python regex find characters from and end of the string - python

from the following string I need to fetch Rev1233. So i was wondering if we can have any regexpression to do that. I like to do following ("Rev" uptill next /)
so far I split this using split array
s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 = string ("/",4)

You don't need a regex to do this. It is as simple as:
str = 'svn-backup-test,2014/09/24/18/Rev1223/FullSvnCheckout.tgz'

Here is a quick python example
>>> impot re
>>> s = 'svn-backup-test,2014/09/24/18/Rev1223/FullSvnCheckout.tgz'
>>> p = re.compile('.*/(Rev\d+)/.*')
>>> p.match(s).groups()[0]

Find second part from the end using regex, if preferred:
>>> import re
>>> m ='/(Rev\d+)/[^/]+$', 'svn-backup-test,2014/09/24/18/Rev1223/FullSvnCheckout.tgz')
>>> m.groups()[0]


I want to extract data using regular expression in python

I have a string = "ProductId%3D967164%26Colour%3Dbright-royal" and i want to extract data using regex so output will be 967164bright-royal.
I have tried with this (?:ProductId%3D|Colour%3D)(.*) in python with regex, but getting output as 967164%26Colour%3Dbright-royal.
Can anyone please help me to find out regex for it.
You don't need a regex here, use urllib.parse module:
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote
qs = "ProductId%3D967164%26Colour%3Dbright-royal"
d = parse_qs(unquote(qs))
# Output:
{'ProductId': ['967164'], 'Colour': ['bright-royal']}
Final output:
>>> ''.join(i[0] for i in d.values())
>>> ''.join(re.findall(r'%3D(\S*?)(?=%26|$)', qs))
The alternative matches on the first part, you can not get a single match for 2 separate parts in the string.
If you want to capture both values using a regex in a capture group:
Regex demo
import re
pattern = r"(?:ProductId|Colour)%3D(\S*?)(?=%26|$)"
s = "ProductId%3D967164%26Colour%3Dbright-royal"
print(''.join(re.findall(pattern, s)))
If you must use a regular expression and you can guarantee that the string will always be formatted the way you expect, you could try this.
import re
pattern = r"ProductId%3D(\d+)%26Colour%3D(.*)"
string = "ProductId%3D967164%26Colour%3Dbright-royal"
matches = re.match(pattern, string)

String.split() after n characters

I can split a string like this:
string = 'ABC_elTE00001'
string = string.split('_elTE')[1]
How do I automate this, so I don't have to pass '_elTE' to the function? Something like this:
string = 'ABC_elTE00001'
string = string.split('_' + 4 characters)[1]
Use regex, regex has a re.split thing which is the same as str.split just you can split by a regex pattern, it's worth a look at the docs:
>>> import re
>>> string = 'ABC_elTE00001'
>>> re.split('_\w{4}', string)
['ABC', '00001']
The above example is using a regex pattern as you see.
split() on _ and take everything after the first four characters.
s = 'ABC_elTE00001'
# s.split('_')[1] gives elTE00001
# To get the string after 4 chars, we'd slice it [4:]
You can use Regular expression to automate the extraction that you want.
import re
string = 'ABC_elTE00001'
data = re.findall('.([0-9]*$)',string)
This is a, quite horrible, version that exactly "translates" string.split('_' + 4 characters)[1]:
s = 'ABC_elTE00001'
>>> '00001'

regex to extract data between quotes

As title says string is '="24digit number"' and I want to extract number between "" (example: ="000021484123647598423458" should get me '000021484123647598423458').
There are answers that answer how to get data between " but in my case I also need to confirm that =" exist without capturing (there are also other "\d{24}" strings, but they are for other stuff) it.
I couldn't modify these answers to get what I need.
My latest regex was ((?<=\")\d{24}(?=\")) and string is ="000021484123647598423458".
UPDATE: I think I will settle with pattern r'^(?:\=\")(\d{24})(?:\")' because I just want to capture digit characters.
word = '="000021484123647598423458"'
pattern = r'^(?:\=\")(\d{24})(?:\")'
match = re.findall(pattern, word)[0]
Thank you all for suggestions.
You could have it like:
See a demo on
In Python:
import re
string = '="000021484123647598423458"'
rx = re.compile(r'''=(['"])(\d{24})\1''')
# 000021484123647598423458
Any one of the following works:
>>> st = '="000021484123647598423458"'
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'".*\d+.*"',st)
>>> re.findall(r'".*\d{24}.*"',st)
>>> re.findall(r'"\d{24}"',st)

