in python 2.7
trying to get the correct time ( convert decimal minutes to default time HH:MM:SS )
first i got the distance from 2 different points (hexagon map) then multiply the distance by 13.3 ( the speed of unit per minutes )
import time
import math
from datetime import timedelta
def calculateDistance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
dist = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
return dist
dist = calculateDistance(16345,16318,16345,16314)
print dist
minutes = (13.3) * dist
print minutes
time = timedelta(minutes=minutes)
the result is:
4.0 << the distance
53.2 << the time in minutes ( distance * 13.3 )
0:53:12 <<< the time but it's incorrect!
the result should be 0:53:20
any suggestions?
thank you
Providing an answer to what I think you are really asking, which is:
How do I calculate "distance" from point A to point B, where point A
is at the centre of concentric hexagons and the distance from A to B
is defined as the length of the apothem* of the hexagon on which B lies.
(* The apothem is is the length of the perpendicular from the centre of
the hexagon to an edge).
If this is what you mean, please update your question. There is nothing wrong in your code with the time conversion, only the distance measurement.
The answer...
It is assumed that underneath everything there is a bog-standard rectangular co-ordinate system. Your x1, y1 etc. are expressed in that system.
When the angle between the horizontal and the line AB is between 60 and 120 degrees, the hexagon that B lies on is the one with apothem length equal to the y co-ordinate of B (assuming A is at the origin). This is based on the information on the 5th post down on the link you provided in a comment.
It may be easier to see pictorially: B is on the hexagon of apothem 10, so the distance from A to B is 10. The y-coordinate of B is also 10.
When the angle between the horizontal and the line AB is some other value, the co-ordinates need to be rotated to get the angle to between 60 and 120. Then you can use (2).
In the code below, dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) should provide the distance in units.
import math
def dtor(deg):
return deg * math.pi/180
def eucl_dist(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def ang(x, y):
return math.atan2(y,x)
def rot(x,y,ang):
newx = x*math.cos(ang)-y*math.sin(ang)
newy = x*math.sin(ang)+y*math.cos(ang)
return (newx, newy)
def hexdist(x, y):
alpha = ang(x, y) # always top-right quadrant
if dtor(60) <= alpha < dtor(120):
dist = y
if dtor(120) <= alpha < dtor(180):
newcoords = rot(x,y,dtor(-60))
elif dtor(0)<= alpha < dtor(60):
newcoords = rot(x,y,dtor(60))
elif dtor(-60)<= alpha < dtor(0):
newcoords = rot(x,y,dtor(120))
elif dtor(-120)<= alpha < dtor(-60):
newcoords = rot(x,y,dtor(180))
elif dtor(-180)<= alpha < dtor(-120):
newcoords = rot(x,y,dtor(120))
dist = hexdist(newcoords[0],newcoords[1])
return dist
def dist(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return hexdist(x2-x1, y2-y1)
Note that the results still do not match your numbers.
The first set of coordinates (16345,16318,16345,16314) produces 53.2 minutes, which is logical given that the x coordinate doesn't change. As others have explained, this is definitely 53 minutes and 12 seconds.
The other set of coordinates (in the comments, 16345,16318,16348,16301) gives 3:46:06, which is close to your estimate of 3:46:40 but not exactly the same. Could this be due to rounding of the co-ordinates?
This is definitely one of the weirdest questions I have seen here! I do wonder why the good old Euclidean metric was unsuitable.
The time is correct, since 0.2 minutes is 12 seconds.
You are using a time representation in base 10 for the seconds. When you convert it to seconds it is normal that you get 53.12 (60*0.20= 12 seconds)
I am currently working on a project about Bezier curves and their properties. I am struggling to understand a concept. I can't seem to understand why you need a scale for the tangent line in a Bezier curve.
This is my code that does the animation.
