I have a netcdf file containing global sea-surface temperatures. Using matplotlib and Basemap, I've managed to make a map of this data, with the following code:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
filename = '/Users/Nick/Desktop/SST/SST.nc'
fh = Dataset(filename, mode='r')
lons = fh.variables['LON'][:]
lats = fh.variables['LAT'][:]
sst = fh.variables['SST'][:].squeeze()
fig = plt.figure()
m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlon=80.,llcrnrlat=-25.,urcrnrlon=150.,urcrnrlat=25.,lon_0=115., lat_0=0., resolution='l')
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
xi, yi = m(lon, lat)
cs = m.pcolormesh(xi,yi,sst, vmin=18, vmax=32)
m.fillcontinents(color='0.3', lake_color='0.3')
cbar = m.colorbar(cs, location='bottom', pad="10%", ticks=[18., 20., 22., 24., 26., 28., 30., 32.])
cbar.set_label('January SST (' + u'\u00b0' + 'C)')
plt.savefig('SST.png', dpi=300)
The problem is that the data is very high resolution (9km grid) which makes the resulting image quite noisy. I would like to put the data onto a lower resolution grid (e.g. 1 degree), but I'm struggling to work out how this could be done. I followed a worked solution to try and use the matplotlib griddata function by inserting the code below into my above example, but it resulted in 'ValueError: condition must be a 1-d array'.
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
X = np.arange(min(x), max(x), 1)
Y = np.arange(min(y), max(y), 1)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
Z = griddata(xi, yi, z, Xi, Yi)
I'm a relative beginner to Python and matplotlib, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong (or what a better approach might be). Any advice appreciated!
If you regrid your data to a coarser lat/lon grid using e.g. bilinear interpolation, this will result in a smoother field.
The NCAR ClimateData guide has a nice introduction to regridding (general, not Python-specific).
The most powerful implementation of regridding routines available for Python is, to my knowledge, the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) Python interface (ESMPy). If this is a bit too involved for your application, you should look into
EarthPy tutorials on regridding (e.g. using Pyresample, cKDTree, or Basemap).
Turning your data into an Iris cube and using Iris' regridding functions.
Perhaps start by looking at the EarthPy regridding tutorial using Basemap, since you are using it already.
The way to do this in your example would be
from mpl_toolkits import basemap
from netCDF4 import Dataset
filename = '/Users/Nick/Desktop/SST/SST.nc'
with Dataset(filename, mode='r') as fh:
lons = fh.variables['LON'][:]
lats = fh.variables['LAT'][:]
sst = fh.variables['SST'][:].squeeze()
lons_sub, lats_sub = np.meshgrid(lons[::4], lats[::4])
sst_coarse = basemap.interp(sst, lons, lats, lons_sub, lats_sub, order=1)
This performs bilinear interpolation (order=1) on your SST data onto a sub-sampled grid (every fourth point). Your plot will look more coarse-grained afterwards. If you do not like that, interpolate back onto the original grid with e.g.
