Trouble with time dependent variable reference - python

I to make a hidden button, that will show, when you hoer over it, then lights up upon pressing it for a short time (2 secs in my script atm) and then runs a function. I implemented a mechanism that appears logical to me to pull this off. Bit I get a variable reference error.
This is my button class:
class Button:
def __init__(self, imgInAc, imgAc, posX, posY, width, height, function, gameInstance, hiddenButton):
self.imgInAc = pygame.image.load(imgInAc)
self.imgAc = pygame.image.load(imgAc)
self.posX = posX
self.posY = posY
self.w = width
self.h = height
self.function = function
self.gameInstance = gameInstance
self.hiddenButton = hiddenButton
# Make clickDump false, to make sure, refTiem gets measured only once after the button press,
# because otherweise it would get overwritten over and over again while the game loop is running
self.clickDump = False
def button(self):
# Measure the current time to later run the button function while displaying the active image before doing so.
curTime = time.clock()
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if self.posX+self.w > mouse[0] > self.posX and self.posY+self.h > mouse[1] > self.posY:
if self.hiddenButton == False:
if click[0] == 1:
# If the button is a ahidden one, go through teh following protocol
elif self.hiddenButton == True:
# Display the off version if the mouse hovers over it
if click[0] == 1:
# if you click on it, display teh active version
###print curTime
# If clickDump is false, defien teh reference time relative to teh current time.
# Then make it true, so the ref time doesn't get changed again, while the game loop is running
if self.clickDump == False:
refTime = time.clock()+2
###print refTime
self.clickDump = True
# If ClickDump is true, check if teh time condition is satiesfied. Note, that this check is run outside the "if click[0] == 1"-scope,
# to make sure, it also gets checked if the click happened in a previoues cycle.
if self.clickDump == True:
# If the time interval between the click event and the current time has elapsed
# set clickDUmp back to flase, so it can be used for teh next button press protocol
# and finally run the button function.
if curTime > refTime:
self.clickDump = False
if self.hiddenButton == False:
the error is:
"...line 296, in button
if curTime > refTime:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'refTime' referenced before assignment"
I really don't understand this, as I thought I only execute the part where the time variables are compared IF refTime has been initialized, because the condition or running the comparison onyl gets fulfilled in the part where refTime gets assigned its value.
Sorry for potential loads of typos in my commets... I only wrote them for myself.
So... me confused.

it is due to the scope of refTime.
reftime is assigned in some if loop while used in another if loop.
assign it like this.
class Button(object):
def button(self):
refTime = 0


