Trying to find the next prime number - python

MyFunctions file file -
def factList(p,n1):
counter = 1
while counter <= n1:
if n1 % counter == 0:
counter = counter + 1
def isPrime(lst1,nbr):
factList(lst1, nbr)
if len(lst1) == 2:
return True
return False
def nextPrime(nbr1):
cnt1 = 1
while cnt1 == 1:
nbr1 == nbr1 + 1
if isPrime(lst2,nbr1):
cnt1 = 0
Filetester file -
nbr1 = 13
print nbr1
My isPrime function already works I'm tring to use my isPrime function for my nextPrime function, when I run this I get
" (when using 13)
">>> " (When using 14)
I am supposed to get 17 not 13. And if I change it to a composite number in function tester it gets back in a infinite loop. Please only use simple functions (the ones I have used in my code).

This is NOT the right way to do this, but this is the closest adaptation of your code that I could do:
def list_factors_pythonic(number):
"""For a given number, return a list of factors."""
factors = []
for x in range(1, number + 1):
if number % x == 0:
return factors
def list_factors(number):
"""Alternate list_factors implementation."""
factors = []
counter = 1
while counter <= number:
if number % counter == 0:
return factors
def is_prime(number):
"""Return true if the number is a prime, else false."""
return len(list_factors(number)) == 2
def next_prime(number):
"""Return the next prime."""
next_number = number + 1
while not is_prime(next_number):
next_number += 1
return next_number

This would be helpful:
def nextPrime(number):
for i in range(2,number):
if number%i == 0:
return False
if sqr>number:
return True
number = int(input("Enter the num: ")) + 1
if res:
print("The next number number is: ",number)
number += 1

I don't know python but if it's anything like C then you are not assigning anything to your variables, merely testing for equality.
while cnt1 == 1:
nbr1 == nbr1 + 1
if isPrime(lst2,nbr1):
cnt1 == cnt1 + 1
Should become
while cnt1 == 1:
nbr1 = nbr1 + 1 << changed here
if isPrime(lst2,nbr1):
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1 << and here

Well this code help you
for i in range(2,p):

this code optimized for finding sudden next prime number of a given takes about 6.750761032104492 seconds
def k(x):
return pow(2,x-1,x)==1
if k(n)==True:


I'm trying to find sum of first n palindromes using python

Here's my code:
def ispalindrome(p):
temp = p
rev = 0
while temp != 0:
rev = (rev * 10) + (temp % 10)
temp = temp // 10
if num == rev:
return True
return False
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
i = 1
count = 0
sum = 0
while (count <= num - 1):
if (palindrome(i) == True):
sum = sum + i
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
print("Sum of first", num, "palindromes is", sum)
I believe my ispalindrome() function works. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong inside my while loop.
here's my output so far:
n = 1 answer = 1,
n = 2 answer = 22,
n = 3 answer = 333 ...
I also think the runtime on this really sucks
Please help
i belive the problem is with your ispalindrom functon it returns 200 as palindrome number
def ispalindrome(p):
rev = int(str(p)[::-1])
if p == rev:
return True
return False
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
i = 1
count = 0
sum = 0
while (count <= num - 1):
if (ispalindrome(i) == True):
sum = sum + i
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
print("Sum of first", num, "palindromes is", sum)
def is_palindrome(number):
return str(number) == str(number)[::-1]
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
palindromes = [i for i in range(1, num) if is_palindrome(i)]
print(f"Sum of the {len(palindromes)} palindromes in range {num} is {sum(palindromes)}")

Best way to run a function in main function when one of the parameters is not in the scope

