Change spacing in Mayavi - python

I am creating a surf() plot using Mayavi/mlab but the resluting picture is not really satisfying since the spacing is not really good. Here is my Code:
import pygrib
from mayavi.mlab import *
from mayavi import mlab
grbs ="lfff00000000c_1h.grb")
data ='Geometric Height of the earths surface above sea level')[0].values
# --> data is a simple 2D array
mlab.figure(1, fgcolor=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(1,1,1))
s = surf(data, colormap='gist_earth')
mlab.title("geom. height", size = 0.5)
So actually i want to increase the spacing for the x and y axis in the resulting picture. But i don't know how to do this. I know that I somehow have to work with array_source.spacing = array([ 5., 5., 1.]) in my Python Code but i don't know how? :(

Actually i figured out what solves my problem:
I simply added warp_scale to my surf() function. In this way the z-scale is influenced and since I was only interested in changing the x and y-axis in the same way this solves my problem.
s = surf(data, colormap='gist_earth', warp_scale=0.05)
Perhaps this helps other people with the same issue.


Combining Pointdraw and Sample in Holoviews

I'm trying to combine Holoviews' Pointdraw functionality with its Sample functionality (I couldn't find a specific page, but it is shown in action here
Specifically, I want to have two subplots with interactivity. The one on the left shows a colormap, and the one on the right shows a sample (a linecut) of the colormap. This is achieved with .sample. Inside this right plot I'd like to have points that can be drawn, moved, and removed, typically done with pointdraw. I'd then also like to access their coordinates once I am done moving, which is possible when following the example from the documentation.
Now, I've got the two working independently, following the examples above. But when combined in the way that I have, this results in a plot that looks like this:
It has the elements I am looking for, except the points cannot be interacted with. This is somehow related to Holoviews' streams, but I am not sure how to solve it. Would anyone be able to help out?
The code that generates the above:
%%opts Points (color='color' size=10) [tools=['hover'] width=400 height=400]
%%opts Layout [shared_datasource=True] Table (editable=True)
import param
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
hv.extension('bokeh', 'matplotlib')
from holoviews import streams
def lorentzian(x, x0, gamma):
return 1/np.pi*1/2*gamma/((x-x0)**2+(1/2*gamma)**2)
xs = np.arange(0,4*np.pi,0.05)
ys = np.arange(0,4*np.pi,0.05)
data = hv.OrderedDict({'x': [2., 2., 2.], 'y': [0.5, 0.4, 0.2], 'color': ['red', 'green', 'blue']})
z = lorentzian(xs.reshape(len(xs),1),2*np.sin(ys.reshape(1,len(ys)))+5,1) + lorentzian(xs.reshape(len(xs),1),-2*np.sin(ys.reshape(1,len(ys)))+5,1)
def dispersions(f0):
points = hv.Points(data, vdims=['color']).redim.range(x=(xs[0], xs[-1]), y=(np.min(z), np.max(z)))
point_stream = streams.PointDraw(data=points.columns(), source=points, empty_value='black')
image = hv.Image(z, bounds=(xs[0], ys[0], xs[-1], ys[-1]))
return image* hv.VLine(x=f0) + image.sample(x=f0)*points
dmap = hv.DynamicMap(dispersions, kdims=['f0'])
I apologize for the weird function that we are plotting, I couldn't immediately come up with a simple one.
Based on your example it's not yet quite clear to me what you will be doing with the points but I do have some suggestions on structuring the code better.
In general it is always better to compose plots from several separate DynamicMaps than creating a single DynamicMap that does everything. Not only is it more composable but you also get handles on the individual objects allowing you to set up streams to listen to changes on each component and most importantly it's more efficient, only the plots that need to be updated will be updated. In your example I'd split up the code as follows:
def lorentzian(x, x0, gamma):
return 1/np.pi*1/2*gamma/((x-x0)**2+(1/2*gamma)**2)
xs = np.arange(0,4*np.pi,0.05)
ys = np.arange(0,4*np.pi,0.05)
data = hv.OrderedDict({'x': [2., 2., 2.], 'y': [0.5, 0.4, 0.2], 'color': ['red', 'green', 'blue']})
points = hv.Points(data, vdims=['color']).redim.range(x=(xs[0], xs[-1]), y=(np.min(z), np.max(z)))
image = hv.Image(z, bounds=(xs[0], ys[0], xs[-1], ys[-1]))
z = lorentzian(xs.reshape(len(xs),1),2*np.sin(ys.reshape(1,len(ys)))+5,1) + lorentzian(xs.reshape(len(xs),1),-2*np.sin(ys.reshape(1,len(ys)))+5,1)
taps = []
def vline(f0):
return hv.VLine(x=f0)
def sample(f0):
return image.sample(x=f0)
dim = hv.Dimension('f0', step=0.1, range=(0,10))
vline_dmap = hv.DynamicMap(vline, kdims=[dim])
sample_dmap = hv.DynamicMap(sample, kdims=[dim])
point_stream = streams.PointDraw(data=points.columns(), source=points, empty_value='black')
(image * vline_dmap + sample_dmap * points)
Since the Image and Points are not themselves dynamic there is no reason to put them inside the DynamicMap and the VLine and the sampled Curve are easily split out. The PointDraw stream doesn't do anything yet but you can now set that up as yet another DynamicMap which you can compose with the rest.

