load matlab tables in python using scipy.io.loadmat - python

Is it possible to load matlab tables in python using scipy.io.loadmat?
What I'm doing:
In Matlab:
tab = table((1:500)')
save('tab.mat', 'tab')
In Python:
import scipy.io
mat = scipy.io.loadmat('m:/tab.mat')
But I cannot access the table tab in Python using mat['tab']

The answer to your question is no. Many matlab objects can be loaded in python. Tables, among others, can not be loaded. See Handle Data Returned from MATLAB to Python

The loadmat function doesn't load MATLAB tables. Instead a small workaround can be done. The tables can be saves as .csv files which can then be read using pandas.
writetable(table_name, file_name)
In Python
df = pd.read_csv(file_name)
At the end, the DataFrame df will have the contents of table_name

I've looked into this for a project I'm working on, and as a workaround, you could try the following.
In MATLAB, first convert the #table object into a struct, and retrieve the column names using:
table_struct = struct(table_object);
table_columns = table_struct.varDim.labels;
save table_as_struct table_struct table_columns;
And then you can try the following code in python:
import numpy
import pandas as pd
import scipy.io
# function to load table variable from MAT-file
def loadtablefrommat(matfilename, tablevarname, columnnamesvarname):
read a struct-ified table variable (and column names) from a MAT-file
and return pandas.DataFrame object.
# load file
mat = scipy.io.loadmat(matfilename)
# get table (struct) variable
tvar = mat.get(tablevarname)
data_desc = mat.get(columnnamesvarname)
types = tvar.dtype
fieldnames = types.names
# extract data (from table struct)
data = None
for idx in range(len(fieldnames)):
if fieldnames[idx] == 'data':
data = tvar[0][0][idx]
# get number of columns and rows
numcols = data.shape[1]
numrows = data[0, 0].shape[0]
# and get column headers as a list (array)
data_cols = []
for idx in range(numcols):
data_cols.append(data_desc[0, idx][0])
# create dict out of original table
table_dict = {}
for colidx in range(numcols):
rowvals = []
for rowidx in range(numrows):
rowval = data[0,colidx][rowidx][0]
if type(rowval) == numpy.ndarray and rowval.size > 0:
table_dict[data_cols[colidx]] = rowvals
return pd.DataFrame(table_dict)

Based on Jochens answer i propose a different variant that does a good job for me.
I wrote a Matlab Script to prepare the m-file automatically (see my GitLab Repositroy with examples).
It does the following:
In Matlab for class table:
Does the same like Jochens example, but binds the data together. So it is easier to load multiple variables. The names "table" and "columns" are mandatory for the next part.
YourVariableName = struct('table', struct(TableYouWantToLoad), 'columns', {struct(TableYouWantToLoad).varDim.labels})
save('YourFileName', 'YourVariableName')
In Matlab for class dataset:
Alternative, if you have to handle the old dataset type.
YourVariableName = struct('table', struct(DatasetYouWantToLoad), 'columns', {get(DatasetYouWantToLoad,'VarNames')})
save('YourFileName', 'YourVariableName')
In Python:
import scipy.io as sio
mdata = sio.loadmat('YourFileName')
mtable = load_table_from_struct(mdata['YourVariableName'])
import pandas as pd
def load_table_from_struct(table_structure) -> pd.DataFrame():
# get prepared data structure
data = table_structure[0, 0]['table']['data']
# get prepared column names
data_cols = [name[0] for name in table_structure[0, 0]['columns'][0]]
# create dict out of original table
table_dict = {}
for colidx in range(len(data_cols)):
table_dict[data_cols[colidx]] = [val[0] for val in data[0, 0][0, colidx]]
return pd.DataFrame(table_dict)
It is independent from loading the file, but basically a minimized versions of Jochens Code. So please give him kudos for his post.