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas
from graphics_template import *
import math, time
vp_width, vp_height = 1024, 768
w_xmin, w_ymin, w_xmax = -3, -3, 10
w_ymax = w_ymin + (w_xmax - w_xmin)/vp_width * vp_height
B2 = [[0.0, 0.0], # point 0
[7.0, 0.0], # point 1
[1.0, 4.0]] # point 2
V_pos = [] # position
V_vec = [] # velocity vector
animation_done = False
DELTA_TDRAW = 0.02 # 50 fps
def eval_Bezier2(P, t):
# P(t) = (1-t)^2P[0] + 2t(1-t) P[1] + t^2P[2]
res = [0.0, 0.0]
for xy in range(2):
res[xy] = (1-t)*(1-t)*P[0][xy] + 2*t*(1-t)*P[1][xy] + t*t*P[2][xy]
return res
def eval_dBezier2(P, t):
# P'(t) = -2(1-t)P[0] + 2(1-t)P[1]-2tP[1] + 2tP[2]
res = [0.0, 0.0]
for xy in range(2):
res[xy] = -2*(1-t)*P[0][xy] + 2*(1-t)*P[1][xy]-2*t*P[1][xy] + 2*t*P[2][xy]
return res
def draw_Bezier (P, nsteps):
xi = P[0][0]
yi = P[0][1]
t_delta = 1/nsteps
t = t_delta
for ti in range(nsteps):
p = eval_Bezier2(P, t)
draw_line(canvas, xi, yi, p[0], p[1], rgb_col(255, 0 ,0))
draw_small_square(canvas, xi, yi, rgb_col(255, 255, 0))
xi = p[0]
yi = p[1]
t += t_delta
for i in range(len(P)):
draw_small_square(canvas, P[i][0], P[i][1], rgb_col(0, 255, 0))
def do_animation (t):
global animation_done
v_factor = 5 # reparameterization
u = t/v_factor
if (t > v_factor): #animation stops at t = v_factor
animation_done = True
current_pos = eval_Bezier2(B2, u);
V_pos[0] = current_pos[0]
V_pos[1] = current_pos[1]
current_vel = eval_dBezier2(B2, u);
V_vec[0] = current_vel[0]
V_vec[1] = current_vel[1]
def draw_scene ():
draw_Bezier(B2, 20)
draw_dot(canvas, V_pos[0], V_pos[1], rgb_col(0,255,0))
draw_line(canvas, V_pos[0], V_pos[1], (V_pos[0] + V_vec[0]), (V_pos[1] + V_vec[1]), rgb_col(0,255,0))
def init_scene ():
#no data inits needed
window = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(window, width=vp_width, height=vp_height, bg=rgb_col(0,0,0))
init_graphics (vp_width, vp_height, w_xmin, w_ymin, w_xmax)
# time.perf_counter() -> float. Return the value (in fractional seconds)
# of a performance counter, i.e. a clock with the highest available resolution
# to measure a short duration. It does include time elapsed during sleep and
# is system-wide. The reference point of the returned value is undefined,
# so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid.
init_time = time.perf_counter()
prev_draw_time = 0
init_scene ()
while (not animation_done):
draw_dt = time.perf_counter() - init_time - prev_draw_time
if (draw_dt > DELTA_TDRAW): # 50 fps
prev_draw_time += DELTA_TDRAW
As you can see, the formulas work and are correct. As you also can see in the do_animation() function, there is a v_factor that makes the t smaller. This is because the animation goes at 50 frames per second. Every t that comes in is 0.02, this is divided by 5 to make the point move accross the curve for 5 seconds before reaching u = 1.
As you may notice, I divided the velocity vector by the v_factor, I don't understand this concept. I know my v_factor is a scale, but I don't understand why I need it. Doesn't the derivative of the bezier curve just output the correct velocity at every point in the curve? I only know that when I remove the v_factor from there, my velocity vector would become too big to fit my screen. As I said, I know it's a scale, but why do I need it? Why don't I need it for the V_pos vector? I tried to understand this concept from this stackoverflow post: How to calculate tangent for cubic bezier curve?, but unfortunately to no succes.
The velocity at any point B(t) is the derivative vector B'(t) so you got that part right, but the derivative (remember not to call it the tangent: tangents are true lines without a start or end point) at a point tells you the velocity "over one unit of time". And inconveniently, an entire Bezier curve only covers a single unit of time (with the t parameter running from 0 to 1)...
