I have been learning Scala recently, so I wrote some recursion in Python.
And I found there is no tail-recursion optimization in Python.
Then I found a magic(?) decorator that seems to optimize the tail-recursion.
It solved the RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded.
But I don't understand how and why this code works.
Can somebody explain the magic power inside this code?
# This program shows off a python decorator(
# which implements tail call optimization. It
# does this by throwing an exception if it is
# its own grandparent, and catching such
# exceptions to recall the stack.
import sys
class TailRecurseException:
def __init__(self, args, kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def tail_call_optimized(g):
This function decorates a function with tail call
optimization. It does this by throwing an exception
if it is its own grandparent, and catching such
exceptions to fake the tail call optimization.
This function fails if the decorated
function recurses in a non-tail context.
def func(*args, **kwargs):
f = sys._getframe()
if f.f_back and f.f_back.f_back \
and f.f_back.f_back.f_code == f.f_code:
raise TailRecurseException(args, kwargs)
while 1:
return g(*args, **kwargs)
except TailRecurseException, e:
args = e.args
kwargs = e.kwargs
func.__doc__ = g.__doc__
return func
def factorial(n, acc=1):
"calculate a factorial"
if n == 0:
return acc
return factorial(n-1, n*acc)
print factorial(10000)
# prints a big, big number,
# but doesn't hit the recursion limit.
def fib(i, current = 0, next = 1):
if i == 0:
return current
return fib(i - 1, next, current + next)
print fib(10000)
# also prints a big number,
# but doesn't hit the recursion limit.
without tail call optimization your stack looks like this:
and grows until you reach sys.getrecursionlimit() calls (then kaboom).
with tail call optimization:
factorial(9999,10000) <-- f.f_back.f_back.f_code = f.f_code? nope
factorial(9998,99990000) <-- f.f_back.f_back.f_code = f.f_code? yes, raise excn.
and the exception makes the decorator go to the next iteration of its while loop.
I have a code that tries a block of code, if error happens, retry up to a max count.
The structure is re-used many times.
Something looks like this:
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
result = None
max_loop = 3
interval = 1
for i in range(max_loop):
# these are generic statements
# ...
result = statement_3(c)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'retry {i}')
raise Exception(f'Failed after {max_loop} retries')
Is there a way to create a wrap/decorator/contextmanager, etc of the for: try: ... except:raise so I can reuse the structure? Something similar to in-line block, or anonymous function in other languages?
I cannot create a function because the try: block can contain any statements, and use any variables. Ideally, the structure should be able to take arbitrary code block.
# ...
result = statement_3(c)
# ...
# ...
Reasons I don't want to use a function to wrap the statements
I am lazy, don't want to create a function for a single use every time I reuse the work flow.
The function will have its own scope which will make accessing variables in my code not straightforward
Here's an idea with a context manager:
a = 10
result = None
max_loop = 2
interval = 0.1
for attempt in repeat_try_and_raise(max_loop, interval):
with attempt:
a += 1
result = 0/0 if a < 13 else 42
print(f'Success with {result=}')
Output for max_loop = 2:
ERROR:root:retry 0
ERROR:root:division by zero
ERROR:root:retry 1
ERROR:root:division by zero
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".code.tio", line 25, in <module>
for attempt in repeat_try_and_raise(max_loop, interval):
File ".code.tio", line 18, in repeat_try_and_raise
raise Exception(f'Failed after {max_loop} retries')
Exception: Failed after 2 retries
Output for max_loop = 3:
ERROR:root:retry 0
ERROR:root:division by zero
ERROR:root:retry 1
ERROR:root:division by zero
Success with result=42
Full code (Try it online!):
import logging, time
def repeat_try_and_raise(max_loop, interval):
class Attempt:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
self.e = exc_value
return True
for i in range(max_loop):
attempt = Attempt()
yield attempt
if attempt.e is None:
logging.error(f'retry {i}')
raise Exception(f'Failed after {max_loop} retries')
a = 10
result = None
max_loop = 3
interval = 0.1
for attempt in repeat_try_and_raise(max_loop, interval):
with attempt:
a += 1
result = 0/0 if a < 13 else 42
print(f'Success with {result=}')
Instead, you may find just packing all of 'em into another function is what you're after
