So here's the situation: I've got two Python programs, one to control a uEye camera module, making use of the SimpleCV library, and another to do a bit of analysis on the image. The reason for them being separate is that SimpleCV is 2.7, while a few modules I need to use in the analysis stage are for 3.X only.
The camera program will continuously capture and save an image to a location (rewriting the old image), which I've timed to be around every 30 ms. The analysis program takes in an image every 100 ms or so. Now, the issue I'm concerned with is that if the analysis program tries to read in the image while the camera program happens to be writing it, it will spring an error.
I'm fairly certain placing an exception statement to catch the OSError and have it simply try again would suffice, but I feel that is a bit forceful. I've also thought about having the camera program write a number (say, 100) of images, to lesson the odds that the two will happen to be working on the same file at once, but that seems unreliable. In a perfect world, I could ditch SimpleCV and go with a 3.X module, allowing the writing and reading to happen in sequence only, but I've yet to find a suitable replacement that works with the camera.
Any thoughts on the most efficient, robust way of avoiding this issue?
Here is the (simplified) camera program:
from SimpleCV import *
cam = Camera(0)
while True:
img = cam.getImage()"nav.jpg")
And the important part of the analysis program:
from PIL import Image
img ="nav.jpg")
The easiest way is to open the file with exclusive access so no-one can have it open for the duration of you working with it. See What is the best way to open a file for exclusive access in Python? for implementation details.
Be sure to file.close() or with <file_open> as f to close the file as soon as you can to minimize interference with the agents that "continuously update" it. Yes, and be sure to handle the file locked case in those agents.
Forgive me if I've left anything out or goofed up formatting conventions; this is my first time posting on this sort of forum.
So I've got a Nikon D5600 that I'm using as part of an (extremely basic) image analysis setup. I'd like to be able to use images from it without having to manually transfer the files over each time I run a test, but I've had some trouble getting access to the files.
To be clear, I don't want to capture screenshots of a video; I understand that this is possible, but the resolution is about 1/3 smaller in video, which is a bit of an issue for my application.
So, when I was 6 hours more naive, I plugged in the camera via USB to my (Windows 10) desktop, tried calling the image using the exact (well, I did change the slashes out) file path windows gave me in the properties screen:
img = cv2.imread("This PC/D5600/Removable storage/DCIM/314D5600/CFW_0031.jpg")
That didn't work.
I checked that the command I was using wasn't the issue by copying the picture to another drive:
img = cv2.imread("D:/CFW_0031.jpg")
That worked.
So I think, and think is a bold claim here, that it's something to do with the "This PC" bit of the path. I've read some old (circa 2009) posts about MTP and such things, but I'm honestly not sure if that's even what this camera uses, or how to get started with that if it is in fact the correct protocol.
I've also tried using pygrabber (I believe it's a wrapper of direct show, though my terminology may be wrong) to control the camera via python, but that also didn't work, although I did manage to control my webcam, which was interesting.
Finally, I attempted to set the assign a letter drive to the camera, but found that the camera wasn't in the manager's list of discs. It's entirely possible I just did this method wrong, but I don't quite see how.
Edit regarding comment from Cristoph
-I just need to be able to use the image files in python, probably with opencv. I suppose that counts as reading them?
-I've attached a screenshot of what the "This PC" location looks like in the file explorer. The camera shows up under devices and drives, but doesn't have a drive letter.
How can I take a small sample of streamed frames, and manipulate them using Python? Are there any available libraries to use, or will I have to code the entire project alone?
Tech Specs
OS: Linux
Connection: CAT-5 Ethernet
Camera: dlink DCS-930L
I recently asked a question, but it was closed because of clarity issues.
I am re-posting with many more details, and if it is still not clear, feel free to edit or add comments.
I have a dlink DCS-930L camera which is directly connected to my Linux computer with a direct cat5 connection. I assigned it to a static IP adress, and everything works great.
When I open a web-browser, and connect to this static IP address (e.g. log into, the camera just works correctly in real time.
I did this was to verify that my camera was working, and that I was able to establish the Ethernet connection correctly.
Now, what I need to do some image processing on the video frames that I receive over the Ethernet from the camera.
I don't want to use the web-browser anymore as a means of display, and instead, I want to use Python to read the frames.
In other words, let's say that the camera produces 30 frames/second, and each frame has a certain size (e.g 1920x1080 pixels).