Python - Most elegant way to extract a substring, being given left and right borders [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to extract the substring between two markers?
(22 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a string - Python :
string = "/foo13546897/bar/Atlantis-GPS-coordinates/bar457822368/foo/"
Expected output is :
I know that the expected output is ALWAYS surrounded by "/bar/" on the left and "/" on the right :
Proposed solution would look like :
a = string.find("/bar/")
b = string.find("/",a+5)
This works, but I don't like it.
Does someone know a beautiful function or tip ?
You can use split:
>>> string.split("/bar/")[1].split("/")[0]
Some efficiency from adding a max split of 1 I suppose:
>>> string.split("/bar/", 1)[1].split("/", 1)[0]
Or use partition:
>>> string.partition("/bar/")[2].partition("/")[0]
Or a regex:
>>>'/bar/([^/]+)', string).group(1)
Depends on what speaks to you and your data.
What you haven't isn't all that bad. I'd write it as:
start = string.find('/bar/') + 5
end = string.find('/', start)
output = string[start:end]
as long as you know that /bar/WHAT-YOU-WANT/ is always going to be present. Otherwise, I would reach for the regular expression knife:
>>> import re
>>> PATTERN = re.compile('^.*/bar/([^/]*)/.*$')
>>> s = '/foo13546897/bar/Atlantis-GPS-coordinates/bar457822368/foo/'
>>> match = PATTERN.match(s)
import re
pattern = '(?<=/bar/).+?/'
string = "/foo13546897/bar/Atlantis-GPS-coordinates/bar457822368/foo/"
result =, string)
print string[result.start():result.end() - 1]
# "Atlantis-GPS-coordinates"
That is a Python 2.x example. What it does first is:
1. (?<=/bar/) means only process the following regex if this precedes it (so that /bar/ must be before it)
2. '.+?/' means any amount of characters up until the next '/' char
Hope that helps some.
If you need to do this kind of search a bunch it is better to 'compile' this search for performance, but if you only need to do it once don't bother.
Using re (slower than other solutions):
>>> import re
>>> string = "/foo13546897/bar/Atlantis-GPS-coordinates/bar457822368/foo/"
>>>'(?<=/bar/)[^/]+(?=/)', string).group()

Getting python regexp for data

I have tried finding a python regular expression to match the following lines, and and my interest being to extract the portion of each line between "|" and "." (preceding upx).
My attempt was:"^\S+\|(\S+).upx\.+")
But it did not work
My data:
My expected output:
Any better ideas please?
I do not think that Regex is necessary here because your data is pretty ordered. A list comprehension with str.split and str.splitlines will suffice:
>>> data = '''\
... UMM_189|XXYT9888_UMX_5711769.upx_OWED_786_bopsio_34527_sen_72.345615
... AMW_126|7010.upx_XAWA01266525261
... QEA_234|Serami_bolismun_milte_1_UMM1.upx_YU_168145
... MMP_377|723C_UMM_5711781.upx_UXA_2_serax_78120_ser_23.26255277
... '''
>>> [x.split('|', 1)[1].split('.upx', 1)[0] for x in data.splitlines()]
['XXYT9888_UMX_5711769', '7010', 'Serami_bolismun_milte_1_UMM1', '723C_UMM_5711781']
Try this:
>>> re.findall(r'\|(.*?)\.',data)
['XXYT9888_UMX_5711769', '7010', 'Serami_bolismun_milte_1_UMM1', '723C_UMM_5711781']
import re
your_str = "UMM_189|XXYT9888_UMX_5711769.upx_OWED_786_bopsio_34527_sen_72.345615"
result = re.match(r'^[A-Z]{3}_[0-9]{3}\|(?P<id>[A-Za-z0-9_]*).upx*', your_str)
You have the slash dot and dot backwards. Try"^\S+\|(\S+)\.upx.+")
