I am attempting to "replaceDataSource" with our new sde path. I am using v2.7 in Arc10.2. We have multiple direct connect path names and one service connect that has changed servers from using Oracle to Sql Server. My code works all the way through the print statements but then I get the error msg "unable to saveACopy, check my privileges". Please let me know if I'm on the right track with putting all of the various connect names into a list and then iterating through them the way I have written. Also, I have attempted every indent on mxd.saveACopy and del mxd but nothing after two weeks has seemed to work so I thought I'd finally ask for some geo geek wisdom!
import arcpy, os, glob
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\kmetivier\Documents\BrokenPaths\Folder5"
for root, subFolders, files in >os.walk(r"C:\Users\kmetivier\Documents\BrokenPaths\Folder5"):
for filename in files:
fullpath = os.path.join(root, filename)
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(fullpath)
if extension.lower() == ".mxd":
print "------------------------------"
print filename
#open the map document
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(fullpath)
#get all the layers
for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd):
#get the source from the layer
if lyr.supports("datasource"):
pathList = ["Database Connections\PWDB.arvada.org.sde","Database >Connections\GIS - PWDB.sde","Database Connections\PROD - GIS.sde","Database Connections\DC >- PROD - GIS.sde","Database Connections\GIS to SDE1.sde"]
print "%s -> %s" % (lyr, pathList[0])
basename, extension = os.path.splitext (pathList[0])
if extension.lower() == ".sde":
datapath = r"Database Connections\GEODATA - GIS.sde"
#overwrite the old path
lyr.replaceDataSource(datapath, "SDE_WORKSPACE", "")
print "replaced " + pathList[0] + " with " + datapath
print "---------finished " + filename
mxd.saveACopy(filename +"_2")
del mxd
for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd):
if lyr.supports("SERVICEPROPERTIES"):
pathList1= r"(PWDB.arvada.org, 5151, {sde1}, {Database_authentication}, >{GDS}, {""}, {save_username_password}, {version}, {save_version_info}"
servProp = lyr.serviceProperties
print "Layer name:" + lyr.name
print "-----------------------------------------------------"
if lyr.serviceProperties["ServiceType"] != "SDE":
print "Service Type: " + servProp.get('ServiceType', 'N/A')
print " URL: " + servProp.get('URL', 'N/A')
print " Connection: " + servProp.get('Connection', 'N/A')
print " Server: " + servProp.get('Server', 'N/A')
print " Cache: " + str(servProp.get('Cache', 'N/A'))
print " User Name: " + servProp.get('UserName', 'N/A')
print " Password: " + servProp.get('Password', 'N/A')
print ""
if extension.lower() == ".sde":
#This is the NEW SOURCE that you want to point to
datapath1 = r"Database Connections\GEODATA - GIS.sde"
#replace the old path wih the new
lyr.replaceDataSource(pathList1, "SDE_WORKSPACE", "")
print "replaced " + pathList1 + " with " + datapath1
print "finished " + filename
mxd.saveACopy(filename +"_2")
print "Service Type: " + servProp.get('ServiceType', 'N/A')
print " Database: " + servProp.get('Database', 'N/A')
print " Server: " + servProp.get('Server', 'N/A')
print " Service: " + servProp.get('Instance', 'N/A')
print " Version: " + servProp.get('Version', 'N/A')
print " User name: " + servProp.get('UserName', 'N/A')
print " Authentication: " + servProp.get('AuthenticationMode', >'N/A')
print ""
del mxd>>
Hi I am having trouble attaching flask uploads to Outlook,
I need to attach uploads from flask to outlook.
