Python - run two commands at the same time - python

I am new to Python and am having trouble with this piece of code:
while true:
rand = random.choice(number)
enter_word = input("Write something: ")
I want to be able to input words in the console while, at the same time, have random numbers appear in the console. But a new number only appears once I input a word. What is the best way to make both these commands run at the same time?
Do I need to make a thread or is there something simpler I can do?
And if I need to make a thread can you please give a little help on how I would create it?
Thanks in advance

This can be achieved by using the multiprocessing module in python, please find the code below
from multiprocessing import Process,Queue
import random
import time
def printrand():
#Checks whether Queue is empty and runs
while q.empty():
rand = random.choice(range(1,100))
print rand
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Queue is a data structure used to communicate between process
q = Queue()
#creating the process
p = Process(target=printrand)
#starting the process
while True:
ip = raw_input("Write something: ")
#if user enters stop the while loop breaks
if ip=="stop":
#Populating the queue so that printramd can read and quit the loop
#Block the calling thread until the process whose join()
#method is called terminates or until the optional timeout occurs.

To wait for input and to display some random output at the same time, you could use a GUI (something with an event loop):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
from tkinter import E, END, N, S, scrolledtext, Tk, ttk, W
class App:
password = "123456" # the most common password
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.master.title('To stop, type: ' + self.password)
# content frame (padding, etc)
frame = ttk.Frame(master, padding="3 3 3 3")
frame.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S))
# an area where random messages to appear
self.textarea = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(frame)
# an area where the password to be typed
textfield = ttk.Entry(frame)
# put one on top of the other
textfield.grid(row=1, sticky=(E, W))
textfield.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.check_password)
textfield.focus() # put cursor into the entry
def update_textarea(self):
# insert random Unicode codepoint in U+0000-U+FFFF range
character = chr(random.choice(range(0xffff)))
self.textarea.configure(state='normal') # enable insert
self.textarea.insert(END, character)
self.textarea.configure(state='disabled') # disable editing
self.master.after(10, self.update_textarea) # in 10 milliseconds
def check_password(self, event):
if self.password in event.widget.get():
self.master.destroy() # exit GUI

I want to be able to input words in the console while, at the same time, have random numbers appear in the console.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
def print_random(n=10):
print(random.randrange(n)) # print random number in the range(0, n)
stop = call_repeatedly(1, print_random) # print random number every second
while True:
word = raw_input("Write something: ") # ask for input until "quit"
if word == "quit":
stop() # stop printing random numbers
break # quit
where call_repeatedly() is define here.
call_repeatedly() uses a separate thread to call print_random() function repeatedly.

you have to run two concurrent threads at the same time in order to get rid of such blocking. looks like there are two interpreters that run your code and each of them executes particular section of your project.


Periodical interruptions Python

I sumarize my problem through this piece of code. When I end my program by closing the tkinter main window, I need the whole program ends, but the loops goes on executing until the functions is over. I suppose there is a way to force these functions ends too. I think there is a way to detect the program was ended, so I could end the functions.
import threading
import time
from tkinter import *
def loop1_10():
for i in range(1, 11):
def loop1_10_b():
for i in range(1, 11):
MainWindow = Tk()
The other way to handle this is to make the threads "daemons". A daemon thread will be forcibly closed when the app exits; it doesn't block the app.
threading.Thread(target=loop1_10, daemon=True).start()
threading.Thread(target=loop1_10_b, daemon=True).start()
Note that I'm not saying one is better or worse than the other. Each option has its uses.
Add a protocol, WM_DELETE_WINDOW, to your MainWindow, where you use define a function you defined, on_close() that gets called once the tkinter window is closed.
The on_close() function will redefine the global variable end from False into True, and in each for loop, if the end variable's value is True, return out of them:
import threading
import time
from tkinter import *
def loop1_10():
for i in range(1, 11):
if end:
def loop1_10_b():
for i in range(1, 11):
if end:
end = False
def on_closing():
global end
end = True
MainWindow = Tk()
MainWindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing)
But there is still a problem with the above code; if the end = True happened right before the time.sleep() call(s), the last time.sleep()(s) will still make the program wait for a second or two before terminating.
To fix this, use time.time() and a while loop to manually check how much time has passed before continuing each for loop:
import threading
import time
from tkinter import *
def loop1_10():
for i in range(1, 11):
old_time = time.time()
while True:
if end:
if time.time() - old_time < 1:
def loop1_10_b():
for i in range(1, 11):
old_time = time.time()
while True:
if end:
if time.time() - old_time < 2:
end = False
def on_closing():
global end
end = True
MainWindow = Tk()
MainWindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing)
But do note from this comment by #kindall:
use time.time() and a while loop -- don't do this, it'll use up an entire CPU core waiting for the loop to exit. this will not only eat battery unnecessarily, but since Python only uses one CPU core due to the Global Interpreter Lock, it will make the rest of the program sluggish, too

How do I update ipywidget values while running code?

