Tkinter: ProgressBar with indeterminate duration - python

I would like to implement a progress bar in Tkinter which fulfills the following requirements:
The progress bar is the only element within the main window
It can be started by a start command without the need of pressing any button
It is able to wait until a task with unknown duration is finished
The indicator of the progress bar keeps moving as long as the task is not finished
It can be closed by a stop command without the need of pressing any stop bar
So far, I have the following code:
import Tkinter
import ttk
import time
def task(root):
root = Tkinter.Tk()
ft = ttk.Frame()
ft.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
pb_hD = ttk.Progressbar(ft, orient='horizontal', mode='indeterminate')
pb_hD.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
time.sleep(5) # to be replaced by process of unknown duration
Here, the problem is that the progress bar does not stop after the 5s are over.
Could anybody help me finding the mistake?

Once the mainloop is active, the script wont move to the next line until the root is destroyed.
There could be other ways to do this, but I would prefer doing it using threads.
Something like this,
import Tkinter
import ttk
import time
import threading
#Define your Progress Bar function,
def task(root):
ft = ttk.Frame()
ft.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
pb_hD = ttk.Progressbar(ft, orient='horizontal', mode='indeterminate')
pb_hD.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
# Define the process of unknown duration with root as one of the input And once done, add root.quit() at the end.
def process_of_unknown_duration(root):
print 'Done'
# Now define our Main Functions, which will first define root, then call for call for "task(root)" --- that's your progressbar, and then call for thread1 simultaneously which will execute your process_of_unknown_duration and at the end destroy/quit the root.
def Main():
root = Tkinter.Tk()
t1=threading.Thread(target=process_of_unknown_duration, args=(root,))
task(root) # This will block while the mainloop runs
#Now just run the functions by calling our Main() function,
if __name__ == '__main__':
Let me know if that helps.


