Tkinter Image Viewer Method - python

I am an atmospheric scientist, struggling through python (2.7 using PIL and Tkinter) in an attempt to create a simple image viewer that will display some of the forecast products we eventually produce. I would like to implement a start, stop, forward, backward, and loop button. The loop button and its associated callback currently work correctly. The loop method is credited to Glenn Pepper (found an open-source project via google).
Here is the code:
from Tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import tkMessageBox
import tkFileDialog
#............................Button Callbacks.............................#
root = Tk()
def loop():
StaticFrame = []
for i in range(0,2):
def animation(currentframe):
def change_image():
image=StaticFrame[currentframe], tag='Animate')
# Delete the current picture if one exist
except IndexError:
# When you get to the end of the list of images -
#it simply resets itself back to zero and then we start again
currentframe = 0
displayFrame.update_idletasks() #Force redraw
currentframe = currentframe + 1
# Call loop again to keep the animation running in a continuous loop
root.after(1000, animation, currentframe)
# Start the animation loop just after the Tkinter loop begins
root.after(10, animation, 0)
def back():
def stop():
def play():
def forward():
#..........................ToolFrame Creation............................#
toolFrame = Frame(root)
toolFrame.grid(column=0,row=0, sticky=(N,W,E,S) )
toolFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
toolFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
toolFrame.pack(pady = 0, padx = 10)
backButton = Button(toolFrame, text="Back", command = back)
backButton.pack(side = LEFT)
stopButton = Button(toolFrame, text = "Stop", command = stop)
stopButton.pack(side = LEFT)
playButton = Button(toolFrame, text = "Play", command = play)
playButton.pack(side = LEFT)
forwardButton = Button(toolFrame, text = "Forward", command = forward)
forwardButton.pack(side = LEFT)
loopButton = Button(toolFrame, text = "Loop", command = loop)
loopButton.pack(side = LEFT)
toolFrame.pack(side = TOP, fill=X)
#........................DisplayFrame Creation..........................#
displayFrame = Canvas(root, width=1024,height=768)
displayFrame.grid(column=0,row=0, sticky=(N,W,E,S) )
displayFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
displayFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
displayFrame.pack(pady = 5, padx = 10)
displayFrame.pack(side = LEFT, fill=BOTH)
It is rather straightforward. I have searched GitHub for projects, google, and stackoverflow but I am unsure how to make these five methods play nicely with each other. Could anyone share some pointers on how I could construct these other four methods so that they work appropriately? Thank you for your time!

I would replace the current loop function with something like the following (untested). The changes: add some global names to share data between functions; make change_image do everything needed to change an image, given that current_image is valid; except for the starting value, make current_image be always a valid image number when it is changed; factor forward() out of animate() (which is just repeated times forward calls).
n_images = 2
images = [PhotoImage(file="filename"+str(i)+".gif") for i in range(n_images)]
current_image = -1
def change_image():
displayFrame.create_image(0,0, anchor=NW,
image=StaticFrame[current_image], tag='Animate')
displayFrame.update_idletasks() #Force redraw
callback = None
def animate():
global callback
callback = root.after(1000, animate)
Here are three of the other functions.