As others have mentioned, this is currently not possible, because Matlab has not documented this file format. People are trying to reverse engineer the file format but this is a work in progress.
A workaround is to write the table to CSV format and to load that using Python. The entries in the table can be variable length arrays and these will be split across numbered columns. I have written a short function to load both scalars and arrays from this CSV file.
To write the table to CSV in matlab:
writetable(table_name, filename)
To read the CSV file in Python:
def load_matlab_csv(filename):
"""Read CSV written by matlab tablewrite into DataFrames
Each entry in the table can be a scalar or a variable length array.
If it is a variable length array, then Matlab generates a set of
columns, long enough to hold the longest array. These columns have
the variable name with an index appended.
This function infers which entries are scalars and which are arrays.
Arrays are grouped together and sorted by their index.
Returns: scalar_df, array_df
scalar_df : DataFrame of scalar values from the table
array_df : DataFrame with MultiIndex on columns
The first level is the array name
The second level is the index within that array
# Read the CSV file
tdf = pandas.read_table(filename, sep=',')
cols = list(tdf.columns)
# Figure out which columns correspond to scalars and which to arrays
scalar_cols = [] # scalar column names
arr_cols = [] # array column names, without index
arrname2idxs = {} # dict of array column name to list of integer indices
arrname2colnames = {} # dict of array column name to list of full names
# Iterate over columns
for col in cols:
# If the name ends in "_" plus space plus digits, it's probably
# from an array
if col[-1] in '0123456789' and '_' in col:
# Array col
# Infer the array name and index
colsplit = col.split('_')
arr_idx = int(colsplit[-1])
arr_name = '_'.join(colsplit[:-1])
# Store
if arr_name in arrname2idxs:
arrname2idxs[arr_name] = [arr_idx]
arrname2colnames[arr_name] = [col]
# Scalar col
# Extract all scalar columns
scalar_df = tdf[scalar_cols]
# Extract each set of array columns into its own dataframe
array_df_d = {}
for arrname in arr_cols:
adf = tdf[arrname2colnames[arrname]].copy()
adf.columns = arrname2idxs[arrname]
array_df_d[arrname] = adf
# Concatenate array dataframes
array_df = pandas.concat(array_df_d, axis=1)
return scalar_df, array_df
scalar_df, array_df = load_matlab_csv(filename)


Getting nested cells when using dictionaries in pandas (lasio for .LAS files)

I am using lasio (https://lasio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) to call out data within a .LAS file. It's an oil and gas drilling type file with data in the heading and in the body (called the curve). TL;DR on the lasio docs, but it reads the data as a pandas DataFrame. Hence me using a dictionary to assign the data.
This is an output of a lasio file in notepad:
At the end, I need a file that has the UWI (unique well #), the depth and it's porosity reading.
The UWI is one value but there are multiple values for the depth and porosity. So I need the UWI repeated. To complicate matters, not all of my files have the porosity data so I have had to screen for them too.
My code was going ok until I export it and see that in the csv, the cells are nested. The code reads in the values in a dictionary and I need the UWI duplicated for each depth value.
data = []
df_global = pd.DataFrame(data)
alias = ["DPHI", "DPHI_LS", "DPH8", "DPHZ", "DPHZ_LS", "DPOR_LS", "DPOR", "PORD", "DPHI_SCANNED", "SPHI"]
for filename in all_files:
las = lasio.read(filename)
df = las.df().reset_index()
mnemonic = las.keys()
match = set(alias).intersection(mnemonic)
if len(match) != 0:
DEPT = df["DEPT"]
DPHI2 = df[match]
DPHI = DPHI2.iloc[:,0]
UWI = las.well.UWI.value
df_global = df_global.append({'UWI': UWI, 'DEPTH': DEPT, 'DPHI': DPHI}, ignore_index=True)
df_global.to_csv('las_output.csv', index=False)
This is my output, note the nested rows.
I have tried
df.loc[:,"UWI"] = np.array(las.well.UWI.value*len(df.DEPT))
but the UWI value is just repeated and not put into rows.
You are appending dictionaries to an already-existing DataFrame. Each dictionary contains a variety of types (an integer under the key UWI, and pandas Series under other keys). This is a very general operation, and pandas reacts by converting the Series contained within the dictionary to strings, which is what you are seeing in columns B and C in Excel.
This is also probably not the operation you want to do, which appears to be appending DataFrames (i.e. one per file) to an existing DataFrame (df_global). Pandas does not make this easy for existing DataFrames, for good reason.
This is much simpler if you create a Python list (data) containing DataFrames, then use pandas' concat function to create a single DataFrame as the last step. See below for an example. I have not tested the code, because you didn't include a minimal reproducible example, but hopefully it helps.
data = []
alias = ["DPHI", "DPHI_LS", "DPH8", "DPHZ", "DPHZ_LS", "DPOR_LS", "DPOR", "PORD", "DPHI_SCANNED", "SPHI"]
for filename in all_files:
las = lasio.read(filename)
df = las.df().reset_index()
mnemonic = las.keys()
match = set(alias).intersection(mnemonic)
if len(match) != 0:
columns_to_keep = [las.curves[0].mnemonic] + list(match)
# Assign the single UWI value to a new column called "UWI"
df['UWI'] = las.well.UWI.value
df_final = pd.concat(data, join='outer') # join='outer' means that it will keep all of the different values found from `alias`
df_final.to_csv('las_output.csv', index=False)