Pyglet, exit after all sounds played

AVbin is installed. Both .wav and .mp3 files work.
import pyglet
music ='A.mp3')
player =
I want to create a program that plays A, then plays the queue with B and then C, and finally quits after all three sounds play.
I tried the code above but according to this post, "this is [solely] because is a never-ending loop."
How can I modify my code minimally so that the program quits after the three sounds are played?
Bonus, but how can I modify my code minimally so that the program can play two (or more) sound files, E.mp3 and F.mp3, at once?
Because what you're asking is not as simple as you'd might think it is.
I've put together a code example with as much comments as I possibly could fit in without making the example to hard to read.
Below the code, I'll try to explain a few key functions as detailed as possible.
import pyglet
from import *
from collections import OrderedDict
key = pyglet.window.key
class main(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__ (self, width=800, height=600, fps=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(main, self).__init__(width, height, *args, **kwargs)
self.keys = OrderedDict() # This just keeps track of which keys we're holding down. In case we want to do repeated input.
self.alive = 1 # And as long as this is True, we'll keep on rendering.
## Add more songs to the list, either here, via input() from the console or on_key_ress() function below.
self.songs = ['A.wav', 'B.wav', 'C.wav']
self.song_pool = None
self.player =
for song in self.songs:
media =
if self.song_pool is None:
## == if the Song Pool hasn't been setup,
## we'll set one up. Because we need to know the audio_format()
## we can't really set it up in advance (consists more information than just 'mp3' or 'wav')
self.song_pool =, None)
## == Queue the media into the song pool.
## == And then, queue the song_pool into the player.
## We do this because SourceGroup (song_pool) as a function called
## .has_next() which we'll require later on.
## == Normally, you would do self.player.eos_action = self.function()
## But for whatever windows reasons, this doesn't work for me in testing.
## So below is a manual workaround that works about as good.
self.current_track = pyglet.text.Label('', x=width/2, y=height/2+50, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
self.current_time = pyglet.text.Label('', x=width/2, y=height/2-50, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
def on_draw(self):
def on_close(self):
self.alive = 0
def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers):
del self.keys[symbol]
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.ESCAPE: # [ESC]
self.alive = 0
elif symbol == key.SPACE:
if self.player.playing:
elif symbol == key.RIGHT: + 15)
## == You could check the user input here,
## and add more songs via the keyboard here.
## For as long as self.song_pool has tracks,
## this player will continue to play.
self.keys[symbol] = True
def end_of_tracks(self, *args, **kwargs):
def render(self):
## Clear the screen
## == You could show some video, image or text here while the music plays.
## I'll drop in a example where the current Track Name and time are playing.
## == Grab the media_info (if any, otherwise this returns None)
media_info =
if not media_info:
## == if there were no meta-data, we'll show the file-name instead:
media_info =
## == But if we got meta data, we'll show "Artist - Track Title"
media_info = + ' - ' + media_info.title
self.current_track.text = media_info
## == This part exists of two things,
## 1. Grab the Current Time Stamp and the Song Duration.
## Check if the song_pool() is at it's end, and if the track Cur>=Max -> We'll quit.
## * (This is the manual workaround)
cur_t, end_t = int(self.player.time), int(self.player.source._get_duration())
if self.song_pool.has_next() is False and cur_t >= end_t:
## 2. Show the current time and maximum time in seconds to the user.
self.current_time.text = str(cur_t)+'/'+str(end_t) + 'seconds'
## This "renders" the graphics:
def run(self):
while self.alive == 1:
# -----------> This is key <----------
# This is what replaces
# but is required for the GUI to not freeze
event = self.dispatch_events()
x = main()
Now, normally you'd decorate your way trough this with a bunch of functions.
But I like to subclass and OOP my way through any graphical libraries, because it gets messy quite fast otherwise.
So instead of, I've got a custom made run() function.
All this does is mimic the, for the most part. Enough to get going at least.
Because player.eos_* events appears to be broken.
I've added a manual example of how you could check if the songs are done playing or not.
This is a combination of self.song_pool, self.player.time and self.player.source._get_duration() which returns the track duration.
The SourceGroup gives us a has_next() function which tells us if we're at the end of the queued songs. The other two variables tells us if we've reached the end of the current track. This is all we need to determinate if we want to exit or not.
Now, I haven't technically added a way to add more songs. Because again, that would also be harder than you think. Unless you opt in for if symbol == key.LCTRL: self.song_pool.queue('Song: '))) for instance. But again, all you would need to do, is add more songs to the self.song_pool queue, and there you go.
I hope this answers your question. Even the bonus one.

