imported csv to dataframe objects not recognized - python

I have imported multiple csv files from a folder. First I created a list of all the csv files in the folder and then I provide the length of the list to my function.
The csv files have rows with different column lengths so that is why I think I have to use readlines.
The problem is that when I try to filter the DataFrame the values are not recognized.
I saved it to a sqlite table and pulled it in to R and a value that looks like "H"
appears to be like this in r --- "\"H\""
How can I prevent those extra characters from being added to my object "H"
Or do I have another problem?
x = []
count = 0
while (count < len(filelist) ):
for file in filelist:
filename = open(filelist[count])
count = count + 1
for line in filename.readlines():
df = pd.DataFrame(x)
For example I am just trying to create a mask. But I am getting all False. The DataFrame appears to contain "H"?
data['V1'] == "H"

Try this
df_list =[]
file_list = []
path = 'file_path'
for file in file_list:
df_name = 'df_%s' %file
('df_%s' % file) = pd.read_csv(path+file)
new_df = pd.concat(df_list)

Answer: This code fixed the problem by removing the quotes throughout. Now the mask works.
for i, col in enumerate(df.columns):
df.iloc[:, i] = df.iloc[:, i].str.replace('"', '')


Compare multiple CSV files by row and delete files not needed

I am comparing multiple CSV files against a master file by a selected column values, and want to keep only the file that has the most matches with the master file.
The code I actually created give me the results for each file, but I don't know how to make the comparison between the files themselves, and just keep the one with the highest values sum at the end.
I know how to delete files via os.remove() and so on, but need help with the selection of the maximum value.
data0 = pd.read_csv('input_path/master_file.csv', sep=',')
csv_files = glob.glob(fr'path_to_files_in_comparison\**\*.csv', recursive=True)
for df in csv_files:
df_base = os.path.basename(df)
input_dir = os.path.dirname(df)
data1 = pd.read_csv(df, sep=',')
comp1 = pd.concat([data0, data1])[['values']]
cnt1 = comp1.loc[comp1.duplicated()]
match1 = cnt1.count(axis=1)
sum = str(sum(match1))
print('Matches between ' + df_base + ' & ' + input_dir + ': ' + sum)
The print gives me (paths and directories names appear correct):
Matches between ... & ...: 332215
Matches between ... & ...: 273239
Had the idea to try it via sub-lists, but just did not get anywhere.
You could write a function to calculate the "match score" for each file, and use that function as the key argument for the max function:
def match_score(csv_file):
df_base = os.path.basename(csv_file)
data1 = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=",")
comp1 = pd.concat([data0, data1])[['values']]
cnt1 = comp1.loc[comp1.duplicated()]
match1 = cnt1.count(axis=1)
return match1.sum()
csv_files = glob.glob(fr'path_to_files_in_comparison\**\*.csv', recursive=True)
max_match_file = max(csv_files, key=match_score)
You can simplify your code a lot using pathlib.
Addressing your question, you can store the duplicates sum in a dictionary, and after comparing all files, choose the one with most matches. Something like this:
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
main_file = Path('/main/path/main.csv')
main_df = pd.read_csv(main_file)
other_path = Path('/other/path/')
other_files = other_path.rglob('*.csv')
matches_per_file = {}
for other_file in other_files:
other_df = pd.read_csv(other_file)
merged_df = pd.concat([main_df, other_df])[['values']]
dups = merged_df.loc[merged_df.duplicated()]
dups_sum = sum(dups.count(axis=1))
matches_per_file[other_file] = dups_sum
print(f'Matches between {other_file} and {main_file}: {dups_sum}')
# find the file with most matches
most_matches = max(matches_per_file, key=matches_per_file.get)
The code above will populate matches_per_file with pairs filename: matches. That will make it easy for you to find the max(matches) and the corresponding filename, and then decide which files you will keep and which ones you will delete. The variable most_matches will be set with that filename.
Use the code snippet as a starting point, since I don't have the data files to test it properly.
Thank you for your support. I have built a solution using list and sub-list. I added the following to my code and it works. Probably not the nicest solution, but it's my turn to improve my python skills.
liste_overall = list(zip(liste1, liste2))
max_liste = max(liste_overall, key=lambda sublist: sublist[1])
for df2 in liste_overall:
if df2[1] in max_liste[1]:
print("Maximum duplicated values, keep file!")
print("Not maximum duplicated, file is removed!")