Pandas - Overwrite single column with new values, retain additional columns; overwrite original files

Fairly new to python, I have a csv with 2 columns, I need the code to perform a simple calculation on the first column while retaining the information in the second. code currently performs the calculation(albeit only on the first csv in the list, and there are numerous). But I haven't figured out how to overwrite the values in each file while retaining the second column unchanged. I'd like it to save over the original files with the new calculations. Additionally, originals have no header, and pandas automatically assigns a numeric value.
import os
import pandas as pd
def find_csv(topdir, suffix='.csv'):
filenames = os.listdir(topdir)
csv_list = [name for name in filesnames if name.endswith(suffix)
fp_list = []
for csv in csv_list:
fp = os.path.join(topdir, csv)
return fp_list
def wn_to_um(wn):
um = 10000/wn
return um
for f in find_csv('C:/desktop/test'):
readit = pd.read_csv(f, usecols=[0])
convert = wn_to_um(readit)
df = pd.DataFram(convert)
I suppose you just have to do minor changes to your code.
def wn_to_um(wn):
wn.iloc[:,0] = 10000/wn.iloc[:,0] #performing the operation on the first column
return wn
for f in find_csv('C:/desktop/test'):
readit = pd.read_csv(f) #Here read the whole file
convert = wn_to_um(readit) #while performing operation, just call the function with the second column
os.remove(f) #if you want to replace the existing file with the updated calculation, simply delete and write
Say you have a column named 'X' which you want to divide by 10,000. You can store this as X and then divide each element in X like so:
X = df['X']
new_x = [X / 10000 for i in X]
From here, rewriting the column in the dataframe is very simple:
df['X'] = new_x
Just update your second function as:
def wn_to_um(wn):
wn.iloc[:,0] = 10000/wn.iloc[:,0]
return wn

Problem either with number of characters exceeding cell limit, or storing lists of variable length

The problem:
I have lists of genes expressed in 53 different tissues. Originally, this data was stored in a maximal array of the genes, with 'NaN' where there was no expression. I am trying to create new lists for each tissue that just have the genes expressed, as it was very inefficient to be searching through this array every time I was running my script. I have a code that finds the genes for each tissue as required, but I do not know how to store the ouptut.
I was using pandas data frame, and then converting to csv. But this does not accept lists of varying length, unless I put this list as a single item. However, then when I save the data frame to a csv, it tries to squeeze this very long list (all genes exprssed for one tissue) into a single cell. I get an error of the string length exceeding the excel character-per-cell limit.
Therefore I need a way of either dealing with this limit, or stroing my lists in a different way. I would rather just have one file for all lists.
My code:
import csv
import pandas as pd
import math
import numpy as np
#Import list of tissues:
df = pd.read_csv(r'E-MTAB-5214-query-results.tsv', skiprows = [0,1,2,3], sep='\t')
tissuelist = list(tissuedict.keys())[2:]
all_genes = [gene for key,gene in tissuedict['Gene Name'].items()]
data = []
for tissue in tissuelist:
#Create array to keep track of the protein mRnaS in tissue that are not present in the network
#initiate with first tissue, protein
nanInd = [key for key,value in tissuedict[tissue].items() if math.isnan(value)]
tissueExpression = np.delete(all_genes, nanInd)
datatis = [tissue, tissueExpression.tolist()]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Link to data (either one):
IIUC you need lists of the gene names found in each tissue. This writes these lists as columns into a csv:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('E-MTAB-5214-query-results.tsv', skiprows = [0,1,2,3], sep='\t')
df = df.drop(columns='Gene ID').set_index('Gene Name')
res = pd.DataFrame()
for c in df.columns:
res = pd.concat([res, pd.Series(df[c].dropna().index, name=c)], axis=1)
res.to_csv('E-MTAB-5214-query-results.csv', index=False)
(Writing them as rows would have been easier, but Excel can't import so many columns)
Don't open the csv in Excel directly, but use a blank worksheet and import the csv (Data - External data, From text), otherwise you can't separate them into Excel columns in one run (at least in Excel 2010).
create your data variable as a dictionary
you can save the dictionary to a json file using json.dump refer here
import json
data = {}
for tissue in tissuelist:
nanInd = [key for key,value in tissuedict[tissue].items() if math.isnan(value)]
tissueExpression = np.delete(all_genes, nanInd)
data[tissue] = tissueExpression.tolist()
with open('filename.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp)