sst_smooth = basemap.interp(sst_coarse, lons_sub[0,:], lats_sub[:,0], *np.meshgrid(lons, lats), order=1)
I usually run my data through a Laplace filter for smoothing. Perhaps you could try the function below and see if it helps with your data. The function can be called with or without a mask (e.g land/ocean mask for ocean data points). Hope this helps. T
# Laplace filter for 2D field with/without mask
# M = 1 on - cells used
# M = 0 off - grid cells not used
# Default is without masking
import numpy as np
def laplace_X(F,M):
jmax, imax = F.shape
# Add strips of land
F2 = np.zeros((jmax, imax+2), dtype=F.dtype)
F2[:, 1:-1] = F
M2 = np.zeros((jmax, imax+2), dtype=M.dtype)
M2[:, 1:-1] = M
MS = M2[:, 2:] + M2[:, :-2]
FS = F2[:, 2:]*M2[:, 2:] + F2[:, :-2]*M2[:, :-2]
return np.where(M > 0.5, (1-0.25*MS)*F + 0.25*FS, F)
def laplace_Y(F,M):
jmax, imax = F.shape
# Add strips of land
F2 = np.zeros((jmax+2, imax), dtype=F.dtype)
F2[1:-1, :] = F
M2 = np.zeros((jmax+2, imax), dtype=M.dtype)
M2[1:-1, :] = M
MS = M2[2:, :] + M2[:-2, :]
FS = F2[2:, :]*M2[2:, :] + F2[:-2, :]*M2[:-2, :]
return np.where(M > 0.5, (1-0.25*MS)*F + 0.25*FS, F)
# The mask may cause laplace_X and laplace_Y to not commute
# Take average of both directions
def laplace_filter(F, M=None):
if M == None:
M = np.ones_like(F)
return 0.5*(laplace_X(laplace_Y(F, M), M) +
laplace_Y(laplace_X(F, M), M))
To answer your original question regarding scipy.interpolate.griddata, too:
Have a close look at the parameter specs for that function (e.g. in the SciPy documentation) and make sure that your input arrays have the right shapes. You might need to do something like
import numpy as np
points = np.vstack([a.flat for a in np.meshgrid(lons,lats)]).T # (n,D)
values = sst.ravel() # (n)
If you are working on Linux, you can achieve this using nctoolkit (https://nctoolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
You have not stated the latlon extent of your data, so I will assume it is a global dataset. Regridding to 1 degree resolution would require the following:
import nctoolkit as nc
filename = '/Users/Nick/Desktop/SST/SST.nc'
data = nc.open_data(filename)
data.to_latlon(lon = [-179.5, 179.5], lat = [-89.5, 89.5], res = [1,1])
# visualize the data
Look at this example with xarray...
use the ds.interp method and specify the new latitude and longitude values.
I'm looking to show surface wind data from "https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form"
I'm using the code below to unpack the data in the form of a diagram
However I get the error 'TypeError: Dimensions of C (1801, 3600) are incompatible with X (3600) and/or Y (1801); see help(pcolormesh)', which should work as C is (rows, columns) and X represents columns and Y represents rows, but this error suggests the data does not fit?
The code is below, please any suggestions would be massively appreciated, thanks!
import pygrib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import shiftgrid
import numpy as np
grib = 'adaptor.mars.internal-1669570066.0148444-9941-17-702abb2d-e37e-4ef7-a19e-a04fb24e5a20.grib' # Set the file name of your input GRIB file
grbs = pygrib.open(grib)
grb = grbs.select()[0]
data = grb.values
# need to shift data grid longitudes from (0..360) to (-180..180)
lons = np.linspace(float(grb['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees']), \
float(grb['longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees']), int(grb['Ni']) )
lats = np.linspace(float(grb['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees']), \
float(grb['latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees']), int(grb['Nj']) )
data, lons = shiftgrid(180., data, lons, start=False)
grid_lon, grid_lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) #regularly spaced 2D grid
m = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlon=-180, \
urcrnrlon=180.,llcrnrlat=lats.min(),urcrnrlat=lats.max(), \
x, y = m(grid_lon, grid_lat)
#x = np.transpose(x)
#y = np.transpose(y)
cs = m.pcolormesh(x,y,data,shading='flat',cmap=plt.cm.gist_stern_r)
plt.colorbar(cs,orientation='vertical', shrink=0.5)
plt.title('CAMS AOD forecast') # Set the name of the variable to plot
plt.savefig(grib+'.png') # Set the output file name
However, even if I transpose the x and y data I get the same error type but: X (1801) and/or Y (3600). What ideally should happen is a map loads with North-South and East-West wind surface speeds.
Numpy pcolormesh: TypeError: Dimensions of C are incompatible with X and/or Y
Above is a similar question. However, the suggested transposing data solution which worked in that case did not work here.