All I want to do is to start reading these frames in by Python. I don't mind if I am missing frames and if I am processing it slowly. Even if I am able to process one frame over a few seconds, I am still okay with that.
Since video is a collection of images (in this case 30 images per second), I want to be able to read these images using Python, and then be able to do whatever processing that I need to do on these images.
If I had these images saved on the computer, I would open these images with Python, and start to manipulate them. But, since in this case, the images are in fact being streamed, I just want to know how can I sample them (maybe one every few second), and do some manipulation using Python?
Please let me know if my question is still unclear, and I will try to clarify it as much as I can.
According to the manual, the camera serves video through a java applet, so that is will bedifficult to access through python without understanding that server protocol.
However, it does have an option to push images to at ftp server (page 34), so if you install vsftpd on your linux box, you can tell the camera to push images there at maybe as high as 4 fps. There are instructions on setting up vsftpd on ubuntu here, other versions of linux will be similar (I seem to remember fedora needing slightly less setup, but that was years ago).
You will need to enable uploads with the line write_enable=YES in /etc/vsftpd.conf. There are various ways to handle the uploads, the simplest one would be to have it log in with your user account, it will then dump images in your home directory (or a path you specify in the camera config).
You should then be able to open the images normally, ie with PIL.
If you don't want to set up a fileserver, you can try grabbing data directly with urllib2, see this page for how to handle the login. There is some chance by fooling around with fetching data you will be able to extract a video stream, but I think the ftp option will be a lot easier.
I am not familiar with exactly how the dlink DCS-30 works, but I have an earlier-generation model, the dlink DCS-20, and had the same objective, so maybe you can leverage my DCS-20 solution, or parts of it, to solve same for the DCS-30.
The key was just parsing the HTML provided by the built-in web browser access.
External modules requests, PIL, and BeautifulSoup simplify the solution.
Assuming your camera IP is, and that you've set up via the webadmin a user login to the camera of user1/pw1, here's the crux of the solution:
from StringIO import StringIO
import requests
from PIL import Image
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
DCS_IP = ""
userauth = ('user1', 'pw1')
snapurl = "http://" + DCS_IP + "/top.htm"
r = requests.get(snapurl, auth=userauth)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
# There are several <img> tags in page, so use border=0 attribute of
# objective <img> to distinguish it
imgtag = soup.find_all("img", attrs={'border':0})
imgsrc = BeautifulSoup(str(imgtag[0])).img['src']
imgurl = "http://" + DCS_IP + "/" + imgsrc
img = requests.get(imgurl, auth=userauth)
i ="snapshot.png")
Once you've retrieved the image (i), you can manipulate further with PIL, or, afterwards, use ffmpeg to, for example, stitch resulting image set into a time-lapse video.
I have a little program here (python 2.7) that runs on an old machine and it basically keeps getting pictures (for timelapses) by running an external binary and converts them to an efficient format to save up disk space.
I want to minimize the disk operations, because it's already pretty old and I want it to last some more time.
At the moment the program writes the data from the camera on the disk, then converts it and removes the original data. However it does that for every image, 1- it writes a large file on disk, 2- reads it to convert, 3- and then deletes it... a bunch of disc operations that aren't necessary and could be done in ram, because the original file doesn't have to be stored and is only used as a basis to create another one.
I was sure a ramdisk was the solution, then I googled on how to do that, and google returned me a bunch of links that discourage the use of ramdisk, the reasons are many: because they are not useful in modern systems (i'm running a pretty new linux kernel); they should only be used if you want to decrypt data that shouldn't hit the disk; some tests shows that ramdisk could be actually slower than hd; the operating system has a cache...
So I'm confused...
In this situation, should I use a ramdisk?
Thank you.
PS: If you want more info: I have a proprietary high-res camera, and a proprietary binary that I run to capture a single image, I can specify where it will write the file, which is a huge TIFF file, and then the python program runs the convert program from imagemagick to convert it to JPEG and then compress it in tar.bz2, so the quality is almost the same but the filesize is 1/50 of the TIFF.
My experience with ramdisks is congruent with what you've mentioned here. I lost performance when I moved to them because there was less memory available for the kernel to do it's caching intelligently and that messed things up.