Basically my brain is not working right now can't figure out the best way to resolve this error. builtins.NameError: name 'numIters' is not defined
I know this problem is that numIters is not defined in its scope but don't know the best solution to fix that.
Here is the bulk of my code
import random
alg = int(input("Select the sorting algorithm \n 1 - linear search \n 2 - binary search \nEnter Choice: "))
n = int(input("Choose the size of the list: "))
def main():
#print(binarySearch(values, 2))
def createList(n,alg):
global values
values = []
for j in range(n):
values.append(random.randint(0, 2*n))
while len(values) == n:
if alg == 2:
return values
elif alg == 1:
return values
def linearSearch(values, target):
numIters = 0
for i in range(len(values)):
numIters = numIters + 1
if values[i] == target:
return numIters
return -1
def binarySearch(values, target):
numIters = 0
start = 0
high = len(values) - 1
while start <= high:
middle = (start + high)//2
if values[middle] == target:
numIters = numIters + 1
return numIters
elif values[middle] > target:
numIters = numIters + 1
high = middle - 1
numIters = numIters + 1
start = middle + 1
return -1
def runTest(values,n,alg):
if alg == 2:
count = 0
for j in range(n * 2):
count = count + 1
tgt = random.randint(0, 2*n)
binarySearch(values, tgt)
return count
elif alg == 1:
count = 0
for j in range(n * 2):
count = count + 1
tgt = random.randint(0, 2*n)
linearSearch(values, tgt)
return count
def printResults(alg, n, numIters):
avgIter = n / numIters
if alg == 2:
algType = Binary
if alg == 1:
algType = Linear
print("Results \n n = %d \n %s = %f.2 " % (n,algtype,avgIter))
Thank you in advance for any help given as I am still trying to learn and understand how python works as a whole.
You need to return numIters so that you can pass it to the next function. It looks like it currently gets returned from binarySearch and linearSearch to runTest, but it gets discarded there; just bubble it up like this (I'm going to add type annotations and comments to help me keep track of what's going on):
from typing import List, Tuple
def runTest(values: List[int], n: int, alg: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Returns count, numIters"""
numIters = 0 # default value in case n is so small we don't iterate
if alg == 2:
count = 0
for j in range(n * 2):
count = count + 1
tgt = random.randint(0, 2*n)
numIters = binarySearch(values, tgt)
return count, numIters
elif alg == 1:
count = 0
for j in range(n * 2):
count = count + 1
tgt = random.randint(0, 2*n)
numIters = linearSearch(values, tgt)
return count, numIters
raise ValueError("alg needs to be 1 or 2!")
Now in your main() you can do:
def main():
createList(n, alg)
count, numIters = runTest(values, n, alg)
printResults(alg, n, numIters)

python3 recursive function of n * (b(a))

I'm trying to write a function that would recursively hash a key for n times, alternating between sha224 and sha256. Each iteration would be hash_256(hash_224)--a hash256 for the hash224 of the key--so that it would yield n * (hash_256(hash_224)). However, I'm new to coding and can't figure out how to write a recursive function with these parameters.
import hashlib
def shasum(key, n):
key = str(key).encode('utf-8')
hash_a = hashlib.sha224(key).hexdigest().encode('utf-8'))
hash_b = hashlib.sha256(hash_a).hexdigest()
if n == 0 or 1:
return hash_b #one iteration of 256(224)
return n-1
return hash_b #stuck here
Edited: now it behaves like a number generator. What's wrong?
import hashlib
n = 0
def sha480(seed):
hashed_224 = str(hashlib.sha224(seed)).encode('utf-8')
hashed_256 = hashlib.sha256(hashed_224).hexdigest()
hashed_480 = str(hashed_256)
print("hash: " + hashed_480)
def repeater(key, n):
if n == 0:
return key
seed = str(key).encode('utf-8')
while n > 0:
return sha480(repeater(seed, n-1))
repeater('what', 2)
You have no recursive calls at all. You could change it to:
def hash_a(key):
return hashlib.sha224(key).hexdigest().encode('utf-8')
def hash_b(key):
return hashlib.sha256(key).hexdigest()
def shasum(key, n):
if n == 0: # base case: 0 iterations -> return key itself
return key
key = str(key).encode('utf-8')
return hash_b(hash_a(shasum(key, n - 1))) # recursve call
A side note: n == 0 or 1 is equivalent to (n == 0) or 1 which is always true. For that pattern, use n == 0 or n == 1 or shorter n in (0, 1)
Your code is nearly correct. just some minor issues fixed as below
import hashlib
def shasum(key, n):
print ("n: " + str(n))
key = str(key).encode('utf-8')
hash_a = hashlib.sha224(key).hexdigest().encode('utf-8')
print ("hash_a: " + str(hash_a))
hash_b = hashlib.sha256(hash_a).hexdigest()
print ("hash_b: " + str(hash_b))
if n == 0:
return hash_b #one iteration of 256(224)
return shasum(hash_b, n-1)

Keep getting type error with decorative function

I keep getting a type error for this. I am experimenting with decorative functions. Any help is appreciated
def primer(func):
def primes(n):
print (n)
return None
def find_prime(n):
while True:
count = 2
if (count == n):
z = ("PRIME")
return z
elif (n % count == 0):
z = n / count
return z
count += 1
prime = find_prime()
def primer(func):
def primes(n):
#return None: dont know why this is here, you could do without it
return primes
#The nontype error is occuring because your code is returning none
#so to fix that all you have to do is return the inner function
def find_prime(n):
while True:
count = 2
if (count == n):
z = ("PRIME")
return z
elif (n % count == 0):
z = n / count
return z
count += 1
prime = find_prime
# if you want to turn a function into a variable you have to make sure it's
# callable, which means no parantheses around it
prime(15) # then you can call it

