Have Pycco recognize doctests as code? - python

Is there any way to have Pycco recognize doctests as code and render them appropriately?
E.g. the docstring of the following function
def fib(i):
""" Fibonacci number
>>> fib(10)
if i < 2:
return i
return fib(i-1) + fib(i-2)
Renders In Pycco like the following
Fibonacci number
fib(10) 5
Clearly the >>> was interpretted as indentation and code highlighting did not take effect. This seems like a common use case. is there a plugin somewhere that I'm missing?

Python doesn't mind if the doctest suite is indented an additional four characters compared to the rest of the docstring, as long as it's internally consistent, so the following will pass the tests just fine (tested in 2.7.9 and 3.4.2):
def test():
"""Doctest test
The following are doctests:
>>> test()
That went well.
return 'foo'
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
This additional indentation will be interpreted as a code block by pycco, just as it is in the Markdown here on SO. The above test renders in HTML as follows:


Python doctest how to match single or double quote in output as opposed to only single quote

I commonly use the code auto-formatter Black, which has trained me to use double quotes.
It has become "muscle memory" for me to use double quotes.
The default repr for many classes prints from the Python interactive output with single quotes. I know doctest seeks to reproduce the Python interactive output.
Is there some simple way to have doctest match single or double quotes?
I know one option is to make a custom doctest.OutputChecker. I am wondering if there's a simpler option.
Code Sample
from dataclasses import dataclass
class SomeDataClass:
"""Contains a string."""
data: str
def get_some_dataclass(data: str) -> SomeDataClass:
"""Get a data class containing some specified data.
Data class containing the data.
>>> get_some_dataclass("hi")
return SomeDataClass(data=data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
File "quote_or_apostrophe.py", line 23, in __main__.get_some_dataclass
Failed example:
I invoke doctest via pytest's doctest integration.
I imagine you could achieve this with blacken-docs but I haven't seen an example of this done yet...
Either the approach of:
Leave the strings in black standard (double quoted) and find a way to transform the expected output doctest so that it has double quotes (by running black on it somehow?)
Run blacken-docs with a single quote setting applied, which also avoids having to think about it yourself
I would instinctively go for the first option because it feels like it solves the problem better, but I expect it is easier to do the latter (and TBH not needing to think about this too much would be a plus).
Upon looking into it though, this doesn't seem supported at present according to this issue, and running blacken-docs on some code which prints a double-quoted __repr__ in a >>> doctest block does not affect said double quoting.
My interpretation of that issue and the other one it links to is that blacken-docs does not support code blocks in the format:
Docstring starts here.
Code example comes next:
>>> from some_module import some_func
>>> some_func(1, 2)
I've tried rewriting code in the suggested format:
Docstring starts here.
Code example comes next:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from some_module import some_func
>>> some_func(1, 2)
but this gives me
code block parse error Cannot parse: 1:0: >>> from some_module import some_func
So I'm not going to use blacken-docs or the more verbose .. code-block: python format, perhaps in time it'll be supported.

How can I unit test a recursive functions in python?

I was wondering how can I unit test if a recursive function has been called correctly. For example this function:
def test01(number):
if(len(number) == 1):
return 1
return 1+test01(number[1:])
It counts recursvely how many digits a number has (assuming the number type is string)
So, I want to test if the function test01 has been called recursively. It would be ok if it is implemented just like that, but not if it is implemented as:
def test01(number):
return len(number)
The recursive approach is mandatory for educational purposes, so the UnitTest process will automate programming exercises checking. Is there a way to check if the function was called more than once? If that is possible, I can have 2 tests, one asserting the correct output and one to check if the function was called more than once for the same input.
Thank you in advance for your help
Guessing by the tags I assume you want to use unittest to test for the recursive call. Here is an example for such a check:
from unittest import TestCase
import my_module
class RecursionTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.counter = 0 # counts the number of calls
def checked_fct(self, fct): # wrapper function that increases a counter on each call
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
self.counter += 1
return fct(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def test_recursion(self):
# replace your function with the checked version
with mock.patch('my_module.test01',
self.checked_fct(my_module.test01)): # assuming test01 lives in my_module.py
result = my_module.test01('444') # call the function
self.assertEqual(result, 3) # check for the correct result
self.assertGreater(self.counter, 1) # ensure the function has been called more than once
Note: I used import my_module instead of from my_module import test01 so that the first call is also mocked - otherwise the number of calls would be one too low.
Depending on how your setup looks like, you may add further tests manually, or auto-generate the test code for each test, or use parametrization with pytest, or do something else to automate the tests.
Normally a unit test should check at least that your function works and try to test all code paths in it
Your unit test should therefore try to take the main path several times, and then find the exit path, attaining full coverage
You can use the 3rd-party coverage module to see if all your code paths are being taken
pip install coverage
python -m coverage erase # coverage is additive, so clear out old runs
python -m coverage run -m unittest discover tests/unit_tests
python -m coverage report -m # report, showing missed lines
Curtis Schlak taught me this strategy recently.
It utilizes Abstract Syntax Trees and the inspect module.
All my best,
import unittest
import ast
import inspect
from so import test01
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
# Check to see if function calls itself recursively
def test_has_recursive_call(self):
# Boolean switch
has_recursive_call = False
# converts function into a string
src = inspect.getsource(test01)
# splits the source code into tokens
# based on the grammar
# transformed into an Abstract Syntax Tree
tree = ast.parse(src)
# walk tree
for node in ast.walk(tree):
# check for function call
# and if the func called was "test01"
if (
type(node) is ast.Call
and node.func.id == "test01"
# flip Boolean switch to true
has_recursive_call = True
# assert: has_recursive_call should be true
msg="The function does not "
"make a recursive call",
print("\nThe function makes a recursive call")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Formatting Python docstrings for readability when printed

