Pulling stock option data with python pandas - broke overnight - python

Last night I typed up the following
from pandas.io.data import Options
import csv
symList = []
optData = {}
with open('C:/optionstrade/symbols.txt') as symfile:
symreader = csv.reader(symfile, delimiter=',')
for row in symreader:
symList = row
for symbol in symList:
temp = Options(symbol,'yahoo')
optData[symbol] = temp.get_all_data()
It worked alright. I only got data from 200 something of the 400 something symbols I have in the file, but it pulled the options data for those 200 something just fine.
This morning, I go to run the code again (markets have been open for nearly an hour) and I get nothing:
In [6]: len(optData)
Out[6]: 0
So I run a bit of a test:
test = Options('AIG','yahoo')
spam = test.get_all_data()
import pickle
with open('C:/optionstrade/test.txt','w') as testfile:
I get this error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-902aa7c31f7e> in <module>()
1 test = Options('AIG','yahoo')
----> 2 spam = test.get_all_data()
C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\data.pyc in get_all_data(self, call, put)
1110 for month in months:
-> 1111 m2 = month.month
1112 y2 = month.year
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'month'
And this content of the pickled file:
Nothing has changed overnight on my end... last thing I did was save and shut down. First thing I did after waking up was run it again.


AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_historical_klines'

I am brand new to coding bots and coding in general. I copied a simple bot tutorial for beginners. The follwing part is for getting historical data of crypto stocks:
def gethourlydata(symbol):
frame = pd.DataFrame(Client.get_historical_klines(symbol,
'now UTC',
'25 hours ago UTC'))
frame = frame.iloc[:,:5]
frame.columns = ['Time','Open','High','Low','Close']
frame[['Open','High','Low','Close']] = frame[['Open','High','Low','Close']].astype(float)
frame.Time = pd.to_datetime(frame.Time, unit='ms')
return frame
First I had to put in a start_str because it was supposedly missing. I did so,executed the function for 'BTCUSDT', and got this:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_1473/2916929938.py in <module>
----> 1 df = gethourlydata('BTCUSDT')
/tmp/ipykernel_1473/2893431243.py in gethourlydata(symbol)
3 '1hr',
4 'now UTC',
----> 5 '25 hours ago UTC'))
6 frame = frame.iloc[:,:5]
7 frame.columns = ['Time','Open','High','Low','Close']
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/binance/client.py in get_historical_klines(self, symbol, interval, start_str, end_str, limit, klines_type)
931 """
--> 932 return self._historical_klines(symbol, interval, start_str, end_str=end_str, limit=limit, klines_type=klines_type)
934 def _historical_klines(self, symbol, interval, start_str, end_str=None, limit=500,
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_historical_klines'
I have tried many different methods, e.g. defining 'self','klines_type',etc. in detail, and still some error appears. All I'm to do is prove to myself that I can at least run a bot for on my jupyter notebook.
Could someone please help or at least give so tips?
Thank you!
You firstly have to initialize client
try this -
from binance.client import Client
my_client = Client("","") # for this operation you dont need to use keys
my_client.get_historical_klines((symbol,'1hr','now UTC','25 hours ago UTC'))

missing variable to complete cell execution

I hope someone can help me. I've been stuck with this error for a while. I have two .py files that I am importing in a jupyter notebook. When running the last cell (see code below) I get a Traceback error I can'f fix.
I think there is some error in my ch_data_prep.py file related to variable df_ch not correctly passed between files. Is this possible? Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?
def seg_data(self):
seg_startdate = input('Enter start date (yyyy-mm-dd): ')
seg_finishdate = input('Enter end date (yyyy-mm-dd): ')
df_ch_seg = df_ch[(df_ch['event_datetime'] > seg_startdate)
& (df_ch['event_datetime'] < seg_finishdate)
return df_ch_seg
df_ch_seg = seg_data(df_ch)
def get_data():
# Some omitted code here to connect to database and get data...
df_ch = pd.DataFrame(result)
return df_ch
df_ch = get_data()
Jupyter Notebook data_analysis.ipynb
In[1]: import ch_db
df_ch = ch_db.get_data()
In[2]: import ch_data_prep
When I run cell 2, I get this error
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-fbe2d4fceba6> in <module>
----> 1 import ch_data_prep
~/clickstream/ch_data_prep.py in <module>
34 return df_ch_seg
---> 36 df_ch_seg = seg_data()
TypeError: seg_data() missing 1 required positional argument: 'df_ch'

ValueError when opening Word file with comtypes in Python

I'm trying to port some working VBS code into Python, to analyze a collection of Word files. I was hoping that the comtypes would allow me to reuse most of my code, but I get an error when a Word instance opens a file:
ValueError: NULL COM pointer access
In [2]: from comtypes.client import CreateObject
In [3]: objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
In [4]: objWord.Visible = False
In [5]: objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open('my_file.docx')
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-c1e34bdd2b13> in <module>
----> 1 objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open('my_file.docx')
c:\program files\python37\lib\site-packages\comtypes\_meta.py in _wrap_coclass(self)
11 itf = self._com_interfaces_[0]
12 punk = cast(self, POINTER(itf))
---> 13 result = punk.QueryInterface(itf)
14 result.__dict__["__clsid"] = str(self._reg_clsid_)
15 return result
c:\program files\python37\lib\site-packages\comtypes\__init__.py in QueryInterface(self, interface, iid)
1156 if iid is None:
1157 iid = interface._iid_
-> 1158 self.__com_QueryInterface(byref(iid), byref(p))
1159 clsid = self.__dict__.get('__clsid')
1160 if clsid is not None:
ValueError: NULL COM pointer access
I would expect to get a document object that I can then read:
nbpages = objDoc.Range.Information(4)
Seems like I needed to provide the full, absolute path to the file. Maybe the Python working folder isn't passed on to the COM object.