Python Credit Card Validation

I'm a beginner Python learner and I'm currently working on Luhn Algorithm to check credit card validation. I wrote most of the code, but I'm stuck with 2 errors I get 1st one is num is referenced before assignment. 2nd one I'm getting is object of type '_io.TextIOWrapper' has no len(). Further help/ guidance will be greatly appreciated.
These are the steps for Luhn Algorithm (Mod10 Check)
Double every second digit from right to left. If this “doubling” results in a two-digit number, add the two-digit
number to get a single digit.
Now add all single digit numbers from step 1.
Add all digits in the odd places from right to left in the credit card number.
Sum the results from steps 2 & 3.
If the result from step 4 is divisible by 10, the card number is valid; otherwise, it is invalid.
Here's what my output is supposed to be
Card Number Valid / Invalid
3710293 Invalid
5190990281925290 Invalid
3716820019271998 Valid
37168200192719989 Invalid
8102966371298364 Invalid
6823119834248189 Valid
And here is the code.
def checkSecondDigits(num):
length = len(num)
sum = 0
for i in range(length-2,-1,-2):
number = eval(num[i])
number = number * 2
if number > 9:
strNumber = str(number)
number = eval(strNumber[0]) + eval(strNumber[1])
sum += number
return sum
def odd_digits(num):
length = len(num)
sumOdd = 0
for i in range(length-1,-1,-2):
num += eval(num[i])
return sumOdd
def c_length(num):
length = len(num)
if num >= 13 and num <= 16:
if num [0] == "4" or num [0] == "5" or num [0] == "6" or (num [0] == "3" and num [1] == "7"):
return True
return False
def main():
filename = input("What is the name of your input file? ")
infile= open(filename,"r")
cc = (infile.readline().strip())
print(format("Card Number", "20s"), ("Valid / Invalid"))
while cc!= "EXIT":
even = checkSecondDigits(num)
odd = odd_digits(num)
c_len = c_length(num)
tot = even + odd
if c_len == True and tot % 10 == 0:
print(format(cc, "20s"), format("Valid", "20s"))
print(format(cc, "20s"), format("Invalid", "20s"))
num = (infile.readline().strip())
You just forgot to initialize num
def main():
filename = input("What is the name of your input file? ")
infile= open(filename,"r")
# initialize num here
num = cc = (infile.readline().strip())
print(format("Card Number", "20s"), ("Valid / Invalid"))
while cc!= "EXIT":
even = checkSecondDigits(num)
odd = odd_digits(num)
c_len = c_length(num)
tot = even + odd
if c_len == True and tot % 10 == 0:
print(format(cc, "20s"), format("Valid", "20s"))
print(format(cc, "20s"), format("Invalid", "20s"))
num = cc = (infile.readline().strip())
First, maybe you should remove the extra characters:
def format_card(card_num):
Formats card numbers to remove any spaces, unnecessary characters, etc
Input: Card number, integer or string
Output: Correctly formatted card number, string
import re
card_num = str(card_num)
# Regex to remove any nondigit characters
return re.sub(r"\D", "", card_num)
After check if credit card is valid using the Luhn algorithm:
def validate_card(formated_card_num):
Input: Card number, integer or string
Output: Valid?, boolean
double = 0
total = 0
digits = str(card_num)
for i in range(len(digits) - 1, -1, -1):
for c in str((double + 1) * int(digits[i])):
total += int(c)
double = (double + 1) % 2
return (total % 10) == 0
This is a very simpler version of code it is based on lunh's algorithm
def validator(n):
for i in n:
for i in range(0,len(n),2):
validatelist[i] = validatelist[i]*2
if validatelist[i] >= 10:
validatelist[i] = validatelist[i]//10 + validatelist[i]%10
if sum(validatelist)%10 == 0:
print('This a valid credit card')
print('This is not valid credit card')
def cardnumber():
while True:
result = input('Please enter the 16 digit credit card number : ')
if not (len(result) == 16) or not type(int(result) == int) :
raise Exception
except Exception:
print('That is not a proper credit card number. \nMake sure you are entering digits not characters and all the 16 digits.')
return result
def goagain():
return input('Do you want to check again? (Yes/No) : ').lower()[0] == 'y'
def main():
while True:
result = cardnumber()
if not goagain():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Old thread but the answer concerns me... and the real issue wasn't identified.
Actually, the error is that you have used the identifier (num) for the parameter when defining checkSecondDigits as the identifier/name of the argument when calling the function in the mainline. The function should be called in main() by
even = checkSecondDigits(cc) so the value in cc (which is the argument) is passed into num (as the parameter) for use within the function.
The same rookie error is made with odd_digits and cc_length.
