python parsing xml with ElementTree doesn't give interested result - python

I have an xml file like this
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>My name is <b>Wrufesh</b>. What is yours?</text>
I have a python code like this
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('sample.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root:
print child.text()
I only get
'My name is' as an output.
I want to get
'My name is <b>Wrufesh</b>. What is yours?' as an output.
What can I do?

You can get your desired output using using ElementTree.tostringlist():
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>> root = ET.parse('sample.xml').getroot()
>>> l = ET.tostringlist(root.find('text'))
>>> l
['<text', '>', 'My name is ', '<b', '>', 'Wrufesh', '</b>', '. What is yours?', '</text>', '\n']
>>> ''.join(l[2:-2])
'My name is <b>Wrufesh</b>. What is yours?'
I wonder though how practical this is going to be for generic use.

I don't think treating tag in xml as a string is right. You can access the text part of xml like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('sample.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
text = root[0]
for i in text.itertext():
print i
# As you can see, `<b>` and `</b>` is a pair of tags but not strings.
print text._children

I would suggest pre-processing the xml file to wrap elements under <text> element in CDATA. You should be able to read the values without a problem afterwards.
<text><![CDATA[<My name is <b>Wrufesh</b>. What is yours?]]></text>


How to access UBL 2.1 xml tag using python

I need to access the tags in UBL 2.1 and modify them depend on the on the user input on python.
So, I used the ElementTree library to access the tags and modify them.
Here is a sample of the xml code:
<ns0:Invoice xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2" xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2">
The issue :
I want to access the tags but it is doesn't modifed and enter the loop
I tried both ways:
mytree = ET.parse('test.xml')
myroot = mytree.getroot()
for x in myroot.find({xmlns:ns1=urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2}IssueDate}"):
x.text = '1999'
mytree = ET.parse('test.xml')
myroot = mytree.getroot()
for x in myroot.iter('./Invoice/AllowanceCharge/ChargeIndicator'):
x.text = str('true')
None of them worked and modify the tag.
So the questions is : How can I reach the specific tag and modify it?
If you correct the namespace and the brakets in your for loop it works for a valid XML like (root tag must be closed!):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ns0:Invoice xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2" xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2">
Your repaired code:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('test.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for elem in root.findall("{urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2}IssueDate"):
elem.text = '1999'
tree.write('test_changed.xml', encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
<ns0:Invoice xmlns:ns0="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2" xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2">

How to get the xml element as a string with namespace using ElementTree in python?

I need to get the elements from xml as a string. I am trying with below xml format.
<prot:data xmlns:prot="prot">
<xsi:Dealer xmlns:xsi="">DEALER</xsi:Dealer>
And I tried with below code:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
def get_template(xpath, namespaces):
tree = ET.parse('cdata.xml')
elements = tree.getroot()
for element in elements.findall(xpath, namespaces=namespaces):
return element
namespace = {"prot" : "prot"}
aa = get_template(".//prot:ProductId", namespace)
Actual output:
<ns0:ProductId xmlns:ns0="prot">PRODUCT_ID</ns0:ProductId>
Expected output:
I should not remove the xmlns from the document where it presents in the document. And It has to be removed where it not presents. Example product-id-template is not containing the xmlns so it needs to be retrieved without xmlns. And dealer-template contains the xmlns so it needs to be retrieved with xmlns.
How to achieve this?
You can remove xmlns with regex.
import re
# ...
with_ns = ET.tostring(aa).decode()
no_ns = re.sub(' xmlns(:\w+)?="[^"]+"', '', with_ns)
UPDATE: You can do a very wild thing. Although I can't recommend it, because I'm not a Python expert.
I just checked the source code and found that I can do this hack:
def my_serialize_xml(write, elem, qnames, namespaces,
short_empty_elements, **kwargs):
ET._serialize_xml(write, elem, qnames,
None, short_empty_elements, **kwargs)
ET._serialize["xml"] = my_serialize_xml
I just defined my_serialize_xml, which calls ElementTree._serialize_xml with namespaces=None. And then, in dictionary ElementTree._serialize, I changed value for key "xml" to my_serialize_xml. So when you call ElementTree.tostring, it will use my_serialize_xml.
If you want to try it, just place the code(above) after from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET (but before using the ET).