def function_collection(arg1, arg2, arg3):
def wrapper(target, target_kwargs, max_attempts=MAX_ATTEMPTS):
assert max_attempts >= 2
for attempt in range(max_attempts):
return target(**fn_kwargs)
except SubClassException:
except Exception as ex:
LOGGER.warning(f"something unexpected went wrong: {repr(ex)}")
raise OSError(f"no run of target succeeded after {max_attempts} attempts")
wrapper(function_collection, {"arg1": 10, "arg2": 20, "arg3": 30})
It's not clear why you need to "inject" arbitrary code statements into the try block. If you have procedures that are made up of arbitrary statements, wrap the procedures up in a function definition, and decorate the function:
import time
import logging
def retry(*, max_retries: int, sleep_interval: int):
def retry_wrapper(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
for i in range(max_retries):
logging.info(f"Trying function {f.__name__}")
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
logging.info(f"retry {i}")
raise Exception(f"Failed after {max_retries} tries")
return wrapped
return retry_wrapper
#retry(max_retries=6, sleep_interval=2)
def procedure_1(*args, **kwargs):
# statement 1
# statement 2
# statement 3
#retry(max_retries=3, sleep_interval=1)
def procedure_2(*args, **kwargs):
# statement 4
# statement 5
# statement 6
If you trust the source of these arbitrary code statements, you could pass them as strings and use eval() but again, I cannot imagine a scenario where wrapping your procedures into a function isn't more appropriate.
Here's one way you might do this, using the same decorator as above:
#retry(max_retries=3, sleep_interval=1)
def arbitrary_code_runner(*statements):
for statement in statements:
In [5]: arbitrary_code_runner("print('hello world')", "print(sum(x**2 for x in range(10)))", "print('I am arbitrary code, I am potentially dangerous')")
Trying function arbitrary_code_runner
hello world
I am arbitrary code, I am potentially dangerous
The problem with this approach is that you cannot save the results of each statement. If your code statements are mutators then this is not a problem, but if any of your arbitrary statements rely on the results of other statements, you'll have to nest the function calls (like how I used print(sum(....
Another technique would be to use anonymous and/or named functions to store your arbitrary statements, and then run each statement one at a time:
#retry(max_retries=3, sleep_interval=1)
def arbitrary_function_runner(*funcs_and_args_and_kwargs):
for func, args, kwargs in funcs_and_args_and_kwargs:
print(f"\n Function {func.__name__} called")
print(f" args: {', '.join(map(str, args))}")
print(f" kwargs: {', '.join(f'{key}: {value}' for key, value in kwargs.items())}")
print(f" result: {func(*args, **kwargs)}")
Which you could then call with an arbitrary number of 3-tuples of (function, args tuple, kwargs dict):
def some_named_function(*args, **kwargs):
return "some named function's results"
arbitrary_function_runner((lambda *args, **kwargs: "".join(kwargs[arg] for arg in args), ("a", "b", "c"), {"a": "A", "b": "B", "c": "C"}),
(lambda x: x**2, (3,), {}),
(some_named_function, (1, 2, 3), {"kwarg1": 1, "kwarg_2": 2}))
Trying function arbitrary_function_runner
Function <lambda> called
args: a, b, c
kwargs: a: A, b: B, c: C
result: ABC
Function <lambda> called
args: 3
result: 9
Function some_named_function called
args: 1, 2, 3
kwargs: kwarg1: 1, kwarg_2: 2
result: some named function's results
How could one write a debounce decorator in python which debounces not only on function called but also on the function arguments/combination of function arguments used?
Debouncing means to supress the call to a function within a given timeframe, say you call a function 100 times within 1 second but you only want to allow the function to run once every 10 seconds a debounce decorated function would run the function once 10 seconds after the last function call if no new function calls were made. Here I'm asking how one could debounce a function call with specific function arguments.
An example could be to debounce an expensive update of a person object like:
def update_person(person_id):
# time consuming, expensive op
print('>>Updated person {}'.format(person_id))
Then debouncing on the function - including function arguments:
>>Updated person 144
>>Updated person 144
>>Updated person 355
So calling the function update_person with the same person_id would be supressed (debounced) until the 10 seconds debounce interval has passed without a new call to the function with that same person_id.
