semi newbie here, this was working but apparently I broke it, what am I missing? Nothing happens now whereas yesterday the serial data would echo to the screen and save to a file. I tried sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0 but nothing shows as coming in, yet if I connect the usb cable to a windows box the data is there. thx in advance!
# get lines of text from serial port, save them to a file
from __future__ import print_function
import serial, io
addr = '/dev/ttyUSB0' # serial port to read data from
baud = 9600 # baud rate for serial port
fname = '/home/pi/scripts/radar/radarout.txt' # log file to save data in
fmode = 'w' # log file mode = append
with serial.Serial(addr,baud) as pt, open(fname,fmode) as outf:
spb = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(pt,pt,1),
encoding='ascii', errors='ignore', newline='\r',line_buffering=True)
spb.readline() # throw away first line; likely to start mid-sentence (incomplete)
while (1):
x = spb.readline() # read one line of text from serial port
print (x,end='') # echo line of text on-screen
outf.write(x) # write line of text to file
outf.flush() # make sure it actually gets written out
I have this weird issue with my code on Raspberry Pi 4.
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
from datetime import datetime
import ftplib
cpu = CPUTemperature()
now =
time = now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
# Save data to file
f = open('/home/pi/temp/temp.txt', 'a+')
f.write(str(time) + ' - Temperature is: ' + str(cpu.temperature) + ' C\n')
# Login and store file to FTP server
ftp = ftplib.FTP('', 'username', 'pass')
ftp.storbinary('STOR temp.txt', f)
# Close file and connection
When I have this code, script doesn't write anything to the .txt file and file that is transferred to FTP server has size of 0 bytes.
When I remove this part of code, script is writing to the file just fine.
# Login and store file to FTP server
ftp = ftplib.FTP('', 'username', 'pass')
ftp.storbinary('STOR temp.txt', f)
I also tried to write some random text to the file and run the script, and the file transferred normally.
Do you have any idea, what am I missing?
After you write the file, the file pointer is at the end. So if you pass file handle to FTP, it reads nothing. Hence nothing is uploaded.
I do not have a direct explanation for the fact the local file ends up empty. But the strange way of combining "append" mode and reading may be the reason. I do not even see a+ mode defined in open function documentation.
If you want to both append data to a local file and FTP, I suggest your either:
Append the data to the file – Seek back to the original position – And upload the appended file contents.
Write the data to memory and then separately 1) dump the in-memory data to a file and 2) upload it.
I'm working on a p2p filesharing system in python3 right now and I've come across an issue I don't know how to fix exactly.
I have peers with a server process and a client process where a client process connects to the other nodes, puts it in its own thread, and listens for data over a socket. When downloading from only one other peer, the file is written correctly with no problem, but when it is split up over multiple peers, the file is corrupted. The data is correctly received from both other peers so I'm thinking this would be a file write issue.
When I get the data from a peer, I open the file, seek to the position where the data comes from, and then write it and close the file. Would locks be the solution to this?
This is the code that is in its own thread that is constantly listening
def handleResponse(clientConnection, fileName, fileSize):
# Listen for connections forever
while True:
#fileName = ""
startPos = 0
data = clientConnection.recv(2154)
# If a response, process it
if (len(data) > 0):
split = data.split(b"\r\n\r\n")
headers = split[0].replace(b'\r\n', b' ').split(b' ')
# Go through the split headers and grab the startPos and fileName
for i in range(len(headers)):
if (headers[i] == b"Range:"):
startPos = int(headers[i+1])
#fileName = headers[i+2].decode()
# Write the file at the seek pos
mode = "ab+"
if (startPos == 0):
mode = "wb+"
with open ("Download/" + fileName, mode) as f:, 0)
Answered by Steffen Ullrich.
Solution is to open the file in rb+ instead of ab+, seek to the position and write. Do note that if the file does not exist, it will throw an exception since it is not created in rb+
So, I'm logging temperature and humidity data from a DHT22 hooked up to the GPIO on a raspberry pi. It logs everything correctly - but I can only see the updated log after I stop running.
I think the problem is that I'm not closing the file after writing to it - but I'm not sure. Can I just add a f = open(xxx) and f.close() to the loop so that it 'saves' it everytime it logs?
import os
import time
import Adafruit_DHT
f = open('/home/pi/temphumid/log.csv', 'a+')
if os.stat('/home/pi/temphumid/log.csv').st_size == 0:
while True:
humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(DHT_SENSOR, DHT_PIN)
if humidity is not None and temperature is not None:
f.write('{0},{1},{2:0.1f}*C,{3:0.1f}%\r\n'.format(time.strftime('%m/%d/%y'), time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), temperature, humidity))
print("Failed to retrieve data from humidity sensor")
log.csv is updated, so that if I use tail log.csv I can see the up to date data.
log.csv doesn't update until I stop from running (using sigint from htop as it is currently run as a cronjob on boot).
