How to create referenceable label node above section in sphinx - python

I am creating a custom directive in sphinx.
This directive lists all possible objects (each one in separate section).
Now I would like those objects to be referenceable from other parts (files) of documentation.
I was trying to do something very simple like:
class MyDirective(Directive):
def run(self, obj):
id1 = 'object-unique-id1'
id2 = 'object-unique-id2'
label = nodes.label('abc1', refid=id1)
section = nodes.section(ids=[id2])
section += nodes.title(text='abc')
section += label
return [section]
but it doesn't allow me to reference to this section neither by :ref:object-unique-id1, :ref:object-unique-id2 nor :ref:abc.
So my question is: How to create node that can be referenced ?

Adding a target immediately before the section appears to work. Something like:
class MyDirective(Directive):
def run(self, obj):
titleTxt = 'abc'
lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
target =
section = nodes.section()
# titleTxt appears to need to be same as the section's title text
self.state.add_target(titleTxt, '', target, lineno)
section += nodes.title(titleTxt, '')
return [target, section]
Note the call to self.state.add_target.
Somewhere later in the build the target is magically created and should be able to refer to your section with
anywhere in your project.


Cant edit parent class method, how do I get access to parent method variables in python?

I'm new to python and OOP but I have tried to find a solution to this for too long now.
So I have two files, and The file is from an external package and is in my local directory. The file is in my project and uses the file.
I need some extra functionality in the file, but want to add it only in my project file
This is the file:
class KML(object):
_features = []
ns = None
def __init__(self, ns=None):
self._features = []
self.ns = config.KMLNS if ns is None else ns
def from_string(self, xml_string):
"""create a KML object from a xml string"""
if config.LXML:
element = etree.fromstring(
xml_string, parser=etree.XMLParser(huge_tree=True, recover=True)
element = etree.XML(xml_string)
if not element.tag.endswith("kml"):
raise TypeError
ns = element.tag.rstrip("kml")
documents = element.findall("%sDocument" % ns)
for document in documents:
feature = Document(ns)
folders = element.findall("%sFolder" % ns)
for folder in folders:
feature = Folder(ns)
placemarks = element.findall("%sPlacemark" % ns)
for placemark in placemarks:
feature = Placemark(ns)
And this is the file:
class KMLReader(KML):
def from_string(self, xml_string):
super(KMLReader, self).from_string(xml_string)
documents = element.findall("%sDocument" % ns)
for document in documents:
feature = DocExtend(ns)
So basically I want "feature = Document(ns)" to become "feature = DocExtend(ns)"
The problem I am having is that in the "element" and "ns" is not defined. And they depend on other local imports in the file. So I would need to get access to them by inheriting them from the KML class, but I don't know how when they are within the class method?
This is my first post so please let me know if something is unclear

How to Parse YAML Using PyYAML if there are '!' within the YAML

I have a YAML file that I'd like to parse the description variable only; however, I know that the exclamation points in my CloudFormation template (YAML file) are giving PyYAML trouble.
I am receiving the following error:
yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag '!Equals'
The file has many !Ref and !Equals. How can I ignore these constructors and get a specific variable I'm looking for -- in this case, the description variable.
If you have to deal with a YAML document with multiple different tags, and
are only interested in a subset of them, you should still
handle them all. If the elements you are intersted in are nested
within other tagged constructs you at least need to handle all of the "enclosing" tags
There is however no need to handle all of the tags individually, you
can write a constructor routine that can handle mappings, sequences
and scalars register that to PyYAML's SafeLoader using:
import yaml
inp = """\
Type: !Join [ "::", [AWS, EC2, EIP] ]
InstanceId: !Ref MyEC2Instance
description = []
def any_constructor(loader, tag_suffix, node):
if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
return loader.construct_mapping(node)
if isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode):
return loader.construct_sequence(node)
return loader.construct_scalar(node)
yaml.add_multi_constructor('', any_constructor, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
data = yaml.safe_load(inp)
which gives:
{'MyEIP': {'Type': ['::', ['AWS', 'EC2', 'EIP']], 'Properties': {'InstanceId': 'MyEC2Instance'}}}
(inp can also be a file opened for reading).
As you see above will also continue to work if an unexpected !Join tag shows up in your code,
as well as any other tag like !Equal. The tags are just dropped.
Since there are no variables in YAML, it is a bit of guesswork what
you mean by "like to parse the description variable only". If that has
an explicit tag (e.g. !Description), you can filter out the values by adding 2-3 lines
to the any_constructor, by matching the tag_suffix parameter.
if tag_suffix == u'!Description':
It is however more likely that there is some key in a mapping that is a scalar description,
and that you are interested in the value associated with that key.
if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
d = loader.construct_mapping(node)
for k in d:
if k == 'description':
return d
If you know the exact position in the data hierarchy, You can of
course also walk the data structure and extract anything you need
based on keys or list positions. Especially in that case you'd be better of
using my ruamel.yaml, was this can load tagged YAML in round-trip mode without
extra effort (assuming the above inp):
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
with YAML() as yaml:
data = yaml.load(inp)
You can define a custom constructors using a custom yaml.SafeLoader
import yaml
doc = '''
CreateNewSecurityGroup: !Equals [!Ref ExistingSecurityGroup, NONE]
class Equals(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __repr__(self):
return "Equals(%s)" %
class Ref(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __repr__(self):
return "Ref(%s)" %
def create_equals(loader,node):
value = loader.construct_sequence(node)
return Equals(value)
def create_ref(loader,node):
value = loader.construct_scalar(node)
return Ref(value)
class Loader(yaml.SafeLoader):
yaml.add_constructor(u'!Equals', create_equals, Loader)
yaml.add_constructor(u'!Ref', create_ref, Loader)
a = yaml.load(doc, Loader)
{'Conditions': {'CreateNewSecurityGroup': Equals([Ref(ExistingSecurityGroup), 'NONE'])}}

