I am trying to grab the values from a class and use that particular value into another class. However I keep getting this error - AttributeError: 'CustomNodeTranslator' object has no attribute 'start'
Basically I am trying to get/transfer the values of self.start and self.end to be used into the ChanFileExporter class
I am not exactly sure why it is not working but when I applied this similar method in another portion of the code, it is working fine.
Any advises are greatly appreciated!
class CustomNodeTranslator(OpenMayaMPx.MPxFileTranslator):
def __init__(self):
def haveWriteMethod(self):
return True
def haveReadMethod(self):
return True
def filter(self):
return "*.chan"
def defaultExtension(self):
return "chan"
def writer( self, fileObject, optionString, accessMode ):
self.start = []
self.end = []
for opt in filter(None, optionString.split(';')):
optSplit = opt.split('=')
if optSplit[1] == '0':
startAnimation = cmds.findKeyframe(which='first')
endAnimation = cmds.findKeyframe(which='last')
self.start = startAnimation
self.end = endAnimation
class ChanFileExporter():
def __init__(self, transform, startAnimation, endAnimation, cameraObj):
self.fileExport = []
testClass = CustomNodeTranslator()
mayaGlobal = OpenMaya.MGlobal()
startAnimation = testClass.start
endAnimation = testClass.end
for i in range(int(startAnimation), int(endAnimation + 1)):
The first time you see start or end in CustomNodeTranslator is in the writer() method.
self.start = []
self.end = []
It is bad practice to add attributes outside of __init__(); and the reason why it fails for you is because you are referring to attributes that do not yet exist since they are created only after you call writer().
Hi I'm having a problem in this classes I created the parent class extracao_nia with the method aplica_extracao for having the similar part of the execution that I use in others class and the diferent part is in the transform method definined in the children class
but I'm having an issue that the variables that I defined as list() are Null variable when I execute the code:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'
class extracao_nia:
def __init__(self, d=1, h=1, m=15):
self._data_base = "database"
self.UM_DIA = datetime.timedelta(days=d)
self.UMA_HORA = datetime.timedelta(hours=h)
self.INTERVALO = datetime.timedelta(minutes=m)
def data_base(self):
return self._data_base
def aplica_extracao(self, SQL):
fim_intervalo = self.inicio + self.INTERVALO#
pbar = self.cria_prog_bar(SQL)#
while (fim_intervalo <= self.FIM):#
self.connector.execute(SQL,(self.inicio.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),fim_intervalo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))#
for log in self.connector:#
self.inicio = fim_intervalo
fim_intervalo = self.inicio + self.INTERVALO
class usuarios_unicos(extracao_nia):
def __init__(self, d=1, h=1, m=15, file='nodes.json'):
self._data_base = "database"
self.UM_DIA = datetime.timedelta(days=d)
self.UMA_HORA = datetime.timedelta(hours=h)
self.INTERVALO = datetime.timedelta(minutes=m)
self.file = file
self.ids = list()
self.nodes = list()
self.list_cpf = list()
def transforma(self, log):
context = json.loads(log[0])['context']
output = json.loads(log[0])['output']
nr_cpf = context['dadosDinamicos']['nrCpf']
conversation_id = context['conversation_id']
nodes_visited = output['output_watson']['nodes_visited']
i = self.ids.index(conversation_id)
atual = len(self.nodes[i])
novo = len(nodes_visited)
if novo > atual:
nodes[i] = nodes_visited
except KeyError:
except ValueError:
self.nodes = self.nodes.append(nodes_visited)
self.list_cpf = self.list_cpf.append(nr_cpf)
list.append returns None since it is an in-place operation, so
self.nodes = self.nodes.append(nodes_visited)
will result in self.nodes being assigned None. Instead you can just use
self.nodes += nodes_visited
I'm new to python threads and I can't find any answers for that. If it is a duplicate question sorry for that.
