I found below link
it says...
import postgresql.driver as pg_driver
is the way to import
i used -
import postgresql.driver as pg_driver
pg_driver.connect(user = self.username, password = self.password, host = self.host, port = self.port,sslmode = 'verify-full', sslrootcert=self.ssl_cert)
but it gives 'ImportError: No module named postgresql.driver'
i tried 'pip install postgresql'
but it gives 'Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement postgresql
No distributions at all found for postgresql'
how can i fixed that ???
You can download latest version of py-postgresql and use 'Python34\python.exe setup.py install' to install it.
You can check Python34\Lib\site-packages\ if there is a folder called postgresql which proves it's installed correctly. Then try import postgresql.driver as pg_driver again and tell me if it works.
Since the optuna documentation does not address which modules are required from MySQL, I installed everything of MySQL on my Windows 10 machine. I looked for MySQL on my PC (in which folder the installation takes place is not revealed during installation) and updated the Path variables to
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin
I have successfully created the mysqltestexample database.
Using python SQL connectors, I can reproduce the output using:
import mysql.connector
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
mycursor.execute("SHOW DATABASES")
for x in mycursor:
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
Connection to the mysqltesteexample does not raise an error - so everything seems to be fine. However, optuna is not able to connect to my database
My python script looks like this. It is the code from the optuna documentation, I just altered the name of the test database.
study0 = optuna.create_study(storage="mysql://root#localhost/mysqltesteexample",study_name="distributed-example")
study0 = optuna.create_study(storage="mysql+pymysql://root:Start123#localhost:3306/mysqltesteexample",study_name="distributed-example")
All attempts to modify the URL string according to https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/engines.html failed with the following error: ImportError: Failed to import DB access module for the specified storage URL. Please install appropriate one.
Can you please help me to get it done? Thank you in advance, please don't be too harsh.
Finally, I made it. I have to install some further packages from the cmd:
py -3.8 -m easy_install mysql-python
py -3.8 -m pip install mysqlclient
Python packages - as well documented as they are eyes rolling
I've downloaded the looker_sdk for python.
Wrote a very simple program:
from looker_sdk import client, models
def test_looker():
sdk = client.setup("./looker.ini")
if __name__ == "__main__":
However, when I'm running it I'm getting the error:
ImportError: cannot import name 'client' from 'looker_sdk'.
I do see the models and was able to perform:
sdk = looker_sdk.init31()
what am I missing?
It seems there may be a missing client.py file in looker_sdk version 0.1.3b8, or in your installation - I tested this on 0.1.3b4 and found no such issue.
I recommend that you uninstall the package and re-install the latest version from PyPI.
I'm trying to instanciate VM on openstack using the NovaClient API in python. More precisely with mq-rabbit celery tasks.
Unfortunatly I got this error :
from novaclient import client
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/__init__.py", line 15, in <module>
import pbr.version
ImportError: No module named version
I already tested with a simple python file and it works, my VM was created but when I try to do this throught a celery tash I got the error above...
My version is the latest python-novaclient-6.0.2, but as our servers are in version 2 I use the version 2 API.
Here is my code in my celery task, who works when I test in python shell :
loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
auth = loader.load_from_options(auth_url=auth_url, username=username, password=password, project_name=tenant_name)
sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
nova = client.Client('2', session=sess) #API version and session
Seems it's the same error and this one
Basically what you need is to make sure you have pbr installed.
If you had it already, reinstalling might help
pip uninstall pbr
pip install pbr
I'm running this code that I got from here
from odata import ODataService
url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/'
Service = ODataService(url, reflect_entities=True)
Order = Service.entities['Order']
query = Service.query(Order)
query = query.filter(Order.Name.startswith('Demo'))
query = query.order_by(Order.ShippedDate.desc())
for order in query:
When I run the code, it says ImportError: No module named odata. I tried using pip install odata, nothing was found. How do I install this library? I can't find any documentation on how to install it either.
Download the project from GitHub, run python setup.py install, sudo if necessary.
We're using EngineYard which has Python installed by default. But when we enabled SSL we received the following error message from our logentries chef recipe.
"WARNING: The "ssl" module is not present. Using unreliable workaround, host identity cannot be verified. Please install "ssl" module or newer version of Python (2.6) if possible."
I'm looking for a way to install the SSL module with chef recipe but I simply don't have enough experience. Could someone point me in the right direction?
Logentries chef recipe: https://github.com/logentries/le_chef
Logentries EY docs: https://logentries.com/doc/engineyard/
SSL Module: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ssl/
There now appears to be a solution with better community support (based on the fact that it is documented on the opscode website).
You might try:
include_recipe 'python'
python_pip 'ssl'
As documented: here or here
I just wrote a recipe for this, and now am able to run the latest Logentries client on EngineYard. Here you go:
file_dir = "/mnt/src/python-ssl"
file_name = "ssl-1.15.tar.gz"
file_path = File.join(file_dir,file_name)
uncompressed_file_dir = File.join(file_dir, file_name.split(".tar.gz").first)
directory file_dir do
owner "deploy"
group "deploy"
mode "0755"
recursive true
action :create
remote_file file_path do
source "http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/ssl/ssl-1.15.tar.gz"
mode "0644"
not_if { File.exists?(file_path) }
execute "gunzip ssl" do
command "gunzip -c #{file_name} | tar xf -"
cwd file_dir
not_if { File.exists?(uncompressed_file_dir) }
installed_file_path = File.join(uncompressed_file_dir, "installed")
execute "install python ssl module" do
command "python setup.py install"
cwd uncompressed_file_dir
not_if { File.exists?(installed_file_path) }
execute "touch #{installed_file_path}" do
action :run
You could install a new Python using PythonBrew: https://github.com/utahta/pythonbrew. Just make you install libssl before you build, or it still won't be able to use SSL. However, based on the warning, it seems that SSL might work, but it won't be able to verify host. Of course, that is one major purposes of SSL, so that is likely a non-starter.