Plone: Change default schemata of a content type

I am using the Products.FacultyStaffDirectory product to manage contacts in my website.
One of the content types, i.e. FacultyStaffDirectory, has the description field in the 'categorization' tab when you are in edit mode. Now I need to remove the description field and put it in the default tab.
To do this, I'm using archetypes.schemaextender product to edit the field. In particular, I am using ISchemaModifier.
I have implemented the code but the field is still being shown in the categorization tab. May be something I missed. Below is the code:
This is the class that contains the description field that I want to modify:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = """WebLion <>"""
__docformat__ = 'plaintext'
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.Archetypes.atapi import *
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.interfaces.facultystaffdirectory import IFacultyStaffDirectory
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.config import *
from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View, ManageUsers
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ATContentTypes.content.base import ATCTContent
from Products.ATContentTypes.content.schemata import ATContentTypeSchema, finalizeATCTSchema
from import IPropertiesProvider
from Products.membrane.utils import getFilteredValidRolesForPortal
from Acquisition import aq_inner, aq_parent
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory import FSDMessageFactory as _
schema = ATContentTypeSchema.copy() + Schema((
default = ['Member'],
label=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_label_FacultyStaffDirectoryRoles", default=u"Roles"),
description=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_description_FacultyStaffDirectoryRoles", default=u"The roles all people in this directory will be granted site-wide"),
label=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_label_personClassificationViewThumbnailWidth", default=u"Width for thumbnails in classification view"),
description=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_description_personClassificationViewThumbnailWidth", default=u"Show all person thumbnails with a fixed width (in pixels) within the classification view"),
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema = OrderedBaseFolderSchema.copy() + schema.copy() # + on Schemas does only a shallow copy
finalizeATCTSchema(FacultyStaffDirectory_schema, folderish=True)
class FacultyStaffDirectory(OrderedBaseFolder, ATCTContent):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
implements(IFacultyStaffDirectory, IPropertiesProvider)
meta_type = portal_type = 'FSDFacultyStaffDirectory'
# Make this permission show up on every containery object in the Zope instance. This is a Good Thing, because it easy to factor up permissions. The Zope Developer's Guide says to put this here, not in the install procedure ( This is because it isn't "sticky", in the sense of being persisted through the ZODB. Thus, it has to run every time Zope starts up. Thus, when you uninstall the product, the permission doesn't stop showing up, but when you actually remove it from the Products folder, it does.
security.setPermissionDefault('FacultyStaffDirectory: Add or Remove People', ['Manager', 'Owner'])
# moved schema setting after finalizeATCTSchema, so the order of the fieldsets
# is preserved. Also after updateActions is called since it seems to overwrite the schema changes.
# Move the description field, but not in Plone 2.5 since it's already in the metadata tab. Although,
# decription and relateditems are occasionally showing up in the "default" schemata. Move them
# to "metadata" just to be safe.
if 'categorization' in FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.getSchemataNames():
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.changeSchemataForField('description', 'categorization')
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.changeSchemataForField('description', 'metadata')
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.changeSchemataForField('relatedItems', 'metadata')
_at_rename_after_creation = True
schema = FacultyStaffDirectory_schema
# Methods
def at_post_create_script(self):
"""Actions to perform after a FacultyStaffDirectory is added to a Plone site"""
# Create some default contents
# Create some base classifications
self.invokeFactory('FSDClassification', id='faculty', title='Faculty')
self.invokeFactory('FSDClassification', id='staff', title='Staff')
self.invokeFactory('FSDClassification', id='grad-students', title='Graduate Students')
# Create a committees folder
self.invokeFactory('FSDCommitteesFolder', id='committees', title='Committees')
# Create a specialties folder
self.invokeFactory('FSDSpecialtiesFolder', id='specialties', title='Specialties')