However, from your question, I understand that you want to optimise for number of disk operations rather than speed in which case a RAM disk might make sense. As with most of these kinds of problems, monitoring is the right way to do it.
Another thing that struck me was that if your original image is not that big, you might want to buy a cheap USB stick and do the I/O on that rather than on your main drive. Is that not an option?
Ah, proprietary binaries that only give certain options. Yay. The simplest solution would be adding a solid state hard drive. You will still be saving to disk, but disk IO will be much higher for reading and writing.
A better solution would be outputting the tiff to stdout, perhaps in a different format, and piping it to your python program. It would never hit the hard drive at all, but it would be more work. Of course, if the binary doesn't allow you to do this, then it's moot.
If on Debian (and possibly its derivatives), use "/run/shm" directory.
I'm trying to use a python script called to convert large overhead renders (often over 1GP) to the Deep Zoom image format (ie, google maps-esque tile format), but unfortunately it's powered by PIL, which usually ends up crashing due to memory limitations. The creator has said he's delving into VIPS, but even nip2 (the GUI frontend for VIPS) fails to open the image. In another question by someone else (though on the same topic), someone suggested OpenImageIO, which looks like it has the ability, and has Python wrappers, but there aren't any proper binaries provided, and trying to compile it on Windows is a nightmare.
Are there any alternative libraries for Python I can use? I've tried PythonMagickWand (wrapper for ImageMagick) and PythonMagick (wrapper for GraphicsMagick), but both of those also run into memory problems.
I had a very similar problem and I ended up solving it by using netpbm, which works fine on windows. Netpbm had no problem with converting huge .png files and then slicing, cropping, re-combining (using pamcrop, pamdice, and pamundice) and converting back to .png without using much memory at all. I just included the necessary netpbm binaries and dlls with my application and called them from python.
It sounds like you're trying to use georeferenced imagery or something similar, for which a GIS solution sounds more appropriate. I'd use GDAL -- it's an excellent library and comes with easy-to-use Python bindings via Swig.
On Windows, the easiest way to install it is via Frank Warmerdam's FWTools package.
I'm able to use pyvips to read images with size (50000, 50000, 3):
img = pyvips.Image.new_from_file('xxx.jpg')
arr = np.ndarray(buffer=img.write_to_memory(),
shape=[img.height, img.width, img.bands])
Is a partial load useful? If you use PIL and the image format is .BMP: you can open() an image file (which doesn't load it), then do a crop(), and then load - which will only actually load the part of the image which you've selected by crop. Will probably also work with TGA, maybe even for JPG and less efficiently for PNG and other formats.
libvips comes with a very fast DeepZoom creator that can work with images of any size. Try:
$ vips dzsave huge.tif mydz
Will write the tiles to mydz_files and also write a mydz.dzi info file for you. It's typically 10x faster than and has no size limit.
See this chapter in the manual for an introduction to dzsave.
You can do the same thing from Python using pyvips like this:
import pyvips
my_image = pyvips.Image.new_from_file("huge.tif", access="sequential")
The access="sequential" tells pyvips it can stream the image rather than having to read the whole thing into memory.
I am looking for a high level audio library that supports crossfading for python (and that works in linux). In fact crossfading a song and saving it is about the only thing I need.
I tried pyechonest but I find it really slow. Working with multiple songs at the same time is hard on memory too (I tried to crossfade about 10 songs in one, but I got out of memory errors and my script was using 1.4Gb of memory). So now I'm looking for something else that works with python.
I have no idea if there exists anything like that, if not, are there good command line tools for this, I could write a wrapper for the tool.
A list of Python sound libraries.
Play a Sound with Python
PyGame or Snack would work, but for this, I'd use something like audioop.
— basic first steps here : merge background audio file
A scriptable solution using external tools AviSynth and avs2wav or WAVI:
Create an AviSynth script file:
Script fades out on audio1 stores that in a1 then fades in on audio2 and stores that in a2.
a1 & a2 are concatenated and then dubbed with a Colorbar screen pattern to make a video.
You can't just work with audio alone - a valid video must be generated.
I kept the script as simple as possible for demonstration purposes. Google for more details on audio processing via AviSynth.
Now using avs2wav (or WAVI) you can render the audio:
avs2wav.exe test.avs combined.wav
wavi.exe test.avs combined.wav
Good luck!
Some references:
How to edit with Avisynth
AviSynth filters reference