How to use python to seperate a one column CSV file if the columns have no headings, then save this into a new excel file?

So, I am quite new to python and have been googling a lot but have not found a good solution. What I am looking to do is automate text to columns using python in an excel document without headers.
Here is the excel sheet I have
it is a CSV file where all the data is in one column without headers
ex. hi ho loe time jobs barber
jim joan hello
009 00487 08234 0240 2.0348 20.34829
delimeter is space and comma
What I want to come out is saved in another excel with the first two rows deleted and seperated into columns
( this can be done using text to column in excel but i would like to automate this for several excel sheets)
009 | 00487 | 08234 | 0240 | 2.0348 | 20.34829
the code i have written so far is like this:
import pandas as pd
import csv
path = 'C:/Users/ionan/OneDrive - Universiteit Utrecht/Desktop/UCU/test_excel'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
df = pd.read_csv(f, delimiter='\t' + ';', engine = 'python')
Original file with name as data.xlsx:
This means all the data we need is under the column Data.
Code to split data into multiple columns for a single file:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
f = 'data.xlsx'
# -- Insert the following code in your `for f in files` loop --
file_data = pd.read_excel(f)
# Since number of values to be split is not known, set the value of `num_cols` to
# number of columns you expect in the modified excel file
num_cols = 20
# Create a dataframe with twenty columns
new_file = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["col_{}".format(i) for i in range(num_cols)])
# Change the column name of the first column in new_file to "Data"
new_file = new_file.rename(columns = {"col_0": file_data.columns[0]})
# Add the value of the first cell in the original file to the first cell of the
# new excel file
new_file.loc[0, new_file.columns[0]] = file_data.iloc[0, 0]
# Loop through all rows of original excel file
for index, row in file_data.iterrows():
# Skip the first row
if index == 0:
# Split the row by `space`. This gives us a list of strings.
split_data = file_data.loc[index, "Data"].split(" ")
# Convert each element to a float (a number) if we want numbers and not strings
# split_data = [float(i) for i in split_data]
# Make sure the size of the list matches to the number of columns in the `new_file`
# np.NaN represents no value.
split_data = [np.NaN] + split_data + [np.NaN] * (num_cols - len(split_data) - 1)
# Store the list at a given index using `.loc` method
new_file.loc[index] = split_data
# Drop all the columns where there is not a single number
new_file.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
# Get the original excel file name
new_file_name = f.split(".")[0]
# Save the new excel file at the same location where the original file is.
new_file.to_excel(new_file_name + "_modified.xlsx", index=False)
This creates a new excel file (with a single sheet) of name data_modified.xlsx:
Summary (code without comments):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
f = 'data.xlsx'
file_data = pd.read_excel(f)
num_cols = 20
new_file = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["col_{}".format(i) for i in range(num_cols)])
new_file = new_file.rename(columns = {"col_0": file_data.columns[0]})
new_file.loc[0, new_file.columns[0]] = file_data.iloc[0, 0]
for index, row in file_data.iterrows():
if index == 0:
split_data = file_data.loc[index, "Data"].split(" ")
split_data = [np.NaN] + split_data + [np.NaN] * (num_cols - len(split_data) - 1)
new_file.loc[index] = split_data
new_file.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
new_file_name = f.split(".")[0]
new_file.to_excel(new_file_name + "_modified.xlsx", index=False)

