OpenCV Python HoughCircles: Circles detected outside of image boundary - python

I am using the OpenCV HoughCircles method in Python as follows:
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(img,cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT,1,20,
This seems to work quite well. However, one thing I noticed is that it detects circles which can extend outside of the image boundaries. Does anyone know how I can filter these results out?

Think of each circle as being bounded inside a square of dimensions 2r x 2r where r is the radius of the circle. Also, the centre of this box is located at (x,y) which also corresponds to where the centre of the circle is located in the image. To see if the circle is within the image boundaries, you simply need to make sure that the box that contains the circle does not go outside of the image. Mathematically speaking, you would need to ensure that:
r <= x <= cols-1-r
r <= y <= rows-1-r # Assuming 0-indexing
rows and cols are the rows and columns of your image. All you really have to do now is cycle through every circle in the detected result and filter out those circles that go outside of the image boundaries by checking if the centre of each circle is within the two inequalities specified above. If the circle is within the two inequalities, you would save this circle. Any circles that don't satisfy the inequalities, you don't include this in the final result.
To put this logic to code, do something like this:
import cv # Load in relevant packages
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread(...,0) # Load in image here - Ensure 8-bit grayscale
final_circles = [] # Stores the final circles that don't go out of bounds
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(img,cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT,1,20,param1=50,param2=30,minRadius=0,maxRadius=0) # Your code
rows = img.shape[0] # Obtain rows and columns
cols = img.shape[1]
circles = np.round(circles[0, :]).astype("int") # Convert to integer
for (x, y, r) in circles: # For each circle we have detected...
if (r <= x <= cols-1-r) and (r <= y <= rows-1-r): # Check if circle is within boundary
final_circles.append([x, y, r]) # If it is, add this to our final list
final_circles = np.asarray(final_circles).astype("int") # Convert to numpy array for compatability
The peculiar thing about cv2.HoughCircles is that it returns a 3D matrix where the first dimension is a singleton dimension. To eliminate this singleton dimension, I did circles[0, :] which will result in a 2D matrix. Each row of this new 2D matrix contains a tuple of (x, y, r) and characterizes where a circle is located in your image as well as its radius. I also converted the centres and radii to integers so that if you decide to draw them later on, you will be able to do it with

you could, add a function which will take the center and the radius of the circle add them up/and subtract and check if this will result outside the boundaries of your image.