How to use xmltodict to get items out of an xml file

I am trying to easily access values from an xml file.
<artikel nummer="121">
<naam>Highlight pen</naam>
<artikel nummer="123">
..... etc
If i want to acces the value ABC123, how do I get it?
import xmltodict
with open('8_1.html') as fd:
doc = xmltodict.parse(
Using your example:
import xmltodict
with open('artikelen.xml') as fd:
doc = xmltodict.parse(
If you examine doc, you'll see it's an OrderedDict, ordered by tag:
>>> doc
[OrderedDict([('#nummer', '121'),
('code', 'ABC123'),
('naam', 'Highlight pen'),
('voorraad', '231'),
('prijs', '0.56')]),
OrderedDict([('#nummer', '123'),
('code', 'PQR678'),
('naam', 'Nietmachine'),
('voorraad', '587'),
('prijs', '9.99')])])]))])
The root node is called artikelen, and there a subnode artikel which is a list of OrderedDict objects, so if you want the code for every article, you would do:
codes = []
for artikel in doc['artikelen']['artikel']:
# >>> codes
# ['ABC123', 'PQR678']
If you specifically want the code only when nummer is 121, you could do this:
code = None
for artikel in doc['artikelen']['artikel']:
if artikel['#nummer'] == '121':
code = artikel['code']
That said, if you're parsing XML documents and want to search for a specific value like that, I would consider using XPath expressions, which are supported by ElementTree.
This is using xml.etree
You can try this:
for artikelobj in root.findall('artikel'):
print artikelobj.find('code')
if you want to extract a specific code based on the attribute 'nummer' of artikel, then you can try this:
for artikelobj in root.findall('artikel'):
if artikel.get('nummer') == 121:
print artikelobj.find('code')
this will print only the code you want.
You can use lxml package using XPath Expression.
from lxml import etree
f = open("8_1.html", "r")
tree = etree.parse(f)
expression = "/artikelen/artikel[1]/code"
l = tree.xpath(expression)
code = next(i.text for i in l)
print code
# ABC123
The thing to notice here is the expression. /artikelen is the root element. /artikel[1] chooses the first artikel element under root(Notice first element is not at index 0). /code is the child element under artikel[1]. You can read more about at lxml and xpath syntax.
To read .xml files :
import lxml.etree as ET
root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
value = root.node1.node2.variable_name.text

LXML add an element into root

Im trying to take two elements from one file (file1.xml), and write them onto the end of another file (file2.xml). I am able to get them to print out, but am stuck trying to write them onto file2.xml! Help !
filename = "file1.xml"
appendtoxml = "file2.xml"
output_file = appendtoxml.replace('.xml', '') + "_editedbyed.xml"
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
tree = etree.parse(filename, parser)
root = tree.getroot()
a = root.findall(".//Device")
b = root.findall(".//Speaker")
for r in a:
print etree.tostring(r)
for e in b:
print etree.tostring(e)
NewSub = etree.SubElement (root, "Audio(just writes audio..")
print NewSub
I want the results of a, b to be added onto the end of outputfile.xml in the root.
Parse both the input file and the file you wish to append to.
Use root.append(elt) to append Element, elt, to root.
Then use tree.write to write the new tree to a file (e.g. appendtoxml):
Note: The links above point to documentation for xml.etree from the standard
library. Since lxml's API tries to be compatible with the standard library's
xml.etree, the standard library documentation applies to lxml as well (at
least for these methods). See for information on where
the APIs differ.
import lxml.etree as ET
filename = "file1.xml"
appendtoxml = "file2.xml"
output_file = appendtoxml.replace('.xml', '') + "_editedbyed.xml"
parser = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
tree = ET.parse(filename, parser)
root = tree.getroot()
out_tree = ET.parse(appendtoxml, parser)
out_root = out_tree.getroot()
for path in [".//Device", ".//Speaker"]:
for elt in root.findall(path):
out_tree.write(output_file, pretty_print=True)
If file1.xml contains
<?xml version="1.0"?>
and file2.xml contains
<?xml version="1.0"?>
then file2_editedbyed.xml will contain

xml file parsing in python

xml file :
python code : To obtain all the key tag values.
using xml.etree.ElementTree
for streams in xmlRoot.iter('global'):
xpath = "/rtmp/fcsapp/password"
tag = "key"
for child in streams.findall(xpath):
print resultlist
The output obtained is [hello123], but I want it to display both ([hello123, check123])
How do I obtain this?
Using lxml and cssselect I would do it like this:
>>> from lxml.html import fromstring
>>> doc = fromstring(open("foo.xml", "r").read())
>>> doc.cssselect("password key")
[<Element key at 0x7f77a6786cb0>, <Element key at 0x7f77a6786d70>]
>>> [e.text for e in doc.cssselect("password key")]
['hello123 \n ', 'check123 \n ']
With lxml and xpath You can do it in the following way:
from lxml import etree
xml = """
tree = etree.fromstring(xml)
result = tree.xpath('//password/key/text()')
print result # ['hello123', 'check123']
try beautifulsoup package ""
using xml.etree.ElementTree
for streams in xmlRoot.iter('global'):
xpath = "/rtmp/fcsapp/password"
tag = "key"
for child in streams.iter(tag):
print resultlist
have to iter over the "key" tag in for loop to obtain the desired result. The above code solves the problem.