I've just started getting into adding docstrings to my classes/methods and I'm having difficulty in formatting them such that they are easily readable when printed. Some of the lines within the docstrings are long enough to wrap around on my IDE, and when I print the docstring in the console there are large gaps of whitespace in these breaks. Additionally, I would like to maintain a consistent indent scheme throughout the docstring, but these linebreaks violate it by forcing lines to print with not indent.
Are there certain best practices to docstring writing that I'm ignoring? Are there ways to print large strings such that formatting is respected?
Hope this makes sense, thanks.
Normally you use the help utility for viewing docstrings, it deals with inconsistency in whitespace:
>>> def test():
""" first line
return 1
>>> help(test)
Help on function test in module __main__:
first line
>>> def test2():
DOC string
text here"""
return 5
>>> help(test2)
Help on function test2 in module __main__:
DOC string
text here
So while you can refer to PEP 8 for usual conventions, you can also just decide what format you like and just try to be consistent within your application.

Triple quotation in python

So I understand that if I do the following
print """ Anything I
type in here
works. Multiple LINES woohoo!"""
But what if following is my python script
""" This is my python Script. Just this much """
What does the above thing do? Is it taken as comment? Why is it not a syntax error?
Similarly, if I do
"This is my Python Script. Just this. Even with single quotes."
How are the above two scripts interpreted?
The triple quotes ''' or """ are just different ways of representing strings. The advantage of triple quotes is that it can span multiple lines and sometimes serve as docstrings.
The reason:
doesn't raise any error is because python simply creates the string and then doesn't assign it to anything. For the python interpreter, it is perfectly fine if you have a pointless statement in your code as long as there are no syntax or semantics errors
Hope that helps.
The string is just evaluated, and the interpreter noticing it wasn't assigned to anything, throws it away.
But in some special places, this string is actually assigned to the __doc__ property of the item:
def func(arg):
Does stuff. This string will be evaluated and assigned to func.__doc__.
class Test:
Same for Test.__doc__
At the top of module.py:
module does stuff. this will be assigned to module.__doc__
def func():
In addition to #sshashank124 answer I have to add that triple quoted strings are also used in testing https://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html
So consider this code snippet:
def some_function(x, y):
"""This function should simply return sum of arguments.
It should throw an error if you pass string as argument
>>> some_function(5, 4)
>>> some_function(-5, 4)
>>> some_function("abc", 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: arguments must numbers
if type(x, str) or type(y, str):
raise ValueError("arguments must numbers")
return x + y
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
If you import this tiny module, you'll get the some_function function.
But if you invoke this script directly from shell, tests given in the triple quoted string will be evaluated and the report will be printed to the output.
So triple quoted strings can be treated as values of type string, as comment, as docstrings and as containers for unittests.

Python unit testing code which calls OS/Module level python functions

I have a python module/script which does a few of these
At various nested levels inside the script I take command line inputs, validate them, apply sensible defaults
I also check if a few directories exist
The above are just two examples. I am trying to find out what is the best "strategy" to test this. What I have done is that I have constructed wrapper functions around raw_input and os.path.exists in my module and then in my test I override these two functions to take input from my array list or do some mocked behaviour. This approach has the following disadvantages
Wrapper functions just exist for the sake of testing and this pollutes the code
I have to remember to use the wrapper function in the code everytime and not just call os.path.exists or raw_input
Any brilliant suggestions?
The short answer is to monkey patch these system calls.
There are some good examples in the answer to How to display the redirected stdin in Python?
Here is a simple example for raw_input() using a lambda that throws away the prompt and returns what we want.
System Under Test
$ cat ./name_getter.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
class NameGetter(object):
def get_name(self):
self.name = raw_input('What is your name? ')
def greet(self):
print 'Hello, ', self.name, '!'
def run(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
ng = NameGetter()
$ echo Derek | ./name_getter.py
What is your name? Hello, Derek !
Test case:
$ cat ./t_name_getter.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import unittest
import name_getter
class TestNameGetter(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_alice(self):
name_getter.raw_input = lambda _: 'Alice'
ng = name_getter.NameGetter()
self.assertEquals(ng.name, 'Alice')
def test_get_bob(self):
name_getter.raw_input = lambda _: 'Bob'
ng = name_getter.NameGetter()
self.assertEquals(ng.name, 'Bob')
if __name__ == '__main__':
$ ./t_name_getter.py -v
test_get_alice (__main__.TestNameGetter) ... ok
test_get_bob (__main__.TestNameGetter) ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s
Solution1: I would do something like this beacuse it works:
def setUp(self):
self._os_path_exists = os.path.exists
os.path.exists = self.myTestExists # mock
def tearDown(self):
os.path.exists = self._os_path_exists
It is not so nice.
Solution2: Restructuring your code was not an option as you said, right?
It would make it worse to understand and unintuitive.
Johnnysweb is spot on with what you need to do, but instead of rolling your own, you can import and use mock. Mock is specifically designed for unit testing, and makes it extremely simple to do what you're trying to do. It's built-in to Python 3.3.
For example, if want to run a unit test that replaces os.path.isfile and always returns True:
from unittest.mock import patch
except ImportError:
from mock import patch
class SomeTest(TestCase):
def test_blah():
with patch("os.path.isfile", lambda x: True):
This can save you a LOT of boilerplate code, and it's quite readable.
If you need something a bit more complex, for example, replacing supbroccess.check_output, you can create a simple helper function:
def _my_monkeypatch_function(li):
x,y = li[0], li[1]
if x == "Reavers":
return "Gorram"
if x == "Inora":
return "Shiny!"
if x == y:
return "The Ballad of Jayne"
def test_monkey():
with patch("subprocess.check_output", _my_monkeypatch_function):
"The Ballad of Jayne")