''' f = rq.files['filesattach']
msg.HTMLBody = str("<br> <br>Hi, the follow data are attached to this email <br>").title() + "\n \n" + "<br> Date Request Sent to Permit Coordinator: " + dateReq + "\n" + "<br>WO #: "+ wo+ " \n" + "<br>Date Needed: " + dateNeed + "\n" +"<br>SR: "+ sr + "\n" + "<br>TCF: " +tcf + "\n" + "<br>Munplicity: "+ mun + "\n" + "<br>Political Sub: " + polSub + "\n" + '<br>Address: '+ address + "\n" + '<br>Cross Street: ' + cross + "\n" + '<br>Description: '+ desc + "\n" + "<br>Permit Type: " + permitType
msg.Subject = "WO " + wo +" "+ permitType+" "+"Permit Form"
shell.SendKeys("%s", 0)
saved = f.save(secure_filename(f.filename))
return "Message sent"
return render_template(permitForm)'''
uploaded_files = rq.files.getlist("filesattach")
for i in uploaded_files:
file = os.path.realpath(str(i.filename))
I'm using a working script built in python 3 that reads an excel file. Using the input, it figures out which VIP (Virtual IP) subnet I should use and which F5 load balancer the VIP should be matched with, and then spits out the cli commands needed to configure on the load balancer as another file. I want to know if it's possible to add a basic GUI to this using the code I have below. Based on that, it will create a file on my desktop with the commands I need to configure taken from the excel file and input given. If the information is blank within excel it will prompt and ask you. An edited example of a simple working script that runs is shown below:
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress, IPSet
import os
import glob
import shutil
def createfolder(directory):
if not os.path.exists(directory):
except OSError:
print('Error: Creating directory. ' + directory)
global options
global member
global lb_mode
global pool_member1
global pool_member2
global pool_member3
global pool_member4
global cert
global iRule1
global iRule2
global rules
global one_connect
global http_profile
global primary_persist
global fallback_persist
global snat
global rule_member_1
global rule_member_2
global rule_member_3
global irules
global profiles
global loadbalancer
global subnet
global ssl_profile_name
global ssl_config
x = datetime.datetime.now()
change_order = input("What is the change order for this VIP? ")
lbarf_file = str(input("Enter the full path of the LBARF form. ").strip('\"'))
description = "description " + change_order
df = pd.read_excel(lbarf_file)
# Info pulled from the LBARF
service_port_input = str(df.iloc[13, 2])
http_profile_input = df.iloc[33, 2]
primary_persist_input = df.iloc[34, 2]
fallback_persist_input = df.iloc[35, 2]
iRule1_input = df.iloc[42, 2]
iRule2_input = df.iloc[43, 2]
snat_input = df.iloc[47, 2]
one_connect_input = df.iloc[48, 2]
fqdn = str(df.iloc[12, 2]).lower()
member1 = str(df.iloc[19, 2])
member2 = str(df.iloc[20, 2])
member3 = str(df.iloc[21, 2])
member4 = str(df.iloc[22, 2])
pool_port1 = str(df.iloc[19, 4])
pool_port2 = str(df.iloc[20, 4])
pool_port3 = str(df.iloc[21, 4])
pool_port4 = str(df.iloc[22, 4])
lb_mode_input = df.iloc[32, 2]
pool_name = str(fqdn + "-" + pool_port1)
monitor_input = df.iloc[36, 2]
# Pool builder
if member1 == "nan":
pool_member1 = ""
elif member1 != "nan":
pool_member1 = member1 + ":" + pool_port1 + " "
if member2 == "nan":
pool_member2 = ""
elif member2 != "nan":
pool_member2 = member2 + ":" + pool_port2 + " "
if member3 == "nan":
pool_member3 = ""
elif member3 != "nan":
pool_member3 = member3 + ":" + pool_port3 + " "
if member4 == "nan":
pool_member4 = ""
elif member4 != "nan":
pool_member4 = member4 + ":" + pool_port4 + " "
if lb_mode_input == "Round Robin":
lb_mode = "load-balancing-mode round-robin "
elif lb_mode_input == "Least connections":
lb_mode = "load-balancing-mode least-connections-node "
elif lb_mode_input == "Observed":
lb_mode = "load-balancing-mode observed-node "
if monitor_input == "TCP":
monitor = "monitor tcp "
elif monitor_input == "TCP 30 seconds":
monitor = "monitor tcp-30 "
elif monitor_input == "Self-Service":
monitor = "monitor self-service "
elif monitor_input == "None":
monitor = ""
monitor = " monitor " + input("Please enter the health monitor name: ") + " "
member = IPAddress(member1)
# Lists for each LB pair containing the node subnets.
loadbalancer1_node_IPs = IPSet([IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork('')])
loadbalancer2_node_IPs = IPSet([IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork('')])