def forward():
global current_image
current_image += 1
if current_image >= n_images:
current_image = 0
def back():
global current_image
current_image -= 1
if current_image < 0:
current_image = n_images-1
def stop():
if callback is not None:


level and coins increases as the button is pressed

We just started Tkinter and as our professor in programming asked us if we could try to make a game using Tkinter as our final project in 1st year college, specifically 4 pics 1 word, I need assistance as to how can I increase the level to +1 and the coins to +10 whenever the next button is pressed? any insights are very much appreciated. The code and sample output is given below for reference
from distutils.cmd import Command
from tkinter import *
from turtle import heading, width
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
root.title("4 pics 1 word")
root.iconbitmap ("4picslogo.ico")
levelno = 1
coins = 100
counter = 0
picNum = 0
def nextlevel():
global levelno
levelno = levelno + 1
if levelno==50:
global coins
coins = coins + 10
def changeImage():
global picNum
if picNum==50:
nextPic.config(text="PASS "+str(picNum+1))
frame_1 = Frame(root, width=500, height=150)
frame_1.pack (side=TOP)
frame_2 = Frame(root,width=500, height=300)
frame_2.pack ()
frame_3 = Frame(root, width=500, height=200)
frame_3.pack ()
#FrameOne (Level and coins bar)
Blue_bar = Label (frame_1, width=71,height=5,bg="#4472c4")
levelcounter = Label (frame_1, text="Level: "+str(levelno), font=("Helvetica",25,"bold"),fg="white",bg="#4472c4")
coinimg = PhotoImage(file="coins.png")
coins_pic = Canvas(frame_1, width=55, height=55, bg="#4472c4")
coins_pic.create_image(30,30, image=coinimg)
coin_counter = Label (frame_1, text=""+str(coins), font=("Helvetica",25,"bold"),fg="white",bg="#4472c4")
#FrameTwo (Pictures to guess)
f = open("picList.txt","r")
x = f.readlines()
picfiles = list()
for p in x:
fn = p.strip().split(';')
pics = PhotoImage(file=picfiles[0]+".png")
pic_viewer = Label(frame_2,image=pics)
#FrameThree (Buttons)
button_picture_pass = PhotoImage(file='pass.png')
nextPic = Button(frame_3,image=button_picture_pass,text=""+str(levelno+1),command=lambda:[changeImage(), nextlevel()])
quitbutton = Button(root,text="Save and Quit", command = root.quit)
Updating levelno and coins will not update levelcounter and coin_counter automatically. You need to update them inside nextlevel():
def nextlevel():
global levelno, coins
levelno += 1
if levelno == 50:
levelno = 1
coins += 10
# update counter labels
levelcounter['text'] = f'Level: {levelno}'
coin_counter['text'] = coins
I'm not familiar with this code but do have some experience in writing code in general.
it seems the thing you want is already in this function
def nextlevel():
global levelno
levelno = levelno + 1
if levelno==50:
global coins
coins = coins + 10
and here you define the Next button:
button_picture_pass = PhotoImage(file='pass.png')
and here you trigger the function to increase the level and money when pressed:
nextPic = Button(frame_3,image=button_picture_pass,text=""+str(levelno+1),command=lambda:[changeImage(), nextlevel()])
so I'm not sure what the question is :D

Tkinter making image variable into a class

I was making a game recently using tkinter and it's Canvas widget, but ran into a problem when trying to move an image. I set the canvas.create_image to a variable called character but noticed it turned it into an object. This causes issues as when I try and use the canvas.move(character), it comes back with "character not defined". Here is the full code:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import pygame
import threading
import time
gamestate= 'title'
waiting = False
#window init
root = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg='black')
canvas.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
logo = PhotoImage(file='Ghost clipart.png')
root.iconphoto(False, logo)
#setting up all the images
title_image = PhotoImage(file='title.png')
board_image ='board.png')
done_board = board_image.resize((1920,1080), Image.ANTIALIAS)
board_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(done_board)
character_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='first_run_left.png')
#display the title screen
def title_screen():
title = canvas.create_image(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2, anchor=CENTER, image=title_image)
#define the events after clicking play
def play():
board = canvas.create_image(WIDTH/2 + 100,HEIGHT/2 - 360, anchor=CENTER, image=board_image)
character = canvas.create_image(556,304,anchor=CENTER,image=character_image)
#testing for what should happen the the mouse button is clicked
def click(event):
if gamestate == 'title':
print(event.x, event.y)
if event.x > 475 and event.x < 804 and event.y > 213 and event.y < 337:
elif event.x > 475 and event.x < 804 and event.y > 404 and event.y < 527:
def up(event):
root.bind('<Button-1>', click)
root.bind('<Up>', up)
#audio module
def test_loop():
while True:
thread = threading.Thread(target=test_loop)
thread.daemon = True
Here is a simple script that uses the arrow keys to move an image on the canvas. Note that the variable img (in your case character) must be accessible from the functions that act upon it, therefore its scope must be above these functions.