I'm trying to plot a two-dimensional xarray DataArray representing a variable parametrised in polar coordinates. Important: the theta coordinate is in degree, not in radian. The following snippet creates an example data set:
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
res_theta = 20
thetas = np.arange(0, 360, res_theta)
res_r = 0.1
rs = np.arange(0, 1, res_r)
data = np.random.random((len(thetas), len(rs)))
my_da = xr.DataArray(
coords=(thetas, rs),
dims=("theta", "r"),
I would like to plot this data as a polar pcolormesh. I also would like to rely on xarray's plotting routines to benefit from as many features as possible (faceting, plot customisation, etc.). Matplotlib's polar projection assumes that the theta angle is given in radian: if I go for the straightforward solution, I first have to convert my theta coordinates to radian, but I don't want to modify the array in-place. I haven't found a better way than copying the array and converting the copy's theta, like this for instance:
def pcolormesh_polar_expensive(da, *args, **kwargs):
da_tmp = da.copy() # I'd like to avoid that
# Get x value
x = args[0]
except IndexError:
x = da_tmp.dims[0]
da_tmp[x] = np.deg2rad(da_tmp[x])
subplot_kws = kwargs["subplot_kws"]
except KeyError:
subplot_kws = {}
return da_tmp.plot.pcolormesh(
This produces the desired plot:
pcolormesh_polar_expensive(my_da, "theta", "r")
The Actual Problem
I however would like to avoid duplicating the data: my actual data sets are much larger than that. I made some research and found out about Matplotlib's transformation pipeline, and I have the feeling that I could use it to dynamically insert this transformation in plotting routines, but I couldn't get anything to work properly so far. Does anybody have an idea of how I could proceed?
Thanks to #kmuehlbauer's suggestion and a careful examination of the xarray.DataArray.assign_coords() docs, I managed to produce exactly what I wanted.
First, I modified my test data to also include unit metadata:
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pint
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
res_r = 0.1
rs = np.arange(0, 1, res_r)
res_theta = 20
thetas = np.arange(0, 360, res_theta)
data = np.random.random((len(rs), len(thetas)))
my_da = xr.DataArray(
coords=(rs, thetas),
dims=("r", "theta"),
my_da.theta.attrs["units"] = "deg"
Then, I improved the kwargs processing to automate unit conversion and created an extra coordinate associated to the theta dimension:
def pcolormesh_polar_cheap(da, r=None, theta=None, add_labels=False, **kwargs):
if r is None:
r = da.dims[0]
if theta is None:
theta = da.dims[1]
theta_units = ureg.Unit(da[theta].attrs["units"])
except KeyError:
theta_units = ureg.rad
if theta_units != ureg.rad:
theta_rad = f"{theta}_rad"
theta_rad_values = ureg.Quantity(da[theta].values, theta_units).to(ureg.rad).magnitude
da_plot = da.assign_coords(**{theta_rad: (theta, theta_rad_values)})
da_plot[theta_rad].attrs = da[theta].attrs
da_plot[theta_rad].attrs["units"] = "rad"
theta_rad = theta
da_plot = da
kwargs["x"] = theta_rad
kwargs["y"] = r
kwargs["add_labels"] = add_labels
subplot_kws = kwargs["subplot_kws"]
except KeyError:
subplot_kws = {}
subplot_kws["projection"] = "polar"
return da_plot.plot.pcolormesh(
A very important point here is that assign_coords() returns a copy of the data array it's called from, and this copy's values actually reference the original array, thus adding no memory cost other than the creation of the extra coordinate. Modifying the data array in-place as suggested by #kmuehlbauer is straightforward (just replace da_plot = da.assign_coords(...) with da = da.assign_coords(...)).
We then get the same plot (without axis labels, since I changed the defaults so as to hide them):
pcolormesh_polar_cheap(my_da, r="r", theta="theta")
I have a file with 3 columns of data: Zenith (Z, from 0 to 90°) and Azimuth (A, from 0 to 360°). And radiance as the color variable.
