How to convert
cursor.execute("SELECT strftime('%m.%d.%Y %H:%M:%S', timestamp, 'localtime'), temp FROM data WHERE timestamp>datetime('now','-1 hours')")
# fetch all or one we'll go for all.
results = cursor.fetchall()
for row in results[:-1]:
['01.15.2015 21:38:52',21.812]
into dictionary output in form of:
[{timestamp:'01.15.2015 21:38:52',temp:21.812}]
This is fetchone sample I currenyly use and it works fine:
def get_avg():
curs.execute("SELECT ROUND(avg(temp), 2.2) FROM data WHERE timestamp>datetime('now','-1 hour') AND timestamp<=datetime('now')")
#print rowavg
#return rowstrmin
**d = [{"avg":rowavg[0]}]**
return d
#print get_avg()
schema = {"avg": ("number", "avg")}
data = get_avg()
# Loading it into gviz_api.DataTable
data_table = gviz_api.DataTable(schema)
json = data_table.ToJSon()
#print results
#print "Content-type: application/json\n\n"
print "Content-type: application/json"
print json
Then I make jQuery call and pass it into javascript and found help for that in here
ajax json query directly to python generated html gets undefined
As I can see you are using format to write in the form of a string.
Note from the docs
it is not possible to use { and } as fill char while using the str.format() method
To make it look like a dictionary you can do
But if you want to make it a dictionary then you will have to do
row_dic = [{'timestamp':row[0],'temp':row[1]}]
Try this instead:
cursor.execute("SELECT strftime('%m.%d.%Y %H:%M:%S', timestamp, 'localtime'), temp FROM data WHERE timestamp>datetime('now','-1 hours')")
# fetch all or one we'll go for all.
results = cursor.fetchall()
temp_chart_table = []
for row in results:
temp_chart_table.append({'timestamp': row[0], 'temp': row[1]})
In most of the python database adapters you can use a DictCursor to retrieve records using an interface similar to the Python dictionaries instead of the tuples.
Using psycopg2:
>>> dict_cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
>>> dict_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES(%s, %s)",
... (100, "abc'def"))
>>> dict_cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test")
>>> rec = dict_cur.fetchone()
>>> rec['id']
>>> rec['num']
>>> rec['data']
Using MySQLdb:
>>> import MySQLdb
>>> import MySQLdb.cursors
>>> myDb = MySQLdb.connect(user='andy47', passwd='password', db='db_name', cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
>>> myCurs = myDb.cursor()
>>> myCurs.execute("SELECT columna, columnb FROM tablea")
>>> firstRow = myCurs.fetchone()
{'columna':'first value', 'columnb':'second value'}
def stuffToDict(stuff):
return {"timestamp":stuff[0],"temp":stuff[1]}
That would be a dictionary. The sample output you showed is a list of dictionaries, which can be achieved by putting square brackets around the dictionary. I don't know why you'd want that, though. Also, because of the missing quotes, it wasn't legal python syntax.
Use MySQLdb's cursor library.
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=db_host, user=db_user, passwd=db_passwd, db=db_schema, port=db_port, cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT timestamp, localtime, temp FROM data WHERE timestamp>datetime('now','-1 hours')")
# fetch all or one we'll go for all.
results = cursor.fetchall()
Then you have access to the results as a dictionary:
>>> results['timestamp']
>>> results['localtime']
>>> results['temp']
I built a string with a tuple like this:
t = tuple(data)
querysring="INSERT INTO %s VALUES %s "%(table,t)
When I print the string the result is:
INSERT INTO AGENT VALUES ('Bock', 'Fran\\xc3\\xa7ois Bock', 'Individual', 'fb****')
But I want something like this:
INSERT INTO AGENT VALUES ('Bock', 'François Bock', 'Individual', 'fb****')
It is possible to decode the string ?
