Using Django for a website without separating static files - python

I want to move my website to django which has a lot of images and css files linked to it. Also it uses Application cache for caching the static files.Since I have other apps working on the django I want to move this static one also to the django.So is it possible to run a webpage without rendering the static files dynamically and use the page as static webpage only(static files path relative to html not using django's static folder)? How to do this?

Assuming the HTML is also static, you should just move everything (HTML and relative files) to a static folder (no need to separate the HTML template since it is static as well), and then you can map it to any URL you want using your web server, e.g. you can put them inside {{ STATIC_ROOT }}/my-page/, and map to that folder on the filesystem
Run collectstatic, Django will copy/generate the static files into your STATIC_ROOT folder on the filesystem
Then use a web server like Apache or Nginx to serve your /my-page URL directly without hitting your Django app. (set in Django with STATIC_URL), while the other requests are forwarded to your Django app
So e.g. your Django app will run on, while nginx runs on the default HTTP/HTTPS port, and uses e.g. proxy_pass to talk to your Django app for the dynamic content


Serve react build as a template in flask

I want to serve a react project with Flask.
I need the index HTML to be served as a flask template so I can pass in a variable from Flask,
and the other static files (css, js, favicons) as normal static files.
How can I achieve that?
Edit: I just had the html sent as a flask template and put the static files into a folder which I declared as the static dir in flask.
As far as I know, you can not do that. Flask uses template htmls that are rendered on the server. Now if you ask whether can you code a react renderer for server-side rendering with Python/flask?, might be possible, I guess. But people built big companies around this idea, for example Vercel. So better team up. What you can do though you can make flask and react communicate through different ports. i.e. code your Flask back-end as a rest-api and build the react front-end.

Redirect to a folder in Django

Django currently has a complete system for routing urls.
But I have a very specific situation where I am using django but actually need to use urls like in classic PHP language.
For example:
The url - localhost/reader/theeffort should take me to a folder called theeffort where I have my files index.html, 1.html, 2.html, 3.html
and so on!
Now all these files should be accessible by localhost/reader/theeffort/*.html and not by Django's default url system. Is this possible to achieve that? If yes, how?
This isn't a thing you would do with Django's URLs. If you just want to serve HTML files within a folder, they are static files; they should therefore be served by the web server itself, eg Apache. You just need to configure an alias in the Apache conf to point to the folder where the static files are.

Static files namespaces in django

I can't get my static files in Django to work with "namespaced" urls - I wonder if I'm missing something here?
my project structure
Basically I have one app called "foo" in my project "static_test". Inside that app I have a "static" folder which contains "test.txt".
I haven't changed anything in, so it contains all the default settings: staticfiles is included in INSTALLED_APPS, and STATIC_URL is set to '/static/'.
All of this is in full accordance with official Django tutorial:
I'm using Django 1.9.2.
When I start the Django development server, this is what I get:
localhost:8000/static/test.txt - 200 OK
localhost:8000/static/foo/test.txt - 404 Page not found
This is despite the official tutorial claiming
In your templates, either hardcode the url like /static/my_app/myexample.jpg or, preferably, use the static template tag to build the URL for the given relative path by using the configured STATICFILES_STORAGE storage (this makes it much easier when you want to switch to a content delivery network (CDN) for serving static files).
Why is the second url (/static/foo/test.txt) not working for me? And why is the first url working? I do not have a project-wide static folder.
from the docs
You should use 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder' in your STATICIFILES_FINDERS variable in your settings.
First one is searching under static.
Second one under foo under static.
Your link should look like this.
href="{% static "test.txt" %}"
And like this
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

Flask url_for serving images and nginx

I have a router
def images(filename):
send from(os.path.join('uploads', filename))
My images are saved in some directory called 'uploads'. And I configure nginx to serve static files.
My question is when I use url_for('images', filename='1.jpg') in jinja template, which should generate something like src="/images/1.jpg" in browser, if the user click this link, will nginx serve the file or flask serve it?
Another example:
when using url_for('static', filename='style.css') in template, is nginx serving it?
The solution shall work well, if follows these rules:
you know exactly what static files you are going to be served
your jinja based templates are generating proper links to these files
ngingx is properly configured to serve these static files
Under these (production) conditions, your Python code shall not get requests to these static files as they are served by nginx.
This is desired behaviour, as it off-loads python application by nginx, which can serve those files much more efficiently.

Best way to structure a site with media to keep it separate from the base code. ( Opinion based )

I've recently have taken a new server under my wing that has an interesting installation of django on it. The previous developer mixed in the media uploads with the static content and in other modules created it's own directory on the root file level of the project. My first reaction to this was general annoyance. ( I'm a huge fan of modular development. ) However after working to 'correct,' it's raised a question.
Even though this question is tagged with django, feel free to post response according to java and
How do you set up your static files? Do you stack everything inside a static directory or do you take the time link each modular independently?
One of my tricks for every django app I start is, in the of said app I put the following.
import os
from django.conf import settings as djsettings
TEMPLATES_DIR = (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'./templates'),)
I don't think your trick is really needed (anymore).
If you use django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader (docs)
you can put a template dir in your app dir and Django will check it for your app-specific templates
And starting with Django 1.3 you can use the staticfiles app to do something similar with all your static media files. Check the docs for the staticfiles-finders
So finally, thanks to the collectstatic management command, you're now able to keep your static media files modularized (for easier development and distribution), yet you still can bundle them at a centralized place once it is time to deploy and serve your project.
Right now I'm in the habit of putting a static folder in each app directory containing its static files. I keep templates in each app directory under templates. I alias the static path when putting the app behind nginx or apache.
One thing that I'm starting to do more of is putting static files such as javascript, css, or images behind a CDN like S3.