You can use this as a starting point to solve your problem.
image used:
import tkinter as tk
def up(event):
canvas.move(img, 0, -10)
def down(event):
canvas.move(img, 0, 10)
def left(event):
canvas.move(img, -10, 0)
def right(event):
canvas.move(img, 10, 0)
width = 500
height = 500
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Moving image")
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width=500, height=500)
my_image = tk.PhotoImage(file="pix.png")
img = canvas.create_image(260, 125, anchor=tk.NW, image=my_image)
window.bind("<Up>", up)
window.bind("<Down>", down)
window.bind("<Left>", left)
window.bind("<Right>", right)
Since character is a local variable inside play() function, it cannot be accessed inside up() function.
However you can use tags option of create_image():
def play():
canvas.create_image(556,304,anchor=CENTER,image=character_image, tags='character')
Then you can refer to that image item using the same tag:
def up(event):
canvas.move('character',0,-10) # use tag 'character'
create_image doesn't turn anything into an object. It simply returns an integer identifier. The original object is unchanged. character is undefined because it's a local variable and thus only visible in the method that created it.

How do I use tkinter events to 'continue' or pause a different while loop?

I have the tkinter GUI running on main thread and a while loop running on a second thread which updates label contents to be displayed on the GUI for a duration on n seconds. This runs fine on its own.
Now I want a << and >> button on the GUI which makes the loop:
pause the current iteration, call the display method with the previous item, and resume the iteration when done
skip the current item midway and move over to the next item.
But I could not find how to generate loop interrupt events. I cannot call continue or sleep depending on some variables/db entries which the buttons make (like in here Python: Tkinter pausing a while loop) because the interrupt can happen anywhere in the loop (not at a particular if/else line)
I have already referred to the Viewer program by - and of course google.
Here is a snippet of what I am trying to do. (
The main thread runs the GUI
guiObj = GuiWindow()
thread_list = []
thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(guiObj,))
The worker method for the thread has this:
while len(files_not_viewed) != 0:
chosen = random.choice(files_not_viewed)
if is_not_viewed(chosen):
pictureObj = Picture(chosen)
# Display the chosen for <timer> seconds
# Change the status of "chosen" to "viewed"
files_not_viewed = list(set(files_not_viewed) - set([chosen]))
The display method calls 'add_input_section' method of the following class
class GuiWindow():
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
self.screen_width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth()
self.screen_height = self.root.winfo_screenheight()
self.image_label = None
self.image = None
self.folder_path = None
self.timer = None
def run_window_on_loop(self):
button_exit = Button(self.root, text="Exit Program", command=self.root.quit)
button_exit.grid(row=1, column=1)
def quit_window(self):
def resize(self, image_path):
my_pic =
pic_height = my_pic.height
pic_width = my_pic.width
if my_pic.height > (self.screen_height - 100):
new_height= self.screen_height - 100
new_width = int(new_height / pic_height * pic_width)
pic_height = new_height
pic_width = new_width
if pic_width > self.screen_width - 5:
new_width = self.screen_height - 5
new_height = int(new_width / pic_width * pic_height)
pic_height = new_height
pic_width = new_width
resized_image = my_pic.resize((pic_width, pic_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
return resized_image
def add_image(self, image_path):
resized_img = self.resize(image_path)
image_obj = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized_img)
image_label = Label(self.root, image=image_obj,
self.image = image_obj # DO NOT REMOVE - Garbage collector error
if self.image_label is not None:
image_label.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
self.image_label = image_label
def remove_image(self):
Use tk.BooleanVar() to manipulate the variables and also keep track the state when you try to pause so that you can resume when it's finished.

Tkinter: Can't add more than 3 PhotoImages to a list for animation?

I'm trying to program a game in Tkinter (trust that I'd much rather use another better-suited library), and I'm having trouble coding in animations. I tried 2 ways of working around the problem but both have failed.