So, if we space our t values using some smaller-than-one value, like your curve does by using 20 points (so a t interval of 1/20), we need to scale all those derivatives by 1/(point count) too.
If we look at the unscaled derivatives, they are unwieldy and huge:
But if we scale them by 1/20 so that they represent the velocity vector for the time interval we're actually using, things look really good:
And we see an error between "where the true next point is" and "where the previous point plus its velocity vector says it'll be" based on curvature: the stronger the curvature, the further away from the "true point" a "previous point + velocity over time interval" will be, which we can mitigate by using more points.
If we use only 8 steps in our curve, with the derivatives scaled by 1/8, things don't look all that great:
If we bump that up to 15, with 1/15 scaling, things start to look better:
And while your curve with 20 points looks alright, let's look at what 50 points with 1/50 scaling gets us:
That's preeeetty good.
Other answers are very good, but I would just like to point out that the formula for the scaled derivative is actually the reciprocal with the order of the derivative.
If time interval goes from 0 to 5, the actual velocity is v<sub>5</sub>(t) = v(t) / 5², and the actual acceleration is a<sub>5</sub>(t) = a(t) / 5³. Or more generally, if your interval runs from 0 to x, v(x, t) = v(t) / x² and a(x, t) = a(t) / x³.
So if your goal is to scale the velocity curve, instead of breaking the line into pieces, you could make the time interval longer. Note that for the regular interval of [0,1], you would divide it by 1 in both cases, and it would be the same! This makes some intuitive sense, as the faster you want to complete the curve the faster the dot needs to go.
I don't see you dividing the velocity vector by v_factor. I guess you took that part out?
Anyway, this problem is probably just some elementary calculus. You are evaluating your Bezier curve in terms of the parameter u, and when you calculate the derivatives, you are getting dx/du and dy/du.
It seems that you want to want to show the velocities w.r.t. time, so you need dx/dt and dy/dt. By the chain rule, dx/dt = dx/du * du/dt, and du/dt = 1/v_factor. That's why you need to divide the velocity vector.
I have the equation of a line in y=ax+b form, and a starting point, and I want to find all the pixels this line crosses over/into.
At the moment, I was just stepping the x value a bit, calculating y, truncating to find pixel index and adding it to a list if not already in the list, and continuing until reaching a destination point. Kind of as follows (python/pseudocode):
temp_x = start_x
prev_tested = None
pixel_list = []
while(not at destination):
temp_y = ... find y from x and line equation
pixel = (int(temp_y), int(temp_x))
if pixel is not the same as the prev_pixel:
temp_x += some_step_value
But this just seems wildly inaccurate and inefficient (No need to tell me that in the answers, I understand this is a bad algo). The step value affects a lot. Too large and I will miss pixels (especially if there is a large slope). Too small and I am just wasting iterations. I figured that I can make my step value proportional to my slope, so that I try to minimize the number of iterations I have to do, while also not skipping over too much. But it is not perfect, still skipping over pixels that the line only barely enters the corner.
I feel like there has to be some kind of way to just absolutely determine which pixels a line is touching, but I have had no look finding anything myself. Is there some resource anyone could point me towards that could help with this?
Dx= X1 - X0
Dy= Y1 - Y0
D= Max(Abs(Dx), Abs(Dy))
for I= 0 to D
X= X0 + I * Dx / D
Y= Y0 + I * Dy / D
works in all cases (except the degenerate D=0) to join (X0, Y0) to (X1, Y1) using integer coordinates.
Technical note:
You can avoid the two divisions. One by the fact that the fraction simplifies to ±1, and the other by computing the quotient and remainder incrementally.
If you believe that this is not accurate enough, you can scale all coordinates by an arbitrary integer M, compute the points with step M and divide the coordinates by M.