# Provides the LB the VIP is to be built on based on node IP address.
if IPAddress(member) in loadbalancer1_node_IPs:
loadbalancer = "The LB pair you need to build this VIP on is loadbalancer1_node_IPs"
subnet = "You need a VIP ip from subnet,, or"
elif IPAddress(member) in loadbalancer2_node_IPs:
loadbalancer = "The LB pair you need to build this VIP on is loadbalancer2_node_IPs"
subnet = "You need a VIP ip from subnet,, or"
vip_ip_input = IPAddress(input("Which VIP IP did you choose? "))
vip_ip = str(vip_ip_input) + str(":") + str(service_port_input)
ip = str(vip_ip_input)
if iRule1_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
iRule1 = "_sys_https_redirect "
elif iRule1_input == "x-Forwarding":
iRule1 = "x-forwarding "
iRule1 = ""
if iRule2_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
iRule2 = "_sys_https_redirect "
elif iRule2_input == "x-Forwarding":
iRule2 = "x-forwarding "
iRule2 = ""
if snat_input == "Auto Map":
snat = "snat automap "
snat = ""
if one_connect_input == "oneconnect":
one_connect = "oneconnect "
one_connect = ""
if http_profile_input == "http":
http_profile = "http "
http_profile = ""
if primary_persist_input == "Source Addr":
primary_persist = " persist replace-all-with { source_addr } "
elif primary_persist_input == "Dest Addr":
primary_persist = " persist replace-all-with { dest_addr } "
elif primary_persist_input == "Cookie":
primary_persist = " persist replace-all-with { cookie } "
primary_persist = ""
if fallback_persist_input == "Source Addr":
fallback_persist = " fallback-persistence source_addr "
elif fallback_persist_input == "Dest Addr":
fallback_persist = " fallback-persistence dest_addr "
elif fallback_persist_input == "Cookie":
fallback_persist = " fallback-persistence cookie "
fallback_persist = ""
folder = r'C:\Users\username\Desktop\LBARF script' + str(change_order)
fh = open(folder + "/" + str(change_order) + ".txt", "w")
fh.write("This program is a test. I assume no responsibility." + "\r" +
"Please verify everything looks correct." + "\r" + "\r" + "This script was run on " +
x.strftime("%x") + " # " + x.strftime("%I") + ":" + x.strftime("%M") + " " + x.strftime("%p") +
" for change order " + change_order + "\r" + "\r" + fqdn + "\r" + ip + "\r" + loadbalancer + "\r" + "\r")
fh.write("create ltm pool " + pool_name + " members add { " + pool_member1 + pool_member2 + pool_member3 +
pool_member4 + " } " + monitor + lb_mode + description + "\r" + "\r")
if service_port_input == "80 and 443":
service_port_input = "80"
if service_port_input == "80":
if iRule1_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
port_80_redirect_vip = ("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-80 destination " + ip +
":80 profiles add { http } snat automap rules { _sys_https_redirect } "
+ description + "\r" + "\r")
print("Port 80 VIP is complete, We will now move on to the 443 VIP")
service_port_input = "443"
irules = "rules { " + iRule2 + " } "
elif iRule2_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
port_80_redirect_vip = ("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-80 destination " + ip +
":80 profiles add { http } snat automap rules { _sys_https_redirect } "
+ description + "\r" + "\r")
print("Port 80 VIP is complete, We will now move on to the 443 VIP")
service_port_input = "443"
irules = "rules { " + iRule2 + " } "
vip_build = ("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-" + service_port_input + " destination " + ip + ":" +
service_port_input + " pool " + pool_name + " profiles add { " + http_profile + " } " +
primary_persist + fallback_persist + description + "\r" + "\r")
service_port_input = "443"
if iRule1.__contains__("sys"):
rules = "rules { " + iRule2 + " } "
elif iRule2.__contains__("sys"):
rules = "rules { " + iRule1 + " } "
rules = "rules { " + iRule1 + iRule2 + " } "
if service_port_input == "443":
ssl_profile_input = input("Will you be applying an SSL profile? y or n: ").lower()
if ssl_profile_input.__contains__("y"):
cert = input("Installing a cert? y or n: ").lower()
if cert.__contains__("y"):
ssl_profile_name = fqdn + "-clientssl"
upload_name = fqdn + "-" + x.strftime("%Y")
print("**** SSL PROFILE CONFIG *****")
print("**** Upload Cert/Key to " + loadbalancer + " with the name of " + upload_name)
ssl_cert = fqdn + "-" + x.strftime("%Y") + ".crt "