What I've done is to write an Animation class, which, in my first implementation, takes a list of PhotoImages, and deletes/draws each frame:
class Animation():
def __init__(self, container, pos, images, framerate):
self.container = container
self.x = pos[0]
self.y = pos[1]
self.images = copy(images)
self.imagescopy = copy(images)
self.framerate = framerate # ms between frames
self.done = False
def animate(self):
if len(self.images)>0:
self.container.create_image(self.x, self.y, image = self.images.pop(0), tag = "currentframe")
self.animation = self.container.after(self.framerate, self.animate)
self.done = True
In the init method of the class which draws the Tk window, I loaded the PhotoImages (I tried this with a simple placeholder 5 frame animation):
for i in range(1,6):
self.imgs_playbgready.append(PhotoImage(file ='Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready'+str(i)+'.gif'))
But when I try to execute the program, it takes very very long to load beyond the third image. Even writing out each line explicitly like so:
self.imgs_playbgready = [PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready1.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready2.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready3.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready4.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready5.gif') ]
didn't help. Removing the last 2 items seems to make everything fine, so it looks like there's a limit on 3 PhotoImages in a list though I can't imagine why that'd be the case?
In my second implementation, I tried to change the animate method so that the PhotoImages would be 'lazily loaded' (so now self.images is a list of file names rather than PhotoImages):
def animate(self):
if len(self.images)>0:
image = PhotoImage(file = self.images.pop(0))
self.container.create_image(self.x, self.y, image = image, tag = "currentframe")
self.animation = self.container.after(self.framerate, self.animate)
self.done = True
Now when I try to run the program it freezes at frame 4 and I have to force quit. Again, it seems 3 is the magic number?
I'm not really sure at all what's going on with this. From googling about animation in Tkinter, redrawing PhotoImages frame by frame seems the way to go. Please be patient with me because I only started learning to use the Tkinter library last week. Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
To clarify the points raised in the comment (full working code at the end):
It takes a few minutes before the last two images load in and the program starts up. My framerate as defined in the Animation class is more like an inverse framerate (number of miliseconds between each redraw) as you can see in the animate function. My whole code is really quite long so I will try to extract the more relevant parts (for the first implementation I tried). Basically in my GUI class (named PlayArea), under the __init__ method, I try to load in the image list for the animation as well as create an Animation instance:
class PlayArea():
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
# Button and background images
self.imgs_playbgready = [PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready1.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready2.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready3.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready4.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready5.gif') ]
self.ani_playbgready = Animation(self.playCanvas,(self.playWidth/2, self.playHeight/2),self.imgs_playbgready, 5000)
The animation will only run after a user clicks a button, and the command callback for the button is this(I've put in only the relevant portions):
# Play Area
self.ani_playbgready.animate() # animating the images
I know for sure that the program is freezing up after loading the third PhotoImage, because when I try to do the loading using a for loop, and print the list after each loop, I can see it hang up in the fourth one. As mentioned, this code works as long as I only load 3 images into the list. In other words, it probably isn't a problem with my animate method
The monstrous block of working code as requested:
from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from copy import deepcopy, copy
# Player, Controller, Levels, and Customer
class Player():
Player class to keep track of progress of specific player.
Progress and highscore will be written to a save file
def __init__(self, name = "Default", highscore = 0, currentlevel = 1): = name
self.highscore = highscore
self.currentlevel = currentlevel
class Controller():
Controller which keeps track of score as well as the timer.
To be instantiated by the GUI class to determine the score and time left to display
def __init__(self):
self.score = 0
self.level = 1
self.timer = 10
def runTimer(self):
if self.timer > 0:
self.timer -= 1
self.timer = 10
class Levels():
Contains the commands(tasks) for each level, as well as the order of customers and the
corresponding answers.
To be instantiated by the GUI class to determine the current command and customer to display
def __init__(self):
# Initialize commands, anwers and customers for each level (hardcode for now, may be a way to
# randomize or dynamically generate challenges depending on the level design)
# Customers can have more than one attribute, so we store it as a tuple
# Answers for each customer can be more than one pizza (eg. for a while loop), so store it as a tuple
# If the statement doesn't execute, correct answer is to move on to the next customer
# Level 1
# Action images
self.img_pepperoni = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\pepperoniup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\pepperonihover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\pepperonidown.gif'))
self.img_hawaiian = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\hawaiianup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\hawaiianhover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\hawaiiandown.gif'))
self.img_vegetarian = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\vegetarianup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\vegetarianhover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\vegetariandown.gif'))
self.img_nextcustomer = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\nextcustomerup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\nextcustomerhover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Actions\\nextcustomerdown.gif'))
level1commands = ['if customer_is_red:\n\tserve pepperoni', 'if customer_is_blue:\n\tserve hawaiian']
level1customers = [('red'), ('green')] #make this a dict corresponding to image too?