Your step value should be always 1 . What to step over, however depends on your line being more on the horizontal or more on the vertical (that is "a < 1" or "a > 1". For one, step x on 1, and y will be a fraction of that, and for lines more on vertical, y will step with 1 and x will be a fraction of that.
def draw_line(a, b, start_x, destination):
result = []
x = start_x
y = a * x + b
while int(x) != destination[0] and int(y) != destination[1]:
if abs(a) < 1:
x += 1 if destination[0] > start_x else -1
y += (1 / a) if a!= 0 else 0
y += 1 if destination[1] > y else -1
x += 1 / a
result.append((int(x), int(y)))
return result
# maybe there is some missing corner case for vertical lines.
I am making a geometry interface in python (currently using tkinter) but I have stumbled upon a major problem: I need a function that is able to return a point, that is at a certain angle with a certain line segment, is a certain length apart from the vertex of the angle. We know the coordinates of the points of the line segment, and also the angle at which we want the point to be. I have attached an image below for a more graphical view of my question.
The problem: I can calculate it using trigonometry, where
x, y = vertex.getCoords()
endx = x + length * cos(radians(angle))
endy = y + length * sin(radians(angle))
p = Point(endx, endy)
The angle I input is in degrees. That calculation is true only when the line segment is parallel to the abscissa. But the sizes of the angles I get back are very strange, to say the least. I want the function to work wherever the first two points are on the tkinter canvas, whatever the angle is. I am very lost as to what I should do to fix it. What I found out: I get as output a point that when connected to the vertex, makes a line that is at the desired angle to the abscissa. So it works when the first arm(leg, shoulder) of the angle is parallel to the abscissa, then the function runs flawlessly (because of cross angles) - the Z formation. As soon as I make it not parallel, it becomes weird. This is because we are taking the y of the vertex, not where the foot of the perpendicular lands(C1 on the attached image). I am pretty good at math, so feel free to post some more technical solutions, I will understand them
EDIT: I just wanted to make a quick recap of my question: how should I construct a point that is at a certain angle from a line segment. I have already made functions that create the angle in respect to the X and Y axes, but I have no idea how i can make it in respect to the line inputted. Some code for the two functions:
def inRespectToXAxis(vertex, angle, length):
x, y = vertex.getCoords()
newx = x + length * cos(radians(angle))
newy = y + length * sin(radians(angle))
p = Point(abs(newx), abs(newy))
return p
def inRespectToYAxis(vertex, length, angle):
x, y = vertex.getCoords()
theta_rad = pi / 2 - radians(angle)
newx = x + length * cos(radians(angle))
newy = y + length * sin(radians(angle))
p = Point(newx, newy)
return p
Seems you want to add line segment angle to get proper result. You can calculate it using segment ends coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
lineAngle = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
Result is in radians, so apply it as
endx = x1 + length * cos(radians(angle) + lineAngle) etc
I want to be able to calculate the exact length of an SVG Arc. I can do all the manipulations rather easily. But, I am unsure of whether there is a solution at all or the exact implementation of the solution.
Here's the exact solution for the circumference of the ellipse. Using popular libraries is fine. I fully grasp that there are no easy solution as they will all require hypergeometric functions to be exact.
from scipy import pi, sqrt
from scipy.special import hyp2f1
def exact(a, b):
t = ((a - b) / (a + b)) ** 2
return pi * (a + b) * hyp2f1(-0.5, -0.5, 1, t)
a = 2.667950e9
b = 6.782819e8
print(exact(a, b))
My idea is to have this as opt-in code if you happen to have scipy installed it'll use the exact super-fancy solution, else it'll fall back to the weaker approximation code (progressively smaller line segments until error is small). The problem is the math level here is above me. And I don't know if there's some ways to specify a start and stop point for that.
Most of the approximation solutions are for ellipses, but I only want the arc. There may also be a solution unknown to me, for calculating the length of an arc on an ellipse but since the start and end position can be anywhere. It doesn't seem to be instantly viable to say a sweep angle is 15% of the total possible angle therefore it's 15% of the ellipse circumference.
A more effective less fancy arc approximation might also be nice. There are progressively better ellipse approximations but I can't go from ellipse circumference to arc length, so those are currently not helpful.
Let's say the arc parameterization is the start and end points on the ellipse. Since that's how SVG is parameterized. But, anything that isn't tautological like arc_length parameterization is a correct answer.