Map corresponding points between Delaunay triangles

I'm trying to morph two images of faces using an inverse warp. I have the Delaunay triangles for both images as well as all transformation matrices for all pairs of corresponding triangles.
I have applied the matrix to every pixel inside the triangles, but the image I am getting is all messed up and some pixels aren't being filled in as well.
I suspect the vertices lists are not in order which means the triangles are not corresponding. Or it could just be me messing up the row, cols order.
Here's my code:
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from skimage.draw import polygon
import numpy as np
def drawDelaunay(img, landmarks, color):
tri = Delaunay(landmarks)
vertices = []
for t in landmarks[tri.simplices]:
# t = [int(i) for i in t]
pt1 = [t[0][0], t[0][1]]
pt2 = [t[1][0], t[1][1]]
pt3 = [t[2][0], t[2][1]]
cv2.line(img, pt1, pt2, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
cv2.line(img, pt2, pt3, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
cv2.line(img, pt3, pt1, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
vertices.append([pt1, pt2, pt3])
return img, vertices
def getAffineMat(triangle1, triangle2):
x = np.transpose(np.matrix([*triangle1]))
y = np.transpose(np.matrix([*triangle2]))
# Add ones to bottom of x and y
x = np.vstack((x, [1,1,1]))
y = np.vstack((y, [1,1,1]))
xInv = np.linalg.pinv(x)
return, xInv)
srcImg = face2
srcRows, srcCols, srcDepth = face2.shape
destImg = np.zeros(face1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
for triangle1, triangle2 in zip(vertices1, vertices2):
transMat = getAffineMat(triangle1, triangle2)
r, c = list(map(list, zip(*triangle2)))
rr, cc = polygon(r, c)
for row, col in zip(rr, cc):
transformed =, [col, row, 1])
srcX, srcY, *_ = np.array(transformed.T)
# Check if pixel is within image boundaries
if isWithinBounds(srcCols, srcRows, col, row):
# Interpolate the color of the pixel from the four nearest pixels
color = bilinearInterpolation(srcImg, srcX, srcY)
# Set the color of the current pixel in the destination image
destImg[row, col] = color
I wish to implement this without getAffineTransform or warpAffine. Any help would be much appreciated!
Transfer coordinates from one triangle to another triangle
But you don't have corresponding triangles! This looks like 2 separates Delaunay triangulation. Maybe made on matching points, but still no matching triangles. You can't do two Delaunay triangulation, one in each image, and expect them to match. You need 1 delaunay triangulation, and then use the same edges on both sides (so, for at least one side, triangulation will not be exactly Delaunay).
Look for example at the top-right corner of your images.
On one side you have you have 4 outgoing edges (counting those we can't see because they are confused with te image border, but they have to be there), on the other you have 6 outgoing edges.
The number of edges connected to two matching vertices is supposed to be a constant (otherwise, how could you warp anything?).
So, clearly, I think (but you did not provide any code, for that, since you postulate that triangulation is correct, when I am pretty sure it is triangulation that is not. So I can only surmise), you got a two sets of matching points, then performed 2 Delaunay's triangulation on those 2 sets of points, expecting to be able to match triangles, even tho they are not at all the same triangles.
Edit: how to transform
(in reply to your question in comment)
It's the same triangulations. You have a list of points p₁, p₂, p₃, ..., pₙ in the first images. A matching list of points q₁, q₂, q₃, ..., qₙ in the second image. You perform a triangulation in the 1st image. Whose output should be a list of triplets of indices, such as (1,3,4), (1, 2, 3), ... meaning that optimal triangulation in 1st image is the one made of triangle (p₁,p₃, p₄), (p₁, p₂, p₃), ...
And in the second image, you use triangulation (q₁,q₃,q₄), (q₁, q₂, q₃), ...
Even if it is not the optimal triangulation of q₁,q₂,...,qₙ (the one that maximize smallest angle). It should not be that far, if q₁,q₂,...,qₙ are not that different from p₁,p₂,...,pₙ (which they are not supposed to be, if you tried to match consistently both images).
So, transformation matrices are the one transforming coordinates in each matching triangles (there are one transformation for each pair of matching triangles).
To decide which point (x',y') of second image matches point (x,y) of first image, you need
to identify in which triangle (i,j,k) (that is (pᵢ,pⱼ,pₖ)) (x,y) is,
Find barycentric coordinates of (x,y) inside this triangle: (x,y)=αpᵢ+βpⱼ+γpₖ
Assume that (x',y') have the same barycentric coordinates inside the matching triangle, that is (x',y')=αqᵢ+βqⱼ+γqₖ
Transformation matrix (for triangle (i,j,k)) is the one going from (x,y) to (x',y')

Correctly closing of polygons generated using skimage.measure.find_contours()