level1answers = [('pepperoni'), ('next')]
level1actions = {'pepperoni': self.img_pepperoni , 'hawaiian':self.img_hawaiian, 'vegetarian': self.img_vegetarian,
'next': self.img_nextcustomer}
self.levelscommands = [level1commands]
self.levelscustomers = [level1customers]
self.levelsanswers = [level1answers]
self.levelsactions = [level1actions]
class Customer():
def __init__(self, **attributes):
for k,v in attributes:
self.k = v
# Animations
class Animation():
def __init__(self, container, pos, images, framerate):
self.container = container
self.x = pos[0]
self.y = pos[1]
self.images = copy(images)
self.imagescopy = copy(images)
self.framerate = framerate # ms between frames
self.done = False
def animate(self):
if len(self.images)>0:
print "animating", len(self.images), self.images
self.container.delete("currentframe") # won't throw an error if non-existant
print self.images[0], "image name"
image = PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready1.gif')
print image, "image"
self.container.create_image(self.x, self.y, image = image, tag = "currentframe")
self.animation = self.container.after(self.framerate, self.animate)
print "finished"
self.done = True
def resetAnimation(self):
self.done = False
self.images = copy(self.imagescopy)
# GUI classes
class PlayArea():
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
self.window.title("Pizza Program!")
# Initialize player, controller, levels and customer classes
self.player = Player()
self.controller = Controller()
self.levels = Levels()
self.customer = Customer()
# Button and background images
self.img_buttonstart = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_startup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_starthover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_startdown.gif'))
self.img_buttonpause = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_pauseup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_pausehover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_pausedown.gif'))
self.img_buttonresume = (PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_resumeup.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_resumehover.gif'),
PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\Controller\\button_resumedown.gif'))
self.img_playbgplay ="Graphics\\PlayArea\\bgplay.gif")
self.img_playbgready ="Graphics\\PlayArea\\bgready.gif")
# self.imgs_playbgready = [PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready1.gif'),
# PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready2.gif'),
# PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready3.gif'),
# PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready4.gif'),
# PhotoImage(file = 'Graphics\\PlayArea\\ani_bgready5.gif') ]
# Animations
self.imgs_playbgready = []
self.imgs_startserving = []
for i in range(1,4):# change later
#self.imgs_playbgready = []
#for filename in imgs_playbgready:
# self.imgs_playbgready.append(PhotoImage(file = filename))
# Font styles
self.controlFont = tkFont.Font(family = "Calibri", size = 10, weight = "bold" )
self.commandFont = tkFont.Font(family = "Courier New", size = 14, weight = "bold")
# Frames to contain the play area (graphics), the command area (what players must do),
# the controller area (start button, timer, score), and action area (possible actions players can take)
self.playFrame = Frame(self.window, bd = 0, highlightthickness = 0)
self.commandFrame = Frame(self.window, bd =0, highlightthickness =0)
self.controlFrame = Frame(self.window, bd =0, highlightthickness =0)
self.actionsFrame = Frame(self.window, bd =0, highlightthickness =0)
self.commandFrame.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
self.playFrame.grid(column = 1, row = 2)
self.controlFrame.grid(column = 2, row = 1)
self.actionsFrame.grid(column = 2, row = 2)
#self.window.columnconfigure(2, weight =1)
# Play Area Elements
self.playWidth = 500
self.playHeight = 500
self.playCanvas = Canvas(self.playFrame, width = self.playWidth, height = self.playHeight, bd = -2)
resized = self.img_playbgplay.resize((self.playWidth, self.playHeight), Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.img_playbgplay = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized)