If you want to calculate this with your bare hands and the std lib, you can base your calculation on the following formula. This is only valid for two points on the upper half of the ellipse because of the acos but we're going to use it with the angles directly.
The calculation consists in these steps:
Start with the SVG data: start point, a ,b rotation, long arc, sweep, end point
Rotate the coordinate system to match the horizontal axis of the ellipse.
Solve a system of 4 equations with 4 unknowns to get the centre point and the angles corresponding to the start and end point
Approximate the integral by a discreet sum over small segments. This is where you could use scipy.special.ellipeinc, as suggested in the comments.
Step 2 is easy, just use a rotation matrix (note the angle rot is positive in the clockwise direction):
m = [
[math.cos(rot), math.sin(rot)],
[-math.sin(rot), math.cos(rot)]
Step 3 is very well explained in this answer. Note the value obtained for a1 is modulo pi because it is obtained with atan. That means that you need to calculate the centre points for the two angles t1 and t2 and check they match. If they don't, add pi to a1 and check again.
Step 4 is quite straightforward. Divide the interval [t1, t2] into n segments, get the value of the function at the end of each segment, time it by the segment length and sum all this up. You can try refining this by taking the value of the function at the mid-point of each segment, but I'm not sure there is much benefit to that. The number of segments is likely to have more effect on the precision.
Here is a very rough Python version of the above (please bear with the ugly coding style, I was doing this on my mobile whilst traveling 🤓)
import math
PREC = 1E-6
# matrix vector multiplication
def transform(m, p):
return ((sum(x * y for x, y in zip(m_r, p))) for m_r in m)
# the partial integral function
def ellipse_part_integral(t1, t2, a, b, n=100):
# function to integrate
def f(t):
return math.sqrt(1 - (1 - a**2 / b**2) * math.sin(t)**2)
start = min(t1, t2)
seg_len = abs(t1 - t2) / n
return - b * sum(f(start + seg_len * (i + 1)) * seg_len for i in range(n))
def ellipse_arc_length(x1, y1, a, b, rot, large_arc, sweep, x2, y2):
if abs(x1 - x2) < PREC and abs(y1 - y2) < PREC:
return 0
# get rot in radians
rot = math.pi / 180 * rot
# get the coordinates in the rotated coordinate system
m = [
[math.cos(rot), math.sin(rot)],
[- math.sin(rot), math.cos(rot)]
x1_loc, y1_loc, x2_loc, y2_loc = *transform(m, (x1,y1)), *transform(m, (x2,y2))
r1 = (x1_loc - x2_loc) / (2 * a)
r2 = (y2_loc - y1_loc) / (2 * b)
# avoid division by 0 if both points have same y coord
if abs(r2) > PREC:
a1 = math.atan(r1 / r2)
a1 = r1 / abs(r1) * math.pi / 2
if abs(math.cos(a1)) > PREC:
a2 = math.asin(r2 / math.cos(a1))
a2 = math.asin(r1 / math.sin(a1))
# calculate the angle of start and end point
t1 = a1 + a2
t2 = a1 - a2
# calculate centre point coords
x0 = x1_loc - a * math.cos(t1)
y0 = y1_loc - b * math.sin(t1)
x0s = x2_loc - a * math.cos(t2)
y0s = y2_loc - b * math.sin(t2)
# a1 value is mod pi so the centres may not match
# if they don't, check a1 + pi
if abs(x0 - x0s) > PREC or abs(y0 - y0s) > PREC:
a1 = a1 + math.pi
t1 = a1 + a2
t2 = a1 - a2
x0 = x1_loc - a * math.cos(t1)
y0 = y1_loc - b * math.sin(t1)
x0s = x2_loc - a * math.cos(t2)
y0s = y2_loc - b * math.sin(t2)
# get the angles in the range [0, 2 * pi]
if t1 < 0:
t1 += 2 * math.pi
if t2 < 0:
t2 += 2 * math.pi
# increase minimum by 2 * pi for a large arc
if large_arc:
if t1 < t2:
t1 += 2 * math.pi
t2 += 2 * math.pi
return ellipse_part_integral(t1, t2, a, b)
print(ellipse_arc_length(0, 0, 40, 40, 0, False, True, 80, 0))
The good news is that the sweep flag doesn't matter as long as you're just looking for the length of the arc.