There's a few debounce decorators but none includes the function arguments, example: https://gist.github.com/walkermatt/2871026
I've done a similar throttle decorator by function and arguments:
def throttle(s, keep=60):
def decorate(f):
caller = {}
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
nonlocal caller
called_args = '{}'.format(*args)
t_ = time.time()
if caller.get(called_args, None) is None or t_ - caller.get(called_args, 0) >= s:
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
caller = {key: val for key, val in caller.items() if t_ - val > keep}
caller[called_args] = t_
return result
# Keep only calls > keep
caller = {key: val for key, val in caller.items() if t_ - val > keep}
caller[called_args] = t_
return wrapped
return decorate
The main takaway is that it keeps the function arguments in caller[called_args]
See also the difference between throttle and debounce: http://demo.nimius.net/debounce_throttle/
After some tinkering with the above throttle decorator and the threading.Timer example in the gist, I actually think this should work:
from threading import Timer
from inspect import signature
import time
def debounce(wait):
def decorator(fn):
sig = signature(fn)
caller = {}
def debounced(*args, **kwargs):
nonlocal caller
bound_args = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
called_args = fn.__name__ + str(dict(bound_args.arguments))
called_args = ''
t_ = time.time()
def call_it(key):
# always remove on call
fn(*args, **kwargs)
# Always try to cancel timer
caller[called_args] = Timer(wait, call_it, [called_args])
return debounced
return decorator
I've had the same need to build a debounce annotation for a personal project, after stumbling upon the same gist / discussion you have, I ended up with the following solution:
import threading
def debounce(wait_time):
Decorator that will debounce a function so that it is called after wait_time seconds
If it is called multiple times, will wait for the last call to be debounced and run only this one.
def decorator(function):
def debounced(*args, **kwargs):
def call_function():
debounced._timer = None
return function(*args, **kwargs)
# if we already have a call to the function currently waiting to be executed, reset the timer
if debounced._timer is not None:
# after wait_time, call the function provided to the decorator with its arguments
debounced._timer = threading.Timer(wait_time, call_function)
debounced._timer = None
return debounced
return decorator
I've created an open-source project to provide functions such as debounce, throttle, filter ... as decorators, contributions are more than welcome to improve on the solution I have for these decorators / add other useful decorators: decorator-operations repository
I am a beginner in Python and I need some help on decorators. I am writing a few methods which call other methods that are generated using swagger. Basically all these swagger methods have GET APIs. All I need to do in my code is to call those swagger methods and return the value. I am looking for ways to optimize this instead of writing the same kind of method for each API. I came across decorators which can be used in this case. But my implementation is not giving the desired result
def get_component_info(self, func):
def inner():
data = None
ret = func()
if ret.status == 200:
log.info('ret ' + str(ret))
logging.error('Error: ' + str(ret.text))
except Exception as e:
logging.error(" failed with error " + str(e.reason) +
" and error code " + str(e.status))
return data
return inner()
def get_firewall_info(self):
return self._monitor.list_firewall_monitors_with_http_info() <-- swagger method
def get_firewall_info_caller(self):
get_firewall_info = self.get_component_info(self.get_firewall_info())
But the above implementation always return None because it never executes self._monitor.list_firewall_monitors_with_http_info(), but the test isn't failing
If you help me fix this, then I can use the same for getting server info, auth info, network info, etc. If decorators can't be used, what else I can use to optimize this..?
Decorators are usually functions which take a second function as an argument and then define and return a third function which calls the second function while changing its input and/or output. It looks like you have a better handle on this than I did as a beginner.
def decorator(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
# Do stuff here...
value = func(*args, **kwargs)
# ...or here.
return value
return inner
The only change I would recommend to your decorator is not to call inner and return the result, but to return the function itself. When you make this change you'll have to call the function you are returning now after it is returned.
def get_component_info(self, func):
def inner():
# ...
return inner
def get_firewall_info_caller(self):
# You will now want to call the `inner` function after you get
# it from `get_component_info`.
get_firewall_info = self.get_component_info(...)()
It looks like the core of your bug is that you aren't providing a function to get_component_info; you're providing the result of calling that function. I think that changing the code to not call get_firewall_info should fix your code.
