Add suggestions to python session autocomplete that appear in IPython notebook too - python

I'm trying to add bespoke suggestions to the interactive python tab auto complete. I found this toy example on the interweb
import readline, rlcompleter
addrs = ['', '', '']
class mycompleter(rlcompleter.Completer):
def completer(self, text, state):
options = [x for x in addrs if x.startswith(text)]
return options[state]
except IndexError:
return None
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
This works very nicely in python if I save it in a module and them import it. It also works in IPython if I paste it into an active session using the %paste magic.
However, I can't get it to work in an IPython Notebook, either by loading a module or by running it in a cell. I've found the ipython docs about their extension to the readline module but this hasn't helped. I've tried inheriting from IPCompleter objects, and using rlcompete methods etc, but this doesn't seem to have helped.
Any suggestions about how to add things to the autocomplete suggestions in a way that works in plain python and IPython Notebook
Ultimately, I'm looking of a way to add functionality to a module so that it can dynamically update the session autocomplete list (ideally for args for a specific set of functions so that it doesn't pollute the suggestions).

There is a way to do it, which is not the recommended one but works.
def my_matches(test):
# might want to be smarter here
return ['', '', '']
ip = get_ipython()
# it works
The old ways require setting hooks, but I haven't used it and is pretty old
and could be refactored


Running Script from module in Ipython

I have a class for some data analytics stuff that I use in the terminal to launch some generic visualizations, and I've spent three hours now trying to find the docs for how to run a script from the IPython module. I know there's a way to run magics like below, but these docs are the most inadequate thing I've ever seen in tech. Like not even docstrings for half the ****. Does anybody know how to do something similar with either the current terminal instance or by launching another? Either would work, I just need to be able to call this class from the terminal, and have the class execute something in any terminal...
from IPython import get_ipython
ipython = get_ipython()
ipython.magic("%matplotlib backend osx")
To be clear, this is wrong but generally what the goal is:
from IPython import get_ipython
class VizStuff:
def __init__(self): = []
def mito(self):
ipython = get_ipython()
newInstance = ipython.launchNewTerminalInstance()
newInstance.runCommand('jupyter lab')
Thanks in advance.

Making a GDB debugging helper for the QUuid class

I'm using the QUuid class in my project and for testing and debugging purposes it would be very nice to see the QUuid objects in human readable form instead of their low-level form.
For some reason, the people at Qt have not included a dump method for this type so I attempted to create one on my own, following this documentation and this guide.
I'm not familiar with Python so unfortunately, I could not get something running. Could someone help me create such a function that does nothing more than display the output of QUuid::toString() in the value column of Qt Creator?
Mitko's solution worked perfectly. I expanded it a bit so the details can still be read if so desired:
from dumper import *
import gdb
def qdump__QUuid(d, value):
this_ = d.makeExpression(value)
finalValue = gdb.parse_and_eval("%s.toString()" % (this_))
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
d.putSubItem("data1", value["data1"])
d.putSubItem("data2", value["data2"])
d.putSubItem("data3", value["data3"])
d.putSubItem("data4", value["data4"])
The following python script should do the job:
from dumper import *
import gdb
def qdump__QUuid(d, value):
this = d.makeExpression(value)
stringValue = gdb.parse_and_eval("%s.toString()" % this)
The easiest way to use it with Qt Creator is to just paste these lines at the end of your <Qt-Creator-Install-Dir>/share/qtcreator/debugger/ file. In this case you can skip the first line, as it's already in the file.
As the file is overwritten when you update Qt Creator you might want to put the script above in its own file. In that case you'll need to configure Qt Creator to use your file. You can do this by going to Tools > Options... > Debugger > GDB > Extra Debugging Helpers > Browse and selecting your file.
This script will only work inside Qt Creator, since we use its specific dumper (e.g. putStringValue).
We call QUuid::toString() which creates a QString object. I'm not sure exactly how gdb and python handle this, and if there is a need to clean this up in order to avoid leaking memory. It's probably not a big deal for debugging, but something to be aware of.

How to have win32com code completion in IPython?

