k)`
we can optimize loops by vectorizing operations. this is one/two orders of magnitude faster than their pure python equivalents(especially in numerical computations). vectorization is something we can get with NumPy. it is a library with efficient data structures designed to hold matrix data.
Could you please try the following (file.h5 your file):
import pandas as pd
import h5py
with h5py.File("file.h5", "r") as file:
df_X = pd.DataFrame(file.get("X")[:-2], columns=["X"])
df_Y = pd.DataFrame(file.get("Y"), columns=["Y"])
DHI = file.get("DHI")[0][:, :-2].reshape(-1)
final = df_Y.merge(df_X, how="cross").assign(DHI=DHI)[["X", "Y", "DHI"]]
Some explanations:
First read the data with key X into a dataframe df_X with one column X, except for the last 2 data points.
Then read the full data with key Y into a dataframe df_Y with one column Y.
Then get the data with key DHI and take the first element [0] (there are no more): Result is a NumpPy array with 2 dimensions, a matrix. Now remove the last two columns ([:, :-2]) and reshape the matrix into an 1-dimensional array, in the order you are looking for (order="C" is default). The result is the column DHI of your final dataframe.
Finally take the cross product of df_Y and df_X (y is your outer dimension in the loop) via .merge with how="cross", add the DHI column, and rearrange the columns in the order you want.
I wrote the following code to form a data frame containing the energy consumption and the temperature. The data for each of the variables is collected from a different csv file:
def match_data():
pwr_data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\\Users\X\Energy consumption per hour-data-2022-03-16 17_50_56_Edited.csv')
temp_data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\\Users\X\temp.csv')
new_time = []
new_pwr = []
new_tmp = []
for i in range(1,len(pwr_data)):
for j in range(1,len(temp_data)):
if pwr_data['time'][i] == temp_data['Date'][j]:
time = pwr_data['time'][i]
pwr = pwr_data['watt_hour'][i]
tmp = temp_data['Temp'][j]
return pd.DataFrame({'Time' : new_time,'watt_hour' : new_pwr,'Temp':new_tmp})
I was trying to collect data with matching time indices so that I can assemble them in a data frame.
The code works well but it takes time(43 seconds for around 1300 data points). At the moment I don't have much data but I was wondering if there was a more efficient and faster way to do so
Do the pwr_data['time'] and temp_data['Date] columns have the same granularity?
If so, you can pd.merge() the two dataframes after reading them.
# read data
pwr_data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\\Users\X\Energy consumption per hour-data-2022-03-16 17_50_56_Edited.csv')
temp_data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\\Users\X\temp.csv')
# merge data on time and Date columns
# you can set the how to be 'inner' or 'right' depending on your needs
df = pd.merge(pwr_data, temp_data, how='left', left_on='time', right_on='Date')
Just like #greco recommended this did the trick and in no time!
'time' and Date are the columns on which you want to base the merge.
I have all the data (sites and distances already).
Now I have to form a string matrix to use as an input for another python script.
I have sites and distances as (returned from a query, delimited as here):
How to create this kind of matrix?
This has to be returned as a string from python and I'll have more than 1000 sites, so it should be optimized for such size.
I have no doubt it could be done in a cleaner way (because Python).
I will do some more research later on but I do want you to have something to start with, so here it is.
import pandas as pd
data = [
data.extend([(y,x,val) for x,y,val in data])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['x','y','val'])
df = df.pivot_table(values='val', index='x', columns='y')
df = df.fillna(0)
Here is a demo for 1000x1000 (take about 2 seconds)
import pandas as pd, itertools as it
data = [(x,y,val) for val,(x,y) in enumerate(it.combinations(range(1000),2))]
data.extend([(y,x,val) for x,y,val in data])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['x','y','val'])
df = df.pivot_table(values='val', index='x', columns='y')
df = df.fillna(0)
I'm working with a relatively large dataset (approx 5m observations, made up of about 5.5k firms).
I needed to run OLS regressions with a 60 month rolling window for each firm. I noticed that the performance was insanely slow when I ran the following code:
for idx, sub_df in master_df.groupby("firm_id"):
# OLS code
However, when I first split my dataframe into about 5.5k dfs and then iterated over each of the dfs, the performance improved dramatically.
grouped_df = master_df.groupby("firm_id")
df_list = [group for group in grouped_df]
for df in df_list:
my_df = df[1]
# OLS code
I'm talking 1-2 weeks of time (24/7) to complete in the first version compared to 8-9 hours tops.
Can anyone please explain why splitting the master df into N smaller dfs and then iterating over each smaller df performs better than iterating over the same number of groups within the master df?