I have a thread class like this:
class Ant(Thread):
def __init__(self, start_item, possible_items, backpack_limit, pheromone_map, alpha, beta, eta):
self.start_item = start_item
self.item = start_item
self.possible_items = possible_items
self.selected_items = []
self.backpack_limit = backpack_limit
self.weight_sum = 0
self.backpack_value = 0
self.pheromone_map = pheromone_map
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.eta = eta # (weight/value)
# append start location to route, before doing random walk
self.tour_complete = False
def run(self):
while self.possible_items and self.is_remaining_space_feasible():
next_item = self.pick_item()
self.item = next_item
self.tour_complete = True
def add_backpack(self, next_item):
def update_items(self, next_item):
def update_backpack(self, next_item):
self.weight_sum += next_item.get_weight()
self.backpack_value += next_item.get_value()
and I create bunch of instances in another class like this:
ants = [Ant(self.items[random.randint(0, len(self.items) - 1)], self.items, self.backpack_limit, self.pheromone_matrix, self.alpha, self.beta, self.eta) for _ in range(self.ant_count)]
As you can see when I create an ant instance it's called add_backpack function and at some point this piece of code work self.possible_items.remove(next_item) and the program finished the initialization step and create the next instance. But for the next instance possible_items already removed the item and this caused list.remove(x): x not in list error. I tried deep copying but it's doesn't work.
I'm new to python and am currently trying to use an old module to output graphs. The code below is a excerpt from the module that uses rpy to design
standard celeration charts (don't look it up).
I'm having trouble understanding how the class Element and class Vector work together.
I've been trying to pass the a element object to the vector get_elements but I'm not sure if that's what I should be doing.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
class Element(object):
"""Base class for Chartshare vector elements."""
def __init__(self, offset=0, value=0):
def setText(self, value):
def getText(self):
return self.value
text = property(getText, setText)
class Vector(object):
"""Base class for Chartshare Vectors."""
def __init__(self, name='', color='black', linetype='o', symbol=1, clutter=0, start=0, end=140, continuous=False, debug=False):
if not self.continuous:
for i in range(self.start, self.end+1):
def getSymbol(self):
return self._symbol
def setSymbol(self, value):
if (type(value) == int):
if (value >= 0) and (value <= 18):
self._symbol = value
raise SymbolOutOfRange, "Symbol should be an integer between 0 and 18."
elif (type(value) == str):
self._symbol = value[0]
except IndexError:
self._symbol = 1
symbol = property(getSymbol, setSymbol)
def getLinetype(self):
return self._linetype
def setLinetype(self, value):
if (value == 'p') or (value == 'o') or (value == 'l'):
self._linetype = value
raise InvalidLinetype, "Line type should be 'o', 'p', or 'l'"
linetype = property(getLinetype, setLinetype)
def get_elements(self):
"""Returns a list with the elements of a Vector."""
retval = []
for i in range(self.start, self.end+1):
if (not self.continuous):
if (self.elements[i] != 'NaN'):
return retval
def get_offsets(self):
"""Returns a list of the offsets of a Vector."""
retval = []
for i in range(self.start, self.end+1):
if (not self.continuous):
if (self.elements[i] == 'NaN'):
return retval
def to_xml(self, container=False):
"""Returns an xml representation of the Vector."""
if (container == False):
container = StringIO.StringIO()
xml = XMLGenerator(container)
attrs = {}
attrs[u'name'] = u"%s" % self.name
attrs[u'symbol'] = u"%s" % self.symbol
attrs[u'linetype'] = u"%s" % self.linetype
attrs[u'color'] = u"%s" % self.color
xml.startElement(u'vector', attrs)
for i in range(self.start, self.end+1):
if (self.elements[i] != 'NaN'):
attrs[u'offset'] = u"%s" % i
xml.startElement(u'element', attrs)
xml.characters(u"%s" % self.elements[i])
def render(self):
"""Plots the current vector."""