I'm not 100% sure the modulo pi problem is handled correctly and the implementation above may have a few bugs.
Nevertheless, it gave me a good approximation of the length in the simple case of a half circle, so I dare calling it WIP. Let me know if this is worth pursuing, I can have a further look when I'll be seated at a computer. Or maybe someone can come up with a clean way of doing this in the meantime?
I have an algorithm in which I need to work out the signed angle (-180 to 180) between edges in a graph. I've done some research and found plenty of specific answers but can't figure out how to relate them to my situation (e.g. this question which uses atan2, however the OP wanted only positive angles)
I've tried implementing a few different ways (using atan2 or arccos) but I'm struggling to relate the examples to my specific problem. I've tried treating the edges as vectors but got strange results.
Given a graph with points (A, B, C, D, E), and the average of those points (avg)... how do I find the signed angle between one of those points (e.g. A) and the other points (e.g. B, C, D, E), taking the angle from the current origin (A) to the 'avg' point as equal to 0 degrees. Example below... this example, the anti-clockwise angle from (A, avg) to (A, B) would be positive something (between 0 and 180), and the angle from (A, avg) to (A, E) would be negative something (between 0 and -180).
Ideally I want a formula which I could also apply to defining any of the points as the origin, for example taking point C as the origin.. the 'zero angle' would be (C, avg) and the angle between (C, avg) and (C, A) would be negative (0 to -180) and the angle between (C, avg) and (C, E) would be positive (0 to 180).
I haven't studied math beyond high-school so I find it hard to decipher equations with symbols I don't understand.
UPDATE: Thought I'd clean this up to make it more obvious what the conclusion was.
I made two small changes to the accepted answer, resulting in the below snippet:
def angle(vertex, start, dest):
AhAB = math.atan2((dest.y - vertex.y), (dest.x - vertex.x))
AhAO = math.atan2((start.y - vertex.y), (start.x - vertex.x))
AB = AhAB - AhAO
# in between 0-math.pi = do nothing, more than math.pi = +(-2 * math.pi), less than zero = do nothing
AB = math.degrees(AB + (-2 * math.pi if AB > math.pi else (2 * math.pi if AB < 0 - math.pi else 0)))
return AB
...the final one-liner may be a bit much to grok after a few months of not working on this, so I turned it into it's own function, taking the result of AB = AhAB - AhAO as it's argument...
def calc(ab):
if ab > math.pi:
return ab + (-2 * math.pi)
if ab < 0 - math.pi:
return ab + (2 * math.pi)
return ab + 0
I thought this was a little clearer to read, though more lines.
The final function in full:
def angle(vertex, start, dest):
"""Calculates the signed angle between two edges with the same origin.
Origin is the 'vertex' argument, 'start' is the bounding point of the edge to calculate the angle from.
Positively signed result means anti-clockwise rotation about the vertex."""
def calc_radians(ab):
if ab > math.pi:
return ab + (-2 * math.pi)
if ab < 0 - math.pi:
return ab + (2 * math.pi)
return ab + 0
AhAB = math.atan2((dest.y - vertex.y), (dest.x - vertex.x))
AhAO = math.atan2((start.y - vertex.y), (start.x - vertex.x))
res = calc_radians(AhAB - AhAO)
return math.degrees(res)
Note: The function assumes the three arguments will all be instances of a typical Point class with x and y attributes.
Also, the example graph above has only positive values, but I am fairly sure that this works with graphs that involve negative values too.
I read your problem statement as follows: given 2 points A and B, and a center O, find the angle A to B as the angle, positive if anticlockwise, between the vectors A→O and A→B.
If my premises are correct, then you can
find the angle between A→B and a horizontal, rightward line passing in A,
find the angle between A→O and a horizontal, rightward line passing in A,
find the angle A to B as the difference of said angles,
normalize the result range so that it's between -π and +π.