I'm using Python2.x but I can use Python3.x
I try this:
querysring=u"INSERT INTO %s VALUES %s "%(table,t)
But it's not working
I think your issue is superficial and related to how print displays lists and list items differently. The printed output of a list is in ascii even if the items within the list are correctly encoded in utf-8. First, using chardet library:
from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector
a = ['Bock', 'François Bock']
detector = UniversalDetector()
print "Encoding for the str(list): ", detector.result
detector = UniversalDetector()
print "Encoding for list[1]: ", detector.result
print "The whole list: ", a
print "Item in list: ", a[1]
Aside from the off-putting printouts, it's possible to still write to the database with the correct encoding with a parameterized query. The last part of the below code writes to a file to confirm that the data encoding is preserved:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
conn.text_factory = str
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testing(test1 TEXT, test2 TEXT)")
my_tuple = 'Bock', 'François Bock'
table = 'testing'
placeholders = ', '.join('?' for item in my_tuple)
query = "INSERT INTO {} VALUES ({})".format(table, placeholders)
c.execute(query, my_tuple)
c.execute("SELECT * FROM testing")
all_data = c.fetchone()
# Check the printouts
print all_data
print all_data[1]
# For good measure, write them to a file
with open('check_output.txt', 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(', '.join(item for item in all_data))
Let's say i have a python list of customer id like this:
id = ('12','14','15','11',.......)
the array has 1000 values in it, and i need to insert the customer name to a table based on the ids from the list above.
my code is like:
ids = ",".join(id)
sql = "insert into cust_table(name)values(names)where cust_id IN('ids')"
after running the code, i get nothing inserted to the table. What mistake do i have?
Please help :(
You need to format the string.
ids = ",".join(id)
sql = "insert into cust_table(name)values(names)where cust_id IN('{ids}')"
cursor.execute(sql.format(ids= ids))
Simply writing the name of a variable into a string doesn't magically make its contents appear in the string.
>>> p = 'some part'
>>> s = 'replace p of a string'
>>> s
'replace p of a string'
>>> s = 'replace %s of a string' % p
>>> s
'replace some part of a string'
>>> s = 'replace {} of a string'.format(p)
>>> s
'replace some part of a string'
In your case this would mean:
>>> sql = "insert into cust_table (name) values (names) where cust_id IN ('%s')"
>>> ids = ", ".join(id)
>>> cursor.execute(sql % ids)
although I strongly suspect that you have a similar problem with names.
In order to avoid possible sql injection problems, it would be preferable to use a "parameterized statement". This would look something like:
>>> sql = 'insert into ... where cust_id IN %s'
>>> cursor.execute(sql, (id,))
Some database connectors for python are capable of this, but yours probably isn't.
A workaround might be something like
>>> params = ', '.join(['%s']*len(id))
>>> sql = 'insert into ... where cust_id IN (%s)' % params
>>> cursor.execute(sql, id)
I have the following code:
conn = mysql.connector.connect(database='test', user='me', password='pwd')
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = ( "select id from T where project = 10" )
result = cursor.fetchall()
result is showing as:
[(Decimal('476749'),), (Decimal('478045'),), (Decimal('479713'),)]
is it possible to show it as : [476749, 478045, 479713]
Why use zip/map when python is so much more elegant?
[int(i[0]) for i in cursor.fetchall()]
You can use zip function to get the first items and map to convert the decimals to integer:
>>> import decimal
>>> map(int,zip(*[(decimal.Decimal('476749'),), (decimal.Decimal('478045'),), (decimal.Decimal('479713'),)])[0])
[476749, 478045, 479713]
And in your code :
result = map(int,zip(*cursor.fetchall()))
I would like to get the result of the fetchall operation in a list instead of tuple of tuple or tuple of dictionaries.
For example,
cursor = connection.cursor() #Cursor could be a normal cursor or dict cursor
query = "Select id from bs"
row = cursor.fetchall()
Now, the problem is the resultant row is either ((123,),(234,)) or ({'id':123}, {'id':234})
What I am looking for is (123,234) or [123,234]. Be best if I can save on parsing the resulset.