I need to use python with matplotlib to plot this data into something resembling this:
This is my code so far (it returns an error):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# `data` has the following shape:
# [
# [Zenith value going from 0 to 90],
# [Azimuth values (0 to 365) increasing by 1 and looping back after 365],
# [radiance: floats that need to be mapped by the color value]
data = [[6.000e+00 1.200e+01 1.700e+01 2.300e+01 2.800e+01 3.400e+01 3.900e+01
4.500e+01 5.000e+01 5.600e+01 6.200e+01 6.700e+01 7.300e+01 7.800e+01
8.400e+01 8.900e+01 3.934e+01 4.004e+01 4.054e+01 4.114e+01 4.154e+01
4.204e+01 4.254e+01 4.294e+01 4.334e+01 4.374e+01 4.414e+01 4.454e+01
4.494e+01 4.534e+01 4.564e+01 4.604e+01 4.644e+01 4.684e+01 4.714e+01
4.754e+01 4.794e+01 4.824e+01 4.864e+01 4.904e+01 4.944e+01 4.984e+01
5.014e+01 5.054e+01 5.094e+01 5.134e+01 5.174e+01 5.214e+01 5.264e+01
5.304e+01 5.344e+01 5.394e+01 5.444e+01 5.494e+01 5.544e+01 5.604e+01
5.674e+01 5.764e+01]
[1.960e+02 3.600e+01 2.360e+02 7.600e+01 2.760e+02 1.160e+02 3.160e+02
1.560e+02 3.560e+02 1.960e+02 3.600e+01 2.360e+02 7.600e+01 2.760e+02
1.160e+02 3.160e+02 6.500e+00 3.400e+00 3.588e+02 2.500e+00 3.594e+02
3.509e+02 5.000e-01 6.900e+00 1.090e+01 3.478e+02 1.250e+01 1.050e+01
7.300e+00 2.700e+00 3.571e+02 3.507e+02 1.060e+01 3.200e+00 3.556e+02
3.480e+02 7.300e+00 3.597e+02 3.527e+02 1.260e+01 6.600e+00 1.200e+00
3.570e+02 3.538e+02 3.520e+02 3.516e+02 3.528e+02 3.560e+02 1.200e+00
8.800e+00 3.567e+02 1.030e+01 6.800e+00 8.300e+00 3.583e+02 3.581e+02
3.568e+02 3.589e+02]
[3.580e-04 6.100e-04 3.220e-04 4.850e-04 4.360e-04 2.910e-04 1.120e-03
2.320e-04 4.300e-03 2.680e-04 1.700e-03 3.790e-04 7.460e-04 8.190e-04
1.030e-03 3.650e-03 3.050e-03 3.240e-03 3.340e-03 3.410e-03 3.490e-03
3.290e-03 3.630e-03 3.510e-03 3.320e-03 3.270e-03 3.280e-03 3.470e-03
3.720e-03 3.960e-03 3.980e-03 3.700e-03 3.630e-03 4.100e-03 4.080e-03
3.600e-03 3.990e-03 4.530e-03 4.040e-03 3.630e-03 4.130e-03 4.370e-03
4.340e-03 4.210e-03 4.100e-03 4.090e-03 4.190e-03 4.380e-03 4.460e-03
4.080e-03 4.420e-03 3.960e-03 4.230e-03 4.120e-03 4.440e-03 4.420e-03
4.370e-03 4.380e-03]]
rad = data[0]
azm = data[1]
# From what I understand, I need to create a meshgrid from the zenith and azimuth values
r, th = np.meshgrid(rad, azm)
z = data[2] # This doesn't work as `pcolormesh` expects this to be a 2d array
plt.pcolormesh(th, r, z, shading="auto")
plt.plot(azm, r, color="k", ls="none")
Note: my actual data goes on for 56k lines and looks like this (Ignore the 4th column):
The example data above is my attempt to reduce the resolution of this massive file, so I only used 1/500 of the lines of data. This might be the wrong way to reduce the resolution, please correct me if it is!
Every tutorial I've seen generate the z value from the r array generated by meshgrid. This is leaving me confused about how I would convert my z column into a 2d array that would properly map to the zenith and azimuth values.
They'll use something like this:
z = (r ** 2.0) / 4.0
So, taking the exact shape of r and applying a transformation to create the color.
The solution was in the data file all along. I needed to better understand what np.meshrid actually did. Turns out the data already is a 2d array, it just needed to be reshaped. I also found a flaw in the file, fixing it reduced its lines from 56k to 15k. This was small enough that I did not need to reduce the resolution.
Here's how I reshaped my data, and what the solution looked like:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
with open("data.txt") as f:
lines = np.array(
[float(n) for n in line.split("\t")]
for i, line in enumerate(f.read().splitlines())
data = [np.reshape(a, (89, 180)) for a in lines.T]
rad = np.radians(data[1])
azm = data[0]
z = data[2]
plt.pcolormesh(rad, azm, z, cmap="coolwarm", shading="auto")
The simplest way to plot the given data is with a polar scatter plot.