Read multiple datasets from same Group in h5 file using h5py

I have several groups in my h5 file: 'group1', 'group2', ... and each group has 3 different datasets: 'dataset1', 'dataset2', 'dataset3', all of which are arrays with numerical values but the size of array is different.
My goal is to save each dataset from group to a numpy array.
import h5py
filename = '../Results/someFileName.h5'
data = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
Now I can easily iterate over all groups with
for i in range(len(data.keys())):
group = list(data.keys())[i]
but I can't figure out how to access the datasets within the group. So I am looking for something like MATLAB:
hinfo = h5info(filename);
for i = 1:length(hinfo.Groups())
datasetname = [hinfo.Groups(i).Name '/dataset1'];
dset = h5read(fn, datasetname);
Where dset is now an array of numbers.
Is there a way I could do the same with h5py?
You are have the right idea.
But, you don't need to loop on range(len(data.keys())).
Just use data.keys(); it generates an iterable list of object names.
Try this:
import h5py
filename = '../Results/someFileName.h5'
data = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
for group in data.keys() :
print (group)
for dset in data[group].keys():
print (dset)
ds_data = data[group][dset] # returns HDF5 dataset object
print (ds_data)
print (ds_data.shape, ds_data.dtype)
arr = data[group][dset][:] # adding [:] returns a numpy array
print (arr.shape, arr.dtype)
print (arr)
Note: logic above is valid ONLY when there are only groups at the top level (no datasets). It does not test object types as groups or data sets.
To avoid these assumptions/limitations, you should investigate .visititems() or write a generator to recursively visit objects. The first 2 answers are examples showing .visititems() usage, and the last 1 uses a generator function:
Use visititems(-function-) to loop recursively
This example uses isinstance() as the test. The object is a Group when it tests true for h5py.Group and is a Dataset when it tests true for h5py.Dataset . I consider this more Pythonic than the second example below (IMHO).
Convert hdf5 to raw organised in folders
It checks for number of objects below the visited object. when there are no subgroups, it is a dataset. And when there subgroups, it is a group.
How can I combine multiple .h5 file? This quesion has multipel answers. This answer uses a generator to merge data from several files with several groups and datasets into a single file.
This method requires that dataset names, 'dataset1', 'dataset2', 'dataset3', etc., be the same in each of the hdf5 groups of one hdf5 file.
# create empty lists
lat = []
lon = []
x = []
y = []
# fill lists creating numpy arrays
h5f = h5py.File('filename.h5', 'r') # read file
for group in h5f.keys(): # iterate through groups
for datasets in h5f[group].keys(): #iterate through datasets
lat = np.append(lat, h5f[group]['lat'][()]) # append data
lon = np.append(lon, h5f[group]['lon'][()])
x = np.append(x, h5f[group]['x'][()])
y = np.append(y, h5f[group]['y'][()])

conditional with value from a particular cell in excel

I am trying to write a following matlab code in python:
function[x,y,z] = Testfunc(filename, newdata, a, b)
sheetname = 'Test1';
data = xlsread(filename, sheetname);
if data(1) == 1
newdata(1,3) = data(2);
newdata(1,4) = data(3);
newdata(1,5) = data(4);
newdata(1,6) = data(5)
It is very long function but this is the part where I am stuck and have no clue at all.
This is what I have written so far in python:
import pandas as pd
def test_func(filepath, newdata, a, b):
data = pd.read_excel(filepath, sheet_name = 'Test1')
if data[0] == 1:
I am stuck here guys and I am also even not sure if the 'if' statement is right or not. I am looking for suggestions and help.
Info: excel sheet has 1 row and 13 columns, newdata is also a 2-D Matrix
Try running that code and printing out your dataframe (print(data)). You will see that a dataframe is different than a MATLAB matrix. read_excel will try to infer your columns, so you will probably have no rows and just columns. To prevent pandas from reading the column use:
data = pd.read_excel(filepath, sheet_name='Test1', header=None)
Accessing data using an index will index that row. So your comparison is trying to find if the row is equal to 1 (which is never true in your case). To index a given cell, you must first index the row. To achieve what you are doing in MATLAB, use the iloc indexer on your dataframe: data.iloc[0,0]. What this does in accesses row 0, element 0. Your code should look like this:
import pandas as pd
def test_func(filepath, newdata, a, b):
data = pd.read_excel(filepath, sheet_name = 'Test1')
if data.iloc[0,0] == 1:
newdata.iloc[0,2:6] = data.iloc[0,1:5]
I suggest you read up on indexing in pandas.