ssl_key = fqdn + "-" + x.strftime("%Y") + ".key "
chain_input = input("Will a chain be applied? y or n: ").lower()
if chain_input.__contains__("y"):
chain = " chain " + input("What is the name of the chain? ")
chain = ""
ciphers_input = input("Will ciphers be applied? ").lower()
if ciphers_input.__contains__("y"):
ciphers = "ciphers " + input("Enter Ciphers here: ")
ciphers = ""
ssl_config = ("create ltm profile client-ssl " + ssl_profile_name + " cert " + ssl_cert + " key " +
ssl_key + ciphers + " " + chain + description + "\r" + "\r")
ssl_profile_name = input("What is the SSL profile name? ")
ssl_profile_name = ""
cert = ""
key = ""
chain = ""
ciphers = ""
ssl_config = ""
ssl_profile_name = ""
cert = ""
key = ""
chain = ""
ciphers = ""
ssl_config = ""
profile = "profiles add { " + one_connect + http_profile + ssl_profile_name + " } "
if profile == "profiles add { } ":
profiles = ""
profiles = ("profiles add { " + one_connect + http_profile + ssl_profile_name + " } ")
options = (profiles + snat + primary_persist + fallback_persist + rules + description)
if cert.__contains__("y"):
fh.write("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-" + service_port_input + " destination " + ip + ":" + service_port_input +
" pool " + pool_name + " " + options + "\r" + "\r")
key_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.key'
crt_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.crt'
cer_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.cer'
pem_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.pem'
pfx_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.pfx'
filelist = glob.glob(key_files)
for single_file in filelist:
shutil.move(single_file, folder)
filelist = glob.glob(crt_files)
for single_file in filelist:
shutil.move(single_file, folder)
filelist = glob.glob(cer_files)
for single_file in filelist:
shutil.move(single_file, folder)
filelist = glob.glob(pem_files)
for single_file in filelist:
shutil.move(single_file, folder)
filelist = glob.glob(pfx_files)
for single_file in filelist:
shutil.move(single_file, folder)
# os.rename(lbarf_file, 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/' + change_order + ".xlsx")
shutil.move(lbarf_file, folder)
print("The CLI commands for this VIP are located at " + folder)
exit(input("Press Enter to exit."))
It was suggested to me to put the script as a function and import it to the code for the GUI which I did and named it vipTest. Next I imported it to PySimpleGUI I am using to create a simple form with here:
import vipTest
import PySimpleGUI as sg
# Very basic form. Return values as a list
form = sg.FlexForm('VIP Builder') # begin with a blank form
layout = [
[sg.Text('Please enter the information below')],
[sg.Text('What is the change order for this VIP?: ', size=(30, 1)), sg.InputText('change #')],
[sg.Text('Enter the full path of the LBARF form: ', size=(30, 1)), sg.InputText('location path')],
[sg.Text('Which VIP IP did you choose?: ', size=(30, 1)), sg.InputText('ip address of vip')],
[sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]
lbarf_file, folder = vipTest.createfolder(directory)
button, values = form.Layout(layout).Read()
I am having trouble getting an output from the GUI of the results. When I run this program in PyCharm the GUI does not open and script runs in the console. Even if I can get the GUI to work with a specific example, I am concerned I might need to have the GUI add a text field each time the information in the excel file is blank. I would like to ultimately like to display the config commands from the gui but am not getting anywhere with it as is. Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
with pysftp.Connection(ipaddr, username="uname", password="pass", cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:
sftp.put(uploc + ufile, "/home/pi/PIFTP/dloads/" + ufile)
checkfile = ("/home/pi/PIFTP/dloads/" + ufile)
chfile = pysftp.Connection.isfile(checkfile)
if chfile == True:
print (Style.BRIGHT + "[" + Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Fore.WHITE + "] ")
print (Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + ipaddr + " is unacsessible")
As you can see I'm trying to check a file that is just uploaded. In this case "/home/pi/PIFTP/dloads/" + ufile is file's remote download path. What am I missing? Thanks.