Using blue for low values and red for high values, it could look like:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data = [[6.000e+00, 1.200e+01, 1.700e+01, 2.300e+01, 2.800e+01, 3.400e+01, 3.900e+01, 4.500e+01, 5.000e+01, 5.600e+01, 6.200e+01, 6.700e+01, 7.300e+01, 7.800e+01, 8.400e+01, 8.900e+01, 3.934e+01, 4.004e+01, 4.054e+01, 4.114e+01, 4.154e+01, 4.204e+01, 4.254e+01, 4.294e+01, 4.334e+01, 4.374e+01, 4.414e+01, 4.454e+01, 4.494e+01, 4.534e+01, 4.564e+01, 4.604e+01, 4.644e+01, 4.684e+01, 4.714e+01, 4.754e+01, 4.794e+01, 4.824e+01, 4.864e+01, 4.904e+01, 4.944e+01, 4.984e+01, 5.014e+01, 5.054e+01, 5.094e+01, 5.134e+01, 5.174e+01, 5.214e+01, 5.264e+01, 5.304e+01, 5.344e+01, 5.394e+01, 5.444e+01, 5.494e+01, 5.544e+01, 5.604e+01, 5.674e+01, 5.764e+01],
[1.960e+02, 3.600e+01, 2.360e+02, 7.600e+01, 2.760e+02, 1.160e+02, 3.160e+02, 1.560e+02, 3.560e+02, 1.960e+02, 3.600e+01, 2.360e+02, 7.600e+01, 2.760e+02, 1.160e+02, 3.160e+02, 6.500e+00, 3.400e+00, 3.588e+02, 2.500e+00, 3.594e+02, 3.509e+02, 5.000e-01, 6.900e+00, 1.090e+01, 3.478e+02, 1.250e+01, 1.050e+01, 7.300e+00, 2.700e+00, 3.571e+02, 3.507e+02, 1.060e+01, 3.200e+00, 3.556e+02, 3.480e+02, 7.300e+00, 3.597e+02, 3.527e+02, 1.260e+01, 6.600e+00, 1.200e+00, 3.570e+02, 3.538e+02, 3.520e+02, 3.516e+02, 3.528e+02, 3.560e+02, 1.200e+00, 8.800e+00, 3.567e+02, 1.030e+01, 6.800e+00, 8.300e+00, 3.583e+02, 3.581e+02, 3.568e+02, 3.589e+02],
[3.580e-04, 6.100e-04, 3.220e-04, 4.850e-04, 4.360e-04, 2.910e-04, 1.120e-03, 2.320e-04, 4.300e-03, 2.680e-04, 1.700e-03, 3.790e-04, 7.460e-04, 8.190e-04, 1.030e-03, 3.650e-03, 3.050e-03, 3.240e-03, 3.340e-03, 3.410e-03, 3.490e-03, 3.290e-03, 3.630e-03, 3.510e-03, 3.320e-03, 3.270e-03, 3.280e-03, 3.470e-03, 3.720e-03, 3.960e-03, 3.980e-03, 3.700e-03, 3.630e-03, 4.100e-03, 4.080e-03, 3.600e-03, 3.990e-03, 4.530e-03, 4.040e-03, 3.630e-03, 4.130e-03, 4.370e-03, 4.340e-03, 4.210e-03, 4.100e-03, 4.090e-03, 4.190e-03, 4.380e-03, 4.460e-03, 4.080e-03, 4.420e-03, 3.960e-03, 4.230e-03, 4.120e-03, 4.440e-03, 4.420e-03, 4.370e-03, 4.380e-03]]
rad = np.radians(data[1])
azm = data[0]
z = data[2]
plt.scatter(rad, azm, c=z, cmap='coolwarm')
Creating such a scatter plot with your real data gives an idea how it looks like. You might want to choose a different colormap, depending on what you want to convey. You also can choose a smaller dot size (for example plt.scatter(rad, azm, c=z, cmap='plasma', s=1, ec='none')) if there would be too many points.