security.declareProtected(View, 'getDirectoryRoot')
def getDirectoryRoot(self):
"""Return the current FSD object through acquisition."""
return self
security.declareProtected(View, 'getClassifications')
def getClassifications(self):
"""Return the classifications (in brains form) within this FacultyStaffDirectory."""
portal_catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
return portal_catalog(path='/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()), portal_type='FSDClassification', depth=1, sort_on='getObjPositionInParent')
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSpecialtiesFolder')
def getSpecialtiesFolder(self):
"""Return a random SpecialtiesFolder contained in this FacultyStaffDirectory.
If none exists, return None."""
specialtiesFolders = self.getFolderContents({'portal_type': 'FSDSpecialtiesFolder'})
if specialtiesFolders:
return specialtiesFolders[0].getObject()
return None
security.declareProtected(View, 'getPeople')
def getPeople(self):
"""Return a list of people contained within this FacultyStaffDirectory."""
portal_catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
results = portal_catalog(path='/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()), portal_type='FSDPerson', depth=1)
return [brain.getObject() for brain in results]
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSortedPeople')
def getSortedPeople(self):
""" Return a list of people, sorted by SortableName
people = self.getPeople()
return sorted(people, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.getSortableName(), y.getSortableName()))
security.declareProtected(View, 'getDepartments')
def getDepartments(self):
"""Return a list of FSDDepartments contained within this site."""
portal_catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
results = portal_catalog(portal_type='FSDDepartment')
return [brain.getObject() for brain in results]
security.declareProtected(View, 'getAddableInterfaceSubscribers')
def getAddableInterfaceSubscribers():
"""Return a list of (names of) content types marked as addable using the
IFacultyStaffDirectoryAddable interface."""
return [type['name'] for type in listTypes() if IFacultyStaffDirectoryAddable.implementedBy(type['klass'])]
def getRoleSet(self):
"""Get the roles vocabulary to use."""
portal_roles = getFilteredValidRolesForPortal(self)
allowed_roles = [r for r in portal_roles if r not in INVALID_ROLES]
return allowed_roles
# Validators
def validate_id(self, value):
"""Ensure the id is unique, also among groups globally."""
if value != self.getId():
parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
if value in parent.objectIds():
return _(u"An object with id '%s' already exists in this folder") % value
groups = getToolByName(self, 'portal_groups')
if groups.getGroupById(value) is not None:
return _(u"A group with id '%s' already exists in the portal") % value
registerType(FacultyStaffDirectory, PROJECTNAME)
Below is the portion of code from the class that I have implemented to change the description field's schemata:
from Products.Archetypes.public import ImageField, ImageWidget, StringField, StringWidget, SelectionWidget, TextField, RichWidget
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.interfaces.facultystaffdirectory import IFacultyStaffDirectory
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
from archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces import ISchemaModifier, ISchemaExtender, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender
from apkn.templates.interfaces import ITemplatesLayer
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
class _ExtensionImageField(ExtensionField, ImageField): pass
class _ExtensionStringField(ExtensionField, StringField): pass
class _ExtensionTextField(ExtensionField, TextField): pass
class FacultyStaffDirectoryExtender(object):
Adapter to add description field to a FacultyStaffDirectory.
implements(ISchemaModifier, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender)
layer = ITemplatesLayer
fields = [
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def getFields(self):
return self.fields
def fiddle(self, schema):
desc_field = schema['description'].copy()
desc_field.schemata = "default"
schema['description'] = desc_field
And here is the code from my configure.zcml:
Is there something that I'm missing in this?
def fiddle(self, schema):
schema['description'].schemata = 'default'
should be sufficient. The copy() operation does not make any sense here.
In order to check if the fiddle() method is actually used: use pdb or add debug print statements.
It turns out that there was nothing wrong with the code.
I got it to work by doing the following:
Restarted the plone website
Re-installed the product
Clear and rebuilt my catalog
This got it working somehow.