Separate overlapping polygons into regions

I cam across the following post under Stack Overflow: Exploding overlapping polygons
I downloaded the source code that was posted by the initial author of the post and made adjustments trying to get it to work, but I'm currently receiving the following error message and not sure how to resolve it, please be advised that I'm still learning to code, so I'm lacking fundamental theory.
Error Message: Text
Executing: OverlapReg
HydroID2 Start Time: Wed Mar 11 14:58:32 2015 Running script
OverlapReg... Failed script OverlapReg...
Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 59, in
countOverlaps(fc,idName) File "E:\Python\Masters\Scripts\OverlappingRegions\OverlappingRegions.py",
line 58, in countOverlaps
urows.updateRow(urow) File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\arcobjects\arcobjects.py", line
102, in updateRow
return convertArcObjectToPythonObject(self._arc_object.UpdateRow(*gp_fixargs(args)))
RuntimeError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function. The row contains
a bad value. [Watershed] The row contains a bad value. [overlaps]
Failed to execute (OverlapReg). Failed at Wed Mar 11 14:58:35 2015
(Elapsed Time: 2.45 seconds)
I'm trying to assign id's to my Watershed Feature Class based on the following code to be able to split my Watershed Feature Class into the least amount of separate feature classes where the Watersheds don't overlap each other, as I need to export them into a AutoCAD drawing where there are not overlapping features within a single layer.
import os
import arcpy
from arcpy import GetParameterAsText
fc = GetParameterAsText(0)
idName = GetParameterAsText(1)
dirname = os.path.dirname(arcpy.Describe(fc).catalogPath)
desc = arcpy.Describe(dirname)
if hasattr(desc, "datasetType") and desc.datasetType=='FeatureDataset':
dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)
arcpy.env.workspace = dirname
def countOverlaps(fc,idName):
intersect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis(fc,'intersect')
findID = arcpy.FindIdentical_management(intersect,"explFindID","Shape")
segIDs = {}
featseqName = "explFindID.FEAT_SEQ"
idNewName = "intersect."+idName
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor("intlyr"):
idVal = row.getValue(idNewName)
featseqVal = row.getValue(featseqName)
segIDs[featseqVal] = []
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor("intlyr"):
idVal = row.getValue(idNewName)
featseqVal = row.getValue(featseqName)
segIDs2 = {}
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor("intlyr"):
idVal = row.getValue(idNewName)
segIDs2[idVal] = []
for x,y in segIDs.iteritems():
for segID in y:
segIDs2[segID].extend([k for k in y if k != segID])
for x,y in segIDs2.iteritems():
segIDs2[x] = list(set(y))
if 'overlaps' not in [k.name for k in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]:
if 'ovlpCount' not in [k.name for k in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]:
urows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)
for urow in urows:
idVal = urow.getValue(idName)
if segIDs2.get(idVal):
urow.overlaps = str(segIDs2[idVal]).strip('[]')
urow.ovlpCount = len(segIDs2[idVal])
def explodeOverlaps(fc,idName):
urows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc,'"overlaps" IS NULL')
for urow in urows:
urow.expl = 1
lyr = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc)
while int(arcpy.GetCount_management(arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr,"NEW_SELECTION",'"expl" IS NULL')).getOutput(0)) > 0:
urows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc,'"expl" IS NULL','','','ovlpCount D')
for urow in urows:
ovVal = urow.overlaps
idVal = urow.getValue(idName)
intList = ovVal.replace(' ','').split(',')
for x in intList:
intList[intList.index(x)] = int(x)
if idVal not in ovList:
urow.expl = i
Any assistance in how to resolve the following will truly be appreciated.
The clues are in the errors.
the row contains a bad value [Watershed]
the row contains a bad value [overlaps]
This is likely cause by trying to insert a value into the field overlaps, but due to something with the field properties like the length is 4 and your value is "long string", it therefore is too big to be inserted.
GIS Stack Exchange

Weird TypeError in jython/python?

I'm bukkit jython/python plugin programmer. Last few days, I'm struggling with this problem. I have to add an potion effect to an user, it's not problem if I enter effect name, duration and amplifier manually in code, but when I want to get them from config, I get this error:
13:38:20 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to ItemEffect v1.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<iostream>", line 126, in onPlayerInteractEvent
TypeError: addPotionEffect(): 1st arg can't be coerced to org.bukkit.potion.Poti
Here's that part of code:
effectname = section.getString("%s.effect"%currentKey)
duration = section.getInt("%s.duration"%currentKey)
durationinticks = duration * 20
geteffectname = "PotionEffectType.%s"%effectname
getpotioneffect = "PotionEffect(%s, %i, 1)"%(geteffectname, durationinticks)
geteffectname = "PotionEffectType.%s"%effectname
if iteminhand == currentKey:
When I print getpotioneffect out, I get:
13:38:20 [INFO] PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 600, 1)
which is okay, and should work. I tested it without getting informations from config, and it works perfectly... To sum up, code above is not working, but below one works:
getpotioneffect = PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 600, 1)
if iteminhand == currentKey:
Link to javadocs of this event!
In your first snippet, getpotioneffect is a string. You can check it adding print type(getpotioneffect) somewhere.
What you want is to replace this :
geteffectname = "PotionEffectType.%s"%effectname
getpotioneffect = "PotionEffect(%s, %i, 1)"%(geteffectname, durationinticks)
with this:
effect_type = getattr(PotionEffectType, effectname)
potion_effect = PotionEffect(effect_type, durationinticks, 1)