Pygame Beat-Em-Up Game // Enemy Attack Timer Never Reaches Zero

Pastebin Link
I am working with Pygame on a beat-em-up game and I'm running into an issue where the enemy will grab the player, forever and not let him go. A timer is supposed to run and when it reaches zero the enemy is supposed to push the player away, but it never reaches zero.
The variable contact is group of enemies who are actually touching the player. It's using the pygame.sprite.Group() function. If the sprites overlap (of the player and any enemy in the list of all enemies), then they are added to the group. If the sprites stop overlapping (enemy walks away, or the player walks away), then the enemies are removed from that group.
contact = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(heroBoonrit, enemy_list, False)
For every tick of the clock, I have it set up to check if there are any enemies touching the player, and if there are, then go through every one of them and see if any of the enemies are in a grabbing state (villan.grabbing_cooldown). It's just an on/off switch that means that the enemy is currently attacking with a grab move. I could probably come up with a more logical variable name.
If those conditions are met, then a few things happen, such as snapping the player's position up (or down) in order to be on the same y coordinate as the enemy. The variable heroBoonrit.held_cooldown is another on/off switch that means that he is currently being held. Both the player and the enemies have their own variable called heroBoonrit.held_countdown and villan.grabbing_countdown respectively. The problem I'm seeing (by running print() for diagnostics is that the enemy countdown decrements by 1 and then it stop decreasing, whereas the countdown timer of my hero decrements until 0. So therefore the enemy never lets go.
I have a feeling that there's probably a much more elegant and clean way to go about handling player and enemy behavior rather than putting on/off switches for the player that relate to whether or not he's being stunned, grabbed, etc (and additionally, corresponding countdown timers for those), but I've only been doing programming for a month and would appreciate any feedback. Maybe after every tick of the clock, the enemy holding timer is reset to 60 again...I have read in other posts that when you are using the Pygame Group() function, you can't easily iterate over the group. Still learning many of the ins and outs...
I ran this command in my main game loop to find out that enemy's grabbing countdown timer only goes from 60 to 59 and then stops counting down:
print("||Shit Clown|| Grabbing = ", enemyShit_Clown.grabbing_cooldown, " Countdown = ", enemyShit_Clown.grabbing_countdown, "||Boonrit|| Grabbed = ", heroBoonrit.held_cooldown, " Countdown = ", heroBoonrit.held_countdown)
Here is the block of code where I'm running into the problem.
for villan in contact:
for villan in enemy_list:
if villan.grabbing_cooldown:
heroBoonrit.held_cooldown = True
heroBoonrit.rect.y = villan.rect.y
heroBoonrit.rect.x = (villan.rect.x + 30)
heroBoonrit.held_countdown = villan.grabbing_countdown
villan.grabbing_countdown -= 1
heroBoonrit.held_countdown -= 1
if villan.grabbing_countdown <= 0:
villan.grabbing_countdown = 0
heroBoonrit.held_countdown = 0
villan.grabbing_cooldown = False
heroBoonrit.held_cooldown = False
heroBoonrit.rect.x += 30
elif villan.attacking_cooldown:
if heroBoonrit.blocking != True:
heroBoonrit.hp -= 100
heroBoonrit.hp -= 10
Here is the Enemy class:
class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, name, level, speed, hp, stamina, fear, blocking_cooldown, jumping_cooldown, attacking_cooldown, held_cooldown, knockdown_cooldown, stun_cooldown, jumping_countdown, attacking_countdown, held_countdown, knockdown_countdown, stun_countdown, grabbing_cooldown, grabbing_countdown, blocking_countdown):
self.image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('res','img','chars','shit_clown-3.png'))
#self.image = pygame.Surface([30,20])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = pygame.Surface((30,20)) = name
self.speed = speed
self.level = level
self.hp = hp
self.stamina = stamina
self.fear = fear
self.blocking_cooldown = blocking_cooldown
self.jumping_cooldown = jumping_cooldown
self.jumping_countdown = jumping_countdown
self.attacking_cooldown = attacking_cooldown
self.attacking_countdown = attacking_countdown
self.held_cooldown = held_cooldown
self.held_countdown = held_countdown
self.knockdown_cooldown = knockdown_cooldown
self.knockdown_countdown = knockdown_countdown
self.stun_cooldown = stun_cooldown
self.stun_countdown = stun_countdown
self.grabbing_cooldown = grabbing_cooldown
self.grabbing_countdown = grabbing_countdown
self.blocking_countdown = blocking_countdown
blocking_cooldown = False
jumping_cooldown = False
jumping_coutndown = 0
attacking_cooldown = False
attacking_countdown = 0
held_cooldown = False
held_countdown = 0
knockdown_cooldown = False
knockdown_countdown = 0
stun_cooldown = False
stun_countdown = 0
grabbing_cooldown = False
grabbing_countdown = 0
blocking_countdown = 0
And to spawn the enemy:
enemyShit_Clown = Enemy("Shit Clown", 1, 4, 1000, 10, 90, False, False, False, False, False, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, 60, 0)
enemyShit_Clown.image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('res','img','chars','shit_clown-3.png')).convert()
enemyShit_Clown.rect.x = 300 #random.randrange(300, 400)
enemyShit_Clown.rect.y = 300 #random.randrange(200, 400)
Thanks very much for your help
I don't see any obvious reason for the villain to stop counting down. That said, I do see that you are decrementing the countdown both in the hero.update code and in the main loop. I'd expect your hero to count down twice as fast as the villain, but not 60 times as fast.
I'd like to suggest some code changes. First, get rid of most of the parameters in your __init__ code. Just set the default values to 0 or False or whatever.
Next, I see you creating a character, and then assigning an image to it. That should be in the constructor, with maybe a defaulted parameter to select a different starting image.
Next, you have countdown code in the hero's update method, but not in the villains. I think this is a mistake. Move the countdowns into the update routine, and don't worry about searching for it in the main loop.
Finally, there is a rule of thumb for OO programming you are missing: "Tell, don't ask."
Basically, this says, among other things, that you shouldn't be accessing the attributes of another object, and you definitely shouldn't be modifying the attributes of another object.
I suggest you write methods for this stuff, like so:
class Villain:
def grab(self, hero):
"""Start a grabbing attack on hero, if not blocked/busy"""
if self.grabbing:
# Already grabbing someone. Fail.
return False
ticks = 60
if hero.grabbed(self, ticks):
self.grabbing = hero
self.grabbing_countdown = ticks
hero.moveto(self.rect.y, self.rect.x + 30)
return True
return False
def update(self, *args):
blah blah blah
if self.grabbing:
self.grabbing_countdown -= 1
if self.grabbing_countdown == 0:
self.grabbing.push_away(self.rect.x, self.rect.y, 30)
self.grabbing = None