Column appended to dataframe coming up empty

I have the following code:
import glob
import pandas as pd
import os
import csv
myList = []
path = "/home/reallymemorable/Documents/git/COVID-19/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports_us/*.csv"
for fname in glob.glob(path):
df = pd.read_csv(fname)
row = df.loc[df['Province_State'] == 'Pennsylvania']
dateFromFilename = os.path.basename(fname).replace('.csv','')
fileDate = pd.DataFrame({'Date': [dateFromFilename]})
concatList = pd.concat(myList, sort=True)
concatList.to_csv('/home/reallymemorable/Documents/test.csv', index=False, header=True
It goes through a folder of CSVs and grabs a specific row and puts it all in a CSV. The files themselves have names like 10-10-2020.csv. I have some code in there that gets the filename and removes the file extension, so I am left with the date alone.
I am trying to add another column called "Date" that contains the filename for each file.
The script almost works: it gives me a CSV of all the rows I pulled out of the various CSVs, but the Date column itself is empty.
If I do print(dateFromFilename), the date/filename prints as expected (e.g. 10-10-2020).
What am I doing wrong?
I believe join has how=left by default. And your fileDate dataframe has different index than row, so you wouldn't get the date. Instead, do an assignment:
for fname in glob.glob(path):
df = pd.read_csv(fname)
row = df.loc[df['Province_State'] == 'Pennsylvania']
dateFromFilename = os.path.basename(fname).replace('.csv','')
concatList = pd.concat(myList, sort=True)
Another way is to store the dataframes as a dictionary, then concat:
myList = dict()
for fname in glob.glob(path):
df = pd.read_csv(fname)
row = df.loc[df['Province_State'] == 'Pennsylvania']
dateFromFilename = os.path.basename(fname).replace('.csv','')
myList[dateFromFilename] = row
concatList = pd.concat(myList, sort=True)

How To Print File Names Conditionally Based On Multiple Imported csv Files

I was wondering if there is a way that prints out the file names conditionally based on the multiple imported csv files. My procedure is:
Set my path.
Grab all the csv files in this path.
Import all these csv files grabbing only the numbers of each file names and store this in 'new_column'.
Check number of columns of each file and want to exclude the files that are not having 10 columns (acvhieved using shape[1]).
Now, I want to print out the actual file names that don't have 10 columns -> I am stuck here.
I have no problems up to number 4. However, I am stuck on 5. How do I achieve 5. ?
# setting my path
path = r'my\path'
# make a function that grabs all csv files in my path
all_files = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv")
# grab the numeric part of each file
def get_numbers_from_filename(filename):
return'\d+', filename).group(0)
# import all the actual csv files and add a 'new_column' column based on the "get_numbers_from_filename" function
li = []
for filename in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0)
df['new_column'] = get_numbers_from_filename(filename)
# check frequency of column numbers for each file using a frequency table
result = []
for lis in li:
# make this a dataframe
result = pd.DataFrame(result, columns = ['shape'])
# actual checking step
# grab only shape == 10 files to correctly concatenate
result = []
for lis in li:
if lis.shape[1] == 10:
## my solution for part 5:
# print and save all the paths of my directory
path = os.listdir(path)
# grab file names if columns numbers are not 10
result3 = []
for paths in path:
for list in li:
if lis.shape[1] != 10:
my solution gives an empty string []

Import multiple excel files into pandas and create a column based on name of file

I have multiple excel files in one folder which I want to read and concat together,but while concating together I want to add column based on name of the file
I can read these files in pandas with following script
path =r'D:\' # use your path
allFiles = glob.glob(path + "/*.xls")
frame = pd.DataFrame()
list_ = []
for file_ in allFiles:
df = pd.read_excel(file_,index_col=None, header=0)
frame = pd.concat(list_)
I want to add column as Code in all the files which I read.Code will be numbers from filename e.g. 156667,192059
why not just match
foo = re.match('\.*_Report', file_)
num = foo[:6]`
df['Code']= num
Inside your loop?
One you could do this, is by using join, isdigit, inside a list comprehension.
The isdigit will get only the numbers from the file name (in a list), and the join function will join them back into 1.
To be clear, you could change your for loop to this:
for file_ in allFiles:
df = pd.read_excel(file_,index_col=None, header=0)
df['Code'] = ''.join(str(i) for i in file_ if i.isdigit())
which will add a column called Code in each df.