How to destroy tkiner window from another thread

I m sorry if it's a little confusing I will try to explain as simple as possible way, I have been trying to solve this threading issue for the past 2 days.
In short, what I m doing is running a big script on a separate thread once I hit the run button from the first screen, it reads data from the JSON file I have stored in the directory and Run a job.
Which gradually after completing steps increases the progress bar value and updates the label status from the run_script function.
And the error is after completing the first cycle when it comes back to first screen and if I run another job it doesnt work because of progressbar and label.
What I've tried so far is destroying the window from script_function and recreating it on the first screen. (2nd job worked but it didn't destroy the first job window, and after completing 2nd job it completely shutdown both windows)
without mttkinter, I got tcl run time error because I m trying to destroy the window from another thread.
from mttkinter import mtTkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import threading
#other imports
window = Tk()
def screen1():
##show the screen with json data labels and buttons#
b0 = Button(window, text='Run job', command=do_something) #samplebutton
window.resizable(False, False)
def do_something():
##running big script with progressbar and status label.
progress = ttk.Progressbar(window, style='red.Horizontal.TProgressbar', orient=HORIZONTAL,
length=443, mode='determinate')
label = Label("Completed tables 0/{totaltables}") #samplelabel
if data['foo'] == 'bar':
threading.Thread(target=run_script, args=(arg1, arg2,)).start() #run script in seperate thread this script also has a function that runs on multiple threads.
window.resizable(False, False)
def run_script(arg1, arg2):
#running the script#
for i in range(5): #running each i on new thread followed by starting and joining.
#main problem#
#once script finishes#
response = messagebox.showinfo("Task", "Did something!")
if response:
What is the possible way to accomplish this?
I want to keep running jobs without having to open the app again and again.
the script should be on a separate thread because if it's not the app goes not responding.
I want to keep showing the progress bar and status and once it's complete go back to the first screen.
How do I kill the main Tkinter thread after completing the first job?
or How do I destroy the Tkinter window from another thread?
If you have a tcl/tk that is built with multithreading support, and you are using Python 3, you should be able to call tk functions from a second thread.
This is an example program, where a second thread modifies widgets:
import os
import sys
import threading
import time
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.font as tkfont
import types
__version__ = "2022.02.02"
# Namespace for widgets that need to be accessed by callbacks.
widgets = types.SimpleNamespace()
# State that needs to be accessed by callbacks.
state = types.SimpleNamespace()
def create_widgets(root, w):
Create the window and its widgets.
root: the root window.
w: SimpleNamespace to store widgets.
# General commands and bindings
root.wm_title("tkinter threading v" + __version__)
root.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
root.rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
root.resizable(False, False)
# First row
tk.Label(root, text="Thread status: ").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="ew")
w.runstatus = tk.Label(root, text="not running", width=12)
w.runstatus.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ew")
# Second row
tk.Label(root, text="Timer: ").grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
w.counter = tk.Label(root, text="0 s")
w.counter.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="ew")
# Third row
w.gobtn = tk.Button(root, text="Go", command=do_start)
w.gobtn.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="ew")
w.stopbtn = tk.Button(root, text="Stop", command=do_stop, state=tk.DISABLED)
w.stopbtn.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="ew")
def initialize_state(s):
Initialize the global state.
s: SimpleNamespace to store application state.
s.worker = None = False
s.counter = 0
def worker():
Function that is run in a separate thread.
This function *does* update tkinter widgets. In Python 3, this should be
safe if a tkinter is used that is built with threads.
# Initialization
widgets.runstatus["text"] = "running"
# Work
state.counter += 0.25
widgets.counter["text"] = f"{state.counter:.2f} s"
# Finalization
state.counter = 0.0
widgets.counter["text"] = f"{state.counter:g} s"
widgets.runstatus["text"] = "not running"
def do_start():
"""Callback for the “Go” button"""
widgets.gobtn["state"] = tk.DISABLED
widgets.stopbtn["state"] = tk.NORMAL = True
state.worker = threading.Thread(target=worker)
def do_stop():
"""Callback for the “Stop” button"""
widgets.gobtn["state"] = tk.NORMAL
widgets.stopbtn["state"] = tk.DISABLED = False
state.worker = None
# Main program starts here.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Detach from the command line on UNIX systems.
if == "posix":
if os.fork():
# Initialize global state
# Create the GUI window.
root = tk.Tk(None)
# Set the font
default_font = tkfont.nametofont("TkDefaultFont")
root.option_add("*Font", default_font)
create_widgets(root, widgets)
Note how the worker thread monitors and exits when it becomes False.
In general I find using multiple top-level windows confusing, so I don't use that pattern.
I would rather create a grid with rows of a progressbar and stop button for every thread.

python tkinter: Calling a objects method on button click does not work

here is my sample code:
from time import sleep
import tkinter as tk
import threading
class Action:
counter = 0
def do_something(self):
while True:
action = Action()
root = tk.Tk()
button = tk.Button(root, text='pressme harder', command=threading.Thread(target=action.do_something()).start())
button.grid(row=1, column=0)
What am I expecting?
I'm expecting that as soon as I click the button in the UI an new thread is running, which is looping in the background and does not interfere with the UI (or later maybe other threads doing tasks in the background)
What is really happening?
When running the code, the method of the class is executeds immdiately and locking the procedure. root.mainloop() is never reached and therefore no UI is drawn
Alternatively I tried the following change:
button = tk.Button(root, text='pressme harder', command=threading.Thread(target=lambda: action.do_something()).start())
This behaves in the following (imho wrong) way:
The method is also called immediately, without pressing the button. This time the UI is drawn but seems the be locked by the thread (UI is slow/stuttering, pressing the buttom does not work most of the time)
Any Idea whats wrong there? Or how do I handle this in a more stable way?
You shouldn't try to start a thread directly in the button command. I suggest you create another function that launches the thread.
from time import sleep
import tkinter as tk
import threading
class Action:
counter = 0
def do_something(self):
while True:
print("Finished looping")
def start_thread(self):
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.do_something, daemon=True)
action = Action()
root = tk.Tk()
button = tk.Button(root, text='pressme harder', command=action.start_thread)
button.grid(row=1, column=0)