Empty figures with basemap

I am trying to use model output on flows in a tidal basin. The model uses a curvilinear grid. My first task is to just plot one component of the velocity of the highest water layer. I wrote a little bit of code based on the question under the name: Matplotlib Streamplot for Unevenly (curvilinear) Grid.
Now as far as I can see, I didn't change anything essential except for the numbers in comparison to the earlier metioned question, but the figures remain empty. I put the code and some numbers below.
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Lat = np.array([[ 30.40098833, 30.40103752, 30.40108727, 30.40113704],
[ 30.40140046, 30.40145021, 30.40149997, 30.40154973],
[ 30.40186559, 30.40191478, 30.40196453, 30.4020143 ],
[ 30.40239781, 30.402447, 30.40249676, 30.40254652]])
Lon = np.array([[-86.51729818, -86.51794126, -86.5185871, -86.51923603],
[-86.51725858, -86.51790149, -86.51854717, -86.51919595],
[-86.51721383, -86.51785659, -86.51850228, -86.51915089],
[-86.51716242, -86.51780518, -86.51845087, -86.51909948]])
Xvel = np.array([[ 0.0325774, -0.02811189, -0.04972513, -0.07736091],
[ 0.00592685, -0.00043959, -0.00735147, -0.05015078],
[-0.03365543, -0.03183309, -0.03701356, -0.07232581],
[-0.09578606, -0.10139448, -0.11220678, -0.13221299]])
fig,(ax1) = plt.subplots(1,1)
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=Lon.min(),llcrnrlat=Lat.min(),
urcrnrlon=Lon.max(), urcrnrlat=Lat.max(),
Could someone tell me what it is that causes the plots to remain empty?
I have another question regarding the use of Basemap: My datasheet also contains a lot of NaN's (gridpoints with no information). I was wondering how I can let Basemap know that I just don't have any information on these positions and that I don't want any plotting there. In the current code it causes an 'Points of LinearRing do not form a closed linestring' error.
Regarding the second part of your question (since Ajean appears to have solved the first half), the standard way to tell Matplotlib (and hence Basemap) to not plot data is to create a masked array. Lets say your Xvel contained NaNs, then to plot it you would do
import as ma
m.contourf(Lon, Lat, ma.masked_invalid(Xvel), latlon=True)
the function ma.masked_invalid, as its name implies, masks all invalid (i.e., NaN) values, so that they're not plotted.

matplotlib - How to add pixel size legend?