if (self.debug):
print "Rendering Vector: %s" % self.name
print self.elements
r.points(x=range(self.start, self.end+1),
if (self.debug):
print "Finished rendering Vector: %s" % self.name
Vector's get_elements() doesn't take any arguments. Well, technically it does. It takes self. self is syntactic sugar that lets you do this:
vec = Vector()
It's equivalent to this:
vec = Vector()
Since get_elements() doesn't take any arguments, you can't pass a to it. Skimming the code, I don't see a set_elements() analog. This means you'll have to modify the vector's element's dictionary directly.
vec = Vector()
vec.elements[a] = ...
print(vec.get_elements()) # >>> [a,...]
As I can see, there is no place in this code where you are assigning self.elements with any input from a function. You are only initialising it or obtaining values
Also note that the .get_elements() function doesn't have any arguments (only self, that is the object where you are calling it in), so of course it won't work.
Unless you can do something such as the following, we would need more code to understand how to manipulate and connect these two objects.
element_obj = Element()
vector_obj = Vector()
position = 4
vector_obj.elements[4] = element_obj
I got to this answer with the following: as I can see, the elements property in the Vector class is a dictonary, that when you call vector_obj.get_elements() is casted to an array using the start and end parameters as delimiters.
Unless there is something else missing, this would be the only way I could think out of adding the an element into a vector object. Otheriwse, we would need some more code or context to understand how these classes behave with each other!
Hope it helps!
I got this school assignment, here is my code:
class Doubly_linked_node():
def __init__(self, val):
self.value = val
self.next = None
self.prev = None
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)
class Deque():
def __init__(self):
self.header = Doubly_linked_node(None)
self.tailer = self.header
self.length = 0
def __repr__(self):
string = str(self.header.value)
index = self.header
while not (index.next is None):
string+=" " + str(index.next.value)
index = index.next
return string
def head_insert(self, item):
new = Doubly_linked_node(item)
if self.tailer.value==None:
self.tailer = self.header
def tail_insert(self, item):
new = Doubly_linked_node(item)
if self.header.value==None:
self.header = self.tailer
it builds a stack, allowing you to add and remove items from the head or tail (I didn't include all the code only the important stuff).
When I initiate an object, if I return self.next it prints None, but if I return self.prev, it prints nothing, just skips, I don't understand why since they are both defined exactly the same as you see, and if I insert only head several times for example for i in range(1,5): D.head_insert(i) and then I print D it prints 5 4 3 2 1 None but if I do tail insert for example for i in range(1,5): D.tail_insert(i) and print D it prints 1 2 3 4 5"as it should without the None. Why is that?
I have included an image:
Keep in mind that you create a Deque which is not empty. You're initializing it with a Node with value None
You're interchanging the value and the Node object. When you're checking if self.tailer.value==None: it's probably not what you're meaning
Following to point 2 is a special handling for the empty Deque, where header and tailer is None
Here is what I have in mind, if I would implement the Deque. I'm slightly changed the return value of __repr__.
class Deque():
def __init__(self):
self.header = None
self.tailer = None
self.length = 0
def __repr__(self):
if self.header is None:
return 'Deque<>'
string = str(self.header.value)
index = self.header.next
while index!=None:
string+=" " + str(index.value)
index = index.next
return 'Deque<'+string+'>'
def head_insert(self, item):
new = Doubly_linked_node(item)
if self.length==0:
def tail_insert(self, item):
new = Doubly_linked_node(item)
if self.length==0:
Following Günthers advice, I have modified the __repr__ to this:
def __repr__(self):
string = str(self.header.value)
index = self.header
while not (str(index.next) == "None"):
string += (" " + str(index.next.value))
index = index.next
return string
that did solve the problem, but it is the ugliest solution I have ever seen.
does anyone know a better way?