def get_firewall_info_caller(self):
# You don't want to call the function you're providing to a
# decorator, since it's expecting the function not the result.
get_firewall_info = self.get_component_info(self.get_firewall_info)()
I resolved it as shown below. Not sure if it is the right approach. Please correct me
def get_component_info(self, func):
def inner():
data = None
ret = func()
if ret.status == 200:
log.info('ret ' + str(ret))
logging.error('Error: ' + str(ret.text))
except Exception as e:
logging.error(" failed with error " + str(e.reason) +
" and error code " + str(e.status))
return data
return inner
def get_firewall_info(self):
data = self.get_component_info(self._monitor.list_firewall_monitors_with_http_info)()
return data
Is there any way to check inside function f1 in my example if calling a function (here decorated or not_decorated) has a specific decorator (in code #out)? Is such information passed to a function?
def out(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
fun(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def decorated():
def not_decorated():
def f1():
if is_decorated_by_out: # here I want to check it
print('I am')
print('I am not')
Expected output:
I am
I am not
To be clear, this is egregious hackery, so I don't recommend it, but since you've ruled out additional parameters, and f1 will be the same whether wrapped or not, you've left hacks as your only option. The solution is to add a local variable to the wrapper function for the sole purpose of being found by means of stack inspection:
import inspect
def out(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
__wrapped_by__ = out
fun(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def is_wrapped_by(func):
return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back.f_locals.get('__wrapped_by__') is func
except AttributeError:
return False
def decorated():
def not_decorated():
def f1():
if is_wrapped_by(out):
print('I am')
print('I am not')
Try it online!
This assumes a specific degree of nesting (the manual back-tracking via f_back to account for is_wrapped_by itself, f1, decorated and finally to inner (from out). If you want to determine if out was involved anywhere in the call stack, make is_wrapped_by loop until the stack is exhausted:
def is_wrapped_by(func):
frame = None
# Skip is_wrapped_by and caller
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
while True:
if frame.f_locals.get('__wrapped_by__') is func:
return True
frame = frame.f_back
except AttributeError:
# Leaving frame on the call stack can cause cycle involving locals
# which delays cleanup until cycle collector runs;
# explicitly break cycle to save yourself the headache
del frame
return False
If you are open to creating an additional parameter in f1 (you could also use a default parameter), you can use functools.wraps and check for the existence of the __wrapped__ attribute. To do so, pass the wrapper function to f:
import functools
def out(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
fun(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def decorated():
def not_decorated():
def f1(_func):
if getattr(_func, '__wrapped__', False):
print('I am')
print('I am not')
I am
I am not
Suppose you have a function decoration like this one
def double_arg(fun):
def inner(x):
return fun(x*2)
return inner
however you can't access it (it's inside a 3rd party lib or something). In this case you can wrap it into another function that adds the name of the decoration to the resulting function
def keep_decoration(decoration):
def f(g):
h = decoration(g)
h.decorated_by = decoration.__name__
return h
return f
and replace the old decoration by the wrapper.
double_arg = keep_decoration(double_arg)
You can even write a helper function that checks whether a function is decorated or not.
def is_decorated_by(f, decoration_name):
return f.decorated_by == decoration_name
except AttributeError:
return False
Example of use...
def inc_v1(x):
return x + 1
def inc_v2(x):
return x + 1
print(is_decorated_by(inc_v1, 'double_arg'))
print(is_decorated_by(inc_v2, 'double_arg'))
Suppose I have a function like f(a, b, c=None). The aim is to call the function like f(*args, **kwargs), and then construct a new set of args and kwargs such that:
If the function had default values, I should be able to acquire their values. For example, if I call it like f(1, 2), I should be able to get the tuple (1, 2, None) and/or the dictionary {'c': None}.
If the value of any of the arguments was modified inside the function, get the new value. For example, if I call it like f(1, 100000, 3) and the function does if b > 500: b = 5 modifying the local variable, I should be able to get the the tuple (1, 5, 3).
The aim here is to create a a decorator that finishes the job of a function. The original function acts as a preamble setting up the data for the actual execution, and the decorator finishes the job.