So I want to create a simple UI in Jupyter notebook where:
A counter "number" is incremented every second
If the checkbox "pause" is checked, "number" is not incremented
If the button "trigger" is pressed, "number" is decremented, regardless of pause status
So far I tried a few variants of the code below but it doesn't work; it seems like the widget values aren't updating when running the while loop. Is there a way to fix it or another way to do this? Thanks!
import ipywidgets as widgets
import time
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
btn = widgets.Button(description = "Trigger")
pause = widgets.Checkbox(value = False, description = "Paused?")
number = widgets.Label("0")
wid = widgets.VBox([btn, number, pause])
def triggered(b):
number.value = str(int(number.value) - 1)
while True:
while (pause.value == True):
number.value = str(int(number.value) + 1)
As mentioned by ac24, the trick is to run your counter function in a different thread. You can use the threading library to do that. Below, I defined a function counter and launched it in a different thread. That way, the user is still able to interact with the widgets while the counter function is running.
An important thing to keep in mind is that once you launched your thread there isn't many elegant ways to kill it. This means that it's better to set up a total_duration variable rather than using while True.
See code below:
import ipywidgets as widgets
import time
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import threading
btn = widgets.Button(description = "Trigger")
pause = widgets.Checkbox(value = False, description = "Paused?")
number = widgets.Label("0")
wid = widgets.VBox([btn,number,pause])
def triggered(b):
number.value = str(int(number.value) - 1)
def counter(number,pause,total_duration):
for t in range(total_duration):
if not pause.value:
number.value = str(int(number.value) + 1)
elif pause.value:
thread = threading.Thread(target=counter, args=(number,pause,total_duration,))

Tkinter freezes while trying to read stdout from subprocess

I started a Tkinter application but I'm with problems with buffering. I searched the solution but didn't find it.
Correlated links:
Calling python script with subprocess popen and flushing the data
Python C program subprocess hangs at "for line in iter"
Python subprocess standard output to a variable
As an exemple, this app has two buttons: Start and Stop.
When I press the button Start, the is called as a subprocess and when I press the button Stop the program must be killed.
import time
counter = 0
while counter < 40: # This process will last 10 second maximum
print("counter = %d" % counter)
counter += 1
time.sleep(0.25) # 4 messages/second
While the is running, I want the spammer's output be storage in a variable inside the Tkinter to be used in realtime. But once I try to read the buffer with myprocess.stdout.readline, it stucks and it doesn't continue until the subprocess finish and as consequence for exemple I cannot click on the Stop button.
I read that the function is waiting for EOF to continue, and I tried to use tokens as shown here, and the function that should continue when it finds a or a \n, but it did not work.
The Tkinter exemple is bellow. After I click at the Start button, I instantly see the message Started reading stdout, and after 10 seconds it shows a lot of messages, while I wanted to show every message over time.
import Tkinter as tk
import subprocess
class App:
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.myprocess = None
self.logmessages = []
def createButtons(self):
self.ButtonsFrame = tk.Frame(self.root, width=600, height=400)
self.startbutton = tk.Button(self.ButtonsFrame, text="Start",
self.stopbutton = tk.Button(self.ButtonsFrame, text="Stop",
self.startbutton["state"] = "normal"
self.stopbutton["state"] = "disable"
def __ClickOnStarButton(self):
print("Click on Start Button")
self.startbutton["state"] = "disable"
self.stopbutton["state"] = "normal"
def __ClickOnStopButton(self):
print("Click on Stop Button")
self.startbutton["state"] = "normal"
self.stopbutton["state"] = "disable"
def startProcess(self):
command = "python"
self.myprocess = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)
def killProcess(self):
self.myprocess = None
def timedUpdate(self):
if self.myprocess is not None: # There's a process running
self.getLogText() # Will get the info from
self.treatOutput() # Do whatever we want with the data
root.after(200, self.timedUpdate) # Every 0.2 seconds we will update
def getLogText(self):
if self.myprocess is None: # There's no process running
# The problem is here
print("Started reading stdout")
for line in iter(self.myprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
print(" Inside the loop. line = '%s'" % line)
print("Finished reading stdout")
def treatOutput(self):
# Any function that uses the spammer's output
# it's here just to test
while len(self.logmessages):
line = self.logmessage.pop(0)
line = line.replace("counter = ", "")
mynumber = int(line)
if mynumber % 3:
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
app = App(root)
How can I read the output without getting stuck? I'm still using python 2.7, and I don't know if it's the problem either.