This question (and the initially suggested answer) demonstrates a fundamental mis-understanding of passing arguments to parameters...
The suggested 'declaring' of num just hides this error/misunderstanding and also obfuscates the local and global scopes of num (which should only be local) and cc (which is global) so whilst the suggestion works in this case, it works for the wrong reason and is poor style and bad programming.
num should not appear anywhere in main() as it should be local to (only appear inside of) the functions called...
The last line in this code should be the same as the first, but the last line incorrectly assigns the data to num instead of cc
cc = (infile.readline().strip())
print(format("Card Number", "20s"), ("Valid / Invalid"))
while cc!= "EXIT":
even = checkSecondDigits(num)
odd = odd_digits(num)
c_len = c_length(num)
tot = even + odd
if c_len == True and tot % 10 == 0:
print(format(cc, "20s"), format("Valid", "20s"))
print(format(cc, "20s"), format("Invalid", "20s"))
num = (infile.readline().strip())
you can use my code for card validation it is 100% dynamic because of the card structure is stored in CSV file, so it is easy to update here is the code on GitHub profile, python file link, code explanation file link and CSV for datafile link
python code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 10 20:55:30 2019
import csv
import numpy as np
#csv file imported and storf in reader
reader = csv.DictReader(open("card_data.csv"))
#input card number
card_number = input("Enter the card No: ")
#global variable declaration
card_number_list = list(card_number)
first_digit = int(card_number_list[0])
#global variable for final output
card_provider_list_number = 0
result_found = False
card_number_digits = 0
#append the list from csv
for raw in reader:
#initialize the value of min_digits & max_digits
def min_max_digits():
global min_digits
global max_digits
for i in range(len(start)):
for j in range(len(available_length)):
min_max_digits_array = np.array(min_max_digits_list)
#list to int
def list_to_int(noofdigits):
str1 = ""
return int(str1.join(noofdigits))
#card validation
def iin_identifier():
first_six_digit = list_to_int(card_number_list[0:6])
for i in range(len(start)):
if(first_six_digit >= int(start[i]) and first_six_digit <= int(end[i])):
for j in range(len(available_length)):
if(card_number_length == int(available_length[j])):
global card_provider_list_number
card_provider_list_number = i
global card_number_digits
card_number_digits = available_length[j]
global result_found
result_found = True
#Major Industry Identifier (MII) identification
def mit_identifier():
global first_digit
global mit_name
switcher = {
1: "Airlines",
2: "Airlines",
3: "Travel and Entertainment",
4: "Banking and Financial Services",
5: "Banking and Financial Services",
6: "Merchandising and Banking",
7: "Petroleum",
8: "Health care, Telecommunications",
9: "National Assignment"
mit_name=switcher.get(first_digit, "MIT Identifier Not Found")
#Luhn Algorithm or modulo-10 Algorithm
def luhn_algorithm():
for i in range(card_number_length):
if(i%2!=0 and i!=0):
#print(str(i)+" "+ str(card_number_list_reverse[i]))
card_number_list_reverse[i] = int(even_number_2[0])+int(even_number_2[1])
#print("\tsubsum "+str(i)+" "+str(card_number_list_reverse[i]))
division_int = int(sum(card_number_list_reverse)/10)
return True
#initial level number length validation
def card_number_validation():
if(card_number_length>= min_digits and card_number_length <= max_digits and first_digit != 0):
if(result_found and luhn_algorithm()):
print("\nEntered Details are Correct\n")
print("\nHere are the some details we know about you card")
print("\nNo: "+card_number)
print("\nIssuing Network: "+name[card_provider_list_number])
print("\nType: "+c_d[card_provider_list_number]+" Card")
print("\nCategory of the entity which issued the Card: "+mit_name)
print("\nCard Number is Invalid\nPlease renter the number!\n")
print("\nCard Number is Invalid\n")
#method called to run program
n = input("Enter 16-digit Credit Card Number:")
lst = []
for i in range(16):
# print(lst)
# list1 = n.split()
# print(list1)
def validate_credit_card():
global lst
if len(lst) == 16:
for i in range(0, len(lst)):
lst[i] = int(lst[i])
# print(lst)
last = lst[15]
first = lst[:15]
# print(first)
# print(last)
first = first[::-1]
# print(first)
for i in range(len(first)):
if i % 2 == 0:
first[i] = first[i] * 2
if first[i] > 9:
first[i] -= 9
sum_all = sum(first)
# print(first)
# print(sum_all)
t1 = sum_all % 10
t2 = t1 + last
if t2 % 10 is 0:
print("Valid Credit Card")
print("Invalid Credit Card!")
print("Credit Card number limit Exceeded!!!!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