I am trying to create a new window and execute a function after that new window creation in tkinter

I am trying to create a new window in tkinter and then execute the function after that but the function gets executed first and then the new window pops up.
Here is the code snippet :
import tkinter as tk
import time
def loop():
for i in range(5):
def new():
new = tk.Toplevel(window)
new.title('new window')
tk.Label(new, text="new one").place(x=150, y=40)
window = tk.Tk()
window.title('main window')
button = tk.Button(window , text='button', width=20,command= new),y=200)
numbers are printed from 1 to 9 and then the new window pops up.
Even if it requires destroying the main window, it's fine.
A little help would be appreciated.
Thank You.
Tkinter has two universal widget methods that will help do what you want. One is called wait_visibility() which will pause the program until the new Toplevel is visible. The second is called after() which allows the scheduling of call to a function after a delay specified in milliseconds. If the called function does the same thing, effectively it creates a loop.
Here's how to use them:
import tkinter as tk
import time
def loop(limit, i):
if i < limit:
window.after(1000, loop, limit, i+1)
def new():
new = tk.Toplevel(window)
new.title('new window')
tk.Label(new, text="new one").place(x=150, y=40)
loop(5, 0)
window = tk.Tk()
window.title('main window')
button = tk.Button(window, text='button', width=20, command=new),y=200)

how to run two functions at the same time using tkinter

so basically what i want to do is that when i click the first button the program will keep printing hello world every one second until the second button is clicked.
here's what i did:
import concurrent.futures
import time
import tkinter as tk
def on_click1():
while call!="stop":
def on_click2():
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
if __name__ == '__main__':
but what happens is that when i click the first button the tkinter window/gui freezes and won't let me click the second window
It is generally not preferred to use while loops with sleep function, instead use .after() function in tkinter.
import concurrent.futures
import tkinter as tk
def on_click1():
global call #if not global, then this call variable will be treated as local
call = root.after(1000, on_click1) #every 1s on_click1 function is called
def on_click2():
global call #if not global, then this call variable will be treated as local
if call is not None:
root.after_cancel(call) #cancels the ongoing root.after() if it exists
call = None
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
if __name__ == '__main__':

Tkinter program runs function but the window pops up after it ends

Ok so I'm pretty new to tkinter and I can not solve this problem that I am having.
When I run the program, it runs the function and after it ends the window with the photo pops up, but the loop does not start the program again.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import*
from PIL import ImageTk,Image
from tkinter import messagebox
import YuaChanMainFunc
import time
def on_click(event=None):
# `command=` calls function without argument
# `bind` calls function with one argument
print("Hey Yua!")
YuaChanMainFunc.statement="hey yua"
class Window(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
self.master = master
master.title("Yua-chan AI")
self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("YuaChanAI/Yua Chan Artwork/YuaChan2.png"))
MainLB = tk.Label(master, image=self.img)
MainLB.bind('<Button-1>', on_click)
b = tk.Button(root, text="Close", command=root.destroy)
root = tk.Tk()
#instance of the class
app = Window(root)
#Runs the application until we close
From what I understand you want "YuaChanMainFunc.YuaChanAIMainFunc()"
to run in the background while UI runs the foreground. For that you can start the "YuaChanMainFunc.YuaChanAIMainFunc()" in a different thread and run UI in the main thread itself. Now you can make "YuaChanMainFunc.YuaChanAIMainFunc()" an infinite loop and it wont block root.mainloop(). Also keep in mind root.mainloop() is also an infinite loop. SO anything you write after that will not execute until you close the program.
import threading
backend_thread = threading.Thread(target=YuaChanMainFunc.YuaChanAIMainFunc, args=())
backend_thread.daemon = True #This will make sure backend thread closes when you close ui