How do I program a double key press to make a non-modifier key behave like a modifier key within my program?

I am writing a typing program that includes many more characters than are available on a standard keyboard. In order to achieve this I need to transform some of the alphabet keys into modifier keys CTRL+A. For example f+j would output a. Typing f then j is slow for the user, I need them to be able to press f and j at the same time and receive one output. It's fine (preferable even) if some of the keyboard's normal functionality is stopped while the program is running.
I have looked into pygame Keydown, but it only seems to have functions for increasing key repeat and not stopping key output. Pyglet is also a possibility, but it doesn't have exact documentation on how I could make additional modifier keys. The only way I can figure out is to be constantly scanning the whole keyboard to see if any keys are pressed, but that won't determine the order the keys are pressed in and will create errors for the user, as the user pressing f then j would be read the same as the user pressing j then f and I need only the f then j combo to be understood as a keystroke by the system.
Here's a Pyglet version of how you could do it.
I based it on common GUI class that I use often here on SO because it's modular and easier to build on without the code getting messy after 40 lines.
import pyglet
from import *
key = pyglet.window.key
class main(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__ (self):
super(main, self).__init__(800, 800, fullscreen = False)
self.x, self.y = 0, 0 = Spr('background.jpg')
self.output = pyglet.text.Label('',
x=self.width//2, y=self.height//2,
anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
self.alive = 1
self.pressed = []
self.key_table = {213 : 'a'}
def on_draw(self):
def on_close(self):
self.alive = 0
def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.LCTRL:
pass # Again, here's how you modify based on Left CTRL for instance
## All key presses represents a integer, a=97, b=98 etc.
## What we do here is have a custom key_table, representing combinations.
## If the sum of two pressed matches to our table, we add that to our label.
## - If no match was found, we add the character representing each press instead.
## This way we support multiple presses but joined ones still takes priority.
key_values = sum(self.pressed)
if key_values in self.key_table:
self.output.text += self.key_table[key_values]
for i in self.pressed:
self.output.text += chr(i)
self.pressed = []
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.ESCAPE: # [ESC]
self.alive = 0
elif symbol == key.LCTRL:
pass # Modify based on left control for instance
def render(self):
def run(self):
while self.alive == 1:
# -----------> This is key <----------
# This is what replaces
# but is required for the GUI to not freeze
event = self.dispatch_events()
x = main()
It might look like a lot of code, especially to the Pygame answer. But you could condense this down to ~15 lines as well, but again, the code would get messy if you tried to build on it any further.
Hope this works. Now I haven't thought the math through on this one.. It might be possible that two duplicate key combinations will produce the same value as another key representation, simply replace the dictionary keys 213 for instance with a tuple key such as self.key_table = {(107, 106) : 'a'} which would represent k+j
Few benefits:
No need to keep track of delay's
Fast and responsive
Any key could be turned into a modifier or map against custom keyboard layouts, meaning you could turn QWERTY into DWORAK for this application alone.. Not sure why you would want that, but hey.. None of my business :D
Overrides default keyboard inputs, so you can intercept them and do whatever you want with them.
Edit: One cool feature would be to register each key down but replace the last character with the joined combination.. Again this is all manual works since a keyboard isn't meant to do double-key-representations, and it's more of a graphical idea.. But would be cool :)
Here is some simple code to print keys pressed in quick succession, written in Python 2. It should be able to easily be modified to suit your needs:
import pygame, sys
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([500,500])
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
combokeys = []
timer = 0
ACCEPTABLE_DELAY = 30 #0.5 seconds
while 1:
timer += 1
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
combokeys = [event.unicode]
timer = 0
print combokeys
I have not been able to test this code (working at school computer), so please notify me in the comments if something did not work so I can fix it.
You can change the value given for ACCEPTABLE_DELAY to change the delay before something is considered a different key combination. The delay should be (ACCEPTABLE_DELAY/60) seconds.

Blocking button click signals in PyQt

I have a program that uses pyqt's .animateClick() feature to show the user a sequence of different button clicks that the user has to copy in that specific order. The problem is I don't want the animateClick() to send a signal, I only want the button click signals from the user. Here is some of my code to demonstrate what I mean, and how I tried to solve that problem (that doesn't work). I simplified my code quite a bit so its easier to read, let me know if you have any questions.
from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui
global flag
global ai_states
ai_states = []
user_states = []
class Program(object):
# Set up the push buttons
#Code Here.
# Connect push buttons to function get_state()
# Code that starts the start() function
def start(self):
flag = 0
ai_states[:] = []
i = -1
# Code here that generates ai_states, numbers 1-4, in any order, based on button numbers.
for k in ai_states:
i = i + 1
# Code here that animates button clicks determined by ai_states
# Changes the flag to 1 once the loop ends
if i == len(ai_states):
flag = 1
def get_state(self):
if flag == 1:
if len(user_states) == len(ai_states):
# Checks to make sure the user inputted the same clicks as the ai_states
Even though the flag does come out to be 1 after the start() function, it is still appending the animatedClick() signals. What am I doing wrong? I'm new to GUI programming, so I'm probably going about this in a very bad way. Any help would be appreciated.
Never use global variables unless you really have to. If you need shared access to variables, use instance attributes:
from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui
class Program(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ai_states = []
self.user_states = []
self.flag = 1
# Set up the push buttons
# Code Here
# Connect push buttons to function get_state()
# Code that starts the start() function
def start(self):
self.flag = 0
del self.ai_states[:]
i = -1
# Code here that generates ai_states, numbers 1-4, in any order, based on button numbers.
for k in self.ai_states:
i = i + 1
# Code here that animates button clicks determined by ai_states
# Changes the flag to 1 once the loop ends
self.flag = 1
def get_state(self):
if self.flag == 1:
if len(self.user_states) == len(self.ai_states):
# Checks to make sure the user inputted the same clicks as the ai_states