Python OOP Project Organization

I'm a bit new to Python dev -- I'm creating a larger project for some web scraping. I want to approach this as "Pythonically" as possible, and would appreciate some help with the project structure. Here's how I'm doing it now:
Basically, I have a base class for an object whose purpose is to go to a website and parse some specific data on it into its own array, jobs[]
class minion:
# Empty getJobs() function to be defined by object pre-instantiation
def getJobs(self):
# Constructor for a minion that requires site authorization
# Ex: minCity1 = minion('', 'user', 'password')
# or minCity2 = minion('')
def __init__(self, title, URL, user='', password=''):
self.title = title
self.URL = URL
self.user = user
self.password = password = []
if (user == '' and password == ''):
self.reqAuth = 0
self.reqAuth = 1
def displayjobs(self):
for j in
I'm going to have about 100 different data sources. The way I'm doing it now is to just create a separate module for each "Minion", which defines (and binds) a more tailored getJobs() function for that object
from minion import minion
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
from job import job
minTitle = 'Some city'
minURL = ''
# Here we define a function that will be bound to this object's getJobs function
def getJobs(self):
page = urllib2.urlopen(self.URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
# For each row
for tr in soup.findAll('tr'):
tJob = job()
span = tr.findAll(['span', 'class="content"'])
# If row has 5 spans, pull data from span 2 and 3 ( [1] and [2] )
if len(span) == 5:
tJob.title = span[1].a.renderContents()
tJob.client = 'Some City'
tJob.source = minURL
tJob.due = span[2].div.renderContents().replace('<br />', '')
# Don't forget to bind the function to the object!
minion.getJobs = getJobs
# Instantiate the object
mCity1 = minion(minTitle, minURL)
I also have a separate module which simply contains a list of all the instantiated minion objects (which I have to update each time I add one):
from minion_City1 import mCity1
from minion_City2 import mCity2
from minion_City3 import mCity3
from minion_City4 import mCity4
minionList = [mCity1,
mCity4] references minionList for all of its activities for manipulating the aggregated data.
This seems a bit chaotic to me, and was hoping someone might be able to outline a more Pythonic approach.
Thank you, and sorry for the long post!
Instead of creating functions and assigning them to objects (or whatever minion is, I'm not really sure), you should definitely use classes instead. Then you'll have one class for each of your data sources.
If you want, you can even have these classes inherit from a common base class, but that isn't absolutely necessary.

How can I generate RSS with arbitrary tags and enclosures

Right now, I'm using PyRSS2Gen to generate an RSS document (resyndicating a modification of an rss feed that was parsed with feedparser), but I can't figure out how to add uncommon tags to the item.
items = [
title = x.title,
link =,
description = x.summary,
guid =,
pubDate = datetime(
for x in parsed_feed.entries]
rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(
title = "Resyndicator",
link = parsed_feed['feed'].get("link"),
description = "etc",
language = parsed_feed['feed'].get("language"),
copyright = parsed_feed['feed'].get("copyright"),
managingEditor = parsed_feed['feed'].get("managingEditor"),
webMaster = parsed_feed['feed'].get("webMaster"),
pubDate = parsed_feed['feed'].get("pubDate"),
lastBuildDate = parsed_feed['feed'].get("lastBuildDate"),
categories = parsed_feed['feed'].get("categories"),
generator = parsed_feed['feed'].get("generator"),
docs = parsed_feed['feed'].get("docs"),
items = items
The original feed has a <show_id></show_id> tag, as well as an enclosure
<enclosure url="" length="10" type="" /> and I need to include that in the generated version as well.
There are two ways. First, you could change the code directly. Edit 'publish' and put whatever you want wherever you want it.
But if you want to take the suggestion from the documentation, derive from RSS2 and implement your own publish_extensions, like this:
class YourRSS2Item(PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem):
def publish_extensions(self, handler):
'handler' follows the SAX2 API (start_element, characters, end_element).
And as for making an enclosure, use the Enclosure class, as in
item = RSSItem( .... enclosure = Enclosure("", 10, ""), ...)
The documentation explains:
To add your
own attributes (needed for namespace
declarations), redefine
element_attrs or rss_attrs in your
subclass [of RSS and RSSData].
That's the whole point about subclassing, isn't it? :)