Every time we open a file we need to close it to push the output to disk:
fp = open("./file.txt", "w")
fp.write("Hello, World")
To avoid calling the close() method every time, we can use the context manager of the open() function, which will automatically close the file after exiting the block:
with open("./file.txt", "w") as fp:
fp.write("Hello, World")
We do not need to call here the close method every time to push the data into the file.
Write data to the file and hit file.flush() and then do file.fsync() which writes the data to the disk and you'll even be able to open file using different program and see changes at the real time.
I have some problems with this code... send not the integer image but some bytes, is there someone than can help me? I want to send all images I find in a folder. Thank you.
import socket
import sys
import os
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(("localhost",9999)) #IP address, port
sb = 'c:\\python27\\invia'
os.chdir(sb) #path
dirs =os.listdir(sb) #list of file
print dirs
for file in dirs:
f=open(file, "rb") #read image
l =
s.send(file) #send the name of the file
st = os.stat(sb+'\\'+file).st_size
print str(st)
s.send(str(st)) #send the size of the file
s.send(l) #send data of the file
import socket
import sys
import os
s = socket.socket()
s.listen(4) #number of people than can connect it
sc, address = s.accept()
print address
sb = 'c:\\python27\\ricevi'
while True:
fln=sc.recv(5) #read the name of the file
print fln
f = open(fln,'wb') #create the new file
size = sc.recv(7) #receive the size of the file
print size
strng = sc.recv(int(size)) #receive the data of the file
#if strng:
f.write(strng) #write the file
To transfer a sequence of files over a single socket, you need some way of delineating each file. In effect, you need to run a small protocol on top of the socket which allows to you know the metadata for each file such as its size and name, and of course the image data.
It appears you're attempting to do this, however both sender and receiver must agree on a protocol.
You have the following in your sender:
s.send(file) #send the name of the file
st = os.stat(sb+'\\'+file).st_size
s.send(str(st)) #send the size of the file
How is the receiver to know how long the file name is? Or, how will the receiver know where the end of the file name is, and where the size of the file starts? You could imagine the receiver obtaining a string like foobar.txt8somedata and having to infer that the name of the file is foobar.txt, the file is 8 bytes long containing the data somedata.
What you need to do is separate the data with some kind of delimeter such as \n to indicate the boundary for each piece of metadata.
You could envisage a packet structure as <filename>\n<file_size>\n<file_contents>. An example stream of data from the transmitter may then look like this:
The receiver would then decode the incoming stream, looking for \n in the input to determine each field's value such as the file name and size.
Another approach would be to allocate fixed length strings for the file name and size, followed by the file's data.
The parameter to socket.recv only specifies the maximum buffer size for receiving data packages, it doesn't mean exactly that many bytes will be read.
So if you write:
strng = sc.recv(int(size))
you won't necessarily get all the content, specially if size is rather large.
You need to read from the socket in a loop until you have actually read size bytes to make it work.
I am looking for a robust way to write out to a network drive. I am stuck with WinXP writing to a share on a Win2003 server. I want to pause writing if the network share goes down... then reconnect and continue writing once the network resource is available. With my initial code below, what happens is the 'except' catches the IOError when the drive goes away, but then when the drive becomes available again, the outf operations continue to IOError.
import serial
with serial.Serial('COM8',9600,timeout=5) as port, open('m:\\file.txt','ab') as outf:
while True:
x = port.readline() # read one line from serial port
if x: # if the there was some data
print x[0:-1] # display the line without extra CR
outf.write(x) # write the line to the output file
outf.flush() # actually write the file
except IOError: # catch an io error
print 'there was an io error'
I suspect that once an open file goes into an error state because of the IOError that you will need to reopen it. You could try something like this:
with serial.Serial('COM8',9600,timeout=5) as port:
while True:
with open('m:\\file.txt','ab') as outf:
while True:
x = port.readline() # read one line from serial port
if x: # if the there was some data
print x[0:-1] # display the line without extra CR
outf.write(x) # write the line to the output file
outf.flush() # actually write the file
except IOError:
print 'there was an io error'
This puts the exception handling inside an outer loop that will reopen the file (and continue reading from the port) in the event of an exception. In practice you would probably want to add a time.sleep() or something to the except block in order to prevent the code from spinning.