import scipy as sp
import scipy.misc
lena = sp.misc.lena()
What I'd like is then to add a bar indicative of distance. ie suppose this was an actual image captured with a camera and I knew that each pixel corresponds to 1cm. I would want to add a bar that is 10 x 100 pixels and add some text that says 1m above the bar. Is there a simple way to do this?
thank you
In the example bellow I made a simple solution of your problem. It should not be too hard to extend this to cover a more general case. Hardest thing to get right here is the pos_tuple.
Since pos_tuple represents the upper left corner of Rectangle you have to subtract the length of the bar itself and then still leave some padding, otherwise it will be plotted at the very edge of the graph and look ugly. So a more general pos_tuple would look something like
pos_tuple = (np.shape(lena)[0]-m2pix(1)-padding_right,
This whole thing could also be adapted into a neat function add_image_scale that would take in your figure and spit out a figure which has the scale "glued" on. m2pix could also be generalized to receive a scale instead of hardcoding it.
import scipy as sp
import scipy.misc
import numpy as np
lena = sp.misc.lena()
def m2pix(pix): #it takes a 100 pix to make a meter
return 100*pix
pos_tuple = (np.shape(lena)[0]-100-12, np.shape(lena)[1]-10-2)
rect = plt.Rectangle( pos_tuple, m2pix(1), m2pix(0.1))
As far as adding text goes, you can use the annotations or text which are both very easy to use.

scipy.optimize.curve_fit : Not able to do a curve fitting

I am still new with python and I have a problem wit curve fitting. The following program is a simplification of a bigger program that I create but it represent the problem that I have.
The problem is that I have a function which I called burger that I cannot fit a curve. This line : y=np.sqrt(y) : is a problem. When I remove it, i can fit it perfectly but that not the function I want.
How Can I do a fitting of this function y=np.sqrt(y)?
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 11 22:14:54 2013
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
import scipy.optimize as optimization
from math import *
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import math
import moyenne
####################Function Burger###############################
def burger(t, E1, E2, N,tau):
nu=0.4 #Coefficient de Poisson
P=50 #Peak force
alpha=70.3 #Tip angle
y=((((pi/2.)*P*(1.-nu**2.))/(tan(alpha)))*(1./E1 + 1./E2*(1.-np.exp(-t/tau)) + 1./((N)*(1.-nu))*t))
return y
#######exemple d'utilisation##########
ylist=[ burger(t,3, 2,1,0.1) for t in xlist]
pa,j = curve_fit(burger,xlist,ylist)
yfit=[burger(x,*pa) for x in xlist]
So, this probably won't be the best answer you get, but while you wait for others here are some things to think about.
First, since you are new to python maybe you don't know, or maybe there is reason to solve these things in list comprehension, but I don't think you need the list comprehensions. You can use the numpy math operations to handle a whole array at a time. Instead of
y=((((pi/2.)*P*(1.-nu**2.))/(tan(alpha)))* ...
You can write
y = ((((np.pi/2.)*P*(1.-nu**2.))/(np.tan(alpha)))* ...
Then instead of
[ burger(t, 3., 2., 1., 0.1) for t in xlist]
you can do
burger(xlist, 3., 2., 1., 0.1)
This is will be a lot faster when you are working with arrays.
Secondly, just looking through a couple of things that were happening in the algorithm. It wasn't looking for your parameters in the right ranges. I looked up the algorithm it is using on the scipy.optimize page (here) and wikipedia says that the convergence is dependent on the initial guess and also that it finds the local, not global, minima (Sometimes your code hit negative values for the parameters which made the sqrt of y undefined for some cases). If there is a way you can give it a good initial guess then it should work ([1., 3., 3., 2] worked for me). My command that solved it was: pa,j = curve_fit(burger,xlist,ylist, [1., 3., 3., 2], maxfev=10000)).
Thirdly, the first error I got when I used your code was that it reached the max number of fevals. Add maxfev=10000 (or more if you need) as the last argument to curve_fit.
Check it out. If you can give your bigger problem an initial guess then maybe you'll get it to converge. Otherwise maybe a different algorithm could be more suitable?
Update: See this question for a more detailed explanation of why this works, but you can get it to work without a guess if you give it another kwg, diag.
pa,j = curve_fit(burger,xlist,ylist, diag=(1./xlist.mean(), 1./ylist.mean()), maxfev=10000)

Displaying true-colour 2D RGB textures in a 3D plot?