I'm currently using skimage.measure.find_contours() to find contours on a surface. Now that I've found the contours I need to able to find the area enclosed within them.
When all of the vertices are within the data set this is fine as a have a fully enclosed polygon.
However, how do I ensure the polygon is fully enclosed if the contour breaches the edge of the surface, either at an edge or at a corner? When this happens I would like to use the edge of the surface as additional vertices to close off the polygon. For example in the following image, with contours shown, you can see that the contours end at the edge of the image, how do I close them up? Also in the example of the brown contour, which is just a single line, I don't think I want an area returned, how would I single out this case?
I know I can check for enclosed contours/polygons by checking if the last vertices of the polygon is the same as the first.
I have code for calculating the area inside a polygon, taken from here
def find_area(array):
a = 0
ox,oy = array[0]
for x,y in array[1:]:
a += (x*oy-y*ox)
ox,oy = x,y
return -a/2
I just need help in closing off the polygons. And checking for the different cases that might occur.
After applying the solution suggested by #soupault I have this code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import measure
# Construct some test data
x, y = np.ogrid[-np.pi:np.pi:100j, -np.pi:np.pi:100j]
r = np.sin(np.exp((np.sin(x)**3 + np.cos(y)**2)))
# Coordinates of point of interest
pt = [(49,75)]
# Apply thresholding to the surface
threshold = 0.8
blobs = r > threshold
# Make a labelled image based on the thresholding regions
blobs_labels = measure.label(blobs, background = 0)
# Show the thresholded regions
plt.imshow(blobs_labels, cmap='spectral')
# Apply regionprops to charactersie each of the regions
props = measure.regionprops(blobs_labels, intensity_image = r)
# Loop through each region in regionprops, identify if the point of interest is
# in that region. If so, plot the region and print it's area.
plt.imshow(r, cmap='Greys')
plt.plot(pt[0][0], pt[0][1],'rx')
for prop in props:
coords = prop.coords
if np.sum(np.all(coords[:,[1,0]] == pt[0], axis=1)):
This solution assumes that each pixel is 1x1 in size. In my real data solution this isn't the case so I have also applied the following function to apply linear interpolation to the data. I believe you can also apply a similar function to make the area of each pixel smaller and increase the resolution of the data.
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
def interpolate_patch(x,y,patch):
x_interp = np.arange(np.ceil(x[0]), x[-1], 1)
y_interp = np.arange(np.ceil(y[0]), y[-1], 1)
f = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, patch, kind='linear')
patch_interp = f(x_interp, y_interp)
return x_interp, y_interp, patch_interp
If you need to measure the properties of different regions, it is natural to start with finding the regions (not contours).
The algorithm will be the following, in this case:
Prepare a labeled image:
1.a Either fill the areas between different contour lines with the different colors;
1.b Or apply some image thresholding function, and then run skimage.measure.label (;
Execute regionprops using the very labeled image as an input (;
Iterate over regions in regionprops and calculate the desired parameters (area, perimeter, etc).
Once you identified the regions in your image via regionprops, you can call .coords for each of them to get the enclosed contour.
If someone will need close open contours by image edges (and make a polygon) here is:
import shapely.geometry as sgeo
import shapely.ops as sops
def close_contour_with_image_edge(contour, image_shape):
this function uses shapely because its easiest way to do that
:param contour: contour generated by skimage.measure.find_contours()
:param image_shape: tuple (row, cols), standard return of numpy shape()
# make contour linestring
contour_line = sgeo.LineString(contour)
# make image box linestring
box_rows, box_cols = image_shape[0], image_shape[1]
img_box = sgeo.LineString(coordinates=(
(0, 0),
(0, box_cols-1),
(box_rows-1, box_cols-1),
(box_rows-1, 0),
(0, 0)
# intersect box with non-closed contour and get shortest line which touch both of contour ends
edge_points = img_box.intersection(contour_line)
edge_parts = sops.split(img_box, edge_points)
edge_parts = list(part for part in edge_parts.geoms if part.touches(edge_points.geoms[0]) and part.touches(edge_points.geoms[1]))
edge_parts.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda x: x.length)
contour_edge = edge_parts[0]
# weld it
contour_line = contour_line.union(contour_edge)
contour_line = sops.linemerge(contour_line)
contour_polygon = sgeo.Polygon(contour_line.coords)
return contour_polygon

How can I create a circular mask for a numpy array?