A simple way to create a filled image from non-gridded data uses tricontourf with 256 colors (it looks quite dull with the given data, so I didn't add an example plot):
plt.tricontourf(rad, azm, z, levels=256, cmap='coolwarm')
I'm trying to understand scipy.signal.deconvolve.
From the mathematical point of view a convolution is just the multiplication in fourier space so I would expect
that for two functions f and g:
Deconvolve(Convolve(f,g) , g) == f
In numpy/scipy this is either not the case or I'm missing an important point.
Although there are some questions related to deconvolve on SO already (like here and here) they do not address this point, others remain unclear (this) or unanswered (here). There are also two questions on SignalProcessing SE (this and this) the answers to which are not helpful in understanding how scipy's deconvolve function works.
The question would be:
How do you reconstruct the original signal f from a convoluted signal,
assuming you know the convolving function g.?
Or in other words: How does this pseudocode Deconvolve(Convolve(f,g) , g) == f translate into numpy / scipy?
Edit: Note that this question is not targeted at preventing numerical inaccuracies (although this is also an open question) but at understanding how convolve/deconvolve work together in scipy.
The following code tries to do that with a Heaviside function and a gaussian filter.
As can be seen in the image, the result of the deconvolution of the convolution is not at
all the original Heaviside function. I would be glad if someone could shed some light into this issue.
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define heaviside function
H = lambda x: 0.5 * (np.sign(x) + 1.)
#define gaussian
gauss = lambda x, sig: np.exp(-( x/float(sig))**2 )
X = np.linspace(-5, 30, num=3501)
X2 = np.linspace(-5,5, num=1001)
# convolute a heaviside with a gaussian
H_c = np.convolve( H(X), gauss(X2, 1), mode="same" )
# deconvolute a the result
H_dc, er = scipy.signal.deconvolve(H_c, gauss(X2, 1) )
#### Plot ####
fig , ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, figsize=(6,7))
ax[0].plot( H(X), color="#907700", label="Heaviside", lw=3 )
ax[1].plot( gauss(X2, 1), color="#907700", label="Gauss filter", lw=3 )
ax[2].plot( H_c/H_c.max(), color="#325cab", label="convoluted" , lw=3 )
ax[3].plot( H_dc, color="#ab4232", label="deconvoluted", lw=3 )
for i in range(len(ax)):
ax[i].set_xlim([0, len(X)])
ax[i].set_ylim([-0.07, 1.2])
Edit: Note that there is a matlab example, showing how to convolve/deconvolve a rectangular signal using
In the spirit of this question it would also help if someone was able to translate this example into python.
After some trial and error I found out how to interprete the results of scipy.signal.deconvolve() and I post my findings as an answer.
Let's start with a working example code
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# let the signal be box-like
signal = np.repeat([0., 1., 0.], 100)
# and use a gaussian filter
# the filter should be shorter than the signal
# the filter should be such that it's much bigger then zero everywhere
gauss = np.exp(-( (np.linspace(0,50)-25.)/float(12))**2 )
print gauss.min() # = 0.013 >> 0
# calculate the convolution (np.convolve and scipy.signal.convolve identical)
# the keywordargument mode="same" ensures that the convolution spans the same
# shape as the input array.
#filtered = scipy.signal.convolve(signal, gauss, mode='same')
filtered = np.convolve(signal, gauss, mode='same')
deconv, _ = scipy.signal.deconvolve( filtered, gauss )
#the deconvolution has n = len(signal) - len(gauss) + 1 points
n = len(signal)-len(gauss)+1
# so we need to expand it by
s = (len(signal)-n)/2
#on both sides.