Following to the question of a better __repr__ method here my proposal. Extend the Deque class with an __iter__ method. So you can iterate over the Deque which is nice to have, e.g.:
for item in D:
print item
Based on that the __repr__ method is easy. Here is the whole change:
def __repr__(self):
return 'Deque<'+' '.join([str(item.value) for item in self])+'>'
def __iter__(self):
while index is not None:
yield index.value
I'm trying to rewrite a script and I'm stuck on making it easy to use. Basically it's an assembly script (like the reverse of destruction), where you input a load of variables such as location, whether the location is absolute or relative, scale, rotation, visibility, random offset, etc, to create an animation. The first version was very non user friendly, so I'm trying to get it working nicely from the start this time.
I've thought of how I'd like it to work, and I've managed to keep it clean, but there is a flaw. As you can see below, it'd be possible to use anything like SetGroup.frame[i].save(), which I don't want (and I don't want to put checks on if name is None throughout the class).
Here is the code I have:
class SetGroup(object):
def __init__(self, name=None, _frame_only=False):
if name is None and not _frame_only:
raise TypeError('name of group must be provided')
self.selection = None
self.origin = None
self.start = None
self.end = None
self.offset = 0
self.distance = None
self.random = 0
self.location = None
self.rotation = None
self.scale = None
self.visibility = None
if not _frame_only:
self.frame = defaultdict(lambda: SetGroup(_frame_only=True))
def save(self):
#do a bit of error checking here
self.data[self.name] = {'ObjectSelection': self.selection,
'ObjectOrigin': self.origin,
'FrameStart': self.start,
'FrameEnd': self.end,
'FrameOffset': self.offset,
'FrameDistance': self.distance,
'FrameRandom': self.random,
'StartLocation': self.location,
'StartRotation': self.rotation,
'StartScale': self.scale,
'StartVisibility': self.visibility,
'ExtraFrames': self.frame}
pm.fileInfo['AssemblyScript'] = StoreData().save(self.data)
def load(self):
self.data = StoreData().load(pm.fileInfo['AssemblyScript'])
except KeyError:
pm.fileInfo['AssemblyScript'] = StoreData().save({})
The way I'd like it to work is like this:
a = SetGroup('test')
a.location = ((0, 0, 0), True)
a.start = 0
a.end = 10
a.frame[5].location = ((10, 10, 10), False)
a.frame[5].scale = ((2, 1, 1), True)
Unless anyone can think of a way which would make it more friendly to use, how would I separate location, rotation, scale, and visibility into another class and link them up again, so that they still work at the core level of the class, but also work for the frame dictionary too?
Edit - Got it working to a basic level:
class _MovementInfo(object):
def __init__(self, location=None, rotation=None, scale=None, visibility=None):
self.location = location
self.rotation = rotation
self.scale = scale
self.visibility = visibility
def __repr__(self):
return '_MovementInfo(location={x.location}, rotation={x.rotation}, scale={x.scale}, visibility={x.visibility}'.format(x=self)
Then I used this in the main class to merge the dictionaries:
self.__dict__.update({k: v for k, v in _MovementInfo().__dict__.iteritems() if '__' not in k})
self.frame = defaultdict(_MovementInfo)
I would change the code like this:
class SetGroup(_Movement):
def __init__(self, name=None):
if name is None:
# ...
# ...
self.random = 0 # __init__ should end here
# ...
But you should check that all _MovementInfo's in all frames are _MovementInfo's or have inherited from them (to check this: isinstance(x, _MovementInfo)), but are not SetGroup's (to check this: not isinstance(x, SetGroup)).
super() is short for super(SetGroup, self) (you have to use the last option for python2), and is basicly an object that holds all things that the base class has, and allows you to call methods that modify the class calling it.
Or in code:
class A(object):
def __init__(self, y):
self.x = 2
self.y = y
class B(A):
def __init__(self, y, z):
super().__init__(y) # equivalent to: A.__init__(self, y)
self.z = z
b = B(3, 4)
# b's x is 2, b's y is 3 (both set by A.__init__, the last one was passed by B), and b's z is 4 (set by B.__init__)
I hope this helped,