I'm trying to make a 3D plot that consists of a series of 2D planes through an RGB stack, like this:
I know that it's possible to do this using mpl_toolkits.mplot3d by passing the x, y, z coordinates and the RGB(A) colours of each pixel to plot_surface:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D
def plot_stack_slices(rgbstack, scale=(1., 1., 1.), z_interval=10.):
fig, ax = pp.subplots(1,1,subplot_kw={'projection':'3d'})
sx, sy, sz = scale
nz, ny, nx, nc = rgbstack.shape
stack_xyz = np.mgrid[:nx*sx:nx*1j, :ny*sy:ny*1j, :nz*sz:nz*1j]
slices = rgbstack[::-z_interval]
slice_xyz = np.rollaxis(stack_xyz, 3, 0)[::-z_interval]
surflist = []
for (img,xyz) in zip(slices, slice_xyz):
x, y, z = xyz
s = ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, facecolors=img**0.75,
rstride=50, cstride=50)
return fig, ax, surflist
Unfortunately this becomes extremely slow if I set rstride=1, cstride=1 in order to display the textures at full resolution.
I'm also aware that Mayavi can easily handle displaying multiple 2D textures at full resolution:
from mayavi import mlab
def plot_stack_slices2(stack, scale=(1., 1., 20.), z_interval=10.):
mfig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1,)*3)
sx, sy, sz = scale
nz, ny, nx = stack.shape
slices = stack[::-z_interval]
slice_z = np.linspace(0,nz*sz,nz)[::z_interval]
surflist = []
for (img,z) in zip(slices, slice_z):
im = mlab.imshow(img.T, colormap='gray', figure=mfig) = [sx,sy,sz] = [0, 0, z]
return fig, surflist
However, the problem now is that there does not seem to be any way of displaying true-colour RGB textures using Mayavi - according to the docs I can only specify either a single (R, G, B) tuple, or a pre-defined colourmap.
Does anyone know of a better way to display true-colour 2D RGB textures in a 3D plot?
Given enough time I could probably figure out how do do this in Vtk or even pure OpenGL if necessary, but I'm really hoping that there are existing libraries that will do the job.
Big thanks to aestrivex for providing working solutions using Mayavi/VTK - it's useful info that I may need for doing more complicated things in the future.
In the end I actually chose to go with cgohlke's suggestion of using visvis, which turned out to be a lot simpler to implement:
import visvis as vv
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.image import imread
from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data
imgdata = imread(get_sample_data('lena.png'))
nr, nc = imgdata.shape[:2]
x,y = np.mgrid[:nr, :nc]
z = np.ones((nr, nc))
for ii in xrange(5):, y, z*ii*100, imgdata, aa=3)
I don't know about other libraries -- volshow looks neat but I havent tested it -- but you can do this in vtk.
I have been working on doing this generally in mayavi (see How to directly set RGB/RGBA colors in mayavi) but for certain image sources mayavi structures the vtk pipeline in a way that was not designed to deal with this at all. My efforts to convert a 2D vtk.ImageData to true color starting with mlab.imshow were met with resistance at every step, but I managed it.
First, here is how I have managed to do it in mayavi using mlab. This is far too hacky and "magic"-reliant even for my standards:
from mayavi import mlab
import numpy as np
from tvtk.api import tvtk
#the latter set of scalars is what is actually used in the VTK pipeline in this
#case, but if they don't play nice with the mayavi source then tvtk will
#complain because we are circumventing the structure it expects'unsigned_char'
#this draw fails. As it fails, there is an interaction here, somewhere deep in
#tvtk, causing the ImageData to partially reset.. I have not been able to track
#it down yet. ignore the error output'unsigned_char'
#now after we reset these back to what they should be, it works
But in pure tvtk it's not nearly so bad:
import numpy as np
from tvtk.api import tvtk
Of course, doing it in vtk is more work. You might even be able to wrap this nicely so that it's pretty reasonable.
I want to fix mayavi to handle this properly, but as you can see from my snippet it is not straightforward and could take a while.
