How to print the text inside of a child tag and the href of a grandchild element with a single BeautifulSoup Object? - python

I have a document which contains several div.inventory siblings.
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">123</span>
<span class="cost">
I would like to iterate over them to print the item number and link of the item.
123 http://linktoitem
456 http://linktoitem2
789 http://linktoitem3
How do I parse these two values after selecting the div.inventory element?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
htmlSource = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlSource)
matches ='div.inventory')
for match in matches:
#prints 123
#prints http://linktoitem
Also - what is the difference between the select function and find* functions?

You can find both items using find() relying on the class attributes:
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for inventory in'div.inventory'):
number = inventory.find('span', class_='item-number').text
link = inventory.find('span', class_='cost').a.get('href')
print number, link
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
data = """
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">123</span>
<span class="cost">
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">456</span>
<span class="cost">
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">789</span>
<span class="cost">
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for inventory in'div.inventory'):
number = inventory.find('span', class_='item-number').text
link = inventory.find('span', class_='cost').a.get('href')
print number, link
123 http://linktoitem
456 http://linktoitem2
789 http://linktoitem3
Note the use of select() - this method allows to use CSS Selectors for searching over the page. Also note the use of class_ argument - underscore is important since class is a reversed keyword in Python.


extract tags from soup with BeautifulSoup

<div class="kt-post-card__body>
<div class="kt-post-card__title">Example_1</div>
<div class="kt-post-card__description">Example_2</div>
<div class="kt-post-card__bottom">
<span class="kt-post-card__bottom-description kt-text-truncate" title="Example_3">Example_4</span>
according to picture I attached, I want to extract all "kt-post-card__body" attrs and then from each one of them, extract:
("kt-post-card__title", "kt-post-card__description")
like a list.
I tried this:
ads = soup.find_all('div',{'class':'kt-post-card__body'})
but with ads[0].div I only access to "kt-post-card__title" while "kt-post-card__body" has three other sub tags like: "kt-post-card__description" and "kt-post-card__bottom" ... , why is that?
Cause your question is not that clear - To extract the classes:
for e in'.kt-post-card__body'):
print([c for t in e.find_all() for c in t.get('class')])
['kt-post-card__title', 'kt-post-card__description', 'kt-post-card__bottom', 'kt-post-card__bottom-description', 'kt-text-truncate']
To get the texts you also have to iterate your ResultSet and could access each elements text to fill your list or use stripped_strings.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
<div class="kt-post-card__body">
<div class="kt-post-card__title">Example_1</div>
<div class="kt-post-card__description">Example_2</div>
<div class="kt-post-card__bottom">
<span class="kt-post-card__bottom-description kt-text-truncate" title="Example_3">Example_4</span>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc)
for e in'.kt-post-card__body'):
data = [
['Example_1', 'Example_2']
['Example_1', 'Example_2', 'Example_4']
Try this:
ads = soup.find_all('div',{'class':'kt-post-card__body'})
I think you're getting only the first div because you called ads[0].div

Parsing invalid HTML and retrieving tag´s text to replace it

I need to iterate invalid HTML and obtain a text value from all tags to change it.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_doc = """
<div class="oxy-toggle toggle-7042 toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-active-class="toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-initial-state="closed" id="_toggle-212-142">
<div class="oxy-expand-collapse-icon" href="#"></div>
<div class="oxy-toggle-content">
<h3 class="ct-headline" id="headline-213-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-225-142">Sklizeň jahod 2019</span></h3> </div>
</div><div class="ct-text-block" id="text_block-214-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-230-142"><p>Začátek sklizně: <strong>Zahájeno</strong><br>
Otevřeno: <strong>6 h – do otrhání</strong>, denně</p>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, "html.parser")
for tag in soup.find_all():
if tag.string:
The result is
<div class="oxy-toggle toggle-7042 toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-active-class="toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-initial-state="closed" id="_toggle-212-142">
<div class="oxy-expand-collapse-icon" href="#"></div>
<div class="oxy-toggle-content">
<h3 class="ct-headline" id="headline-213-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-225-142">1</span></h3> </div>
</div><div class="ct-text-block" id="text_block-214-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-230-142"><p>Začátek sklizně: <strong>1</strong><br/>
Otevřeno: <strong>1</strong>, denně</p>
I know how to replace the text but bs won´t find the text of the paragraph tag. So the texts "Začátek sklizně:" and "Otevřeno:" and ", denně" are not found so I cannot replace them.
I tried using different parsers such as lxml and html5lib won´t make a difference.
I tried python´s HTML library but that doesn´t support changing HTML only iterating it.
.string returns on a tag type object a NavigableString type object -> Your tag has a single string child then returned value is that string, if
it has no children or more than one child it will return None.
Scenario is not quiet clear to me, but here is one last approach based on your comment:
I need generic code to iterate any html and find all texts so I can work with them.
for tag in soup.find_all(text=True):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_doc = """<div class="oxy-toggle toggle-7042 toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-active-class="toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-initial-state="closed" id="_toggle-212-142">
<div class="oxy-expand-collapse-icon" href="#"></div>
<div class="oxy-toggle-content">
<h3 class="ct-headline" id="headline-213-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-225-142">Sklizeň jahod 2019</span></h3> </div>
</div><div class="ct-text-block" id="text_block-214-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-230-142"><p>Začátek sklizně: <strong>Zahájeno</strong><br>
Otevřeno: <strong>6 h – do otrhání</strong>, denně</p>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
for tag in soup.find_all(text=True):
<div class="oxy-toggle toggle-7042 toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-active-class="toggle-7042-expanded" data-oxy-toggle-initial-state="closed" id="_toggle-212-142">1<div class="oxy-expand-collapse-icon" href="#"></div>1<div class="oxy-toggle-content">1<h3 class="ct-headline" id="headline-213-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-225-142">1</span></h3>1</div>1</div><div class="ct-text-block" id="text_block-214-142"><span class="ct-span" id="span-230-142"><p>1<strong>1</strong><br/>1<strong>1</strong>1</p>1</span></div>