I am trying to circular mask an image in Python. I found some example code on the web, but I'm not sure how to change the maths to get my circle in the correct place.
I have an image image_data of type numpy.ndarray with shape (3725, 4797, 3):
total_rows, total_cols, total_layers = image_data.shape
X, Y = np.ogrid[:total_rows, :total_cols]
center_row, center_col = total_rows/2, total_cols/2
dist_from_center = (X - total_rows)**2 + (Y - total_cols)**2
radius = (total_rows/2)**2
circular_mask = (dist_from_center > radius)
I see that this code applies euclidean distance to calculate dist_from_center, but I don't understand the X - total_rows and Y - total_cols part. This produces a mask that is a quarter of a circle, centered on the top-left of the image.
What role are X and Y playing on the circle? And how can I modify this code to produce a mask that is centered somewhere else in the image instead?
The algorithm you got online is partly wrong, at least for your purposes. If we have the following image, we want it masked like so:
The easiest way to create a mask like this is how your algorithm goes about it, but it's not presented in the way that you want, nor does it give you the ability to modify it in an easy way. What we need to do is look at the coordinates for each pixel in the image, and get a true/false value for whether or not that pixel is within the radius. For example, here's a zoomed in picture showing the circle radius and the pixels that were strictly within that radius:
Now, to figure out which pixels lie inside the circle, we'll need the indices of each pixel in the image. The function np.ogrid() gives two vectors, each containing the pixel locations (or indices): there's a column vector for the column indices and a row vector for the row indices:
>>> np.ogrid[:4,:5]
[3]]), array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]])]
This format is useful for broadcasting so that if we use them in certain functions, it will actually create a grid of all the indices instead of just those two vectors. We can thus use np.ogrid() to create the indices (or pixel coordinates) of the image, and then check each pixel coordinate to see if it's inside or outside the circle. In order to tell whether it's inside the center, we can simply find the Euclidean distance from the center to every pixel location, and then if that distance is less than the circle radius, we'll mark that as included in the mask, and if it's greater than that, we'll exclude it from the mask.
Now we've got everything we need to make a function that creates this mask. Furthermore we'll add a little bit of nice functionality to it; we can send in the center and the radius, or have it automatically calculate them.
def create_circular_mask(h, w, center=None, radius=None):
if center is None: # use the middle of the image
center = (int(w/2), int(h/2))
if radius is None: # use the smallest distance between the center and image walls
radius = min(center[0], center[1], w-center[0], h-center[1])
Y, X = np.ogrid[:h, :w]
dist_from_center = np.sqrt((X - center[0])**2 + (Y-center[1])**2)
mask = dist_from_center <= radius
return mask
In this case, dist_from_center is a matrix the same height and width that is specified. It broadcasts the column and row index vectors into a matrix, where the value at each location is the distance from the center. If we were to visualize this matrix as an image (scaling it into the proper range), then it would be a gradient radiating from the center we specify:
So when we compare it to radius, it's identical to thresholding this gradient image.
Note that the final mask is a matrix of booleans; True if that location is within the radius from the specified center, False otherwise. So we can then use this mask as an indicator for a region of pixels we care about, or we can take the opposite of that boolean (~ in numpy) to select the pixels outside that region. So using this function to color pixels outside the circle black, like I did up at the top of this post, is as simple as:
h, w = img.shape[:2]
mask = create_circular_mask(h, w)
masked_img = img.copy()
masked_img[~mask] = 0
But if we wanted to create a circular mask at a different point than the center, we could specify it (note that the function is expecting the center coordinates in x, y order, not the indexing row, col = y, x order):
center = (int(w/4), int(h/4))
mask = create_circular_mask(h, w, center=center)
Which, since we're not giving a radius, would give us the largest radius so that the circle would still fit in the image bounds:
Or we could let it calculate the center but use a specified radius:
radius = h/4
mask = create_circular_mask(h, w, radius=radius)
Giving us a centered circle with a radius that doesn't extend exactly to the smallest dimension:
And finally, we could specify any radius and center we wanted, including a radius that extends outside the image bounds (and the center can even be outside the image bounds!):
center = (int(w/4), int(h/4))
radius = h/2
mask = create_circular_mask(h, w, center=center, radius=radius)
What the algorithm you found online does is equivalent to setting the center to (0, 0) and setting the radius to h:
mask = create_circular_mask(h, w, center=(0, 0), radius=h)
I'd like to offer a way to do this that doesn't involve the np.ogrid() function. I'll crop an image called "robot.jpg", which is 491 x 491 pixels. For readability I'm not going to define as many variables as I would in a real program:
Import libraries:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import image
import numpy as np
Import the image, which I'll call "z". This is a color image so I'm also pulling out just a single color channel. Following that, I'll display it:
z = image.imread('robot.jpg')
z = z[:,:,1]
zimg = plt.imshow(z,cmap="gray")
robot.jpg as displayed by matplotlib.pyplot
To wind up with a numpy array (image matrix) with a circle in it to use as a mask, I'm going to start with this:
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 491)
y = np.linspace(-10, 10, 491)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
x_0 = -3
y_0 = -6
mask = np.sqrt((x-x_0)**2+(y-y_0)**2)
Note the equation of a circle on that last line, where x_0 and y_0 are defining the center point of the circle in a grid which is 491 elements tall and wide. Because I defined the grid to go from -10 to 10 in both x and y, it is within that system of units that x_0 and x_y set the center point of the circle with respect to the center of the image.
To see what that produces I run:
maskimg = plt.imshow(mask,cmap="gray")
Our "proto" masking circle
To turn that into an actual binary-valued mask, I'm just going to take every pixel below a certain value and set it to 0, and take every pixel above a certain value and set it to 256. The "certain value" will determine the radius of the circle in the same units defined above, so I'll call that 'r'. Here I'll set 'r' to something and then loop through every pixel in the mask to determine if it should be "on" or "off":
r = 7
for x in range(0,490):
for y in range(0,490):
if mask[x,y] < r:
mask[x,y] = 0
elif mask[x,y] >= r:
mask[x,y] = 256
maskimg = plt.imshow(mask,cmap="gray")
The mask
Now I'll just multiply the mask by the image element-wise, then display the result:
z_masked = np.multiply(z,mask)
zimg_masked = plt.imshow(z_masked,cmap="gray")
To invert the mask I can just swap the 0 and the 256 in the thresholding loop above, and if I do that I get:
Masked version of robot.jpg
The other answers work, but they are slow, so I will propose an answer using skimage.draw.disk. Using this is faster and I find it simple to use. Simply specify the center of the circle and radius then use the output to create a mask
from skimage.draw import disk
mask = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8)
row = 4
col = 5
radius = 5
rr, cc = disk(row, col, radius)
mask[rr, cc] = 1