deconv_res = np.zeros(len(signal))
deconv_res[s:len(signal)-s-1] = deconv
deconv = deconv_res
# now deconv contains the deconvolution
# expanded to the original shape (filled with zeros)
#### Plot ####
fig , ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, figsize=(6,7))
ax[0].plot(signal, color="#907700", label="original", lw=3 )
ax[1].plot(gauss, color="#68934e", label="gauss filter", lw=3 )
# we need to divide by the sum of the filter window to get the convolution normalized to 1
ax[2].plot(filtered/np.sum(gauss), color="#325cab", label="convoluted" , lw=3 )
ax[3].plot(deconv, color="#ab4232", label="deconvoluted", lw=3 )
for i in range(len(ax)):
ax[i].set_xlim([0, len(signal)])
ax[i].set_ylim([-0.07, 1.2])
ax[i].legend(loc=1, fontsize=11)
if i != len(ax)-1 :
plt.savefig(__file__ + ".png")
This code produces the following image, showing exactly what we want (Deconvolve(Convolve(signal,gauss) , gauss) == signal)
Some important findings are:
The filter should be shorter than the signal
The filter should be much bigger than zero everywhere (here > 0.013 is good enough)
Using the keyword argument mode = 'same' to the convolution ensures that it lives on the same array shape as the signal.
The deconvolution has n = len(signal) - len(gauss) + 1 points.
So in order to let it also reside on the same original array shape we need to expand it by s = (len(signal)-n)/2 on both sides.
Of course, further findings, comments and suggestion to this question are still welcome.
As written in the comments, I cannot help with the example you posted originally. As #Stelios has pointed out, the deconvolution might not work out due to numerical issues.
I can, however, reproduce the example you posted in your Edit:
That is the code which is a direct translation from the matlab source code:
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0., 20.01, 0.01)
y = np.zeros(len(x))
y[900:1100] = 1.
y += 0.01 * np.random.randn(len(y))
c = np.exp(-(np.arange(len(y))) / 30.)
yc = scipy.signal.convolve(y, c, mode='full') / c.sum()
ydc, remainder = scipy.signal.deconvolve(yc, c)
ydc *= c.sum()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(4, 4))
ax[0][0].plot(x, y, label="original y", lw=3)
ax[0][1].plot(x, c, label="c", lw=3)
ax[1][0].plot(x[0:2000], yc[0:2000], label="yc", lw=3)
ax[1][1].plot(x, ydc, label="recovered y", lw=3)
I have some source data that isn't regularized (sample shown on csv variable on code below). In this data I can't garantee any minimum, maximum or step values. Therefore I need to find out on source data.
After reading the data, and defined the necessary values to plot my image I came with the loop below. Running this code reading (150k lines) like that showed that the code is pretty slow, took me around a 110 seconds (!!!) to render the whole image (a very small image).
Any hints are welcome, even if I have to use other libraries or data types. My main objective is to show up "heat maps" from csv sources like those that can span for a million lines. Reading the file into the dataset o plotting the graph is fast. The issue is create the image map from the csv.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import io
csv = """
columns = [ "X" , "Y", "V" ]
df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=',', skip_blank_lines=True, quoting=2, skipinitialspace=True, usecols = columns, index_col=[0,1] )
# Fields
# Unique values on the X-Y axis
# Size of each axis
nx = len(x_ind)
ny = len(y_ind)
# Maxima and minima
xmin = x_ind.min()
xmax = x_ind.max()
ymin = y_ind.min()
ymax = y_ind.max()
img = np.zeros((nx,ny))
print "Entering in loop"
for ix in range(0, nx):
print "Mapping {0} {1}".format( x_axis, ix )
for iy in range(0, ny):
img[ix,iy] = df.loc[ix+xmin,iy+ymin][val]
except KeyError:
img[ix,iy] = np.NaN
plt.imshow(img, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap=plt.cm.jet, interpolation=None)
Tried to use pcolormesh, but was not able to correctly fit the values into the mesh without use a similar loop. I was not able to create the z_mesh without the loop
x_mesh,y_mesh = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax]
z_mesh = ?? hints ?? ;-)
I think your code is not even doing what you want, I ran it and got only 14 valid points in the image.
You may use pivot() or unstack() and then reindex() to create the image. Is this what you want?
df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=',', skip_blank_lines=True, quoting=2,
skipinitialspace=True, usecols = columns)
img = df.pivot(index='Y', columns='X', values='V')
img = img.reindex(index=range(df['Y'].min(), df['Y'].max() + 1),
columns=range(df['X'].min(), df['X'].max() + 1))
extent = [df['X'].min() - 0.5, df['X'].max() + 0.5,
df['Y'].min() - 0.5, df['Y'].max() + 0.5]
plt.imshow(img, origin='lower', extent=extent)