Thanks ever so much!
I'm unable to reproduce your observation. Here's some code that generates data and then times the direct and indirect methods separately. The time taken is very similar in either case.
Is it possible that you accidentally sorted the dataframe by the group key between the runs? Sorting by group key results in a noticeable difference in run time.
Otherwise, I'm beginning to think that there might be some other differences in your code. It would be great if you could post the full code.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
def generate_data():
''' returns a Pandas DF with columns 'firm_id' and 'score' '''
# configuration
num_groups = 50000 # number of distinct groups in the DF
mean_group_length = 200 # how many records per group?
cov_group_length = 0.10 # throw in some variability in the num records per group
# simulate group lengths
stdv_group_length = mean_group_length * cov_group_length
group_lengths = np.random.normal(
group_lengths[group_lengths <= 0] = mean_group_length
# final length of DF
total_length = sum(group_lengths)
# compute entries for group key column
firm_id_list = []
for i, l in enumerate(group_lengths):
firm_id_list.extend([(i + 1)] * l)
# construct the DF; data column is 'score' populated with Numpy's U[0, 1)
result_df = pd.DataFrame(data={
'firm_id': firm_id_list,
'score': np.random.rand(total_length)
# Optionally, shuffle or sort the DF by group keys
# ALTERNATIVE 1: (badly) unsorted df
result_df = result_df.sample(frac=1, random_state=13).reset_index(drop=True)
# ALTERNATIVE 2: sort by group key
# result_df.sort_values(by='firm_id', inplace=True)
return result_df
def time_method(df, method):
''' time 'method' with 'df' as its argument '''
t_start = datetime.now()
t_final = datetime.now()
delta_t = t_final - t_start
print(f"Method '{method.__name__}' took {delta_t}.")
def process_direct(df):
''' direct for-loop over groupby object '''
for group, df in df.groupby('firm_id'):
m = df.score.mean()
s = df.score.std()
def process_indirect(df):
''' indirect method: generate groups first as list and then loop over list '''
grouped_df = df.groupby('firm_id')
group_list = [pair for pair in grouped_df]
for pair in group_list:
m = pair[1].score.mean()
s = pair[1].score.std()
df = generate_data()
time_method(df, process_direct)
time_method(df, process_indirect)
I'm trying to put Pyomo model output into pandas.DataFrame rows. I'm accomplishing it now by saving data as a .csv, then reading the .csv file as a DataFrame. I would like to skip the .csv step and put output directly into a DataFrame.
When I accomplish an optimization solution with Pyomo, the optimal assignments are 1 in the model.x[i] output data (0 otherwise). model.x[i] is indexed by dict keys in v. model.x is specific syntax to Pyomo
Pyomo assigns a timeItem[i], platItem[i], payItem[i], demItem[i], v[i] for each value that presents an optimal solution. The 0807results.csv file produces an accurate file of the optimal assignments showing the value of timeItem[i], platItem[i], payItem[i], demItem[i], v[i] for each valid assignment in the optimal solution.
When model.x[i] is 1, how can I get timeItem[i], platItem[i], payItem[i], demItem[i], v[i] directly into a DataFrame? Your assistance is greatly appreciated. My current code is below.
with open('0807results.csv', 'w') as f:
for i in index:
if value(model.x[i])>0:
f.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n"%(timeItem[i],platItem[i],payItem[i], demItem[i],v[i]))
from pandas import read_csv
now = datetime.datetime.now()
df = read_csv('0807results.csv')
df.columns = ['Time', 'Platform','Payload','DemandType','Value']
# convert payload types to string so not summed
df['Payload'] = df['Payload'].astype(str)
df = df.sort_values('Time')
# do stats & visualization with pandas df
I have no idea what is in the timeItem etc iterables from the code you've posted. However, I suspect that something similar to:
import pandas as pd
results = pd.DataFrame([timeItem, platItem, payItem, demItem, v], index=["time", "plat", "pay", "dem", "v"]).T
Will work.
If you want to filter on 1s in model.x, you might add it as a column as well, and do a filter with pandas directly:
import pandas as pd
results = pd.DataFrame([timeItem, platItem, payItem, demItem, v, model.x], index=["time", "plat", "pay", "dem", "v", "x"]).T
filtered_results = results[results["x"]>0]
You can also use the DataFrame.from_records() function:
def record_generator():
for i in sorted(v.keys()):
if value(model.x[i] > 1E-6): # integer tolerance
yield (timeItem[i], platItem[i], payItem[i], demItem[i], v[i])
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(
record_generator(), columns=['Time', 'Platform', 'Payload', 'DemandType', 'Value'])