Python Tkinter While Thread

Well i am a bit of newb at python, and i am getting hard to make a thread in Tkinter , as you all know using while in Tkinter makes it Not Responding and the script still running.
def scheduler():
def wait():
Hours = ScheduleTest()
if len(Hours) == 0:
print("You need to write Hours, Example: 13:30,20:07")
if len(Hours) > 0:
print("Scheduled: ", str(Hours))
if len(Hours) == 1:
print("Will jump 1 time")
elif len(Hours) == 2:
print("Will jump 2 times")
elif len(Hours) == 3:
print("Will jump 3 times")
while True:
t = threading.Thread(target=wait)
i have tried to do something like this but it still makes tkinter not responding
Thanks in advance.
When to use the after method; faking while without threading
As mentioned in a comment, In far most cases, you do not need threading to run a "fake" while loop. You can use the after() method to schedule your actions, using tkinter's mainloop as a "coat rack" to schedule things, pretty much exactly like you would in a while loop.
This works in all situations where you can simply throw out commands with e.g. subprocess.Popen(), update widgets, show messages etc.
It does not work when the scheduled process takes a lot of time, running inside the mainloop. Therefore time.sleep() is a bummer; it will simply hold the mainloop.
How it works
Within that limitation however, you can run complicated tasks, schedule actions even set break (-equivalent) conditions.
Simply create a function, initiate it with window.after(0, <function>). Inside the function, (re-) schedule the function with window.after(<time_in_milliseconds>, <function>).
To apply a break- like condition, simply rout the process (inside the function) not to be scheduled again.
An example
This is best illustrated with a simplified example:
from tkinter import *
import time
class TestWhile:
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
shape = Canvas(width=200, height=0).grid(column=0, row=0)
self.showtext = Label(text="Wait and see...")
self.showtext.grid(column=0, row=1)
fakebutton = Button(
text="Useless button"
fakebutton.grid(column=0, row=2)
# initiate fake while
self.window.after(0, self.fakewhile)
self.cycles = 0
self.window.minsize(width=200, height=50)
self.window.title("Test 123(4)")
def fakewhile(self):
# You can schedule anything in here
if self.cycles == 5:
self.showtext.configure(text="Five seconds passed")
elif self.cycles == 10:
self.showtext.configure(text="Ten seconds passed...")
elif self.cycles == 15:
self.showtext.configure(text="I quit...")
If the fake while loop should only run a limited number of times,
add a counter
self.cycles = self.cycles+1
Since we do not use while, break will not work, but simply
"routing" the loop to not being scheduled is equivalent to "break":
if self.cycles <= 15:
self.window.after(1000, self.fakewhile)
# start over again
self.cycles = 0
self.window.after(1000, self.fakewhile)
# or: fakebreak, in that case, uncomment below and comment out the
# two lines above
# pass
In the example above, we run a scheduled process for fifteen seconds. While the loop runs, several simple tasks are performed, in time, by the function fakewhile().
After these fivteen seconds, we can start over again or "break". Just uncomment the indicated section to see...

Python wait x secs for a key and continue execution if not pressed

I'm a n00b to python, and I'm looking a code snippet/sample which performs the following:
Display a message like "Press any key to configure or wait X seconds to continue"
Wait, for example, 5 seconds and continue execution, or enter a configure() subroutine if a key is pressed.
Thank you for your help!
Yvan Janssens
If you're on Unix/Linux then the select module will help you.
import sys
from select import select
print "Press any key to configure or wait 5 seconds..."
timeout = 5
rlist, wlist, xlist = select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
if rlist:
print "Config selected..."
print "Timed out..."
If you're on Windows, then look into the msvcrt module. (Note this doesn't work in IDLE, but will in cmd prompt)
import sys, time, msvcrt
timeout = 5
startTime = time.time()
inp = None
print "Press any key to configure or wait 5 seconds... "
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
inp = msvcrt.getch()
elif time.time() - startTime > timeout:
if inp:
print "Config selected..."
print "Timed out..."
Edit Changed the code samples so you could tell whether there was a timeout or a keypress...
Python doesn't have any standard way to catch this, it gets keyboard input only through input() and raw_input().
If you really want this you could use Tkinter or pygame to catch the keystrokes as "events". There are also some platform-specific solutions like pyHook. But if it's not absolutely vital to your program, I suggest you make it work another way.
If you combine time.sleep, threading.Thread, and you can easily wait for a specified amount of time for input and then continue.
t = threading.Thread( args=(1,))
Here's how I did it:
import threading
import time
import sys
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter, f):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.counter = counter
self.func = f
def run(self):
class KeyboardMonitor:
def __init__(self):
# Setting a boolean flag is atomic in Python.
# It's hard to imagine a boolean being
# anything else, with or without the GIL.
# If inter-thread communication is anything more complicated than
# a couple of flags, you should replace low level variables with
# a thread safe buffer.
self.keepGoing = True
def wait4KeyEntry(self):
while self.keepGoing:
s = input("Type q to quit: ")
if s == "q":
self.keepGoing = False
def mainThread(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
"""Pass in some main function you want to run, and this will run it
until keepGoing = False. The first argument of function f must be
this class, so that that function can check the keepGoing flag and
quit when keepGoing is false."""
keyboardThread = MyThread(1, "keyboard_thread", 0, self.wait4KeyEntry)
while self.keepGoing:
f(self, *args, **kwargs)
def main(keyMonitorInst, *args, **kwargs):
while keyMonitorInst.keepGoing:
print("Running again...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
uut = KeyboardMonitor()
Rather than make a blocking call time out, my approach is to start a thread that waits for the user to enter input, while another thread does something else. The two processes communicate through a small number of atomic operations: in this case, setting a boolean flag. For anything more complicated than atomic operations, obviously you should replace the atomic variable with a threadsafe buffer of some kind.