Also file arrives before error.
You'll need to use the Connection instance sftp you have, not the class.
chfile = sftp.isfile(checkfile)
I'm new at exporting data, I research all over the net but it was really hard for me to understand, can someone help me to know the basic about it.
This is my main problem: I want to download a specific data from mysql base on the date range I choose in my client, then when I click the download button, I want these data from mysql to be save in my computer together the user have the option to save it as CSV/Excel, I'm using python for my webservice. Thank you
This is my code right know in my webservice:
#api.route('/export_file/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def export_file():
if request.method == 'POST':
selectAttendance = """SELECT * FROM attendance"""
f = csv.writer(open("file.csv", "w"))
for row in selectAttendance:
return jsonify({'success': True})
In general:
Set the mime header "Content-Type" part of the http header to the corresponding MIME-Type matching your data.
This tells the browser what type of data the webserver is going to send.
Send the actual data in the 'body'
With flask:
Forcing application/json MIME type in a view (Flask)
def get(self):
now = datetime.now() # current date and time
year = now.strftime("%Y")
month = now.strftime("%m")
day = now.strftime("%d")
time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
date_time = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H:%M:%S")
print ("checking for databases names file.")
if os.path.exists(DB_NAME):
file1 = open(DB_NAME)
multi = 1
print ("Databases file found...")
print ("Starting backup of all dbs listed in file " + DB_NAME)
print ("Databases file not found...")
print ("Starting backup of database " + DB_NAME)
multi = 0
if multi:
in_file = open(DB_NAME,"r")
flength = len(in_file.readlines())
p = 1
dbfile = open(DB_NAME,"r")
while p <= flength:
db = dbfile.readline() # reading database name from file
db = db[:-1] # deletes extra line
dumpcmd = "mysqldump -h " + DB_HOST + " -u " + DB_USER + " -p" + DB_USER_PASSWORD + " " + db + " > " + pipes.quote(TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"
gzipcmd = "gzip " + pipes.quote(TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"
p = p + 1
db = DB_NAME
dumpcmd = "mysqldump -h " + DB_HOST + " -u " + DB_USER + " -p" + DB_USER_PASSWORD + " " + db + " > " + pipes.quote(TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"
gzipcmd = "gzip " + pipes.quote(TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"
# t = ("Your backups have been created in '" + TODAYBACKUPPATH + "' directory")
return "Your Folder have been created in '" + TODAYBACKUPPATH + "'."
I'm working on some Python code to automate github merge requests.
I found the following code below. When I run this, I get TypeError: string indices must be integers.
I've found several threads on here refrencing this error, but I'm not quit sure how to implement the fixes in the code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import requests
import datetime
OAUTH_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
repos = ['my_app'] # Add all repo's you want to automerged here
ignore_branches = ['master', 'release', 'staging', 'development'] # Add 'master' here if you don't want to automerge into master
# Print merge/no-merge message to logfile
def print_message(merging):
if merging == True:
message = "Merging: "
message = "Not merging: "
print message + str(pr_id) + " - " + user + " wants to merge " + head_ref + " into " + base_ref
# Merge the actual pull request
def merge_pr():
r = requests.put("https://api.github.com/repos/:owner/%s/pulls/%d/merge"%(repo,pr_id,),
data=json.dumps({"commit_message": "Auto_Merge"}),
auth=('token', OAUTH_KEY))
if "merged" in r.json() and r.json()["merged"]==True:
print "Merged: " + r.json()['sha']
print "Failed: " + r.json()['message']
# Main
print datetime.datetime.now()
for repo in repos:
r = requests.get('https://api.github.com/repos/:owner/%s/pulls' % repo, auth=('token', OAUTH_KEY))
data = r.json()
for i in data:
pr_id = i["number"]
if base_ref in ignore_branches:
which line of code is showing a problem?
if it is this line:
message = "Not merging: "
print message + str(pr_id) + " - " + user + " wants to merge " + head_ref + " into " + base_ref'
then try putting this code right below
if merging == True:
message = "Merging: "
elif message == False:
message = "Not merging: "
print message + pr_id + " - " + user + " wants to merge " + head_ref + " into " + base_ref ''