Python 3 get child elements (lxml)

I am using lxml with html:
from lxml import html
import requests
How would I check if any of an element's children have the class = "nearby"
my code (essentially):
url = ""
Page = requests.get(url)
Tree = html.fromstring(Page.content)
resultList = Tree.xpath('//p[#class="result-info"]')
i=len(resultList)-1 #to go though the list backwards
while i>0:
if (resultList[i].HasChildWithClass("nearby")):
print('This result has a child with the class "nearby"')
How would I replace "HasChildWithClass()" to make it actually work?
Here's an example tree:
<p class="result-info">
<span class="result-meta">
<span class="nearby">
... #this SHOULD print something
<p class="result-info">
<span class="result-meta">
<span class="FAR-AWAY">
... # this should NOT print anything
I tried to understand why you use lxml to find the element. However BeautifulSoup and re may be a better choice.
lxml = """
<p class="result-info">
<span class="result-meta">
<span class="nearby">
... #this SHOULD print something
<p class="result-info">
<span class="result-meta">
<span class="FAR-AWAY">
... # this should NOT print anything
But i done what you want.
from lxml import html
Tree = html.fromstring(lxml)
resultList = Tree.xpath('//p[#class="result-info"]')
i = len(resultList) - 1 #to go though the list backwards
for result in resultList:
for e in result.iter():
if e.attrib.get("class") == "nearby":
Try to use bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(lxml,"lxml")
result = soup.find_all("span", class_="nearby")
Here is an experiment I did.
Take r = resultList[0] in python shell and type:
>>> dir(r)
['__bool__', '__class__', ..., 'find_class', ...
Now this find_class method is highly suspicious. If you check its help doc:
>>> help(r.find_class)
you'll confirm the guess. Indeed,
>>> r.find_class('nearby')
[<Element span at 0x109788ea8>]
For the other tag s = resultList[1] in the example xml code you gave,
>>> s.find_class('nearby')
Now it's clear how to tell whether a 'nearby' child exists or not.

Scrape 2 inner texts within div as one value

I have the following html
<div class="price-block__highlight"><span class="promo-price" data-
<sup class="promo-price__fraction" data-test="price-fraction">99</sup>
I want to print the price of this html without comma, so
print price should result in:
I have the following code
pricea = page_soup.find("div", {"class":"price-block__highlight"})
price = str(pricea.text.replace('-','').replace(',','.').strip())
print price
This however results in:
When writing in a csv it creates multiple rows. How to get both numbers in one value?
i think you are using bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_doc = """
<div class="price-block__highlight"><span class="promo-price" data-
<sup class="promo-price__fraction" data-test="price-fraction">99</sup>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
price_div = soup.find("div", {"class": 'price-block__highlight'})
texts = [x.strip() for x in price_div.text.split(',')]

Unable to fetch <div> tag values in python

The required value is present within the div tag:
<div class="search-page-text">
<span class="upc grey-text sml">Cost for 2: </span>
Rs. 350
I am using the below code to fetch the value "Rs. 350":''):
But in the output i get "None". Could you pls help me resolve this issue?
An element with both a sub-element and string content can be accessed using strippe_strings:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
h = """<div class="search-page-text">
<span class="upc grey-text sml">Cost for 2: </span>
Rs. 350
soup = BeautifulSoup(h)
for s in"")[0].stripped_strings:
Cost for 2:
Rs. 350
The problem is that this includes both the strong content of the span and the div. But if you know that the div first contains the span with text, you could get the intersting string as
If you know you only ever want the string that is the immediate text of the <div> tag and not the <span> child element, you could do this.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
txt = '''<div class="search-page-text">
<span class="upc grey-text sml">Cost for 2: </span>
Rs. 350
soup = BeautifulSoup(txt)
for div in soup.find_all("div", { "class" : "search-page-text" }):
print ''.join(div.find_all(text=True, recursive=False)).strip()
#print div.find_all(text=True, recursive=False)[1].strip()
One of the lines returned by div.find_all is just a newline. That could be handled in a variety of ways. I chose to join and strip it rather than rely on the text being at a certain index (see commented line) in the resultant list.
Python 3
For python 3 the print line should be
print (''.join(div.find_all(text=True, recursive=False)).strip())