resized = self.img_playbgready.resize((self.playWidth, self.playHeight), Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.img_playbgready = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized)
self.playCanvas.create_image(self.playWidth/2, self.playHeight/2, image = self.img_playbgplay)
self.playCanvas.create_image(self.playWidth/2, self.playHeight/2, image = self.img_playbgready,tag = "bgready")
# Bgready animation for when start is pressed
self.ani_playbgready = Animation(self.playCanvas,(self.playWidth/2, self.playHeight/2),self.imgs_playbgready, 5000)
self.ani_startserving = Animation(self.playCanvas,(self.playWidth/2, self.playHeight/2), self.imgs_playbgready,5000)
# Controller elements
# timer and score labels only appear after game starts
self.controlColor = "sky blue"
self.controlWidth = 200
self.controlHeight = 200
self.controllerCanvas = Canvas(self.controlFrame, width = self.controlWidth, height = self.controlHeight, bg = self.controlColor,
bd =0 , highlightthickness =0)
# Frame for containing button, timer and score
self.controlLabelFrame = LabelFrame(self.controllerCanvas, bd = 0, highlightthickness = 0, relief = "ridge", bg = self.controlColor)
#print self.controlLabelFrame.config(), "configs for controlLabelFrame"
self.btStart = Button(self.controlLabelFrame, command = self.startGame, highlightthickness =0, bd =0,
bg = self.controlColor, image = self.img_buttonstart[0])
self.btPause = Button(self.controlLabelFrame, command = self.pauseGame, highlightthickness =0, bd =0,
bg = self.controlColor, image = self.img_buttonpause[0])
self.btResume = Button(self.controlLabelFrame, command = self.resumeGame, highlightthickness =0, bd =0,
bg = self.controlColor, image = self.img_buttonstart[0])
self.btStart.grid(row=1, pady = 5)
self.controllerCanvas.create_window(self.controlWidth/2, self.controlHeight/2, window = self.controlLabelFrame)
#Toggle button image
self.changeButtonImage(self.btStart, self.img_buttonstart)
# Timer label
self.timerText = StringVar()
self.timerLabel = Label(self.controlLabelFrame, textvariable = self.timerText, bg = self.controlColor, font = self.controlFont)
self.timerLabel.grid( row = 2, pady=5)
# Level label
self.levelText = StringVar()
self.levelLabel = Label(self.controlLabelFrame, textvariable = self.levelText, bg = self.controlColor, font = self.controlFont)
self.levelLabel.grid( row = 3, pady=5)
# Command elements
self.commandColor = "light sky blue"
self.commandWidth = 500
self.commandHeight = 200
self.commandCanvas = Canvas(self.commandFrame, width = self.commandWidth, height = self.commandHeight, bg = self.commandColor)
self.commText = StringVar()
self.commLabel = Label(self.commandCanvas, textvariable = self.commText, bg = self.commandColor, font = self.commandFont)
self.commandCanvas.create_window(self.commandWidth/2, self.commandHeight/2, window = self.commLabel)
# Action elements
self.actionColor = "cornflower blue"
self.actionWidth = 200
self.actionHeight = 500
self.actionsFrame.config(width = self.actionWidth, height = self.actionHeight, bg = self.actionColor,)
#self.actionCanvas = Canvas(self.actionsFrame, width = self.actionWidth, height = self.actionHeight, bg = self.actionColor, highlightthickness =0)
# Step methods
# (for checking conditions each step)
def checkAnimation(self, animation, triggerevent, *args):
if not animation.done:
self.window.after(100, self.checkAnimation)
# Controller methods
def changeButtonImage(self, button, images):
def toImage(event, button, image):
button["image"] = image
up, hover, down = images
button.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, button = button, image = hover : toImage(event, button, image))
button.bind("<Leave>", lambda event, button = button, image = up : toImage(event, button, image))
button.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, button = button, image = down : toImage(event, button, image))
button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", lambda event, button = button, image = up : toImage(event, button, image))