What I've said can be visualized as follows
or in code (assuming a Point class with attributes x and y)
AhAB = math.atan2((B.y-A.y), (B.x-A.x)) # -π < AhAB ≤ +π
AhAO = math.atan2((O.y-A.y), (O.x-A.x)) # -π < AhA) ≤ +π
AB = AhAB - AhAO # -2π < AB ≤ +2π
AB = AB + ( 2*math.pi if AB < math.pi else (-2*math.pi if AB> math.pi else 0))
Here it is a small code example, the position of the points is just similar to what you can see in the picture
In [18]: from math import atan2, pi
In [21]: class Point():
...: def __init__(self, x, y):
...: self.x, self.y = x, y
...: def __repr__(self):
...: return '(%s, %s)'%(self.x, self.y)
In [22]: A = Point(0.0, 0.0)
In [23]: B = Point(-2.0, 2.0)
In [24]: O = Point(0.0, -3.0)
In [25]: AhAB = atan2((B.y-A.y), (B.x-A.x)) ; print(3/4, AhAB/pi)
0.75 0.75
In [26]: AhAO = atan2((O.y-A.y), (O.x-A.x)) ; print(-1/2, AhAO/pi)
-0.5 -0.5
In [27]: AB = AhAB - AhAO ; print(5/4, AB/pi)
1.25 1.25
In [28]: AB = AB + ( 2*pi if AB < pi else (-2*pi if AB> pi else 0)) ; print(AB/pi)
In [29]:
The last line normalize your result AB to be in the correct range -π < AB ≤ π, adding or subtracting 2π that doesn't change the meaning of the measured angle.
The definition of positive and negative angles is heavily depending on the reference system or reference point. Despite of its 'correct' definition, the basic calculation can be pretty much done based on the slope between two points and the resulting angle of incline which can be calculated by applying the inverse tan to the slope.
Applying the inverse tan in programming can be a bit annoying since many programming languages provide two different functions for this:
arctan or atan which is implemented in Python's math.atan() or numpy.atan()
arctan2 or atan2 which is delivered by math.atan2() or numpy.atan2()
Both of these functions, regardless of the implementation in the math module or numpy package, return the calculated angle in radians which is basically based on the number Pi instead of degrees which makes some further conversion necessary. This can either be done manually or by applying a function like numpy.rad2deg(). To get a basic idea of the data points and to get some eye-balled estimation for the calculated results, I suggest plotting the data point by using matplotlib.
Glueing all the before-mentioned considerations into code can look like this:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define some sample data points
coords = {
'A': (1.5, 3.0),
'B': (3.0, 5.0),
'C': (5.5, 4.5),
'D': (5.8, 2.2),
'E': (2.8, 1.2)
# Extract data values from `coords` dict
values = np.array(list(coords.values()))
# Calculate the averaged point of all data points
avg = np.mean(values, axis=0)
# Plot sample data for better overview
for k, v in coords.items():
plt.plot(*v, marker='o', linestyle='')
plt.text(*v, k)
plt.plot(*avg, marker='o', linestyle='')
plt.text(*avg, 'avg')
# For further information about slope and angle of incline
# see Wikipedia (
# Calculating the angle from `avg` to each point. Please adopt
# to your own needs if needed for other pairs of points.
# Calculate the distance in x- and y-direction from each point to point `avg`
distances_x_y = (values - avg)
# Depending on your definition of the 'reference point' consider using
# distances_x_y = (avg - values)
# For further explanation on `atan` and `atan2` see
# and
# .
# Using a for loop instead of numpy's array/vectors is not very elegant,
# but easy to understand and therefore has potential for improvements.
# Calculate angle from point `avg` to each other point based on distances
angle_radians = np.array([np.arctan2(element[1], element[0]) for element in distances_x_y])
# since `.arctan2()` or `.arctan()` return the angle in radians,
# we need to convert to degrees
angle_degrees = np.rad2deg(angle_radians)
# print results
If you consider the coordinates x0=xavg-xA, y0=yavg-yA and x=xPoint-xA,y=yPoint-yA, the formula f(x,y) gives the signed angle that is positive as counter clockwise.
f(x,y)=pi()/2*((1+sign(x0))* (1-sign(y0^2))-(1+sign(x))* (1-sign(y^2)))