Edit: I'm adding an example of what I'm trying to do. It's a module for making proxies for other classes.
class Spam(object):
"""A fictional class that we'll make a proxy for"""
def eggs(self, start, stop, step):
"""A fictional method"""
return range(start, stop, step)
class ProxyForSpam(clsproxy.Proxy):
proxy_for = Spam
def eggs(self, start, stop, step=1):
start = max(0, start)
stop = min(100, stop)
And then, we'll have that:
ProxyForSpam().eggs(-10, 200) -> Spam().eggs(0, 100, 1)
ProxyForSpam().eggs(3, 4) -> Spam().eggs(3, 4, 1)
There are two recipes available here, one which requires an external library and another that uses only the standard library. They don't quite do what you want, in that they actually modify the function being executed to obtain its locals() rather than obtain the locals() after function execution, which is impossible, since the local stack no longer exists after the function finishes execution.
Another option is to see what debuggers, such as WinPDB or even the pdb module do. I suspect they use the inspect module (possibly along with others), to get the frame inside which a function is executing and retrieve locals() that way.
EDIT: After reading some code in the standard library, the file you want to look at is probably bdb.py, which should be wherever the rest of your Python standard library is. Specifically, look at set_trace() and related functions. This will give you an idea of how the Python debugger breaks into the class. You might even be able to use it directly. To get the frame to pass to set_trace() look at the inspect module.
I've stumbled upon this very need today and wanted to share my solution.
import sys
def call_function_get_frame(func, *args, **kwargs):
Calls the function *func* with the specified arguments and keyword
arguments and snatches its local frame before it actually executes.
frame = None
trace = sys.gettrace()
def snatch_locals(_frame, name, arg):
nonlocal frame
if frame is None and name == 'call':
frame = _frame
return trace
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
return frame, result
The idea is to use sys.trace() to catch the frame of the next 'call'. Tested on CPython 3.6.
Example usage
import types
def namespace_decorator(func):
frame, result = call_function_get_frame(func)
module = types.ModuleType(func.__name__)
return module
del frame
def mynamespace():
eggs = 'spam'
class Bar:
def hello(self):
print("Hello, World!")
assert mynamespace.eggs == 'spam'
I don't see how you could do this non-intrusively -- after the function is done executing, it doesn't exist any more -- there's no way you can reach inside something that doesn't exist.
If you can control the functions that are being used, you can do an intrusive approach like
def fn(x, y, z, vars):
vars is an empty dict that we use to pass things back to the caller
x += 1
y -= 1
z *= 2
>>> updated = {}
>>> fn(1, 2, 3, updated)
>>> print updated
{'y': 1, 'x': 2, 'z': 6, 'vars': {...}}
...or you can just require that those functions return locals() -- as #Thomas K asks above, what are you really trying to do here?
Witchcraft below read on your OWN danger(!)
I have no clue what you want to do with this, it's possible but it's an awful hack...
Anyways, I HAVE WARNED YOU(!), be lucky if such things don't work in your favorite language...
from inspect import getargspec, ismethod
import inspect
def main():
def foo(a, f, b):
print a, f, b
a = 10
if a == 2:
return a
f = 'Hello World'
b = 1223
e = 1
c = 2
foo(e, 1000, b = c)
# intercept a function and retrieve the modifed values
def get_modified_values(target):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# get the applied args
kargs = getcallargs(target, *args, **kwargs)
# get the source code
src = inspect.getsource(target)
lines = src.split('\n')
# oh noes string patching of the function
unindent = len(lines[0]) - len(lines[0].lstrip())
indent = lines[0][:len(lines[0]) - len(lines[0].lstrip())]
lines[0] = ''
lines[1] = indent + 'def _temp(_args, ' + lines[1].split('(')[1]
setter = []
for k in kargs.keys():
setter.append('_args["%s"] = %s' % (k, k))
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
indent = lines[i][:len(lines[i]) - len(lines[i].lstrip())]
if lines[i].find('return ') != -1 or lines[i].find('return\n') != -1:
for e in setter:
lines.insert(i, indent + e)
i += len(setter)
elif i == len(lines) - 2:
for e in setter:
lines.insert(i + 1, indent + e)
i += 1
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[i] = lines[i][unindent:]
data = '\n'.join(lines) + "\n"
# setup variables
frame = inspect.currentframe()
loc = inspect.getouterframes(frame)[1][0].f_locals
glob = inspect.getouterframes(frame)[1][0].f_globals
loc['_temp'] = None
# compile patched function and call it
func = compile(data, '<witchstuff>', 'exec')
eval(func, glob, loc)
loc['_temp'](kargs, *args, **kwargs)
# there you go....
print kargs
# >> {'a': 10, 'b': 1223, 'f': 'Hello World'}
return wrapper
# from python 2.7 inspect module
def getcallargs(func, *positional, **named):
"""Get the mapping of arguments to values.