def updateController(self):
self.timerText.set("Next Customer: " + str(self.controller.timer))
self.update = self.controlFrame.after(1000, self.updateController)
def startGame(self):
# Update controller elements
# Change button
self.btPause.grid(row=1, pady = 5)
self.changeButtonImage(self.btPause, self.img_buttonpause)
# Timer label
self.timerText.set("Next Customer:" + str(self.controller.timer))
# Level label
self.levelText.set("Level: " + str(self.controller.level))
# Access level commands, customers, answers, and set command display
# Commands
self.levelcommands = deepcopy(self.levels.levelscommands[self.controller.level-1]) #copy the list
self.currentcommand = self.levelcommands.pop(0)
# Actions
self.levelactions = copy(self.levels.levelsactions[self.controller.level-1])
self.btActions = []
for action, img in self.levelactions.iteritems():
if action != "next":
self.btActions.append(Button(self.actionsFrame, command = self.servePizza,
highlightthickness =0, bd =0, bg = self.actionColor, image = img[0]))
self.btActions.append(Button(self.actionsFrame, command = self.nextCustomer,
highlightthickness =0, bd =0, bg = self.actionColor, image= img[0]))
index = self.btActions.index(self.btActions[-1]) +1
self.btActions[-1].pack(pady = 35)
self.changeButtonImage(self.btActions[-1], img)
# Play Area
#self.checkAnimation(self.ani_playbgready, self.ani_startserving.animate)
self.levelcustomers = deepcopy(self.levels.levelscustomers[self.controller.level-1]) #copy the list
self.currentcustomer = self.levelcustomers.pop(0)
#self.displayCustomer(self.currentcustomer) #need to write this method
# Answers
self.levelanswers = self.levels.levelsanswers[self.controller.level-1][:] # no nested elements
self.currentanswer = self.levelanswers.pop(0)
def pauseGame(self):
#Pause controller updating
# Change button
self.btResume.grid(row=1, pady = 5)
self.changeButtonImage(self.btResume, self.img_buttonresume)
def resumeGame(self):
# Resume controller updating
# Change button
self.btPause.grid(row=1, pady = 5)
self.changeButtonImage(self.btResume, self.img_buttonpause)
def readyLevel(self):
# Command methods
def updateCommand(self):
def displayCommand(self, command):
# Action methods
def servePizza(self):
def nextCustomer(self):

Tkinter events outside of the mainloop?

The program I am writing has a tkinter window that is constantly being fed with data manually rather than being part of a mainloop. It also needs to track mouse location. I havn't found a workaround for tracking the mouse outside of mainloop yet, but if you have one please do tell.
from Tkinter import *
import random
import time
def getCoords(event):
xm, ym = event.x, event.y
str1 = "mouse at x=%d y=%d" % (xm, ym)
print str1
class iciclePhysics(object):
def __init__(self, fallrange, speed=5):
self.speed = speed
self.xpos = random.choice(range(0,fallrange))
self.ypos = 0
def draw(self,canvas):
try: = canvas.create_polygon(self.xpos-10, self.ypos, self.xpos+10, self.ypos, self.xpos, self.ypos+25, fill = 'lightblue')
def fall(self,canvas):
canvas.move(, 0, self.ypos)
root = Tk()
mainFrame = Frame(root, bg= 'yellow', width=300, height=200)
mainCanvas = Canvas(mainFrame, bg = 'black', height = 500, width = 500, cursor = 'circle')
mainCanvas.bind("<Motion>", getCoords)
root.resizable(0, 0)
difficulty = 1500
currentIcicles = [iciclePhysics(difficulty)]
tracker = 0
sleeptime = 0.04
while True:
if tracker % 3 == 0 and difficulty > 500:
difficulty -= 1
elif difficulty <= 500:
for i in range(len(currentIcicles)):
for i in currentIcicles:
if i.ypos >= 90:
There is no way. Mouse movement is presented to the GUI as a series of events. In order to process events, the event loop must be running.
Also, you should pretty much never do a sleep inside a GUI application. All that does is freeze the GUI during the sleep.
Another hint: you only need to create an icicle once; to make it fall you can use the move method of the canvas.
If you are having problems understanding event based programming, the solution isn't to avoid the event loop, the solution is to learn how event loops work. You pretty much can't create a GUI without it.