how do I fit a grid of points on a random point cloud

I have a binary image with dots, which I obtained using OpenCV's goodFeaturesToTrack, as shown on Image1.
Image1 : Cloud of points
I would like to fit a grid of 4*25 dots on it, such as the on shown on Image2 (Not all points are visible on the image, but it is a regular 4*25 points rectangle).
Image2 : Model grid of points
My model grid of 4*25 dots is parametrized by :
1 - The position of the top left corner
2 - The inclination of the rectangle with the horizon
The code below shows a function that builds such a model.
This problem seems to be close to a chessboard corner problem.
I would like to know how to fit my model cloud of points to the input image and get the position and angle of the cloud.
I can easily measure a distance in between the two images (the input one and the on with the model grid) but I would like to avoid having to check every pixel and angle on the image for finding the minimum of this distance.
def ModelGrid(pos, angle, shape):
# Initialization of output image of size shape
table = np.zeros(shape)
# Parameters
size_pan = [32, 20]# Pixels
nb_corners= [4, 25]
index = np.ndarray([nb_corners[0], nb_corners[1], 2],dtype=np.dtype('int16'))
angle = angle*np.pi/180
# Creation of the table
for i in range(nb_corners[0]):
for j in range(nb_corners[1]):
index[i,j,0] = pos[0] + j*int(size_pan[1]*np.sin(angle)) + i*int(size_pan[0]*np.cos(angle))
index[i,j,1] = pos[1] + j*int(size_pan[1]*np.cos(angle)) - i*int(size_pan[0]*np.sin(angle))
if 0 < index[i,j,0] < table.shape[0]:
if 0 < index[i,j,1] < table.shape[1]:
table[index[i,j,0], index[i,j,1]] = 1
return table
A solution I found, which works relatively well is the following :
First, I create an index of positions of all positive pixels, just going through the image. I will call these pixels corners.
I then use this index to compute an average angle of inclination :
For each of the corners, I look for others which would be close enough in certain areas, as to define a cross. I manage, for each pixel to find the ones that are directly on the left, right, top and bottom of it.
I use this cross to calculate an inclination angle, and then use the median of all obtained inclination angles as the angle for my model grid of points.
Once I have this angle, I simply build a table using this angle and the positions of each corner.
The optimization function measures the number of coincident pixels on both images, and returns the best position.
This way works fine for most examples, but the returned 'best position' has to be one of the corners, which does not imply that it corresponds to the best position... Mainly if the top left corner of the grid within the cloud of corners is missing.