import win32com.client
wordapp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Word.Application')
I can get a Word Application object documented e.g. here. However, ipython's autocompletion is not aware of that API, is there any way to add that?
Quick solution
Perhaps the simplest way to achieve code completion in IPython (tested with 6.2.1, see the answer below for a snippet that works with 7.1) and Jupyter is to run the following snippet:
from IPython.utils.generics import complete_object
import win32com.client
def complete_dispatch_base_class(obj, prev_completions):
ole_props = set(obj._prop_map_get_).union(set(obj._prop_map_put_))
return list(ole_props) + prev_completions
except AttributeError:
Short story long
With some more details being outlined in this guide, win32com ships with a script, for generating Python types corresponding to the type library of a given COM object.
In the case of Word 2016, we would proceed as follows:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\pkgs\pywin32-221-py36h9c10281_0\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client>python -i "Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library"
Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library
{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, lcid=0, major=8, minor=7
>>> # Use these commands in Python code to auto generate .py support
>>> from win32com.client import gencache
>>> gencache.EnsureModule('{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 0, 8, 7)
The location of will of course depend on your Python distribution. The script, available in the same directory, can be used to find the names of available type libraries.
With that in place, win32com.client will automatically make use of the generated types, rather than the raw IPyDispatch, and at this point, auto-completion is available in e.g. IPython or Jupyter, given that the COM object of interest actually publishes its available properties and methods (which is not a requirement).
Now, in your case, by invoking EnsureDispatch instead of Dispatch, the makepy part of the process is performed automatically, so you really should be able to obtain code completion in IPython for the published methods:
Note, though, that while this does give code completion for methods, the same will not be true for properties. It is possible to inspect those using the _prop_map_get_ attribute. For example, wordapp.Selection.Range.Font._prop_map_get_ gives all properties available on fonts.
If using IPython is not a strong requirement, note also that the PythonWin shell (located around \pkgs\pywin32\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\Pythonwin.exe) has built-in code completion support for both properties and methods.
This, by itself, suggests that the same is achievable in IPython.
Concretely, the logic for auto-completion, which in turn relies on _prop_map_get_, can be found in scintilla.view.CScintillaView._AutoComplete. On the other hand, code completion in IPython 6.2.1 is handled by core.completer.IPCompleter. The API for adding custom code completers is provided by IPython.utils.generics.complete_object, as illustrated in the first solution above. One gotcha is that with complete_object being based on simplegeneric, only one completer may be provided for any given type. Luckily, all types generated by makepy will inherit from win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass.
If this turns out to ever be an issue, one can also circumvent complete_object entirely and simply manually patch IPython by adding the following five lines to core.completer.Completion.attr_matches:
ole_props = set(obj._prop_map_get_).union(set(obj._prop_map_put_))
words += list(ole_props)
except AttributeError:
Conversely, IPython bases its code-completion on __dir__, so one could also patch gencache, which is where the code generation ultimately happens, to include something to like
def __dir__(self):
return list(set(self._prop_map_get_).union(set(self._prop_map_put_)))
to each generated DispatchBaseClass.
fuglede's answer is great, just want to update it for the newest versions of IPython (7.1+).
Since IPython.utils.generics has changes from using simplegeneric to using functools, the #complete_object.when_type method should be changed to #complete_object.register. So his initial code should changed to:
from IPython.utils.generics import complete_object
import win32com.client
def complete_dispatch_base_class(obj, prev_completions):
ole_props = set(obj._prop_map_get_).union(set(obj._prop_map_put_))
return list(ole_props) + prev_completions
except AttributeError:

Python/Pycharm, Ctrl-Space does not bring up code completion

I have the following file. Why does code completion not run when I press Ctrl-Space after the "r."? It says "no suggestion" in a red box.
(The program as it is runs and puts out: 200)
__author__ = 'hape'
import urllib.request
import urllib.response
r = urllib.request.urlopen("")
r. <------------ No code completion, why not?!
print (r.getcode())
After the r., code completion does not popup, why?
Have you looked at the Pycharm page for Editor code completion settings?
By Enabling Smart Type code completion?
Adding response from JetBrains:
#CrazyCoder was right there. The problem is that we are not able to infer proper return type of the function "urllib.request.urlopen()" since its implementation uses some dynamic tricks that we cannot handle statically, in particular:
Normally, we deal with difficult cases like that using external annotations in python-skeletons but it doesn't contain type hints for "urllib.request" module yet. Also in the upcoming versions of PyCharm we're planning to switch to the collection of annotations gathered in typeshed project. It evolves much more actively and already contains some annotations for "urllib". To benefit from them you just need to drop "urllib" package with annotations somewhere in your interpreter paths, so that PyCharm could find the respective .pyi stubs.
Check whether the IDE is in Power Saving Mode. If it is, then no code completion process or any any other background process works
It shows about it in the status bar at the bottom of the IDE
#CrazyCoder was right.Fow now, Pycharm does not kown the type of r.
If you really like to auto completion, first get the type of r using IPython or debug
# IPython
In [1]: import urllib.request
In [2]: r = urllib.request.urlopen("")
In [3]: type(r)
Out[3]: http.client.HTTPResponse
then use Python3 Annotations
r: http.client.HTTPResponse = urllib.request.urlopen("")
Now, you can get
python annotation for http.client.HTTPResponse

Embedded interactive shell in IPython

Before switching to IPython v0.11 (using Python 2.6.1), it was possible to embed an interactive IPython shell using for example this, e.g.
from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
ipshell = IPShellEmbed()
ipshell() # this call anywhere in your program will start IPython
"The embedded shell has been refactored into a truly standalone subclass of InteractiveShell called InteractiveShellEmbed. All embedding logic has been taken out of the base class and put into the embedded subclass" (see here and here).
The way I understand it you should now be able to simply start a console by
import IPython
However, this raises
TraitError: The 'exit_msg' trait of an InteractiveShellEmbed instance must be a string, but a value of u'' was specified.
If we pass a string for exit_msg by
Then it raises a different error
AttributeError: 'InteractiveShellEmbed' object has no attribute 'set_completer'
Did anybody else encounter this problem? Otherwise this might be a bug since it is a developer version after all.
These days (3.0+) all you need to do is:
from IPython import embed; embed()
If you mean embedding another IPython shell in IPython (recursively), there was a long time that this was not supported, but that problem was patched last year.
There are specific instructions on the github wiki:
from IPython.frontend.terminal.ipapp import TerminalIPythonApp
app = TerminalIPythonApp.instance()
app.initialize(argv=[]) # argv=[] instructs IPython to ignore sys.argv