A dict is returned, with keys the function argument names (including the
names of the * and ** arguments, if any), and values the respective bound
values from 'positional' and 'named'."""
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
f_name = func.__name__
arg2value = {}
# The following closures are basically because of tuple parameter unpacking.
assigned_tuple_params = []
def assign(arg, value):
if isinstance(arg, str):
arg2value[arg] = value
value = iter(value)
for i, subarg in enumerate(arg):
subvalue = next(value)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('need more than %d %s to unpack' %
(i, 'values' if i > 1 else 'value'))
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('too many values to unpack')
def is_assigned(arg):
if isinstance(arg,str):
return arg in arg2value
return arg in assigned_tuple_params
if ismethod(func) and func.im_self is not None:
# implicit 'self' (or 'cls' for classmethods) argument
positional = (func.im_self,) + positional
num_pos = len(positional)
num_total = num_pos + len(named)
num_args = len(args)
num_defaults = len(defaults) if defaults else 0
for arg, value in zip(args, positional):
assign(arg, value)
if varargs:
if num_pos > num_args:
assign(varargs, positional[-(num_pos-num_args):])
assign(varargs, ())
elif 0 < num_args < num_pos:
raise TypeError('%s() takes %s %d %s (%d given)' % (
f_name, 'at most' if defaults else 'exactly', num_args,
'arguments' if num_args > 1 else 'argument', num_total))
elif num_args == 0 and num_total:
raise TypeError('%s() takes no arguments (%d given)' %
(f_name, num_total))
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, str) and arg in named:
if is_assigned(arg):
raise TypeError("%s() got multiple values for keyword "
"argument '%s'" % (f_name, arg))
assign(arg, named.pop(arg))
if defaults: # fill in any missing values with the defaults
for arg, value in zip(args[-num_defaults:], defaults):
if not is_assigned(arg):
assign(arg, value)
if varkw:
assign(varkw, named)
elif named:
unexpected = next(iter(named))
if isinstance(unexpected, unicode):
unexpected = unexpected.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace')
raise TypeError("%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" %
(f_name, unexpected))
unassigned = num_args - len([arg for arg in args if is_assigned(arg)])
if unassigned:
num_required = num_args - num_defaults
raise TypeError('%s() takes %s %d %s (%d given)' % (
f_name, 'at least' if defaults else 'exactly', num_required,
'arguments' if num_required > 1 else 'argument', num_total))
return arg2value
1 1000 2
{'a': 10, 'b': 1223, 'f': 'Hello World'}
There you go... I'm not responsible for any small children that get eaten by demons or something the like (or if it breaks on complicated functions).
PS: The inspect module is the pure EVIL.
Since you are trying to manipulate variables in one function, and do some job based on those variables on another function, the cleanest way to do it is having these variables to be an object's attributes.
It could be a dictionary - that could be defined inside the decorator - therefore access to it inside the decorated function would be as a "nonlocal" variable. That cleans up the default parameter tuple of this dictionary, that #bgporter proposed.:
def eggs(self, a, b, c=None):
# nonlocal parms ## uncomment in Python 3
parms["a"] = a
To be even more clean, you probably should have all these parameters as attributes of the instance (self) - so that no "magical" variable has to be used inside the decorated function.
As for doing it "magically" without having the parameters set as attributes of certain object explicitly, nor having the decorated function to return the parameters themselves (which is also an option) - that is, to have it to work transparently with any decorated function - I can't think of a way that does not involve manipulating the bytecode of the function itself.
If you can think of a way to make the wrapped function raise an exception at return time, you could trap the exception and check the execution trace.
If it is so important to do it automatically that you consider altering the function bytecode an option, feel free to ask me further.