Using OpenCV remap function crops image

I am trying to warp an 640x360 image via the OpenCV remap function (in python 2.7). The steps executed are the following
Generate a curve and store its x and y coordinates in two seperate arrays, curve_x and curve_y.I am attaching the generated curve as an image(using pyplot):
Load image via the opencv imread function
original = cv2.imread('C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\alaskan-landscaps3.jpg')
Execute a nested for loop so that each pixel is shifted upwards in proportion to the height of the curve at that point.For each pixel I calculate a warping factor by dividing the distance between the curve's y coordinate and the "ceiling" (360) by the height of the image. The factor is then multiplied with the distance between the pixel's y-coordinate and the "ceiling" in order to find the new distance that the pixel must have from the "ceiling" (it will be shorter since we have an upward shift). Finally I subtract this new distance from the "ceiling" to obtain the new y-coordinate for the pixel. I thought of this formula in order to ensure that all entries in the map_y array used in the remap function will be within the area of the original image.
for i in range(0, y_size):
for j in range(0,x_size):
map_y[i][j]= y_size-((y_size - i) * ((y_size - curve_y[j]) / y_size))
Then using the remap function
The resulting image appears to be warped somewhat along the curve's path but it is cropped - I am attaching both the original and resulting image
I know I must be missing something but I can't figure out where the mistake is in my code - I don't understand why since all y-coordinates in map_y are between 0-360 the top third of the image has disappeared following the remapping
Any pointers or help will be appreciated. Thanks
[EDIT:] I have edited my function as follows:
#array to store previous y-coordinate, used as a counter during mapping process
#for each row and column of picture
for i in range(0, y_size):
for j in range(0,x_size):
#calculate distance between top of the curve at given x coordinate and top
height_above_curve = (y_size-1) - curve_y_points[j]
#calculated a mapping factor, using total height of picture and distance above curve
mapping_factor = (y_size-1)/height_above_curve
# if there was no curve at given x-coordinate then do not change the pixel coordinate
#if this is the first time the column is traversed, save the curve y-coordinate
elif (floor_y[j]==0):
#the pixel is translated upwards according to the height of the curve at that point
map_y[i][j]=i+curve_y_points[j] # new coordinate saved
# use a modulo operation to only translate each nth pixel where n is the mapping factor.
# the idea is that in order to fit all pixels from the original picture into a new smaller space
#(because the curve squashes the picture upwards) a number of pixels must be removed
elif ((math.floor(i % mapping_factor))==0):
#increment the "floor" counter so that the next group of pixels from the original image
#are mapped 1 pixel higher up than the previous group in the new picture
#for pixels that must be skipped map them all to the last pixel actually translated to the new image
#all x-coordinates remain unchanges as we only translate pixels upwards
map_x[i][j] = j
#printout function to test mappings at x=383
for j in range(0, 360):
print('At x=383,y='+str(j)+'for curve_y_points[383]='+str(curve_y_points[383])+' and floor_y[383]='+str(floor_y[383])+' mapping is:'+str(map_y[j][383]))
The bottom line is that now the higher part of the image should not receive mappings from the lowest part so overwriting of pixels should not take place. Yet i am still getting a hugely exaggerated upwards warping effect in the picture which I cannot explain. (see new image below).The top of the curved part is at around y=140 in the original picture yet now is very close to the top i.e y around 300. There is also the question of why I am not getting a blank space at the bottom for the pixels below the curve.
I'm thinking that maybe there is also something going on with the order of rows and columns in the map_y array?
I don't think the image is being cropped. Rather, the values are "crowded" in the top-middle pixels, so that they get overwritten. Consider the following example with a simple function on a checkerboard.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pickle
The function looks like this:
Then let's produce an image with a regular pattern.
for i in range(0, y_size):
for j in range(0,x_size):
if i%2 and j%2:
Now let's apply your shift function to that pattern:
for i in range(0, y_size):
for j in range(0,x_size):
map_y[i][j]= y_size-((y_size - i) * ((y_size - y[j]) / y_size))
If you notice, because of the shift, more than one value corresponds to the top-middle areas, which makes it look like it is cropped. But if you check to the top left and right corners of the image, notice that the values are sparser, thus the "cropping" effect does not occur much. I hope the simple example helps better to understand what is going on.