Trying to get text for a "game" where it should refresh/randomize HP and DMG values, but is not

Really new to Python and I'm stuck. I can't figure out how to get HP and DMG to randomize when it's called when the button I've created is clicked.
Here's currently what I have:
# find your fav character images and pass it here
Char1 = Character('Snart.png','CAPTAIN COLD',DISPLAYSURF,(100,300),200)
Char2 = Character('Flash.png','FLASH',DISPLAYSURF,(700,300),200)
def displayButtons(bList):
for x in bList:
def main(): = True
clickCount = 1 = False
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if B1.clicked(mouse):
B1.highlight = True
print("Hello") ## Just to see if it actually get's pressed
clickCount = 2
elif B2.clicked(mouse):
B2.highlight = True
print("Bye") ## Just to see if it actually get's pressed
clickCount = 1
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if B1.clicked(mouse):
Char1.Randomize() ## Randomize the HP DMG
B1.highlight = False = False = True
elif B2.clicked(mouse):
Char2.Randomize() ## Randomize the HP DMG
B2.highlight = False = False = True
And for the class that it's creating:
class Character(object):
def __init__(self, imagefile,charname,surf,pos,scalesize):
self.SURF = surf
self.POS = pos
self.IMAGESURF = pygame.image.load(imagefile)
self.IMAGESURF = pygame.transform.scale(self.IMAGESURF, (scalesize,scalesize))
self.HP = (0, 300) # should range from (0 - 300) ## randint: return a random integer(start,stop)
self.DMG = (0, 100) # should range from (0 - 100)
self.GameFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Sylfaen", 50)
# this text has a black background. Can you make it transparent ?. DONE
self.NAME = self.GameFont.render(charname, True,(255,255,255),None)
# complete this function
# this function should randomize HP, DMG and should display on the screen
# this function should be called on a button press
def Randomize(self):
self.HP = randint(0, 300)
self.DMG = randint(0, 300)
## self.HPText = self.GameFont.render('HP : ' +str(self.HPrand), True,(255,255,255),None)
## self.DMGText = self.GameFont.render('DMG: ' +str(self.DMGrand), True,(255,255,255),None)
def __displayText(self):
# fix the error in this function, DONE
def __drawText(self):
# this text has a black background. Can you make it transparent ?.
self.HPText = self.GameFont.render('HP : ' +str(self.HP), True,(255,255,255),None)
self.DMGText = self.GameFont.render('DMG: ' +str(self.DMG), True,(255,255,255),None)
# fix the errors in this function, DONE
def display(self):
After you randomize the HP and DMG values, you need to re-render the text values for each of them. You have a function to do that, named __drawText, but you're not calling it when the button is pressed. This is why you keep drawing the old values even after Randomize has been called.
I'm not sure exactly how you want your class to work, but perhaps __drawText should be called from Randomize? You can't rely upon the external code that that runs Randomize to also call __drawText since you've given it a name starting with two underscores (which invokes Python's name mangling system). If it's supposed to be part of the class API, you certainly don't want to be doing that. External code can still call __drawText, but only by manually doing the mangling (and calling e.g. Char1._Character__drawText).
One final thing, which is unrelated to your current issues. Your variables are being named in a way that is a bit unusual for Python code. The more usual Python style is to use lowercase_with_underscores names for most variables and functions (including methods), and reserve TitleCase names for classes. ALL_CAPS is used occasionally for variables that are notionally constant, but the regular variable style is also pretty common even for constants (e.g. math.pi).
Using a different naming convention doesn't make your code wrong, but it may be harder for other programmers to follow than if you followed the standard conventions. See PEP 8 for the style used for the official Python interpreter. A lot of other Python code follows that guide (with perhaps a little more leeway given on line lengths). Google also has a Python style guide, which is (as far as I can tell) pretty much compatible with PEP 8.
