I use a Cloud server to test my django small project, I type in manage.py runserver and then I log out my cloud server, I can visit my site normally, but when I reload my cloud server, I don't know how to stop the development server, I had to kill the process to stop it, is there anyway to stop the development?
The answer is findable via Google -- and answered in other forums. Example solution is available on the Unix & Linux StackExchange site.
To be explicit, you could do:
ps auxw | grep runserver
This will return the process and its respective PID, such as:
de 7956 1.8 0.6 540204 55212 ? Sl 13:27 0:09 /home/de/Development/sampleproject/bin/python ./manage.py runserver
In this particular case, the PID is 7956. Now just run this to stop it:
kill 7956
And to be clear / address some of the comments, you have to do it this way because you're running the development server in the background (the & in your command). That's why there is no "built-in" Django stop option...
One liner..
pkill -f runserver
Try this
lsof -t -i tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9
well it seems that it's a bug that django hadn't provided a command to stop the development server . I thought it have one before~~~~~
Ctrl+c should work. If it doesn't Ctrl+/ will force kill the process.
As far as i know ctrl+c or kill process is only ways to do that on remote machine.
If you will use Gunicorn server or somethink similar you will be able to do that using Supervisor.
We can use the following command.
-> netstat -ntlp
then we will get number of process running with PID, find our python server PID and Kill process.
-> kill -9 PID
For example:
From task manager you can end the python tasks that are running.
Now run python manage.py runserver from your project directory and it will work.
This worked for me on windows.
Use the below command to list all connections and listening ports (-a) along with their PID (-o).
netstat -a -o
Find the PID of the process
Then use this to kill the process
Programmatically using a .bat script in Command Prompt in Windows:
SET /A port=8000
FOR /F "tokens=5" %%T IN ('netstat -ano ^| findstr :%port%') DO (
SET /A processid=%%T
SUCCESS: The process with PID 5104 has been terminated.
You can Quit the server by hitting CTRL-BREAK.
I have a shell script called kill.sh that helps me restart a python script I've written. I normally use pkill -f main.py to kill my forever-running python script. However, when I wrote it into a shell script it does not work.
My script
pkill -f main.py
ps aux | grep main.py # Still shows the process running.
While just executing pkill -f main.py in bash command line works as expected. Why is this?
This is not a satisfactory answer, as I cannot find out the root cause of why pkill -f does not work in a script. I ended up using a systemd Service file to manage my python process. Here's an example fyi.
Description=Service Name
ExecStart=/path/to/python /path/to/python/script.py
Name the file main.service and place it in /lib/systemd/system/
Running the service systemctl start main.service
Stop the service systemctl stop main.service
Restart the service systemctl restart main.service
Show status and output systemctl status main.service -l
Now I don't have to worry about multiple processes running. If the program dies it'll even restart.
I have started using django_channels on my server. But if I want the websocket to work, I have to use:
python manage.py runserver
And the server runs and I can connect ws://myip:8080
But, as soon as I do ctrl+c. It quits i.e, I am unable to connect on ws://myip:8080 anymore.
I want to be running continuously.
You can keep it running in background without hanging up.
Just use below command.
nohup python manage.py runserver &
To kill
Find pid running on port 8080
netstat -nlp | grep :8080
and then after you get pid
kill pidnumber
Specifically, I'm trying to use fabric to run some tests which rely on the existence of a MongoDB.
I have the following code:
db_cmd = 'mongod'
test_cmd = 'istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R spec'
pid = os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, db_cmd)
with shell_env(NODE_ENV='test'):
I plan to use the PID to kill the process after the test_cmd has finished however I've not gotten that far yet.
The running of test_cmd results in an error suggesting that db_cmd has exited and that MongoDB is no longer available:
Uncaught Error: failed to connect to [localhost:27017]
However running mongod manually before running fabric causes test_cmd to run fine and interact with MongoDB.
I suspect I'm just not understanding os.spawnl. Note that this code needs to run on Windows / Linux and OSX so I think I'm somewhat restricted in which os.spawnxxx methods I can use. I'm also interested to know if there's a fabric method to achieve this as well though.
I successfully use:
os.killpg(process.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
Probably, you need to use subprocess module for that.
To run mongo in background use:
process = subprocess.Popen(
command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid
To kill it after tests, use command I 've written first.
command - is a string contained your mongo start code, for example :
mongod --host localhost --port 27018
It works fine for me. If you will have problems wit the code, please let me know it.
You can also do this in straight bash with jobs and traps:
trap "kill %1" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
mongod --host localhost --port 27018 &
istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R spec
exit 0
What this is doing:
Set a trap on signals, SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT, to kill the first backgrond job
Make a mongod instance, and throw it into the background (the first one)
Run the tests
trigger exit signal
So this will setup and tare down your mongod instance on completion, even on a term signal or exception.
we run a django app on our server through this command.
python manage.py runfcgi host= port=8070 pidfile=/home/ubuntu/autoleg_webapp/autoleg_clients.pid --settings=PROD_Settings
I have made some changes to PROD_Settings.py file,i want to restart now, how would i do that?
Tour processe's PID is in the pidfile, so you should basically kill this PID.
To do so, execute the following in your shell:
kill `cat /home/ubuntu/autoleg_webapp/autoleg_clients.pid`
Thanks to the backticks, your shell will replace cat home/ubuntu/autoleg_webapp/autoleg_clients.pid with the PID that's in the file.
I'm working on a Django website where I have various compilation programs that need to run (Compass/Sass, coffeescript, hamlpy), so I made this shell script for convenience:
echo "RMX using siteroot=$SITE"
$SITE/rmx/manage.py runserver &
compass watch $SITE/media/compass/ &
coffee -o $SITE/media/js -cw $SITE/media/coffee &
hamlpy-watcher $SITE/templates/hamlpy $SITE/templates/templates &
trap "echo PIDS: ${PIDS[*]} && kill ${PIDS[*]}" SIGINT
Everything except for the Django server shuts down nicely on a ctrl+c because the PID of the server process isn't the PID of the python manage.py runserver command. Which means everytime I stop the script, I have to find the running process PID and shut it down.
Here's an example:
$> ./compile.sh
RMX using siteroot....
PIDS: 29725 29726 29728 29729
$> ps -A | grep python
29732 pts/2 00:00:00 python
The first PID, 29725, is the initial python manage.py runserver call, but 29732 is the actual dev server process.
edit Looks like this is due to Django's auto-reload feature which can be disabled with the --noreload flag. Since I'd like to keep the auto reload feature, the question now becomes how to kill the child processes from the bash script. I would think killing the initial python runserver command would do it...
Thanks to this SO question, I've changed my script to this:
echo "RMX using siteroot=$SITE"
$SITE/rmx/manage.py runserver &
compass watch $SITE/media/compass/ &
coffee -o $SITE/media/js -cw $SITE/media/coffee &
hamlpy-watcher $SITE/templates/hamlpy $SITE/templates/templates &
trap "kill -TERM -$$" SIGINT
PIDs preceded with the dash operate on the PID group with the kill command, and the $$ references the PID of the bash script itself.
Thanks for the help, me!
No problem, self, and hey -- you're awesome.
You can execute this to kill or process and servers, you set PORT number:
$ netstat -tulpn | grep PORT | awk '{print $7}' | cut -d/ -f 1 | xargs kill
$ sudo lsof -i tcp:PORT
$ sudo lsof -i tcp:PORT|awk '{print $2}'|cut -d/ -f 1|xargs kill