And what about list comprehensions? If result is ((123,), (234,), (345,)):
>>> row = [item[0] for item in cursor.fetchall()]
>>> row
[123, 234, 345]
If result is ({'id': 123}, {'id': 234}, {'id': 345}):
>>> row = [item['id'] for item in cursor.fetchall()]
>>> row
[123, 234, 345]
I'm sure that after all this time, you've solved this problem, however, for some people who may not know how to get the values of a cursor as a dictionary using MySQLdb, you can use this method found here:
import MySQLdb as mdb
con = mdb.connect('localhost', 'testuser', 'test623', 'testdb')
with con:
cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Writers LIMIT 4")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print row["Id"], row["Name"]
This old Q comes up on Google while searching for flattening db queries, so here are more suggestions...
Consider a fast list-flattening iterator.
Others answers use fetchall() which first loads all rows in memory, then iterates over that to make a new list. Could be inefficient. Could combine with MySQL so-called server side cursor:
# assume mysql on localhost with db test and table bs
import itertools
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost',db='test',
cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor )
cursor = conn.cursor()
# insert a bunch of rows
cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO bs (id) VALUES (%s)',zip(range(1,10000)) )
# retrieve and listify
cursor.execute("select id from bs")
list_of_ids = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(cursor))
But the question is also tagged Django, which has a nice single field query flattener
class Bs(models.Model):
id_field = models.IntegerField()
list_of_ids = Bs.objects.values_list('id_field', flat=True)
Make your cursor object in this manner:
db = MySQLdb.connect("IP", "user", "password", "dbname")
cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
Then when you perform cursor.fetchall() on a query, a tuple of dictionaries will be obtained, which you can later convert to a list.
data = cursor.fetchall()
data = list(data)
list= [list[0] for list in cursor.fetchall()]
this will render results in one list like - list = [122,45,55,44...]
If there is only one field, i can use this to make a list from database:
def getFieldAsList():
kursor.execute("Select id from bs")
id_data = kursor.fetchall()
id_list = []
for index in range(len(id_data)):
return id_list
cursor.execute("""Select * From bs WHERE (id = %s)""",(id))
Is there any way to get the results from a fetchall() as a dictionary using pymysql?
PyMySQL includes a DictCursor. It does what I think you want. Here's how to use it:
import pymysql
import pymysql.cursors
connection = pymysql.connect(db="test")
cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor.execute("SELECT ...")
Use pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, which will return rows represented as dictionaries mapping column names to values.
A few ways to use it...
Create a connection object and have all cursors spawned from it be DictCursors:
>>> import pymysql
>>> connection = pymysql.connect(db='foo', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
>>> with connection.cursor() as cursor:
... print cursor
<pymysql.cursors.DictCursor object at 0x7f87682fefd0>
>>> with connection.cursor() as cursor:
... cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM bar")
... print cursor.fetchall()
[{u'col2': 'rty', u'col1': 'qwe'}, {u'col2': 'fgh', u'col1': 'asd'}]
Create a DictCursor from an ordinary connection object:
>>> connection = pymysql.connect(db='foo')
>>> with connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
... print cursor
<pymysql.cursors.DictCursor object at 0x7f876830c050>
Connect and create a DictCursor in one line with with:
>>> from pymysql.cursors import DictCursor
>>> with pymysql.connect(db='foo', cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
... print cursor
<pymysql.cursors.DictCursor object at 0x7f8767769490>
Use a DictCursor in the cursor() method.
If you mean that you want to fetch two columns, and return them as a dictionary, you can use this method.
def fetch_as_dict(cursor select_query):
'''Execute a select query and return the outcome as a dict.'''
data = cursor.fetchall()
result = dict(data)
msg = 'SELECT query must have exactly two columns'
raise AssertionError(msg)
return result